The Vicarius Christi Or AntiChrist?
“This book had me shaking with laughter and trembling with rage--rage at the misdeeds of the papacy, not the book. It brilliantly recounts the endless crimes, hypocrisies, errors, indecencies, murders, debaucheries, illogicalities, idiocies and fanaticisms of the papacy from the "first pope" to the present. It is written in a highly engaging and breezy journalistic style, with more than a dash of humour and wit. For the most part the author lets the deeds (or rather, misdeeds) of the Bishops of Rome speak for themselves, although his own dim view of his subject is abundantly clear throughout. He is himself a former priest (educated at the Gregorian University in Rome) who unfolds the theologial groundlessness of the office of Pope itself, the ethical depravity of a depressingly high percentage of its occupants, the religious zealotry of many Popes, and the laughable absurdity of so many Roman Catholic doctrines such as Papal Infallibility. The overall effect of this is devastating for the Papacy, which emerges from the pages of this book as one of the most hypocritical, malevolent and unjustifiable institutions in human history--which is saying a great deal. The book is the perfect antidote to the awe in which the office of Pope is held today, and a very welcome reminder of the dark history of a powerful institution built on a mountain of absurdities and atrocities that we all-too-easily forget. De Rosa has done his readers a great service in putting that history into a single volume without mincing his words of pulling his punches. Read it and weep.”controversies, any one of which today would
involve immediate recourse to Rome for a
decision ... We have already noted that not a
single Father can find any hint of a Petrine office
in the great biblical texts that refer to Peter.
Papal supremacy and infallibility, so central to
the Catholic church today, are simply not
mentioned. Not a single creed, nor confession of
faith, nor catechism, nor passage in patristic
writings contains one syllable about the pope,
still less about faith and doctrine being derived
from him.” Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The
Dark Side of the Papacy, Bantam Pres, p. 206.
The Vicarius Christi Or AntiChrist?
A few months after being completely drenched by the gnostic experiences Kash's father felt compelled to act, and offer this priceless Divine Knowledge to others. Such Knowledge was definitely not meant exclusively for him and his family, and he had to find a way to tell the world what had happened. The problem was how.
The Montreal collectivity and that of Toronto, including leaders and senior Sahaja Yogis, just shunned him and refused to listen. His insistence that he was speaking the Truth only made matters worse. Sahaja Yogis were told not to pay attention to him. Some even broke up his conversations, and bluntly told those listening that these tales should not be believed. Even friendly ones found an excuse to walk away whenever he opened his mouth on this 'heretical' subject.
Soon he was a spiritual pariah loitering alone on the fringes of the collectivity, looking for someone who could believe what he was saying. There was no one.
Who, or which organization, could he approach to help him spread this Truth?
So how to announce the Truth to the human race? Who, or which organization, could he approach to help him spread this Truth? The Great Adi Shakti in the Sahasrara (not Her physical incarnation as Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi on Earth) had already given permission to do so but Her devotees—their hearts, soul and mind fully engaged on Her temporary, physical form on Earth and spreading their subtle system—had no time for such spiritual mumbo-jumbo.
The mind kept searching for answers day after day, week after week, month after month.
Yes! How about the Pope? Yes!
One day a brilliant idea burst forth: What about the Pope? Yes! How about the Pope? Yes! He would be the best person in the world to spread the Message of the Millennium.
Pope John Paul II and the Vatican clergy would be convinced about the Reality of the Kingdom of God within through a series of controlled experiments, conducted under strict conditions. Kash could be questioned in depth about the Bible - eschatological doctrines, meaning of difficult Latin words/phrases, translation of Aramaic texts, or anything else for that matter. He would have to find the answers by going within himself, seeking the help of the Great Celestial Mother and Lord Jesus in his Templum Spiritus Sanctus. Since the Creator possessed all Knowledge, there was absolutely no question of any error.
If necessary, he was to undergo any other tests deemed necessary to authenticate this unprecedented spiritual communication with the Universal Beings. These series of controlled tests were to continue until everybody - the Pope, scholars, scientists, metaphysicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychics, mediums, clairvoyants, and any other related experts - were absolutely convinced and unable to deny the Truth of these Revelations. Such an opportunity to validate the existence of God would be unprecedented in the annals of human spiritualism.
It was also the intention to explain to the Pope, among other things, the following:
"Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you"
That Lord Jesus' declaration of "Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you" is a Reality and is situated around the fontanel bone/limbic area of the brain in every human being. The Hindus know this Divine Kingdom exists in the Sahasrara. The Buddhists know this Pure Land exists in the Thousand Petalled Lotus. The Quran proclaims this mysterious Reality exists in the Niche of Lights. The Guru Granth Sahib enlightens that this is the House of the Lord. There was no question of rejection.
That the Holy Spirit is not a mystery but a Divine Reality that can actually be experienced and communicated with. The power of the Holy Spirit resides in the sacrum bone of every human being and when activated, travels up the central nervous system to the limbic area in the head. This awakening of the Holy Spirit within also activates all the subtle centers to give spiritual transformation or "second birth," the genuine baptism by the Spirit as preached by Jesus.
