THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
March 21, 1923—February 23, 2011
"The Paraclete will play a significant role in the lives of Jesus' followers. They will be privileged to know the Paraclete, as they have known Jesus (14:7, 9, 17). The Spirit will be within the disciples and will remain with them, as Jesus remains in and with his friends (14:20, 23; 15:4-5; 17:23, 26). The Spirit will guide the disciples along the way of truth (16:13), even as Jesus is the Way and the Truth (14:6). Jesus has taught those who would listen (6:59; 7:14, 18; 8:20), and now the Paraclete will do the teaching (16:12-15). The Spirit will empower disciples to testify to Jesus (15:26-27; 20:21-23).”— Robert CreechShri Mataji Nirmala Devi
"Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was born on the day of the Spring equinox, 21 March 1923, at noon in Chindwara, a small town in the geographical centre of India, into a Christian family. Her father, Prasad Rao Salve, was a direct descendant of the Indian royal dynasty of the Shalivahanas who ruled from 230 B.C. to 230 A.D. in the province of Maharashtra in western India. He was a brilliant lawyer and had mastered fourteen languages. Well-versed in the arts, literature and the sciences, this great erudite man translated the Koran into Hindi and knew the Bhagavad Gîta by heart. Even today, many people still recall this exceptional defender of liberty, the only Christian member of the first legislative assembly of India.
In 1920, Prasad Rao Salve married Lady Cornelia, who had received an excellent education and had a profound knowledge of Sanskrit, Urdu and Hindi. Lady Cornelia was the first woman graduate in mathematics at the University of Ferguson; she discovered new methods of scaling down algebraic equations, which became recognised. She studied law. In spite of her academic success, Shri Mataji's mother gave priority to her home. She gave her eleven children a strict but loving education.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi spent a happy childhood in the family house in Nagpur, and She was everybody's favourite. Most of the time, She bounded with energy and engaged Her friends in all kinds of games, plays, songs and dances. Sometimes, however, She could be found alone in a corner of the house, Her face radiating an inner joy. Early on, She gave proof of Her refined taste for music and the arts. She loved everything that was authentic and natural. The young Nirmala spent Her holidays at Mahatma Gandhi's ashram. She took part in all the activities of the ashram and it was Her radiant presence which inspired the Mahatma: most of the aspects of his philosophy, such as a correct level of production, moral rectitude in social life, simplicity or the integration of all the religions, foreshadowed 'Sahaj' culture.
The Salve family was totally involved in the fight for the independence of India and suffered torture. From 1928 (when She was five years old) Shri Mataji's parents were regularly put in prison. The children received a traditional education nevertheless imprinted with a great open spirit.
When the time came for Her further education, Nirmala chose medicine in order to learn the scientific terminology of anatomy and human physiology. Yet, at this time, She also followed Her father in struggle of the country to regain its liberty. In 1942 She was at the head of a student movement for the independence of Her country.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi. In April 1947, after the proclamation of the Independence of India, Shri Mataji married Mr. Chandika Prasad Shrivastava. An eminent member of the Indian administration at the time of their wedding, he later became Secretary to the Indian Prime Minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri. The Shastri family was immediately captivated by Shri Mataji's personality, and the Prime Minister himself did not hesitate to ask for Her advice and support. After Her marriage, Shri Mataji consecrated herself totally to Her family, and, during these years, She deepened Her perception of human nature.
Towards the end of the 1960s, the weddings of Her two daughters marked the end of this period of Her life that had above all been dedicated to Her family. The family is an essential element of the teaching which accompanies the spiritual experience generously given by Shri Mataji whose own life is an eloquent example.
On the 5th May 1970, Shri Mataji initiated and made available for all the method which permits us to have Self-Realisation en masse. She started to spread this experience publicly with a series of meetings. At that time her husband was appointed Secretary-General of the United Nations Maritime Organisation, a post to which he was re-elected for 17 consecutive years. Seventeen countries conferred on him their highest distinctions and he was knighted by the Queen of England. The central office of the Maritime Organisation was in London, and it was there that Shri Mataji started to develop Sahaja Yoga. The experience of Self-Realisation, which Shri Mataji has the power to give, has given hope to millions of people throughout the world.
Today, Shri Mataji has four grandchildren and, in Her everyday life, Her qualities have a great attraction on her whole entourage. She travels the world unceasingly with the sole objective of generously giving the unique experience of Self-Realisation, with many public programmes, seminars and conferences. And so it is that in more than 90 countries now Shri Mataji continues to allow an ever-growing number of seekers to become open to this new state of consciousness and to have access to their internal Divinity by a natural and spontaneous process, thus transforming all the aspects of their being into a bouquet of blessings.
Shri Mataji attained Mahasamadhi on February 23, 2011.
"They will be privileged to know the Paraclete, as they have known Jesus (14:7, 9, 17). The Spirit will be within the disciples and will remain with them"- Robert Creech
Thanks Isabelle. i just love the photo
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Dear disciples of Shri Mataji,
Namaste - i bow to the Spirit-Paraclete who
resides in you!
