Organized religion is now so dysfunctional that amateur atheists are writing bestsellers

"Organized religion is now so dysfunctional that amateur atheists are writing bestsellers. it's easy-we wrote the script for them. It is no wonder so many mainline churches are dying. They have so long existed in maintenance mode that they have lost their prophet nerve. They have put so much energy into survival that they have forsaken their responsibility to be places of free and fearless inquiry and radical hospitality as well as spiritual sustenance. Alas, the work of rigorous biblical scholarship now takes place in almost complete isolation from the church and in some cases with a palpable animosity toward the clergy, considered by many in the academy to be clods.”

“I have never believed in the virgin birth as a biological fact, the infallibility of scripture as a test of faith, the miracles as past suspension of natural law demanding current suspension of reason, the blood atonement (that the suffering of the innocent can vicariously atone for the sins of the guilty) as the foreordained mission of Jesus, the bodily resurrection as the only way to understand Easter, or the second coming as a necessary sequel-and I am the pastor of a church that does not define Christianity this way either.

Naturally, people ask," So what do you believe?”They seem puzzled by the answer. I say that we are not"believers"At all, not in the sense of giving intellectual assent to postbiblical propositions. Rather, we are doing our best to avoid the worship of Christ and trying to get back to something much more fulfilling and transformative: following Jesus.

We all know too well the abuses of fundamentalism in our time, and in one way or another we have all been living through a nightmare of bad theology married to bad public policy. But in the liberal church, some of us have failed to work as diligently at reconstructing the church as we have at taking secret, self- confirming delight in deconstructing it. As liberal Protestant churches declined and we bought the myth that it was because they were liberal (rather than how they were liberal), a whole generation has been asked to accept a false dichotomy. Either you believe that Jesus is God or you dont—therefore either you're are a Christian or you're not.

Meanwhile, the most urgent question of all goes unasked: What kind of God did Jesus reveal? That question has been sub- merged beneath"battles for the Bible"And bitter disputes over the metaphysics of a Galilean sage. So it has become fashionably iconoclastic these days to ask," Can I even call myself a Christian now?”Yet perhaps this is the wrong question, at least for those of us still in the church. Instead, we should be asking, "What is the proper object of our worship, and what would it take to make Christianity compelling, even irresistible, again?” How can our faith become biblically responsible, intellectually honest, emotionally satisfying, and socially significant? ...

Organized religion is now so dysfunctional that amateur atheists are writing bestsellers. it's easy-we wrote the script for them. It is no wonder so many mainline churches are dying. They have so long existed in maintenance mode that they have lost their prophet nerve. They have put so much energy into survival that they have forsaken their responsibility to be places of free and fearless inquiry and radical hospitality as well as spiritual sustenance. Alas, the work of rigorous biblical scholarship now takes place in almost complete isolation from the church and in some cases with a palpable animosity toward the clergy, considered by many in the academy to be clods.

Yet the people in the pews are not just reading The Da Vinci Code, The Secret, or The Prayer of Jabez. They are also reading Marcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan, and Karen Armstrong. They know the arguments for the Bible as both inspired and covered with human fingerprints, but they could use a little help in constructing a meaningful faith in a postmodern and, for many, a postorthodox world. They may not be literalists, but they are not atheists either, and many long to become part of a beloved community. They need help to construct a Christian faith worth having in a community worth belonging to.”

Robin R. Meyers, Saving Jesus from the Church
HarperOne (February 24, 2009), pages 6-9

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
“Some people have tampered with the scriptures, I am sure about it. And I have tried to bring all nonsensical ideas to people, who, somehow give up all their intelligence, all their logic and believe it.

So when an intelligent man looks at all these things, he becomes an atheist. Even by becoming atheist, one has to know why are you here, what is the purpose of your life, why are you here. What is the goal of your life? Is it just to waste your time or to be here for a short time and finish off, to insure yourself and then die? The worst thing that has happened to human beings, I think is that materialism has taken over. By materialism, we have really become very gross, extremely superficial. And not bothered at all about spiritual life. Those people who did bother, whom I call as seekers, people of special category - were caught up by false gurus and lots of false things. Because, they realized there is a market of such people and such people must be somehow or other captured and used for their own purposes. Only purpose is making money - its marketing.”

The Divine Mother/Paraclete Shri Mataji
Public Program, United Nations Meeting, New York—October 4, 1993

"But in the West we still are very much attached to the nonsense of Christianity. It has nothing to do with Christ, believe Me, and this fanaticism which is lingering still in your mind must be given up, otherwise you do not do any justice to Christ. That by no chance means you take to another religion like Hinduism or any other nonsensical Jainism, or anything. The essence, the Tattwa, of Christianity is Christ. And it is so thickly clouded by all these nonsensical things that you really have to drop this word 'Christianity' from your vocabulary completely, and from your mind. Otherwise you can never go to the essence. It is a fact; take it from Me.”

The Divine Mother/Paraclete Shri Mataji
Christmas Eve Talk, Pune, India — December 24, 1982

"it's a very serious thing they have done against Christ. And still going on. Still this Catholic Church, though being exposed so much, is still going on. In India also, all over. it's stupid. This Protestant Church also is going on everywhere. What good name have they brought to Christ, one should see? The first and foremost thing He has said that you must enter into the Kingdom of God, that you must be born again.

So it's all mental: You are born again. You have a certificate. We are born again. Finished. So this mental attitude of the West is responsible for killing the great Incarnation of Christ, so I think it's another crucifixion. Mentally, you cannot understand spirituality.”

The Divine Mother/Paraclete Shri Mataji

"You do not judge God from the people who talk about God. Anybody can talk about God because they think there is no law that can catch them. They can talk for Him, against Him, or they can do what they like. They can even make money by talking against God and against all the Prophets. So, first of all, we have to be a little independent to be free.”

The Divine Mother/Paraclete Shri Mataji
First, Know Thyself, London, U.K. - August 1, 1989

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