That the biblical Narrow Gate is none other than the space in between and behind the eyebrows - the spot marked by three crosses during baptism and death - leading to the Sahasrara or Great Lotus Forest of the human mind. The precise location is the crossing point of the chiasma opticalis at the pituitary gland. This Narrow Gate is the Agnya chakra, the Gate to the Kingdom of God which Lord Jesus talked about, and guards within.
The Pope was to then announce to the whole world that this coming of the Kingdom of God is precisely what Lord Jesus talked about two thousand years ago and that the human race, irrespective of race or religion, are absolutely assured of entering it if they so desire. This would immediately begin the process of bringing the whole world together, healing all nations and lifting humanity to new heights of spiritualism, and bringing an end to its turbulent history.
The potential for the establishment of the Kingdom of God on Earth would know no bounds. Humankind would take a new spiritual direction and begin transforming fellow beings into spiritually advanced souls. Entire communities, cities and nations of fractured and fragmented inhabitants would begin mending their hearts, minds and souls, and regenerate their spiritual bodies as they evolved for the journey back to His Kingdom.
It would just take the nod of acceptance from a single man to free a billion humans from earthly bondage and despair. In addition, his endorsement would accomplish much more: Every human, whether Hindu, Buddhist, Jew or Muslim, would have to genuinely embrace Lord Jesus with all their hearts and minds if they wanted liberation. There would be a massive global transformation of humans into accepting Jesus, and another crucial prophecy of the Bible fulfilled.
There would be a healing of all nations on an unprecedented scale as humans of Light, desirous for eternity and Paradise, overcame their past conditioning and surrendered to Truth.
"We can only obtain true knowledge of God through attention to God's revelation"
Kash's father was full of confidence that this desire to convince the Pope would be approved by Jesus. In addition, the Savior's reply would be universally accepted, since "We can only obtain true knowledge of God through attention to God's revelation, the standard for which Barth believed was only to be found in Christ.”
Kash agreed to pass these suggestions to the Great Divine Mother.
He meditated and the energy of the Holy Spirit, residing at the roots of the Tree of Life within him traveled all the way up and blossomed into the Thousand Petalled Lotus. He emerged through the clouds and slowly floated into his ethereal body that was meditating beside the Great Primordial Mother. He stood up and, after exchanging greetings with the Supreme Mater Sanctissima, told Her that he wanted to see Lord Jesus. She agreed and both traveled through the universe to His place.
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi slowed down as they approached His abode. A short distance away Kash could see that Jesus was in deep meditation, His massive spiritual body poised magnificently on the soft cloud cover. It was a sight to behold, a Divine Being powerful beyond all human imagination, sitting in utter peace and egoless humility. The entire atmosphere was super charged with Spiritual Energy, Silence and Bliss. They were in Heaven.
When they came nearer Jesus came out of meditation and got up to receive them. He was dressed in a one-piece light gray dress that extended to His ankles, like a robe. There was another piece of cloth, also light gray, that was draped across His right shoulder down to the left waist.
"Lord Jesus, who is your Father?”
After exchanging greetings all of them sat down. Kash then asked the Spirit of the Living God again if he could ask Lord Jesus some questions. The Great Holy Spirit smiled and told him to go ahead. Kash first posed this question to Shri Christ, "Lord Jesus, who is your Father?” Jesus immediately replied, "The Spirit is My Father.”
Kash then asked Jesus if it would be all right to convince the pope of these Revelations.
For the first time Kash saw both the Great Adi Shakti and Lord Jesus taken aback for some reason. Both visibly reacted the very instant the word "pope" was mentioned, as if it was a name that should not be uttered in the Sacred Sanctuary of His Kingdom.
The force of the name hit them like a potent curse
Actually both of them moved backwards as the force of the name hit them like a potent curse. It was as if the word had defiled the immaculate purity and pristine holiness of the Kingdom of God. The word "pope" was to both Lord Jesus and the Great Adi Shakti the very essence of Evil itself, an entity that reeked of centuries-old vice, lust, wickedness, sin, immorality, blasphemy, torture, and death.
Kash waited for an answer but there was only silence. He wondered what had gone wrong and felt uncomfortable. These Divine Hosts had always displayed impeccable manners and utter humility to any guest, but Jesus was not answering his innocent question. Kash had immense respect for this massive Son of Man, and His silence was painful.
The Great Sacred Mother then smiled and said that this question cannot be answered, without giving a reason. She then told him that they should meditate.
After they had finished Kash told Jesus that he would be leaving, bowed to Him, and got up. Lord Jesus bowed back in return. Shri Mataji then levitated Kash again and they traveled back to the Land of Perpetual Light. He then bowed to Her, requested Her permission for leave, and started descending through the clouds to this ritualistic world of baptizing bishops and idol-worshipping brahmins.
He opened his physical eyes and found himself on Earth.
The pain of rejection, failure and denial
He then explained what had transpired to his father, his face slightly distorted and stressed by the spontaneous reaction, initial silence and subsequent refusal of the Adi Shakti and Jesus to answer his simple question.