Thanks Isabelle. i just love the photo and
Her promise. It will now remain permanently
here, and i will explain why in the next
Since 1994 i know what that promise truly
meant. i have been defending and holding
on to that truth for the last 17 years. Now,
with Her Mahasamadhi, it is a source of
great comfort, strength and resolve. i wish all
Her disciples grasp the truth and reality of
"Tat Twam Asi", the deeper meaning of
that quote! Lord Jesus is telling you the
same when He says the Spirit-Paraclete will
remain with you forever.[1]
For those who have followed Shri Mataji the
world over for the last four decades
to listen to Her Good News of the Kingdom
of God, and for those who also intimately
experienced the Spirit-Paraclete within
themselves in vivid visions and dreams, this
quote is most comforting:
"The Spirit will be ... the helper, comforter,
counselor, and companion that Jesus has
been. Indeed, nearly everything said about
the Paraclete has been said elsewhere in
the Gospel about Jesus. Only one difference
emerges: the word 'forever.' Unlike Jesus,
the Paraclete/Spirit will not go away but will
remain with the disciples forever. Jesus, the
Word made flesh, lived on this earth in one
time and place. The Paraclete dwells within
every believer for all times and in all places,
and is thus a more intimate and enduring
Faithful Disagreement: Wrestling with
Scripture in the Midst of Church Conflict
Frances Taylor Gench, p. 103
The Paraclete Shri Mataji continues to
remain with us, but in a more intimate and
enduring presence within. She has given
irrefutable evidence of that internal
presence too, so that future believers will
have the faith and comfort of salvation. She
now dwells within, for all times, thereby
fulfilling everything promised by Jesus!
Please meditate on this reality as deeply as
you can, daily if possible. That would be
just before going to sleep, which i find to be
the best time to lose 'consciousness' (fall
asleep) .......... and awaken again in
consciousness (at dawn).
i also wish to thank all for contributing and
sharing their thoughts. i wish all of you a
beautiful journey into eternity. May Her
photo and promise always give you the
comfort of The Mother within.
[1]"And I will ask the Father, and he will
give you another paraclete, to be with you
forever' John 14:16... The paraclete is not
merely a substitute for Jesus while he is
absent. The role of the paraclete, as Jesus
describes it, exceeds this. The paraclete
will carry forward the disciples while
maintaining their link to Jesus. 'I have said
these things to you while I am still with you.'
Jesus says.'But the paraclete, the Holy
Spirit, whom the Father will send in my
name, will teach you everything, and
remind you of all that I have said to you'
(John 14:25-26). The paraclete takes up
residence in them and provides a critical
link between past, present, and future....
Second, up to this point, Jesus has been
describing the relationship between the
disciples and God; he introduces here a new
relationship that the disciples will have with
the world. When the paraclete comes, the
paraclete will come as a witness. 'When the
paraclete comes, whom I will send to you
from the Father, the Spirit of truth that
comes from the Father, will testify on my
behalf' (John 15:26). Again the paraclete
is introduced as the Spirit of truth. This
Spirit testifies on behalf of Jesus and does
so in the face of the world and its opposition
to [the paraclete]. The paraclete will
transform them, as well, into witnesses
(John 15:27). In this chapter, housing the
paraclete is not static. Instead, the spirit's
residence within them transform them into
Shelly Rambo & Catherine Keller
Spirit and Trauma: A Theology of Remaining
Westminster John Knox Press
September 2, 2010, p. 101-3
[1]"In her function as Paraclete the Breath
will abide with the disciples as She abode
with Jesus. Indeed, She will abide with them
forever (Jn. 14:16). As She dwelt with Jesus,
She will now dwell with them. Through Her
indwelling, the disciples will know Her with a
new intimacy.”
Donald L. Gelpi, The Divine Mother, A
Trinitarian Theology of the Holy Spirit
University Press of America, 1984, p. 56
(NASB), 'Advocate' (NRSV) and 'Counselor' (NIV). The Greek word itself contains all those meanings, describing one who is summoned to the aid of another. 'Helper' may be the better translation, allowing the context to describe the specific kind of help being offered (advocacy, comfort or counsel). Some commentators do not translate the word at all, simply bringing it into English as Paraclete, as we do with other Greek words like 'baptism' or 'deacon.'
In many ways, the role of the Paraclete is to continue the ministry of Jesus to his disciples. Jesus introduces the Spirit as 'another' Paraclete, implying he himself had been the first (14:16). As Jesus is the Truth (14:6) and bears witness to the Truth (18:37), the Paraclete is 'the Spirit of Truth' (14:17) who testifies as well (15:26-27). Just as Jesus is 'the Holy One of God' (6:69), the Spirit is 'the Holy Spirit' (14:26).
Jesus has 'come into the world' (5:43), and now promises the Paraclete will come as well (16:8). The Spirit 'comes forth' from the Father (15:26), just as Jesus has come forth from the Father. The Father gives the Paraclete at Jesus' request (14:16), just as the Father has given his Son (3:16). The Father who sent Jesus (3:17) will send the Spirit as well (14:26). Jesus came in the Father's name (5:43) and the Paraclete comes in Jesus' name (14:26). As Jesus spoke only what the Father told him (14:10), so the Spirit would reveal Jesus' words (16:13). Jesus glorified the Father (14:13; 17:4), and the Paraclete will glorify Jesus (16:14). In many ways, the Paraclete is to Jesus as Jesus is to the Father.
