Shri Mataji: "Achieve your Self, become your Self.... That's the only way you can get rid of your confusions.”

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
“But today the time has come where thousands can get their realization and can be established because the Last Judgment has started. The Last Judgment is going to be through Kundalini awakening, as if Kundalini is the pointer in the balance. It has started! People are not aware it has started! They do not want to be judged as yet, but time should not be lost.

But this Judgment is so beautiful that when you are judged you get powers of your own, of your love; you enjoy the bliss of your Spirit; you become so peaceful, all the tensions disappear; you become so dynamic and the blessings of all the well-beings come on you. As Krishna has said "Yogakshema.” First the yoga then the kshema. Kshema is well-being. If you have not achieved your yoga the kshema is not bothered.

People say I am preaching Advaita of Shankaracharya. Of course, it is the same, whether it is Shri Sankaracharya or anybody. I am doing that. Only he was preaching, I am doing it.

What Christ said, what Krishna said, and what Muhammad said is nothing but Advaita, that"you have to become One with God.” But there are many who do not like it, they want to have dvaita, they want to keep their personalities, so-called, with them. I asked the other day one gentleman who was a minister and all that. I said"What do you want to keep that? What, which part?”He said"Not my ego.”I said"What is it then? It is that only. You want to keep back your ego.”

Unless and until you become big you cannot evolve. And how do you become big?—by becoming the Ocean yourself. A small drop becomes an ocean, as long as he becomes One with the Ocean. You become One with the awareness of God. This is what Christ has said," You have to be born again.”Is said by everyone. Moses has said it, everyone has said it but people are telling you"No, no, no, no. That should not be done"because these middle agencies will be losing their income. How will they exist without it?

Try to see these points. Achieve your own powers of Love; achieve your Self, become your Self. If you want it you can have it, but if you don't want nobody can force this. Nobody can take away your freedom. If you want to remain as you are, you are left with that; then you face it up and live with it.

But if you want the ultimate, the absolute, it is there. That's the only way you can get rid of your confusions and get rid of all your ideas of relative existence—political, economic and everything can be only dissolved through achievement of your absolute. Because after realization you can feel, you can ask any absolute question. For example, if you want to ask the question"Is there God?”, immediately the cool breeze starts coming out. Tremendous! The answer comes as if like a computer you start working out because you are put to the mains.

So it is necessary for the whole humanity to pay attention today because the time is coming when the sorting out will take place. That time nobody is going to persuade, or tell you and fill the halls and request you. The sorting out will be there. Better get it now and establish it. Whole humanity has to be saved. No use doing patchwork. Do something substantial. Substantial is only possible if you go to the roots of this Tree of Life and nourish it, enlighten it. That is the only way one can work it out. May God bless you all.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Achieving Truth, May 25, 1980

Nature of Brahman: The Supreme Self
By Prof. Harish C. Gaur

About the importance of knowing Brahman, Yajnavalkya said—-"In this world, one without knowing the imperishable, may offer oblations into fire, perform sacrifices, practice austerities for thousands of years (but still) find all such acts unproductive (of result). Also, whoever departs from this world (meets death) without knowing the imperishable, is miserable, but he who departs after knowing, that as a knower of Brahman (Brahmavit), attains to Brahman.”

But how does one know, if It exists? It is said that just as"Oil exists in sesame seeds, butter in milk, water in (underground) rivers, fire in (Arani) woods, yet is not apparent. But one can obtain oil by compressing the sesame seeds, butter by converting the milk into curd and churning, water by digging the wells and fire by rubbing together two pieces of dry wood. Likewise, Self is realized as the Self (within) when one looks for it by truthfulness, observing austerity" (Svet. Up. I. 15-16).

It is emphasized that only the purified Antahkarana of a being is capable of 'revealing' the self by reflection (Abhasa) like the sun reflected in a (clean) mirror or in (still and clean) water. But if polluted by blemishes as attachment arising from contact of senses with respective objects and possessed of desire, anger, pride, greed, envy etc., it becomes non-transparent like a stained mirror or disturbed/polluted water in a lake and does not enable reality of the Self to be revealed even though it is so near.

