'You ain't seen nothing yet', applies to all who believe that God is active

  jagbir singh <www.adishakti.org@gmail.com>
Date:  Tue Sep 7, 2004  9:43 am
Subject:  'You ain't seen nothing yet', applies to all who believe that God is active

The Four Principles of Interfaith Dialogue and Future Of Religion
by Kenneth Kracknell

"All studies of inter-group relations point to apparently inherent needs to caricature and stereotype non-members of particular groups, 'the outsiders'. It seems that such tendencies are acerbated when religion is the chief factor in forming group consciousness. So, from the 'inside' of Christianity we murmur about the legalist attitudes of Judaism, the stark monotheism of Islam, the idolatry of Hinduism, the militancy of Sikhism, the atheism of Buddhism and the brainwashed gullibility of followers of new religious movements. Yet an encounter in some depth with followers of any of these paths will put an end to such glib generalisations. Jews believe in love and forgiveness just as much as Christians; Muslims have often penetrated deeply into the meaning of what it means to call God 'the merciful, the compassionate'; very many Hindus are entirely monotheist and no more idolatrous than Christians who may use crucifixes and icons in their devotional life; few people are more gentle or generous than followers of the Guru Nanak; Buddhists have much to teach Christians about 'selflessness' and 'detachment' (the Buddha's silence about God is not atheism as we know it). My own long experience with ISKCON devotees tells me that they are as rational and clearheaded as Christian believers, no more and no less (we have irrational and wooly-headed Christians too).

But such ideas and conceptions cannot be a matter of mere assertion from some expert or other if people are fundamentally to change their minds and hearts and get rid of their prejudices. Only personal encounter in some depth enables us to hold more generous and honest convictions about other religious paths and ways. Only personal knowledge can enable us to speak the whole truth and nothing other than the truth about their followers. ...

But meanwhile Hindus and Christians, along with Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains live in a world of threatening ecological disaster, in which there are finite and diminishing resources, violence and war, drug dependence and neurosis. The religious vision and experience of all humanity is needed now as never before if we are to avoid our cosmic cataclysm. No doubt 'religion' is a source of fanaticism, conflict, bigotry, vicious hatred (on religious 'systems' see below) , it often functions as the bearer of racist, classist, sexist ideology, and is capable of manipulation by malign and unscrupulous persons. But more, much more, it is the treasure-house and repository of the human spirit at its best, or at its most inspired. ...

Religious research and scholarship will find a way of uniting all religious traditions, making one great world religious system in which all religious communities will find a place, and in which none will be excluded.

This is the dream which sustained many of the pioneers in the world interfaith movement, and which in developed and nuanced form still motivates men and women in interfaith dialogue. It takes at least two forms. One is a deliberate and careful 'syncretism' of all the best elements in the world's religious traditions often using some mystical basis to make the choice, as in the 'perennial philosophy'. A well-known form of this kind of syncretism is atheosophy'. The other form is a deliberately constructed metaphysical framework or ideology in which all religious truth may find its place. Certain forms of Hinduism have claimed to offer just such a metaphysic ...

I give an example of the indication in Christian scriptures that we can only dimly grasp what is in store for us. We are told that we have still to be led into all the truth (John, 16.13). In the present time we can only see 'in a mirror, dimly' (1 Corinthians 13.12). It has not yet been revealed what we shall be (1 John 3.2) and we look for a time when 'll creation is set free from its bondage to decay' and when all of us obtain 'the freedom of the glory of the children of God' (Romans, 8.21). He who is the 'Eschatos' as well as the 'Protos', the End of all Ends, the Omega for all the Alphas (Revelation, 21.6) still has to make 'll things new' (Revelation, 21.5). 'You ain't seen nothing yet', is thus an ungrammatical but accurate guide to our present situation as Christians. I think that there are indications in the Bhagavad-gita and in other sacred writings that the future is not as we currently suppose and that for Vaisnavas the situation is not dissimilar. 'You ain't seen nothing yet', applies to all who believe that God is active and working our God's own divine plan."

Kenneth Kracknell
The Four Principles of Interfaith Dialogue and Future Of Religion


The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi





"You have to take a stand in your family, in your surroundings, with your friends, and you have to tell them, "You better all get realized." The reason for that is that the Christ who crucified Himself is going to come back with his Eleven Forces of Destruction. And when He starts He is not going to ask you to take any Realization. No one is going to be bothered whether you are going to hell. He will just sort out. But those who have got Realization will enter into the Kingdom of God. You have to enter into the Kingdom of God here (see photo), as I say, in the Seventh Chakra.

Shri Sahasrarambujarudha Devi
The New Age Has Started, Houston, USA — Oct. 6, 1981

(Sahasrarambujarudha (106th): She ascends the Sahasrara-chakra. She dwells there as saksi or chitkala in the liberated souls. This is Moksa)


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