The Paraclete will play a significant role in the lives of Jesus' followers. They will be privileged to know the Paraclete, as they have known Jesus (14:7, 9, 17). The Spirit will be within the disciples and will remain with them, as Jesus remains in and with his friends (14:20, 23; 15:4-5; 17:23, 26). The Spirit will guide the disciples along the way of truth (16:13), even as Jesus is the Way and the Truth (14:6). Jesus has taught those who would listen (6:59; 7:14, 18; 8:20), and now the Paraclete will do the teaching (16:12-15). The Spirit will empower disciples to testify to Jesus (15:26-27; 20:21-23).
The Spirit also has an important role to play in relation to the world. The world that did not accept Jesus will not accept the Paraclete (5:43; 12:48; 14:17). The world that did not recognize Jesus (7:28; 8:14, 19; 14:7; 16:3) will not recognize his Spirit either (14:17). Like Jesus, the Paraclete will bear witness in the context of the world's hatred (7:7; 15:26-27). And the Paraclete ultimately proves the world wrong concerning its verdict on Jesus (16:8-11). Jesus' 'advocate' will become the prosecuting attorney bringing the world to trial before the bar of Truth.”
Robert Creech
University Baptist Church-Clearlake, Houston
"Jesus is promising to send the Spirit of truth to make a home within us, to become, as Brown notes, 'a way of life or something that penetrates [our] very being.' How, then, might we describe the turn toward a new direction for gospel living, the calling to discover what is deepest in the human soul in order to find God in the midst of life.
A summons to a way of life that allows the Spirit of truth to penetrate our very being is a call to a continuous process of aletheia, the Greek name for truth. Aletheia means unconcealing, uncovering such as is done in theological reflection, an art that one could argue is 5 percent our effort and 95 percent the guidance of the Paraclete. Such an effort on our part requires openness to learning the truth and personal engagement with the mystery of grace, an attitude of receptivity and a sense of awe. The trouble is, we live in a culture that offers us little assistance in the art of seeking truth and grace in life.”
Feasting on the Word: Preaching the Revised Common Lectionary
David L. Bartlett, Barbara Brown Taylor, p. 23
"Jesus tells the disciples in John 14:15-17 that the Spirit will be given to those who love Him. Their ability to love Jesus comes from the enabling new birth by the Spirit (John 3:3-8). This regeneration then manifests itself in love for Jesus, which results in obedience. Thus, John 14:15-17 fits with John 7:39, where those who have believed (i.e., those who have been born again) are described as those who are about to receive the Spirit. The purpose of the Father's gift of the Paraclete is 'that [the Spirit] might be with you forever' (14:16). The reason for the Paraclete's coming is that they might continue to enjoy God's presence forever. As Barret correctly concludes, 'The Spirit is given in order that the divine presence maybe with the disciples continually ...' Jesus is giving His disciples reason to trust Him (14:1) and so tells them that they will continue to experience God's presence (14:15-17, 20-23).
The identity of 'another Paraclete' (allon parakleton) in v. 16 is given by the appositional phrase beginning v. 17, 'the spirit of truth' (to pneuma tes altetheias). Most scholars agree that 'Spirit of truth,' 'Holy Spirit,' and 'Paraclete' are all used to designate the Spirit of God in John. Most also agree that the designation 'another Paraclete' implies that Jesus has served as a Paraclete for the disciples and that it is because of His departure that He will ask the Father to provide for them 'another Paraclete.'"
God's Indwelling Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments
James M. Hamilton, Jr., B&H Academic (August 1, 2006), pp. 75-76
husband of Shri Mataji
Nirmala Devi
Sir C.P. Srivastava
Sir C.P. Srivastava Sir. C.P. Srivastava, one of India's most dedicated civil servant officers, was knighted by the Queen of England. In India it is believed that the wife brings luck to her husband - this is most certainly the case for Sir. C.P. Srivastava. He rose in government ranks very quickly though he was an absolutely honest person. He held the post of the Joint Secretary to the Prime Minister's office of the late Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri in the years 1964-66. Afterwards he was elected for 16 consecutive years to be the Secretary General of the United Nations International Maritime Organization.
One of the memorable speeches by Sir C.P. Srivastava
“I'm not standing up because that would create a problem for the microphone. First of all I'm very honoured, very happy to be here with my wife, and I am also very, very pleased to see all of you, see the faces which show love and divinity and dedication to your Mother. She has been talking about the role of women and that set me athinking. I began to think of the last 48 years that we have been married, and I just want to tell you very briefly how She has performed the role of an ideal wife, an ideal mother and an ideal grandmother in the family, besides being the spiritual leader of Sahaja Yoga.
When we got married I belonged to a very conservative family. She belonged to a very radical family and it was a good complement to each other. But when She came to my house She behaved as if for generations She had lived in a very conservative family and pleased everybody. The old ladies of the house who were looking a little worried, they thought here's a new lady from another province, speaking another language, professing another religion (Christianity), how will She fit into our family? But what She did was She won over the heart of everyone by behaving in a very modest way, in a very loving way, in a very caring way, and I have to admit that She became the favorite and I was lost.