His father was rudely shaken at their refusal to even answer a question that would have helped to spread the Great Announcement of the Last Judgment.
He also felt the pain of his son's experience: the agony of rejection of a simple offer to help, the embarrassment of failure, and the distress of denial. How does one feel when Higher Beings refuse your ingenious idea to solve an extremely difficult problem, without even the courtesy of an answer?
No further mention of the Pope, or suggestion how to spread the Message of the Kingdom of God was ever made to the Great Cosmic Mother or Lord Jesus again.
What is so blasphemous and corrupt about the Papacy?
There was an immediate feeling of intense guilt that something had gone terribly wrong. What could the Pope have possibly done that was something so blasphemous and corrupt that even the mere mention of his title made the Great Celestial Mother and Jesus react in aversion? After all, about a billion Catholics all over the world regarded him as Christ's representative on Earth, and they all could not be wrong. Moreover, Kash's family had begun to celebrate Christmas partly due to their belief that the Pope was the representative of the followers of Jesus Christ.
At first there was turmoil in the mind of the father for having made Shri Mataji and Jesus react. It was his own entire fault - his big mouth, his bloated ego, his absurd ideas, his sheer stupidity - that led to this debacle. There was delusion as his mind ran around in circles. What type of person was he to disturb Divine Beings with the stupid questions he asked them through Kash? Why was such a proposition posed in the first place? Why is he so nosey? Were they unhappy because he was getting a third party like the pope involved? Was he pushing his weight around and trying to enlighten the Great Holy Spirit and Lord Jesus on how to advertise the Truth? Why did both Jesus and the Spirit of God not want to seek the help of Pope Paul II? Why did both of them reel back at the mention of the word Pope? How could the father, a mere human, be able to make a supreme personality like Jesus Christ and the Great Blessed Mother feel 'offended'? Who was he to suggest such stupid proposals as getting the Pope involved?
Maybe they did not want any outside interference in these Revelations. Maybe his proposal was so silly that they had no choice but to react. Maybe he was dumber than he thought.
There was a lingering sense of loss, confusion, and hurt as no logical answers could be found in the conditioned mind. This hurt was why did the Holy Mother and Jesus refuse to even talk about the Pope, a man that was believed and respected by him.
Kash's father had very little knowledge on the background of Christianity and had accepted the Universal Savior due more to His supreme sacrifice on the Cross than anything else. Why should the Heavenly Hosts keep silent on the man who led the largest religious institution in the world?
Perhaps Jesus might have made a mistake!
The mind even dared to think that maybe the Great Divine Feminine and Shri Jesus might have made a mistake! This was the strangest spiritual Revelation for it even made the mind doubt about the absolute integrity of Lord Jesus and the Great Holy Spirit, despite all the most awesome Truths of the Kingdom of God! One-fifth of humanity believed that Pope John Paul II was Christ's representative on Earth and yet the Universal Savior was allergic to the mere mention of his designated title! Why?
The father underwent a very disturbing period of anguish, remorse, disbelief, delusion and pain.
A few days later he had to accompany his son, Shahwinder, to see his teacher Monsieur Real Boyer and Madame Thomassin, the director of Ecole Victor-Therien on 305, 43rd Avenue, Lachine. The school authorities had wanted to discuss about the academic progress of Shahwinder.
On the way his father had a brainstorm. He prayed silently to Lord Jesus for forgiveness and to prove his genuine remorse over the whole incident, he pledged to enroll his son in the school's Catholic bible classes!
But asking the headmistress to register him for Catholic religious lessons did not solve the disturbed mind. There were mood swings as the father tried to cope with the acute distress of offending the Heavenly Hosts and the unbelievable Revelation not to seek the cooperation of the pope. The mind remained constantly on auto questioning; What's wrong with the Pope? What's wrong with the Pope? What's wrong with the Pope? What's wrong with ...?
Something had to be done to pacify the turbulent mind.
A revelation beyond all expectations and belief
After weeks of confusion and apprehension there began a search on the background of popes at the nearby Saul Bellow Library in Lachine. It was an academic revelation beyond all expectations! For the very first time in his life the harsh Truth about Christianity was known and it shocked him into utter disbelief! He never expected a billion Catholics to be so foolish and dumb as to believe what he was reading: original sin, papal infallibility, confessions, sale of indulgences, papal corruption, division of churches, conflicting dogmas, evil in women, Inquisition, celibacy and others.
The mind reeled and screamed in silence! How could so many humans believe in such latent falsehoods of the Catholic Church, despite all the historical facts of the last two millenniums? What power had duped so many intelligent people for so long? What power had spiritually maimed so many bodies and destroyed so many souls? What power had the strength to maintain its stranglehold despite committing the greatest and most barbaric acts against humankind? What power had such chameleon-like camouflage and inherent cunning to elude and delude detection? What power made so many to surrender their souls and salvation to a single man, the False Prophet? What was the nature of this power? Who was behind this power?
