A new and unique epoch in human knowledge is opening before the educated world

Paul Brunton, Ph.D., The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga
"History is in the throes of turning its sharpest corner, that the cultural growth of mankind has been notably accelerated, that a new and unique epoch in human knowledge is opening before the educated world, that the potential field of receptivity to the philosophy of truth is wider and deeper than ever before, that secrecy is becoming superfluous, and that for the first time a new world-wide propagation of higher views has been rendered possible. Moreover the international political and economic conditions today are such that as to force people everywhere to see events and things in relation to the whole, i.e., to begin to philosophize! Nothing like this opportune phenomenon, which requires the utmost emphasis, can be found in centuries other than the twentieth.”- Paul Brunton

“The eschatology that binds Judaism, Christianity and Islam as one—final events in history, Resurrection, fulfillment of a divine plan for humanity, and the immortality of the human soul—is harmoniously and collectively fulfilled by the Divine Feminine (Adi Shakti). This site is thus also an open book and challenge to all guardians of religious regimes—priests, pastors, reverends, bishops, popes, rabbis, clerics, imams, mullahs, shaikhs, ulema, ayatollahs, gurus, swamis, pandits, brahmins, acaryas, bhagwans, granthis, gianis, lamas, monks, dalai lamas—to rebut and prove Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's Divine Message false. Skeptics, atheists or any anti-cult organization, especially those specializing in busting fake gurus and false claims, are most welcome.

Should the high priests of organized religions fail to challenge this site, a forgone conclusion of which we are absolutely assured, they should refrain from further misleading and dividing fellow beings on religious, spiritual and mystical issues that are beyond their present comprehension. The millennia-old rule of the patriarchal priestly class is definitely over. The religious elite should begin to realize that the sun is now setting on their evening empires which are crumbling into sand, and from those ruins is breaking the Dawn of the Divine Feminine that will awaken the human race from their long spiritual slumber.”


"Post-war periods generate religious doubts in many minds with the consequent search for a more acceptable explanation of life in some of these minds. But when two wars have been waged within a single generation, when they are the worst which the world has ever seen, and when they have spread on the most gigantic scale history has ever known, it is undoubtedly no error to predict that faith will sink seriously after the shock of the cataclysm. The despairing feeling that life is without a purpose will spread through all classes of people. The power of religion to control men ethically is likely to be much weakened, which will constitute a position of profound social danger. The breaking-down of these old sanctions amid unrest and upheaval demands their reinforcement or replacement by new ones. For most men cannot live in comfort with the thought that there is no fundamental meaning and no great purpose of life. They will soon seek out some faith or theory that will bestow direction to existence. Therefore the present convulsed and collapsed epoch will witness a search for such doctrines as no previous epoch has yet witnessed. And because these changes will always be most marked among the more educated classes, the forms which this quest is likely to take will be mainly mystical and occasionally philosophical rather than religious. Mysticism will probably receive a larger number of adherents than it has known for a long time for it offers an emotional inner peace urgently needed after the maniacal frenzies and horrors of war, but philosophy will also have to welcome within its portals a modest modicum of new enquirers who have changed their intellectual gear...

History is in the throes of turning its sharpest corner, that the cultural growth of mankind has been notably accelerated, that a new and unique epoch in human knowledge is opening before the educated world, that the potential field of receptivity to the philosophy of truth is wider and deeper than ever before, that secrecy is becoming superfluous, and that for the first time a new world-wide propagation of higher views has been rendered possible. Moreover the international political and economic conditions today are such that as to force people everywhere to see events and things in relation to the whole, i.e., to begin to philosophize! Nothing like this opportune phenomenon, which requires the utmost emphasis, can be found in centuries other than the twentieth. This astonishing age of social transition, general dissolution, technological revolution and mental illumination is, in short, a continuous acceleration of the process of turning man from a primitive to a scientific animal. But even this is not enough. Man should live in a way that is proper to him, and not after the manner of the beast, the reptile and the parasite. Hence the time is ripe to disclose a doctrine which does not, like most religions, contradict the findings of science but actually draws support from them.”

Paul Brunton, Ph.D., The Hidden Teaching Beyond Yoga,
E. P. Dutton & Co., 1966, p. 17

The Trends Journal
“A new major religion, on a scale to rival any of the great world religions from Islam to Christianity, is beginning to take shape even before the new millennium turns. Like those religions before it, the yet unnamed new millennium religion will configure the minds of individuals, form new institutions, and help direct the course of history. The signs of the new religion can be seen in society's quest for what is now being loosely called"spirituality.” "

Trends Research Institute - Gerald Celente - Top Ten Trends

John Hogue, Nostradamus: The New Revelations
"Almost all the publications on Nostradamus' work which have appeared this century focus exclusively on the negative aspects of his predictions, making him, in the popular mind, a prophet solely of destruction and disaster, plague and nuclear war.

But are we inevitably doomed to a future world of natural and ecological disaster, plague and nuclear war? Is our future destiny, as foreseen by Nostradamus, immutable, or will we be given an opportunity to improve our chances of survival?

Throughout the prophet's visions of apocalypse the theme of a new religious consciousness occurs again and again. It will flourish, he says, before the end of the 20th century ...

In their present state the established religions show little signs of an ability to bring peace on earth. On the contrary, most of the wars of history have been fought over differences of faith and different definitions of the nature of"truth.”By clearing predicting the flowering of a new religion, Nostradamus discounts all the familiar established faiths. What is the nature of this new religion? Is it already developing, or yet to be born?”

John Hogue, Nostradamus: The New Revelations
Element Books, Inc., 1994, p. 225.

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