Well that is how our family life began. I was certainly very happy about it. But then I was a bureaucrat, a civil servant, and unfortunately given to idea that absolute honesty must be observed, which meant that we had to live within our means, our salary and all I had to do was to work in office, and I left all the problems of the house to my wife. So I said: 'Here's the salary, now do what you can.' And I tell you She managed beautifully within our means. No possibility of anything going wrong.
We had two children, two daughters. She brought them up, and brought them up extremely well, arranged for their education, arranged for their marriage. Then they grew up, I didn't know how, for I was from morning until late evening every day in office but ... and She was in charge of the house. She looked after not only my daughters, but I want tell you this. All of us have rich relations and they care for themselves, take care, and we have in India poor relations as well, and when you are in a good position the poor relations flock to you. And they came to our house, children who needed education, and each one of them (we had some sort of hostel running all the time) each one of them was looked after by my wife in the same way as our own daughters; given the same food, given the same affection. Only She could have done that. And they have grown up, they're now in so many places. That was the role She played as a mother. Mother not only to my children, but to the children of the family.
And then as we grew further, She had a role to play as my wife. I held some assignments in government in India and abroad in the United Nations. When I was Secretary to the Prime Minister of India, about whom I have written a book now, She was the main motive force behind me. In fact I wouldn't have gone to Mr Shastri if She had not insisted that I must go, and I went and served there. Mr Shastri had very great respect for Her because She was, of course She was obviously a spiritual person but also a very good mother, a very good housewife; and he used to ask Her: 'How do you run your house, what are your priorities?' And She would say what She had to say, and Mr Shastri listened to that.
Now as a wife She played that role. When I was working with the Prime Minister sometimes I would be in the office till midnight. Why sometimes? Every day. Sometimes till early hours of the morning. But She supported me. She said, 'This is your duty now, duty to your country, to your Prime Minister. You must work. Don't worry about the house. Don't worry about the children. I'll take care of them.'
Then I went to United Nations. There again, my goodness me, you have to take care of one government was bad enough in India, to take care of 130 governments all over was not easy. Travelling, meeting people, receptions, dinners, a very busy life. But She stood by me, and while doing all that She was at the same time promoting Sahaja Yoga. I don't know how She did it but She has done a wonderful job.
You know I saw Sahaja Yoga beginning with four people in London and they were wearing jeans, not very clean either. That was the beginning of Sahaja Yoga. One day I came back home and found a young boy — I'm talking 1974, — young boy sitting in my drawing room, and when I entered the house he looked at me as if I was a stranger, he was the real owner of the house. So I receded. I didn't quite understand, but what surprised me even more was that he was wearing my clothes. I rubbed my eyes. I said: 'Am I seeing something real or is it a dream?' Well, then I receded.
I came to my wife and I said, 'Now who, who is this gentleman?' So She explained. She said, 'You know he's a poor young boy, and he was almost lying unattended to, unhelped near Piccadilly Circus.' She had gone out for shopping and She saw him lying almost in a miserable condition. So She stepped out of the car, went to that boy, said: 'Why are you lying here, are you alright?' He said no, he was not well at all. She said, 'Is there anyone to take care of you?' He said,'No, there's none.' She said, 'That's awful.' Then She said, 'Okay, hop into the car', and She brought him home. Then he was given a wash. He had no clothes, so he had to wear my clothes, and that's how he was wearing my clothes. And then for the next some weeks he stayed in the house, and there I saw Sahaja Yoga acting. This boy was suffering from, I think, he was in very bad shape. within three, four weeks he blossomed. Another three, four weeks became healthy person. And then we got to know that he was from Australia. He was a young engineer who had run away from his house and was in bad shape. After he was cured he became a very good person. He came back to Australia, was united with his mother. I don't know where he is, a Mr Gus, but that was what I saw, the miracle of Sahaja Yoga, and from those four persons, yes four I talked to they.....Once I came home and found four persons wearing jeans, and again I did not know who they were, but they were Sahaja Yogis, and they were the initial Sahaja Yogis. Well, from them to this is a marvel.
All I can say is despite all Her attention to the family, to me, (I've been a busy person), She has attended to all the duties of the family; She has created a new universal family of Sahaja Yoga. Each Sahaja Yogi in my view is an angel. And I mean this. I mean this because I have known human beings in the world. The world is terrible. If you look at newspapers you will see all kinds of horror stories, but when you meet a Sahaja Yogi, he or she is a very different person. The face is different, the inner self is different, the outer self is different. It's another creation. And She has created thousands and thousands of such persons. Each one of you is a miracle. You know, it's very difficult to transform human beings. I have worked in United Nations, in India, for 40 years. I cannot honestly say that I was able to transform even one human being. Yes, people followed my example and worked hard, but that's not transformation. Transformation is what I see in you. And that is a miracle. That is what She has done. And now a new world is being created. I sincerely hope that Sahaja Yoga will spread more rapidly. It has spread very, very fast but it needs to spread very much faster.