This power was anti-God! This power was anti-Christ! No wonder the Great Ancient Mother and Jesus recoiled at that blasphemous word pope! No wonder they reacted to this unclean word! No wonder they flinched at this vile word! No wonder they cringed at this satanic word!
For Kash's father this initial knowledge of Church history and beliefs was a shattering experience. The Catholic Church is furthest from God as far as organized religion is concerned.
The popes do not know the depth of their ignorance or the height of arrogance. Neither the Father, the Holy Spirit, nor Jesus ever endorsed the following facts which form the fundamental faith and dark origins of the Catholic Church: original sin, hereditary papal infallibility, Inquisition, purgatory, canonization, clerical hierarchy, baptism, confession, celibacy, and simony.
Hundreds of millions of innocent lambs in the past have already been led to their spiritual slaughter by atrocious popes who, by masquerading as Christ's representatives, deluded so many nations. Moreover, hundreds of millions are yet to perish of inner darkness in this century as they defy the Resurrection, a spiritual genocide unparalleled in the annals of human existence. The rise of the papacy is surely the work of the Devil, the Dragon in the Biblical text Revelation, for no other force on Earth could have misled so many for so long. Over the centuries it is clear that popes were not Vicars of Christ but of Satan! No wonder the Great Holy Spirit and Lord Jesus recoiled at the mention of the word "pope"- it reeked of evil!
On July 1, 2002 the Vicar of Christ, in a bid to quash speculation of his resignation due to ill-health, insisted that the "force to continue is not my problem but that of Christ who wanted to call me, though unworthy, to be his vicar on Earth. In his mysterious design, He has brought me here. And it will be He who decides my fate.” May the pope realize He certainly has.
The Church-feared Third Secret of Fatima will now take effect and even the might of Satan will not be able to stop the impending destruction of its Lair. Be forewarned, Mighty Rome, be forewarned!
The reign of the 'infallible' popes - living icons of satanic lies, hypocrisy, evil, debauchery, blasphemy from whom hundreds of millions today seek salvation - is about to end. How were so many fools made to believe something that is not even written in the Bible? This being the case, why won't others also succumb to that which is written, but deviously misinterpreted to mislead?
"The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh.” (Catholic National July 1895)
Something is terribly wrong with the Catholic Church - very much wrong! God Almighty enlightens and gives humans absolute individual freedom to pursue Him, and not to be enslaved to a single man for salvation. But Lord Jesus' victory is assured over His adversary who regards himself as "The ruler of this world", and that the "Pope and God are the same.” Be rest assured that the Last Judgment frees all humans from the tyranny of religious regimes!
"The Pope takes the place of Jesus Christ on earth. ... by divine right the Pope has supreme and full power in faith, in morals over each and every pastor and his flock. He is the true vicar, the head of the entire church, the father and teacher of all Christians. He is the infallible ruler, the founder of dogmas, the author of and the judge of councils; the universal ruler of truth, the arbiter of the world, the supreme judge of heaven and earth, the judge of all, being judged by no one, God himself on earth.”
Lorraine Boettner, Roman Catholicism
P & R Publishing (June 1, 2000) p. 127
“The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in Heaven and
Pope Pius V, quoted in Barclay, Chapter XXVII, p. 218, "Cities Petrus
"The Pope is of so great dignity, and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God. and the vicar of God.”
Ferraris Ecclesiastical dictionary
"All names which in the Scriptures are applied to Christ, by virtue of which it is established that He is over the church, all the same names are applied to the Pope.”
On the Authority of the Councils, book 2, chapter 17
.”..the Pope is as it were God on earth, sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ, chief of kings, having plenitude of power.” Lucius Ferraris, in "Prompta Bibliotheca Canonica, Juridica, Moralis, Theologica, Ascetica, Polemica, Rubristica, Historica",
Volume V, article on "Papa, Article II", titled "Concerning the extent of Papal dignity, authority, or dominion and infallibility", #1, 5, 13-15, 18, published in Petit-Montrouge (Paris) by J. P. Migne, 1858 edition.
These words are written in the Roman Canon Law 1685: "To believe that our Lord God the Pope has not the power to decree as he is decreed, is to be deemed heretical.”
Father A. Pereira says: "It is quite certain that Popes have never approved or rejected this title 'Lord God the Pope,' for the passage in the gloss referred to appears in the edition of the Canon Law published in Rome in 1580 by Gregory XIII.”
Pope Nicholas I declared: "The appellation of God had been confirmed by Constantine on the Pope, who, being God, cannot be judged by man.”
Labb IX Dist.: 96 Can. 7, Satis evidentur, Decret Gratian Primer Para.
"The pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man .... he is as it were God on earth, sole sovereign of the faithful of Christ, chief of kings, having plenitude of power.”
Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca, 1763, Volume VI, 'Papa II', pp.25-29
Writers on the Canon Law say, "The Pope and God are the same, so he has all power in heaven and earth.”
Barclay Cap. XXVII, p. 218. Cities Petrus Bertrandus, Pius V. - Cardinal Cusa supports his statement.