Also, Supreme Self is not attained by (revealed to) one bereft of vigor (weak spirit), to one possessed of ignorance (from constant adherence to body as Self ), delusion (caused by attachment to mundane things) or from improper practice of austerities etc. The self of the enlightened (possessed of knowledge) who strives with diligence and possessed of proper means attains to union with (enters the abode that is) Brahman (Mund. Up. III. 2.4). In yet another context, Lord Yama told Nachiketa—-"One who has not desisted from activities prohibited (not sanctioned by scriptures), whose senses are not under control, whose mind may not be concentrated and is not free from anxiety (about the result of concentration) cannot attain to the Self (even) through knowledge" (Kath. Up. 1. 2. 24).

The favorable condition for the intellect is purity and transparency like a cleaned mirror or clean and still water. Thus, possessed of purified intellect (Antahkarana) freed from all desires and by prolonged and uninterrupted practices that lead to divine traits (also, subjugating non-divine traits), with control of mind and senses, one realizes the individual self through meditation (thinking of it alone) with concentrated mind, by a control of Prana repeating 'So' while inhaling and 'ham' while exhaling; Soham (I am He) being a reminder of oneness of the self with Brahman (Brihad. Up. I. 4. 1). Also it is emphasized that 'self' alone should be realized (Brihad. Up. I. 4.7). In the purified intellect, Self is said to reveal its true nature. About the necessity of freeing one's self from desires it was said—-"When all desires clinging to one's heart fall off, then a mortal becomes immortal and he attains to Brahman here (meaning in this life) (Kath. Up. II. 3.14). The cessation of bondage from desires is like blowing out a lamp. He attains to Brahman.

Realization of Self is facilitated by association with and the guidance of a qualified teacher (Guru), who besides being a knower of Brahman (Brahmavit), should have realized Brahman. The realization is accomplished in several stages by understanding the true significance of Sruti Mahavakya as 'yam Atma Brahma' (this individual self is the Supreme Self, Brahman) (Brihad. Up. II. 5. 19), 'Tattawamasi' (Thou art That, Brahman), (Ch. Up. VI. 8.7), culminating in 'ham Brahmasmi' (I am Brahman) (Brihad. Up. I. 4.10). The man without desire, has no Karma and therefore no cause to go through yet another birth, his organs such as of speech etc., do not depart (with the subtle body). He is undifferentiated from the Supreme Self. It is said—-"Any one who knows the supreme Brahman becomes Brahman indeed" (Mund. Up. III. 2. 9). It is clarified that if the difference was real, Jiva could not become Brahman Itself. Knowledge. may destroy ignorance but not what is real. Because Jiva becomes Brahman, its identity was real, the ignorance having been destroyed by knowledge leaving only Brahman.

When one awakens up from deep (dreamless) sleep (Sushupti), he says he was not conscious of anything, meaning he did not know or was ignorant, but he did experience the bliss with no worries or pain. This is a momentary experience of oneness of individual self with the Supreme Self, albeit in ignorance. In present day medical practices, this bliss (freedom from pain) is artificially created when the body is unable to bear pain as during and after surgery. By administering anesthetic agents with sedative influence, the patient is induced to deep-sleep and unconsciousness, oblivious of the pain the body is undergoing. Realization of the Supreme Self is the attainment of that bliss while one is conscious (as in Samadhi) and without the adjunct of ignorance. This is realization of the Supreme Self by the self.