And all over the world there's a race between the forces of good and the forces of evil. You represent the force of good — the forces of evil outside. Have the heart, have the courage. She, Her vibrations and your vibrations will, I hope envelop the world and create a good world, and this bad world will be suppressed, will disappear. This is all that I can say. I thank you very much for receiving me here. I'm delighted to be in Australia. I have liked my visit immensely already. I think in Australia the beautiful thing is that the advantages of a developed world are present here, but the heart seems to be very good, very sound, wonderful. You are open-hearted people, warm people, loving people, and I cannot say how very, very ... I cannot say adequately how very happy I am and how very grateful. I thank you, Ma'm, for letting me come to Australia and I am going to enjoy my stay, so that's all that I can say.”
Sir C.P. Srivastava
Melbourne Airport, Australia, February 19, 1995
Award Presented To Sir C.P. Srivasta by President Of India Abdul Kalam
Saturday, October 08, 2005
At last the much awaited historic moment sprang up live on First of October in the evening at 4:30 IST in the Rashtrapati Bhavan, (President House), New Delhi on Saturday , when the prestigious award in due recognition for his contribution in the field of maritime exploration and Excellence in Public Administration, Academics and Management was awarded to retired IAS officer, Sir. C.P. Srivastava, our beloved Papaji by the President of India, H.E. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. The award carried a cash prize of Rs. 1 lakh, a citation and a plaque.
Sir CP Srivastava has been designated as a Lal Bahadur Shastri Fellow and his name inscribed on the honours roll of the Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi . The participants in the Rasthrapati Bhavan award ceremony included Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh, United Progressive Alliance Chairperson Ms.Sonia Gandhi, Union Home Minister Mr.Shivraj Patil, and the former Union Minister and son of Lal Bahadur Shastri, Mr.Anil Shastri along with other important dignitaries.
Mr. Shastri, who is also the chairman of the institute, said: "The award honours people from whom the younger generation can draw inspiration.”
Sir CP. Srivastava is the founding Chancellor Emeritus of the World Maritime University , Malmo , Sweden . He has also been the chairman of the governing board of the IMO International Maritime Law Institute, Malta , and chairman of the Government of India Committee on Maritime Education and Training.
The Sahaja yogi present there at that gracious moment fondly recollects that the presence of Our Holy Mother gave the event a special quality and auspiciousness and that She was pleased. After, Sir CP was honoured with the prestigious award; he was subsequently invited to deliver his speech. The speech itself turned out to be historic in its own essence as our Papaji, Sir CP Srivastava addressed the gathering with very powerful English diction in praise of the service he rendered under the principle and guidance of the erstwhile Prime Minister of India, the late Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri.
Concluding his speech, the eyewitness recollected that Sir CP spoke with all candid gesture and confided that whatever position he held today at 85, along with, all his achievements for which he is being honoured today, owe its all due credit to the values he has held through the love he received throughout his 58 years of married life and association with Shri Mataji and also the love that he received from his daughters Kalpana and Sadhna. He also mentioned that Shri Mataji as his wife Nirmala, who had always been at his side as inspiration and that Her principles were all that Mr. Lal Bahadur Shastri once prophesied as values in life and serving the cause of the humanity. She had been in that path only, helping mankind to improve upon all social activities and make a better living. He also added that he is now totally devoted and dedicated to this cause what our beloved Mother, has taken up as the holy task of uplifting the humanity and transforming them to be persons with values. Later, he thanked the President and all the honourable members present there for the honour conferred upon him.
It was half an hour ceremony and then all joined in the snacks and tea party hosted by the President of India, where all the dignitaries came and congratulated our Mother turn by turn. Shri Mataji was very very pleased. She was probably ...why probably!!! Indeed working on the Indian Government machinery.
Later, after the ceremony Mr. Anil Shastri, son of late Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri presented the volumes of the book entitled Lal Bahadur Shastri to the President authored by Papaji. Everything seemed to work subtly.'
The yogis present in the occasion expressed the moment to be historic. They were overjoyed in announcing and excited to reveal that Mother was very very pleased and that Pappaji's delivery of the powerful speech turned us all present in that moment speechless. It was a fountain of vibrations. Mother was vibrant all the time and seemed to be emitting enough vibrations in the hall of the President House for vibrating the Indian Government machinery to work better. The yogi present there added," my life time, I have never ever before attended such a historic event in Sahaja Yoga. I am grateful to Mother for the moment ...” The entire proceedings of the evening's event was broadcast by the Indian TV channel Doordarshan in the DD News that evening only. It seems even Shri Vishnumaya was impatient in announcing the great event.
Jai Shri Mataji
Gurgaon Collectivity, India
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
“It has been the way of human beings that he wants to understand everything through reasoning. This is correct on his part because his awareness has not yet awakened. When his awareness is limited and when he is searching the proof of everything through his intellect, it is difficult for him to adopt some other means, which are outside the scope of reasoning ...
Man's intellect comes up with many doubts. The first doubt, which is very common, is 'Who is Mataji?' This is the first question. I want to tell you that you cannot understand Me so long as the eyes of your Spirit are not open, and you should not even make efforts to understand. First you open the eye of your Spirit.”
Sri Kama-dayini Devi
Delhi, India — August 18, 1979
“I am saying there is this All-Pervading Power around us ... Later on, if I prove it, then you have to accept this as the Truth. As honest people, you have to accept it. If it is for the emancipation of all the human beings, if it is for the benevolence of the whole human race, then why not have it?”
