For Muslims Allah's warning of specific solar eclipse signals the End Times

The Holy Quran
The specific eschatological Solar Eclipse of Surah Al-Qiyamah in East has occurred simulataneously with mighty Celestial Blast in West! - jagbir singh

"But suppose that he is really inspired by Allah to tell you the truth, and warn you against evil, what will be your fate when Allah's Wrath descends? For it must descend if he is a true Messenger sent by Allah. This is with reference to the"Clear Signs.”'They are Signs of Allah's guidance, for Allah would never guide a man who exceeds the bounds of truth and tells you lies! Such a man is bound to be found out!'"Abdullah Y. Ali, The Holy Qur'n, 1989, p. 1213.

“It is reported in many books of Hadith that the day Prophet Muhammad's son Ibrahim died as a young infant, there was also a Solar eclipse. Some people in Madina said that the sun eclipsed because of the death of Prophet's son. When the Prophet heard that he took his followers to the Masjid and had a long prayer. After the prayer, he gave them a sermon. In this sermon he praised Allah and then said," O people, the sun and moon are two signs of the signs of Allah, they do not eclipse because of the birth or death of any person. But Allah warns His servants through them. When this happens you should rush to prayers.”Muslims pray during this time, not because of any superstition, but because we know that similar things will happen at the end of the world. We do not know when the end of the world will come, but when such signs appear, we do pray to Allah to remember Him and to seek His forgiveness.”

Dr. Siddiqi,

The preordained, eschatological Solar Eclipse Of Surah Al-Qiyamah in East has occurred ....

Time-elapsed sequence of October 24, 1995 total solar eclipse in the East (Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India) occurring simultaneously with Celestial Blast in West (Montreal, Canada), a Sure Sign of Allah (SWT) absolutely beyond human manipulation, confirming irrefutable authenticity that this is the preordained total solar eclipse that marks the commencement of Al-Qiyamah for the Ummah.

According to Dr. Kamil Kayejo Oloso five conditions have to be met by an event to qualify as a miracle from Allah:
1. That no one except Allah, the Lord and Master of the worlds, is able to do it by Himself or through any of His messengers.
2. That the incident breaks the usual norms and differs from the law of nature.
3. That it serves as a proof for the trust and claim of the messenger
4. That it happened in accordance with the messenger's claim, and
5. That the event happens through the messenger and no one else.

Simulataneously With Mighty Celestial Blast in West!

"But suppose that he is really inspired by Allah to tell you the truth, and warn you against evil, what will be your fate when Allah's Wrath descends? For it must descend if he is a true Messenger sent by Allah. This is with reference to the"Clear Signs.”'They are Signs of Allah's guidance, for Allah would never guide a man who exceeds the bounds of truth and tells you lies! Such a man is bound to be found out!'"Abdullah Y. Ali, The Holy Qur'n, 1989, p. 1213.


I do call to witness the Resurrection Day;
And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit.

Concerning what are they disputing?
Concerning the Great News. [5889]
About which they cannot agree.
Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!
Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!

surah 78:1-5 Al Naba' (The Great News)

"5889. Great News: usually understood to mean the News or Message of the Resurrection.”

Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'n
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'n, Amana Corporation, 1989.

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