"The supreme teacher in the Church is the Roman Pontiff. Union of minds, therefore, requires... complete submission and obedience of will to the Church and to the Roman Pontiff, as to God Himself.”
Leo VIII, On the Chief Duties of Christians as Citizens", Encyclical letter, 1890
"God separates those whom the Roman Pontiff, who exercises the functions, not of mere man, but of the true God...dissolves, not by human but rather by divine authority.”
Decretals of Gregory IX, Book 1, Chapter 7.3
"Hence the Pope is crowned with a triple crown, as king of heaven and of earth and of the lower regions (infernorum).”
Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca, 1763, Volume VI, 'Papa II', p.26)
"Innocent III has written: "Indeed, it is not too much to say that in view of the sublimity of their offices the priests are so many gods.”
The dignity of the priesthood by Liguori p, 36
"We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty"
Pope Leo XIII Encyclical Letter of June 20, 1894
"For thou art the shepherd, thou art the physician, thou art the director, thou art the husbandman, finally thou art another God on earth.”
Labbe and Cossart's "History of the Councils.” Vol. XIV, col. 109
"The Pope is not only the representative of Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ himself, hidden under the veil of flesh.”
Catholic National, July 1895
"The pope is the supreme judge of the law of the land ... He is the vicegerent of Christ, and is not only a priest forever, but also King of kings and Lord of lords"
La Civilta Cattolica, March 18, 1871.
Roman Catholic Canon Law stipulates through Pope Innocent III that the Roman pontiff is "The vicegerent upon earth, not a mere man, but of a very God;" and in a gloss on the passage it is explained that this is because he is the vicegerent of Christ, who is "very God and very man.” Decretales Domini Gregorii translatione Episcoporum,
(on the transference of Bishops), title 7, chapter 3; Corpus Juris Canonice (2nd Leipzig ed., 1881), col. 99; (Paris, 1612), tom. 2, Devretales, col. 205
"The pope is the supreme judge of the law of the land... He is the vicegerent (replacement) of Christ, who is not only a Priest forever, but also King of kings and Lord of lords.”
La Civilia Cattolica, March 18, 1871, quoted in Leonard Woosely Bacaon, An inside view of the Vatican Council (American Tract Society ed.), p.229
"Christ entrusted His office to the chief pontiff;... but all power in heaven and in earth has been given to Christ;... therefore the chief pontiff, who is His vicar, will have this power.”
Corpus Juris chap. 1 column 29, translated from a gloss on the words Porro Subesse Romano Pontiff
"All the faithful must believe that the Holy Apostolic See and the Roman Pontiff [the Pope] possesses the primacy over the whole world, and the Roman Pontiff is the successor of blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles, and is true vicar of Christ, and heed of the whole church, and father and teacher of all Christians; and that full power was given to him in blessed Peter to rule, feed, and govern the universal Church by Jesus Christ our Lord.”
First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ, "Eternal Pastor," published in the fourth session of the Vatican Council, 1870, chap. 3, in Philip Schaff, Creeds of Christendom. vol. 2, p. 262.
"The Saviour Himself is the door of the sheepfold: 'I am the door of the sheep.' Into this fold of Jesus Christ, no man may enter unless he be led by the Sovereign Pontiff; and only if they be united to him can men be saved, for the Roman Pontiff is the Vicar of Christ and His personal representative on earth.”
Pope John XXIII in his homily to the Bishops and faithful assisting at his coronation on November 4, 1958.
"This is our last lesson to you: receive it, engrave it in your minds, all of you: by God's commandment salvation is to be found nowhere but in the Church; the strong and effective instrument of salvation is none other than the Roman Pontificate.”
Pope Leo XIII, Allocution for the 25th anniversary of his election, February 20, 1903; Papal Teachings: The Church, Benedictine Monks of Solesmes, St. Paul Editions, Boston, 1962, page 653.
"The Pope's authority is unlimited, incalculable; it can strike, as Innocent III says, wherever sin is; it can punish every one; it allows no appeal and is itself Sovereign Caprice; for the Pope carries, according to the expression of Boniface VIII, all rights in the Shrine of his breast. As he has now become infallible, he can by the use of the little word, "orbi," (which means that he turns himself round to the whole Church) make every rule, every doctrine, every demand, into a certain and incontestable article of Faith. No right can stand against him, no personal or corporate liberty; or as the [Roman Catholic] Canonists put it—"The tribunal of God and of the pope is one and the same.”
Ignaz von Dollinger, “A Letter Addressed to the Archbishop of Munich" 1871; as quoted in MacDougall
"Furthermore, in this one Church of Christ no man can be or remain who does not accept, recognize and obey the authority and supremacy of Peter and his legitimate successors.”
Pope Pius XI, Encyclical, Mortalium animos, January 6, 1928, The Papal Encyclicals, Claudia Carlen, I.H.M., McGrath Publishing Co., 1981, pp. 317, 318.
"We define that the Holy Apostolic See (the Vatican) and the Roman Pontiff hold the primacy over the whole world.”
