"And how much do Muslims and non-Muslims understand its (Qur'n) message and history?”

Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi with wife Datin Paduka Endon Mahmood Ambak
Former Malaysian Prime Minsiter with wife Endon.

i had the pleasure and good fortune to have met Puan
Endon, even invited to her residence in Putrajaya,
together with Dr. Balwinder. For me Puan Endon and her
husband Abdullah Badawi epitomize the Muslims of pure
Islam—"benevolent, liberal, modest, forbearing, patient,
enduring, frugal, sincere, straight-forward, decent, lovers
of peace and truth, and, above all, trusting in one God
and submitting to His will.” i knew Puan Endon was
special because of her liberal, modern outlook and
acceptance of other races, religions and cultures. In fact
i was taken aback by her spiritual nature of embracing
humanity unconditionally, irrespective of their creed. It
is in their residence that i found evidence of that nature
—family photos of non-Muslim friends/gurus displayed
prominently. i still miss her since she passed away on
20 Oct. 2005 ............. and probably always will.
"I am happy to say that the Malays in Malaysia are the most tolerant Muslims I know and the present government we have (ruling since Independence) is very tolerant when it comes to other religions.

The only flaw is that there is a law against Muslims converting to another religion but not vice-versa. I have no hang up about that because I believe Islam is one of the best religions in the world and thus see no reason for any Muslim to convert. The way it is practiced by some in many parts of the world leaves much to be desired and due to these people the religion is nowadays very much misinterpreted.

SY is not a religion and thus there is no question of conversion for any person practising any faith ....... Jesus Christ , Lord Buddha , Prophet Muhammad and all the saints never came to earth to start a religion but to give the right direction to human beings in order to ascent to a higher level.”- Dr. Balwinder

Dear believers of Al-Qiyamah,

Namaste - i bow to the Ruh (Spirit/Shakti) of Allah who resides in you!

The above post speaks for itself and is relevant to the article appended below. It was titled by me on May 28, 2003 as"Malaysian Style and no conversion required during the Resurrection.”

But first i wish to add that i spent more than four decades in Malaysia, and confirm Dr. Balwinder's assessment of Malays. Thus these gentle, moderate Muslims of Malaysia came to mind a few days ago when i quoted Karen Armstrong:

"The nature of most Muslims—benevolent, liberal, modest, forbearing, patient, enduring, frugal, sincere, straight-forward, decent, lovers of peace and truth, and, above all, trusting in one God and submitting to His will"

Having said that, i am in a difficult and intricate position: How to defend the Qur'n for the sake of:

i) those hundreds of millions of Muslims who revere it?;
ii) those who reject it outright and are prejudiced against the mild, moderate Ummah who venerate it?;
iii) those in the Sahaja Yoga organization who, having severely edited and corrupted Her message into the petty subtle system more than two decades ago, have now no courage, interest or integrity left?;
iv) those who know almost nothing but are willing to learn?;
v) those who have responded to His Call to bear witness to the Resurrection and His self-reproaching Spirit, and want i)-iv) not to miss their eschatological evolution?

In other words, how to convince humanity that the Resurrection—the living, beating heart of the Holy Qur'n—has commenced? (By no means will this article make much of a difference, but may, eventually. So here we go again.)


Note: At the time i wrote the above article i had no knowledge of ABC Television's"The Qur'n.” This is probably the best documentary i have ever seen so far on this holy book. It is so enriching. You must watch the entire 2-part series. A must-see to better understand a most formidable faith and holy scripture as it enters its yet overwhelmingly unknown eschatological zenith!

ABC Television
7 June 2009

The Qur'n

The Qur'n has become one of the most ideologically influential texts in the world, but what does it actually say? And how much do Muslims and non-Muslims understand its message and history? By examining its actual text and providing comment from a wide selection of observers, award winning film-maker Antony Thomas takes us into the heart of the Muslim world - from Ayatollahs and Grand Imams to simple farmers; from women in positions of power to women living in veiled seclusion; from those who speak of its uncompromising message of peace and tolerance, to those who find justification in the text for violent conflict and suicide bombing.

The Qur'n: Part 1

The Qur'n: Part 2

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