Hindus still do not really know what Sanatana Dharma is

—- In adishakti_sahaja_yoga@yahoogroups.com," jagbir singh"
> Dear devotees of the Adi Shakti,
> Namaskar: I bow to the Shakti that resides in you.
> i assure you that most Hindus are unable to silence critics of the
> Sanatana Dharma. They just cannot defend it against non-Hindus. If
> their Holy Scriptures claim the Sanatana Dharma to be without a
> beginning and end, which it definitely is, then it must be present
> in all the Holy Scriptures. The Sanatana Dharma should not be
> challenged but most non-Hindus, especially Jews, Christians, and
> Muslims scoff at it. Till the advent of the Adi Shakti's
> incarnation, Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, no Hindu was able to provide
> evidence - specifically to Jews, Christians, and Muslims - that
> humans share the same collective truth issuing forth from the One
> Supreme Soul.
> But how is the Divine Feminine going to silence Jews, Christians,
> and Muslims and compel them to surrender to the One Supreme Soul? -
> by declaring Her Divine Message of the Last Judgment and
> Resurrection, the heart and soul of Judaism, Christianity and
> Islam! She is the Messiah of Judaism, the Comforter of Christianity
> and the Ruh of Islam who manifests the eschatological expectations
> of these three great religions and, by synthesizing them with
> Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism, leaves absolutely no room for any
> human to deny the Truth. No human will grasp the Truth until and
> unless they unconditionally embrace all religions, holy scriptures
> and their messengers - that is the Ultimate Reality of the Sanatana
> Dharma.
> Sanatan Dharma is eternal not because it owes its inception to the
> eternal God. It is eternal not because it is timeless and
> indestructible. Sanatan is eternal because it is capable of making
> all those who have faith in it eternal by providing them the
> 'ultimate knowledge'.
> The Last Judgment and Resurrection - part and parcel of the Sanatana
> Dharma - is capable of making all those who have faith in it eternal
> by providing them the 'ultimate knowledge'. The Great Devi leaves
> absolutely no room for anyone to deny the collective Truth of all
> religions, holy scriptures and messengers. Whether it is feeling the
> Ruach (Judaism), being born of the Spirit (Christianity), baptism of
> Allah (Islam), kundalini awakening (Hinduism), realizing the shen of
> Thian (Confucianism), opening the 1000-petalled Lotus (Buddhism) or
> Dsam Duar (Sikhism), it all leads to Self/God-realization. This is
> the 'ultimate knowledge' capable of making all who have faith in it
> eternal. It has been preached by all His messengers, sages and
> saints all over Mother Earth since time immemorial.

But will mere words convince Hindus, Buddhists, Taoist, Sikhs, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others of the ultimate knowledge of Self/God- Realization. No! definitely not. If this was possible the various religions would have triumphed centuries ago. They have all failed collectively to enlighten humans. On the contrary, the opposite is quite true today as the gulf between the religious faithful have widened into an unbridgeable chasm. The unspeakable atrocities and insane sectarian slaughter in Iraq between Muslims is beyond words, a most unfortunate evidence of the abysmal failure of even shared religion. Religious institutions have never and will never unite in harmony ..... or make humans realize their own glorious divine nature.

So how will the Devi raise the consciousness of the believers to such a height that they will be able to see the Ultimate Reality? How will the Devi enlighten the religious masses to enable them to have a rare glimpse of Self/God-Realization? What is the power of conviction that will eventually silence all those who bear witness? The answer: It is the irrefutable records of children granted the Cosmic Vision to visit, witness, question and meditate with the Devi and all the messengers of God Almighty. In fact it is more than that - it is the human spirit meeting the Supreme Spirit within! That is the ultimate knowledge of the Sanatana Dharma that will make all who have faith in it eternal. And this realization of the Supreme Spirit/God Almighty/ Brahman within all starts with Cosmic Vision. The incontrovertible evidence of this ultimate knowledge obtained through Cosmic Vision granted by the Adi Shakti is given throughout https://adishakti.org. This most profound collective and harmonious Truth of all religions, messengers, prophets, sages, saints, gurus, mystics, primordial masters, and holy scriptures since time immemorial reaffirm that the Sanatana Dharma is eternal, and _will_ make you eternal too. Perhaps the Hindus, and the faithful of all religions, will at last begin to realize what the Sanatana Dharma really is.

Jai Shri Ganapathy,



Realisation of God starts with Cosmic Vision
Times of India

"On whose lips the question of realisation of god does not find place? Human imagination will fail to think of a human being who is untouched by this noble thought. Remember, realisation of God is not the domain of those who have made it a profession and revel in the vain glory of being religious. Description of glory and splendour of God in pedantic and ornamental language and imparting some mantra as"Diksha"Is not in the least realisation of God.

True realisation starts with metaphysical experience of God. Despite being physically with Arjuna, why did Lord Krishna say," you do not know Me, I am not this physical body.” Lord exhorted Arjuna to know Him in His transcendental form from a wise seer. On being urged, Lord Krishna showed His omni-present cosmic form. Thereupon, all despondency of Arjuna was cleared. He was then ready to fight for extirpation of evil-doers and establishment of dharma.

It is neither the abstruse philosophical theory nor subtle intellectual treatises that can put human beings through God realisation. Prahlada and Dhruva did not receive some mantra or hymn as is usually shown in films and TV serials. Rather it was the same ancient yoga which was handed down to posterity from master to pupil. Mira and Dhanna the Jat could impel God to manifest in human garb by intense devotion and profound love for God. Yet, Lord advised them to attain him in His transcendental form. Lord Krishna told he had taken this physical body in Dwapur Yuga. He will always create means to help humankind to rise above the transitory earthly existence. Mira and Dhanna then received the eternal knowledge from saint Raidas and Swami Ramananda respectively.

In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna called it a supreme secret which only an illumined soul can unravel and bestow on an aspirant when approached with devotion and surrender. Knowledge of spirit is different from secular knowledge. With mundane knowledge, one can earn bread and butter and all physical comforts of life. It only adds to the karmic load of soul. Knowledge of Brahman leads to emancipation of soul. All kinds of formal and informal worship are only kindergartens of true bhakti.

For a man in whom there is a strong urge for merger with universal consciousness, true bhakti starts with supersensuous experience of inherent divinity. It is revelation of the cosmic spark within us. Celestial vision seen through the inner eye is in reality the individual soul - the divine spark on which one is required to meditate to quicken the pace of spiritual advancement. People have been made to believe that cosmic vision of God is not possible in the Kali Yuga. It is possible even today as the knowledge of Brahman is one which continues to be. A genuine spiritual master does so even sitting miles away.”

Times of India

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