Nature of Brahman: The Supreme Self
By Prof. Harish C. Gaur

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
“The Self is the Spirit. This Spirit resides in the heart of every human being and is in a witness-like state. The Spirit is the projection of God Almighty, while the Kundalini is the projection of the power of God, of His desire which is the Primordial Mother, or you can call it Adi Shakti, Holy Ghost or Athena. So the Kundalini is the projection of the Holy Ghost, while the Spirit is the projection of God Almighty. The All-pervading Power of love is the power of the Primordial Mother, which creates and evolves, and does all the living work.”- Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi

Question: How does one discard all the organization and useless activities (of Sahaja Yoga) and seek her (Holy Spirit/Adi Shakti) only in the Sahastrara (Kingdom of God)?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I am still unable to rid myself of catches and other chakra problems despite years of daily (Sahaja Yoga) footsoaking and treatments. What do I do now?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I am far from a Sahaja Yoga collective. How do I continue practicing Sahaja Yoga?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: My collective leader has told me to leave Sahaja Yoga due to some personal problems. What do I do now?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: Despite being years in Sahaja Yoga I do not agree with what our leaders are doing. I am thinking of leaving my collective. Can you suggest something that will help me continue on my own?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I am a Muslim who absolutely am against worshipping of any idol or image. How then is Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji compatible with Islam?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: We are devout Christians who are very uncomfortable with Hindu rituals, and see the same in Sahaja Yoga. Is there any way we can do without such rituals?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: You loudly claim on your website that all religions and holy scriptures preach the same message. I don't see such evidence. What have you got to say?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I do not want to meditate on anything non-Christian but agree that the Holy Spirit is feminine. How do I only worship the Holy Spirit but not the Adi Shakti?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: My parents and husband are against worshipping Shri Mataji. How can I solve this serious family problem but still continue to practice Sahaja Yoga without their knowledge?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I completely agree with your belief that if you have to take a single step in any direction to seek the Divine you are going the wrong way. How and why did you reach this incredible conclusion only now despite spending so many years meditating, checking the scriptures and listening to Shri Mataji's speeches?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: How can we spread Shri Mataji's message successfully? So many have failed all these years and Sahaja Yoga is very slow. Most of the seekers have never heard of Shri Mataji. Other than Her Divine Message what can we teach new seekers that will attract them?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I do not want to follow any religious organization or yoga teacher but still am interested in spirituality. You think that is possible?
Answer: Silence on Self

Question: My mother-in-law is totally against Shri Mataji and regards Her as just another false guru. But I know Shri Mataji is the Adi Shakti and want to continue. However, i do not want to antagonize my mother-in-law. Any suggestions?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I am a Sikh. I am completely against any Hindu ritual or worshipping of their idols and gods. Sikhism is completely against such practices. But Sahaja Yoga is also so full of such rituals and gods. What have you got to say, being a Sikh yourself?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I am getting somewhat ridiculed for my own spiritual experiences regarding the crown chakra and the divine feminine. People think I'm weird by emphasizing that the Devi is the true nature of brahman and it is creating doubt about my path (despite my own experiences). Should I continue with my meditations and ignore them or try to explain to them? What do you suggest?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: There is so much information about yoga and meditation. I am so confused and do not know which path to take. What then is the truth? How do I attain it?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I have been in Sahaja Yoga for years but still do not know what is Self-realization. Can you tell me in detail what you understand by it?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I have been a SY for many years and some of us find shoe- beating and some rituals quite absurd. You also are against them. How then can we solve our subtle system problems without such treatments?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I am a Muslim living in Pakistan who want to practice Sahaja Yoga. But there are no centers here. How can I continue?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: What will happen after Shri Mataji passes away? Will She still be in the photograph? Where will the vibrations come from then?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I have just started meditating on Shri Mataji in the Sahasrara but find it very difficult. Is there a better way?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I do not want to join Sahaja Yoga but believe in a number of Shri Mataji's teachings. Can you help me?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I am an established SYogini who am concerned at the way the organization is heading. However, I still want to spread Shri Mataji's teachings. What do you suggest I tell others?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: I want to practice meditation but find it impossible to stop the thoughts. I value you opinion. If you don't mind my asking, but how do you do it?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: What is the shortest and surest route to realize God?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: Some religions claim that humans are divine in nature and that liberation is from within. Can you tell me how all this is realized in such a hectic and materialistic world?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: As a SY I am concerned that after Shri Mataji takes Mahasamadhi there will great grief and sense of loss. How can I cope with this eventuality and continue my faith and devotion? Do I continue to meditate on Her photo even though She is not physically present anymore?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: Jagbir, you are already telling us to discard Shri Mataji's photo and meditate on Her is the Sahasrara. A number of SYs have been offended by this and have left the forum. What makes you so sure you are right?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: What is the most profound and deepest enlightenment you have discovered after all these years, based on the teachings of Shri Mataji? She also claims that all religions teach the same truth about the spirit. How is that so given all the religious differences and centuries-old rivalry?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: Hi, man-made religions, sects and denominations are wide spread. So much misdeeds and divisions are committed and blood is shed in the name of God and religion. Is there a way to make humans realize that they are all worshipping the One and same Creator, no matter how different religious organizations have made God to be?