Shri Krodhakarankusojjvala Devi
“Let us think for a moment. And we can see that thought is limited: How big is the Universe? Who has created it? How small are atoms? And who has the answer? How can we understand Him who is managing us all? Can a drop understand the Ocean?
Our consciousness is a bottomless sea. When the thoughts cease is the beginning of the answers. Our thoughts are like the wind which causes ripples on the surface of the sea. Only when the thoughts dry up can we, in Silence, recognize our own depth, just as the sea exposes its real depth when the wind subsides.”
Sri Brahmajanani Devi
Brahma-janani (822nd & 823rd): Brahma here means 'Jagat' or 'Veda.' She is its Mother. Or the name is divided into 'Brahma' and 'Janani' meaning the Ultimate and The Mother of all.
“I am an Old Woman of thousands of years. So I know everything.”
Sri Vayovastha-vivarjita Devi,
March 22, 1977
Vayovastha-vivarjita (470th): Ageless
Sunday, 9 Nov 1997 01:31:29
Dear V ...,
I am an aerospace engineer by profession, initially in R&D, and now in so-called management. My logical mind can understand how certain facets of SY can be interpreted in negative ways. I used to be one of the"difficult"ones in the early days, questioning always, and demanding proof for everything.... and Yes, I finally got the proof !!
I had been questioning the purpose of life at an early age, and desired to find the"truth"At the age of 12. I was brought up in a very comfortable, loving, upper middle class family. My parents could not understand why, instead of enjoying my comforts I had this odd spiritual longing. Anyway, to cut the story short, I was emotionally blackmailed into at least completing my university education before"seeking the truth.”
I met Sri Mataji in London some 20 years ago. Less than 6 months later, (still a sceptical engineer) I was at Her program (a small audience of 15 -20). At these programs, when Sri Mataji sat down, She did a 'namaste' to the audience with Her head bowed and eyes closed. The audience also closed their eyes. Of course I did not, and watched her closely from a seat in the front.
I was staring right at Her when She opened Her eyes - and our eyes met.
It is impossible to describe in words what happened next. I was drawn into a different dimension, zooming back in time, sabre tooth tigers, the big bang, and before - ....towards The Beginning,........ and still She was there!!! I shall omit attempts to describe the forms Sri Mataji was in. (”when God and Her were born"- Bob Dylan's Shelter from the Storm)
I was experiencing/seeing the primordial energy source - similar to the"source"We use in fluid dynamics.
My whole being was enveloped in a zone of absolute silence, stillness and bliss. I remained in this state for 3 days and nights. It was sheer ecstacy and complete fulfillment.
Some time later, when I met an old-timer from India, I described the forms that I saw Sri Mataji in, and I was told that it was the Adi Shakti - which I had to have explained to me (My childhood had been mainly programmed by the Methodist church with a good helping of American mission school theology).
Subsequently, there have been many blissful experiences during my practice of Sahaja Yoga, and I have seen hundreds of people have joyful spiritual experiences, initially in Sri Mataji's presence, and later on during their meditations.
I have experimented with Sahaja Yoga for many years, and have proven the hypothesis put forward by Sri Mataji again and again. I am one of many who not only feel the different energies but can also use them beneficially.
I have no doubt at all that Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi is the most unique spiritual personality on the planet today. It would take a book to write down the many proofs that I have obtained over the years, and easily an encyclopaedia for what thousands have actually experienced. I can feel this peace and bliss wherever I am, at work, in my car, looking at the sunrise, at a leaf, a flower.... it is sheer Joy, to really FEEL this bliss coursing through your veins as you enjoy the Beauty of Nature and the Creation.
I would humbly suggest that you yourself approach SY with an open mind, with scientific curiosity, and try the experimental procedure and see if it works. You have nothing to lose, and, if what I have related above is true.....then you are due to experience the greatest of bliss, beyond all sense pleasures.
I wish you all the best,
With love and thanks ...,"
B... K ... ...
“HH Mataji Nirmala Devi was born the day of the spring equinox, the 21st March 1923, at twelve o'clock in Chinwara, in the exact centre of India. She choose to take birth in an Indian Christian family ...
At this moment, taking into consideration the local time, the Sun was exactly on the Meridian in full glory, and being in the zero degree of Ariesand the 30th degree of Pisces, it made a rajayogo (astral configuration of prominence and power.) The rising sign is cancer with the ascendant in the 9th degree. It is strongly aspected by five planets (Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars and the Moon, while it is occupied by Pluto which itself forms grand trines with three of the five planets and sextiles with the other two.) The Ascendant in Cancer indicates the Universal Mother while Jupiter strongly aspected in the fifth house makes Her a World Teacher. The combinations of the planets in the angles of the chart indicate unprecedented spiritual powers.”
Grégoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent
“In the ancient Nala Damayanti Purana Kali explains to Nala the importance of Kali Yuga, the modern times. When the worst of all times (Ghor Kali Yuga) will torture Mother Earth, the Adi Shakti will incarnate and grant salvation to saintly seekers who are now seeking God, secluded in thick jungles, steep valleys and inaccessible mountains. They will be reborn in Kali Yuga as normal worldly people, ordinary householders. She will then give birth to a new race. Glory to Her! Her coming in Her complete, integrated form should truly represent the most formidable event in world history. HH Mataji did once say in a very deep meditative mood, 'To grant you salvation, My children, I have come with all My Powers.'"
