In some sense, the Goddess is our world in a way that God is not “One important question raised by this collection is that of the characteristics or attributes that are most consistently central to Mahadevi’s nature in the variety of textual and devotional environments we explore in these pages. This is a somewhat loaded
Devi: “Till the complete knowledge in the form of my consciousness arises, there is no liberation.” Devi “is the origin of the universe, the resort of all, the primordial prakrti.” She is the “supreme vidya (knowledge) which is the cause of liberation.” “The Devimahatmya refers to two different traditions regarding the origin of the Great Goddess:
Conflicting Images of God in Early ChristianityElaine H.Pagels. “Christianity, of course, added the trinitarian terms to the Jewish description of God. And yet of the three divine Persons, two-the Father and Son-are described in masculine terms, and the third-the Spirit-suggests the sexlessness of the Greek neuter term pneuma. This is not merely a subjective impression.
There is only Brahman, with Devi (Maha Maya) or Paramesari latent in it “The Devi Bhagavatam teaches us that the Brahman is the undecaying principle of fullness—the ultimate substratum of everything. It is totally without desire or qualities. Therefore it is not able to create or accomplish any action without the help of its inherent
“Thus … to speak of the Holy Spirit as male is a distortion of the actual languages of the Scriptures.” “If one researches the words for”Spirit” in Hebrew and Greek, one will find that in Hebrew it is actually a feminine word, and in Greek it is neuter, having no specific gender association. Thus, the
Shekinah, She Who Dwells within “The term Shekinah is an abstract noun of feminine gender derived from the Hebrew root Sh-Kh-N , meaning ‘to dwell’ or ‘to abide.’ The word Shekinah first appears in the Mishnah and Talmud (c.a. 200 C.E.), where it is used interchangeably with YHVH and Elohim as names of God. (p.21) Shekinah evolved from the
“Feminine images cluster around the Spirit, as the Syriac word for spirit, ruha, is itself feminine.” “An early stream of Aramaic-Syriac Christian tradition portrayed the Spirit as feminine… In the Gospel of the Hebrews, the Holy Spirit is seen as Christ’s mother and also the power that transports him to the mountain of his transfiguration. In
“And when Jesus foreannounced another Comforter, He must have intended a Person as distinct and helpful as He had been.”- F. B. Meyer “THE PERSONALITY OF THE HOLY GHOST That word, ‘another’—’He shall give you another Comforter’—is in itself sufficient to prove the Divinity and Personality of the Holy Ghost. If a man promises to
May God’s kingdom come speedily, even in our day “The ultimate consequent of the election of Israel is the final redemption itself (ge’ulah). However, it is not the automatic result of what transpires now in the present. It is not the mere project of either election or revelation. It should not be seen as the
“The granting of the spirit of holiness is viewed as yet to take place in the eschatological future”- B. D. Smith Description: Were first-century Jews expectinga messiah? Were othermessiahs mentioned inthe Dead Sea Scrolls?Were key earlyChristian symbols alsofound in the Judaism ofQumran? Did the Jewsof Jesus’s day believein salvation by works?In the Holy Spirit? Howdid the