Answer: Silence on Self

Question: It seems that religions are all preaching about a God that is to be found only in their organizations. Why then is it that the Divine can only be realized through one's own experience? What and where is God then?

Answer: Silence on Self

Articles based on Shri Mataji quotes:
“A day will dawn when whole world would bow to this country India"
“A great war is taking place between satanic forces and Divine Forces"
“About Sahasrara nowhere in the scriptures something was described"
“Achieve your Self, become your Self"
“After all we are all human beings created by one God"
“All the people laugh at us, nobody believes us.”
“All these rituals have entered into Sahaja Yoga.”
“Among Muslims there are Sufis... who are realized souls"
“And now the time has come for it to be blasted.
“Announce it to all the seekers of truth, to all the nations.”
“Anyone can commit any sins in the name of religion.”
“But if you put one little fish and two eggs for ten people"
“But the Muslims do not want to talk about Resurrection at all"
“But this Judgment is so beautiful ... you enjoy the bliss of your Spirit"
“But you know that you have eternal life. You can never die.”
“Death does not exist for you — It is finished... your spirit is free.”
“Do not destroy your spirit by going to such people.”
“Every religion has said you have to have Self-realization"
“For all people whom I gave Self Realization yesterday"
“He (Jesus) was the Holiest of the Holy. You accept that position.”
“I don't care for your protocols and rituals. It is nonsense for me.”
“I have to warn all the SYs ... Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment"
“I must say they are committing the greatest sin ...”
“I was with Him (Guru Nanak Ji), in fact with all of Them.”- 1
“I was with Him (Guru Nanak Ji), in fact with all of Them.”- 2
.”... if you see around the world is in chaos"
“Indians have no goal as far as spiritual life is concerned"
“It is the greatest event of all spiritual happenings of the Universe.”
“It means the Last Judgment has begun with full force"
“It will be slowly revealed by Me because ...”
“Like all the thieves of the world ... have taken over.”
“Meditation is not to sit before the photograph"
“My actual sign name is Lalita ... the name of the Primordial Mother"
“Nobody has to change dresses or anything - it's nothing outside.”
“Now watch. I will change the direction of the waves.”
“No reality in those Divine Force working"
“Pure knowledge is not of chakras, vibrations, kundalini but of God"
“Self-Realization will progressively lead to the creation of a new race"
“Some are money-oriented ... some are violent"
“Tell Jagbir now to leave it to Her.”
“That's not the way it (Al-Qiyamah) is going to work out.'"
“The expression of the Adi Shakti within you is the Kundalini.”
“Christianity has nothing to do with Christ.”
“The time has come for you to get all that is promised"
“The ultimate act against Spirit is to worship that which has no Spirit"
“The whole Cosmos is waiting for their arrival.”
“They are stagnated at the point of dharma, so they start telling ...”
“There is so much blind faith, there is so much of wrong ideas"
“They came to Sahaja but they said"We cannot worship Goddess.”
“They made Christ look like a TB patient"
“You have to enter into the Kingdom of God"
“Your job is, in a way, greater than the saints and sages.”

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