Grégoire de Kalbermatten, The Advent
“Dear Mr. President,
Against immense odds you have changed the history of your nation, consequently, the world. The world is grateful for your remarkable political leadership and outstanding humanitarian contribution. The Czech Republic of today is a shining example of what can be accomplished when a true vision is turned into reality and when the powers of a compassionate mind are inspired by the love of a caring heart.
May I therefore state, I highly commend you for what you have done in the past and what you are planning to do in the future, in order to establish a sustainable world society, i.e., a world where people live in harmony with themselves and in harmony with Nature and God.
Today, as alarming clouds of crisis are once again gathering on the horizon of human civilization and culture, you have most timely called for the Forum 2000 Conference in order to give realistic hope and practical guideline for the millennium to come. Thank you, Mr. President, for this initiative of yours indeed, you have taken to your heart the ancient proverb, 'Without a vision the people shall perish.'"
The testament of Alfred Nobel established the Nobel Prize a hundred years ago. The name Nobel has become a synonym for peace and excellence. Inspired by the legacy of my ancestor, I am likewise, through United Earth, working for world betterment.
In the course of my work I have had the good fortune to meet a small handful of"Original Thinkers"Who have developed practical systems and innovative technologies for peaceful world transformation.
One such individual is Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi from Pune, India. Her Holiness has rediscovered the great Yoga Philosophy of Sahaja Yoga. This ancient discipline, when applied to an individual, brings about instant self-realization. The"Absolute Truth"gets to be known, and the individual is henceforth guided by the blessing of cosmic consciousness. Shri Mataji is now working with thousands of practitioners, young and adult alike, in sixty-five countries around the world. And many have experienced self-realization through her down-to-earth teachings.
In view of this important accomplishment, may I kindly submit that an invitation should be extended to Her Holiness for her participation in the"Forum 2000"Conference. I know that you, as well as the conference delegates shall be deeply moved by her profound wisdom and genuine love for God's creation in all its multifaceted splendour.
Please accept my best wishes for a conference that hopefully will become a crowning jewel in your outstanding work for a better, safer and saner world.”
Respectfully Yours,
In Service to Humanity and Earth
Claes Nobel, Founder and Chairman, United Earth
“If we consider the most ancient evidence left by homo sapiens, we can see that man has always been aware of the existence of a Supreme Being, who is Lord of all things and of all living creatures.
Using every conceivable means, human beings of every era have always tried to show their feelings of deep respect (and reverence) towards God and to perform what is due to their Creator.
This is why Islam has always stressed the possibility of direct communication with God. Even those who have fallen into idolatry have never denied the existence of the Creator, but have simply put their idols and images in His place. And this is still happening today. This being the case, how can we recognise a true prophet and what is his or her mission?
The mission of the prophets is to reveal the will of God, that is, to provide a logical and tangible explanation of religion as it is experienced in our daily lives.
Genuine monotheism - the belief in a Supreme Being - means (or implies) the unshakeable oneness of the whole creation between man and God. Monotheism proves then, the pointlessness of idols and of images that come between man and God. The mission of the prophets is thus to set human beings on the right track, and in order to do this, the prophets have used two parallel and complementary paths:
- the way of learning, based on theology and philosophy
- and the way of Self-Knowledge or Self-Realisation
This is why we find in our Holy Book, the Koran, both scholastic discourse and phrases which hint at the way in to knowledge of the Highest Self. The concrete means of putting this message into practise is what is offered to us in this age by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
To back up this Truth, if you will allow me. I will quote these words of the Prophet Muhammad, who tells us: 'God is closer to man than his own veins.' And the Prophet says: 'With the knowledge of the Spirit, man will begin to know himself, so as to finally achieve knowledge of God.' 'With the purification of his inner being, man becomes conscious that he is the Spirit.'
It is thus the experience of spontaneous Self Realisation - which is revealed by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - and Sahaja Yoga - which is the practise which she teaches - both spontaneous Self Realisation and Sahaja Yoga are in perfect harmony with the teachings of Islam. It is because of this revelation by Shri Mataji that I have wanted to speak to you tonight.”