A Decree of the Council of Trent, quoted in Philippe Labbe and Gabriel Cossart, "The Most Holy Councils," col. 1167.
"Organized religion has a very long history of curtailing and containing spirituality"
“In June of 1995 the Chicago Tribune reported that Pope John Paul II had urged the Roman Catholic Church to seize the 'particularly propitious' occasion of the new millennium to recognize 'the dark side of its history.' In a 1994 confidential letter to cardinals which was later leaked to the Italian press, he asked,
How can one remain silent about the many forms of violence perpetrated in the name of the faith—wars of religion, tribunals of the Inquisition and other forms of violations of the rights of persons?
Pope John Paul II's urging and question are, I believe, very wise. Recognizing the dark side of one's history has value; it enables us to be more aware of pitfalls to avoid today and in the future. Recognizing how beliefs have been shaped to suit political ends, to encourage the individual to relinquish their power and freedom to a larger authority—whether that authority is an organized religion or the State—can enable us to prevent that from happening again. It can empower us to more easily recognize when organizations and beliefs hinder or aid our personal relationship with God or the sacred.
The process of researching, writing and talking to people about this book has brought me personally a great and unexpected sense of peace. The book grew out of a short presentation to counter and balance the perception that Christianity had lived up to its professed principles and ideals. I assumed that I would easily find all the information necessary for this presentation at the bookstore, but was soon shocked to find so little available on the subject. While historians have certainly written about the dark side of Christian history, their words have largely stayed within the confines of academe. And few have written of Christianity's role in creating a world in which people feel alienated from the sacred.
Why, at a time when so many are searching for deeper spiritual meaning, wasn't there more accessible information about the history of the institutions which are purported to convey such spiritual truth? Without understanding the dark side of religious history, one might think that religion and spirituality are one and the same. Yet, organized religion has a very long history of curtailing and containing spirituality, one's personal and private relationship with God, the sacred, or the divine. Perhaps there will always be the temptation to try to control the individual's relationship with God in order to make it easier to control society, but such attempts do not have to succeed nor do they have to alienate one from God.
This book is, as the title suggests, only an exploration of the dark side of Christian history. It was never meant to present a complete picture of Christian history, and it was most certainly never intended as a defense of or tribute to another religion.”
Helen Ellerbe, The Dark Side of Christian History
Morningstar Books (July 1, 1995) Preface Aura HD
The day when the Messiah appears and accomplishes his Messianic work of salvation is the day when he �is revealed� as what he is destined to be, as the Messiah. These expressions imply that it is this Messianic work which makes him the Messiah. He cannot be known and acknowledged as such until these actions have revealed his identity. By performing Messianic works he �reveals his glory� (his dignity as Messiah), as the Fourth Gospel puts it (John ii,11). The brothers of Jesus say to Him, �Reveal yourself to the world�; by which they mean, come forward, and perform openly the Messianic works and miracles (John vii,3ff., cf. xiv,22). According to Jewish thought, it is only then that he will become Messiah in the full sense of the term. Before that time we may say that He is but Messiah�s designatus, a claimant to Messianic status.� (Mowinckel 1956, 303)
"In the midst of the street of it,
And on either side of the river,
Was there the Tree of Life,
Which bare twelve manner of fruits,
And yielded Her fruit every month:
And the leaves of the Tree were for the healing of all nations.”
Revelation 22:1-3
"You belong to a Tree of great Wisdom, Tree of great Sustenance and Religion, and Tree of great Mastery, the mastery that you can never know how great it is. You belong to a Tree that has complete security for you, and you belong to a very great Tree which gives you complete witnessing of the Drama, and which gives you understanding that the Whole is part and parcel of you and you are part and parcel of the Whole... This is the Tree of Life that has been described in the Bible.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
“People do not know what Time has come. It is the Last Chance. You won't get anymore chance. In Bible it has been described as the Last Judgment.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
Delhi, India—Aug. 18, 1979
The resurrection of Jesus plays a central and yet disputed role in the narrative and theology of Johns gospel. At the time of his death Jesus says, �It is finished� (19:30), yet readers find that as a narrative the gospel is not finished but continues with accounts of the empty tomb and Jesus� appearances to his disciples. During his ministry Jesus calls himself �the resurrection and the life� (11:25� 26) and says that those who believe in him have true life now (5:24), yet he also speaks about the resurrection of believers on the last day (5:25� 29; 6:39� 40). In the Farewell Discourses Jesus says that he will see his disciples again, but it is not always clear whether this promise is fulfilled by the resurrection appearances or whether the gospel speaks of another encounter that is yet to come (14:18� 19; 16:16� 24).� (Koester, Bieringer, Siebeck, 2008 v)
“It's a very serious thing they have done against Christ. And still going on. Still this Catholic Church, though being exposed so much, is still going on - in India also, all over. It's stupid. This Protestant Church also is going on everywhere. What good name have they brought to Christ, one should see. The first and foremost thing He has said that you must enter into the Kingdom of God, that you must be born again.