Ayatollah Dr. Mehdi Rouhani, Royal Albert Hall, UK — July 3, 1997
“It is a great honour to me to write about SHRI MATAJI NIRMALA DEVI and Her work of giving Self-Realisation through the system of Sahaja Yoga of thousands. By this happening thousands and thousands of people have become very peaceful within. Many students who were not at all good at studies have been able to pass their exams with first class marks, because their awareness improved tremendously. One of the person blessed by Shri Mataji was Miss Shushmita Sen, who won the title of Miss Universe last year. It was not her physical beauty but her inner poise, serenity and dignity which were accentuated in her selection. Many world famous musicians like Ustad Amjad Ali khan, Nishat Khan, Ustad Shafaat Khan, Anup Jalota, Ptd. Debu Chaudhari, Ajit kadkade and many others say that they have achieved their proficiency by Her blessings. Many painters and architects have also been guided by Her. There are many people who been cured by Shri Mataji of their incurable diseases through the science and practice of Sahaja Yoga. Sahaja Yoga works on the parasympathetic nervous systems and deals with subtle energy centers, which are the roots of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. Four doctors of Delhi University have obtained their medical doctorates by working on Sahaja yoga subjects. Their are seven doctors in the UK who have done research in the same field. In Russia there are many doctors who are practising Sahaja Yoga. Medical conferences on Sahaja Yoga have been conducted in many countries including France and UK under the guidance of Professor U.C. Rai, former Head of the Department of Physiology, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi. He has published a book about his findings. This book was released by our President, His Excellency, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma. Shri Mataji has recently been awarded a Ph D. Doctorate in Cognitive Sciences by the University of Ecology, Bucharest, Romania. She has been admitted as an honorary member to the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg. She has received many other awards from different countries of the world, specially for Her work in spreading peace amongst countries. Shri Mataji's fantastic work has been acclaimed universally, because She has established Her programmes for spiritual self-realisation promoting peace among human beings of different races, cultures and countries. In fact I have no words to describe adequately the unparalleled and unique global transformation. She has brought about in so many men, women and children around the world. They are totally moral and chaste; they have developed inner balance and peace; they have formed beautiful families and children; they regard each human being with great consideration and respect. This is the visible effect of the Divine powers of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, who is full of compassion and love for all human beings. Her knowledge of subtle system is perfect and verified scientifically. She is the fount of all knowledge about Self and a great master of spirituality. I have witnessed this most exceptional development with great admiration and respect. Shri Mataji's Sahaja Yoga is the only effective way to achieve global peace within every individual. I wish, from my heart, to this movement a successful propagation all over the world.”
Dr. D.Y. Patel,
“She is not only the Power of God as the whirling wheel of life in its birth-bringing and death-bringing totality; She is also the Force of the Centre, which bestows Consciousness and Knowledge, Transformation and Illumination. Thus Brahma prays to the Great Goddess: 'Thou art the pristine spirit, the nature of which is bliss; thou art the ultimate nature and the clear light of heaven, which illuminates and breaks the self-hypnotism of the terrible round of rebirth, and thou art the one that muffles the universe, for all time in thine own very darkness.'"
Eric Neuman, The Great Mother
“Well over 90 percent of North Americans say they believe in God, and the figure is much the same in western Europe ... What is interesting, however, is that less than 50 percent of the people believe that Christianity is the only true religion. And this opens up the possibility of much more experimentation in the field of religion and for much greater movement between religions. Many people are not leaving God for no God, as Eliot imagined, but for new ways of understanding God and new forms of religion to suit their contemporary situation. This often, but not always, entails a rejection of older forms of religion or notions of God....
Increasing numbers of people in the west, it seems, are prepared to be less dogmatic and more open-minded and accept beliefs from a variety of traditions without too much concern about their consistency. Reincarnation, for example, is a non-Christian belief held by an estimated 25 percent of Western Europeans, many of whom who would also appear to believe in the resurrection of Jesus and other Christian tenets about the afterlife. The New Age movement, which draws on insights from many traditions, is perhaps the best example of this eclectic approach.
In the future, as communications increase contact and interaction between cultures on a global scale, people may well acknowledge a range of beliefs once considered totally incompatible and gain benefit from practices found outside their own religious traditions. Christians, for example, may increasingly practice Buddhist — and Hindu-style meditation. The openness to other religions, the perception of the relative nature of religious truth, and the readiness to experiment suggests that the movement towards eclecticism may gather momentum.
If new religions influenced by eastern traditions and the New Age movement can be taken as a guide to the future, religion in years to come may be shaped by concerns about self-identity and personal well-being and wholeness. This concern with the 'self' does not necessarily reflect a narcissistic strain, but rather a belief that the world can be changed only through a change in individuals, not by organizations and governments ...
New Age spirituality focuses strongly on Self-realization and the harmonious relationship between people and their natural environment. New Age values and concerns, which run counter to much of the secular spirit of western industrialized societies, may point toward the path religion could take in the future.”
Dr. Peter B. Clarke, The World's Religions
“Society is sick, seeking to heal. But healing comes with a change in all aspects — not just in our persons, but in our structures. The healing of the planet, of our Mother Earth, begins by joining in with the transformation that is coming, by restructuring our political institutions, our courts, our laws, and all that has been invalidated, corrupted, and misused, the codes, the texts, the laws, the sacred words — all are crushed, cast aside, eliminated, or written anew in keeping with the new way of the Aquarian Age....
We must be ready and willing for an immense change in the divine order, a change that we are marching toward at ever-increasing speeds. The winds of change are already blowing, but the pace is accelerating. We are nearing the end of one millennium and about to become witness to the new. It is the closing of the time of false hierarchies, of myths that imprison us. We have lived on myths and thrived on false idols. Now is the time for the great awakening when our questions will lead us to true knowledge. It is time to go beyond the simple beliefs in what we have been told and taught to reach our own wisdom.
It has already begun.
The divinity above, by whatever name we call our God, has set the process in motion. Already, the beings who raise our consciousness, who guide us to the world of tomorrow, walk among us.”
Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon: Visions of a New Millennium
A Time Warner Company, 1997, p. 3.
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