So it's all mental: You are born again. You have a certificate. We are born again. Finished. So this mental attitude of the West is responsible for killing the great Incarnation of Christ, so I think it's another crucifixion. Mentally, you cannot understand spirituality.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
“You do not judge God from the people who talk about God. Anybody can talk about God because they think there is no law that can catch them. They can talk for Him, against Him, or they can do what they like. They can even make money by talking against God and against all the Prophets. So, first of all, we have to be a little independent to be free.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
First, Know Thyself, London, U.K. —August 1, 1989
“Pope is another horrible fake guru sitting here. Then we have another one which is of Canterbury sitting there. All of them are false gurus - know nothing about Kundalini, don't know anything of Brahma,...
So they want to propound that they are the solution, achieving nothing, spoiling the name of Christ, and doing all kinds of things against Him stupidly, without knowing the Divine.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Gmunden, Austria—July 6, 1986
The Identity of the Apostasy
"When we look through the pages of history we find that no religious system fits this description except the Roman Catholic Church with its leader, the Pope. Consider the following evidence:
1. The Church rose out of the Roman Empire in 320 AD when the Roman Emperor Constantine became converted to Catholicism and with him, the majority of the Roman world.
2. The Church gained support and rose to be a great world power for 1260 years with its Pope ruling like an emperor, during the years 606-1866 AD. [1]
3. The leaders of the Church (the Popes) have taken their seat in what they call the "temple of God" (actually St. Peter's in Rome), and proclaimed themselves to be God on earth. The very title "Pope" comes from the Latin word "papa" which means "father"[2], and Jesus warned us to "call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.” (Matthew 23:9). Thus the Popes and priests have taken upon themselves a title which only God deserves.
4. The Popes have not only blasphemed God by allowing themselves to be called "Pope", but have also allowed and encouraged such titles as "our Lord God the Pope"[3]," the Holy Father" [4], and the "Vicar of Christ" [5] to be used of themselves. The Roman Catholic Priests are also blasphemers of God in that the very name which they like to be called (''Father'') is specifically forbidden by Jesus Christ to be used of any man on earth because God is our Father (Matthew 23:9). Furthermore, according to a decree from the Council of Trent, priests are to be "called not only angels, but also God"[6], which blasphemes the God of heaven all the more!
5. The Church has believed and taught for centuries the incarnation of Christ, and that the Son of God had a pre-existence as a spirit. These two doctrines of the Church separate Christ from his body of flesh and their end result is that the Son of God did not come "In the flesh.”
6. For centuries the Church persecuted, tormented and even killed thousands of the people who would not join. There were times when it tortured and slaughtered anyone found reading the Bible. When men began translating the Bible into the common language of the people, the Church called them heretics and sought to burn or drown them. The pages of history are full of examples of men and women who were persecuted, tortured and even killed by the Church as it made "War on the saints and conquered them.”[7]
7. The Church and its leaders remain to be overthrown by Jesus when he returns. Since Jesus has not returned yet, we cannot look to history for the fulfillment of this event. But we know from the Word of God that the false religious system must be destroyed so that Jesus can replace it with his own system and establish the Kingdom of God.
For a more detailed account of how closely the Roman Catholic Church fits the characteristics in Scripture of the great apostate Church, the reader is encouraged to look into some of the many books available on the history of the papal Church.[8], Web (October 15, 2013)
1. Robert Fleming, The Rise and Fall of Rome Papal, (London: Houlston & Stoneman. Paternoster Row, 1849), pp. 45-46. (First edition printed in 1701 ) . Grattan Guiness, Light For the Last Days, (London: Morgan & Scott, 1918), pp. 207-208. E.B. Elliott, Horae Apocalypticae, (London: Seeley's, 1851), Vol. IV., pp. 276-280.
2. Webster's Third New International Dictionary, (William Benton, 1971), Vol. II, p. 1765.
3. Canon Law, Extravagans, quoted in F. Walker et all., Watchman! What of the Night?, (Bristol: F. Walker, The Dawn, 1942), p. 51
4. Henry Halley, Bible Handbook, (Chicago, 1956), p. 880.
5. Loraine Boettner, Roman Catholicism, (Philadelphia, The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1962), p. 127.
6. Ibid., p. 51.
7. The Rise and Fall of Rome Papal, p. 34. Cardinal Lepicier, The Stability and Progress of Dogma, (1910), p. 202. Bible Handbook, p. 898. Charles Gulston, No Greater Heritage, (London: The Paternoster Press, 1960), p. 210.
8. Robert Fleming, The Rise and Fall of Papal Rome. Henry Halley, Bible Handbook. G.H. Pember, Mystery Babylon the Great, (London: 1941). Leopold Ranke, The History of the Popes, (London: 1853). James Begg, The Whole Evidence Against the Claims of the Roman Church, (London; 1855). Joseph Priestly, A History of the Corruptions of Christianity, (London, 1871). John Bain, The Developments of Roman Catholicism, (London). Albert Close. The Divine Programme of the World's History, (London: The Protestant Truth Society, 1916).”
"Fifty-eight million American Roman Catholics call him "Holy Father" (in violation of Matthew 23:9). He is revered as the head of the church on earth (though Christ possesses all authority, in heaven and on earth, and is the exclusive head of the church (Matt. 28:18; Col. 1:18).
Devotees of the Catholic religion assert that he is the successor of "Saint Peter," and they contend that his authority is derived from the fact that the church was founded upon Peter. World leaders drool at his feet. The United States has an ambassador (supported with tax revenues) to his little "state" of 108 acres, the Vatican. We are speaking, of course, of the Roman pontiff, John Paul II.
The doctrine of the primacy of Peter, and the papal authority supposedly derived from the Lord's apostle, is the very foundation of Roman Catholicism. The system, however, is barren of any semblance of biblical support....
As a matter of fact, the term "pope" is not even in the New Testament!"
Reflections on the Pope, Christian Courier: Archives,
Wednesday, December 20, 2000
"How can we discover who we truly are?
I believe our great journey of transformation has three essential facets: first, remembrance of lineage, tradition, the ancestors, the primordial, the archaic sources and ways of life that transmit truth; second, revelation, vision, dreaming, the power to penetrate to source in the here and now; and third, creativity and action, leading to manifestation of the new vision.
The result can be a transformed society. Experience is a foretaste of revelry. Vision is a foretaste of the naked truth - where we no longer clutch and grasp for existence, but open to the sublimity of being itself. Then the creative power of the River can burst forth within us, giving birth to a new humanity that blesses the planet with cultures in harmony with the Emerald River's own mystery.”
Rowena Pattee Kryder, Wasteland or Human Transformation
(Rowena Pattee Kryder, M.F.A., Ph.D., is a mother, visionary artist, spiritual teacher, scholar, author, and founder of the Creative Harmonic Institute in Mount Shasta, California. She is a former faculty member of the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco. The Gaia Matrix Oracle is her most recent written work. The above essay is an excerpt from her unpublished trilogy The Emerald River of Compassion. Source: Georg and Trisha Lamb Feuerstein, Voices on the Threshold of Tomorrow, The Theosophical Publishing House, Quest Books, 1993, p. 20.)
“In his nature God is pure spirit. Very early in his self-disclosure as the author of the created universe, God is represented as the Spirit who brought light out of darkness, and order out of chaos (Gn. 1:2-3). Christ made this disclosure of God as the object of our worship to the woman of Samaria: "God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.” (Jn. 4:24). Between these two affirmations there are frequent references to the nature of God as pure spirit and as divine spirit. He is called the Father of spirits (Heb. 12:9), and the combination 'the Spirit of the living God' is frequently used.
In this respect we must distinguish between God and his creatures that are spiritual. When we say that God is pure spirit, it is to emphasize that he is not part spirit and part body as man is. He is simple spirit without form or parts, and for that reason he has no physical presence. When the Bible speaks of God as having eyes, ears, hands and feet, it is an attempt to convey to us the senses that these physical parts convey, for if we do not speak of God in physical terms we could not speak of him at all. This, of course, does not imply any imperfection in God. Spirit is not a limited or restricted form of existence, it is the perfect unit of being.
When we say that God is infinite spirit, we pass completely out of the reach of our experience. We are limited as to the time and place, as to knowledge and power. God is essentially unlimited, and every element of his nature is unlimited. His infinity as to time we call his eternity, as to knowledge his omniscience, as to power his omnipotence.”
Aaron-Golan, The Illustrated Bible Dictionary
“A growing feature of the debate has been the stress on cooperation rather than competition between the disciples of Jesus and those who follow other ancient Teachers of the Way. Followers of Jesus who advocate such cooperation insist that they are no less committed to the universality of his person and message than are advocates of the traditional methods of conquest through evangelization. The universality of Jesus, they urge, does not establish itself in the world through the obliteration of whatever elements of light and truth have already been granted to the nations of the world. For whatever the proximate and historical sources of that truth may have been, its ultimate source is God, the same God whom Jesus called Father; else the confession of the oneness of God is empty. Jesus was the Man Who Belongs to the World because he made it possible to appreciate more profoundly the full scope of the revelation of God wherever it had appeared in the history of the world, in the light in which his own message and meaning acquired more profound significance. In the eloquent paradox articulated by Archbishop Nathan Sderblom in his Gifford Lectures of 1931," the uniqueness of Christ as the historical revealer, as the Word made flesh, and the mystery of the Calvary," which are an "essential unique character of Christianity," compel the affirmation that "God reveals himself in history, outside the Church as well as in it.” So drastic a revision of the traditional Christian understanding that "There is salvation in no one lese [than Jesus], for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12), would inevitably invoke vigorous discussion.
Such proposals for redefining the universality of Jesus came just as scholars in the West were giving new attention to the languages and cultures of other traditions. In 1875, Friedrich Max Muller began the publication of the monumental Sacred Books of the East in fifty-one volumes, opening the riches of the eastern religious sages to readers who could not study the originals. In 1893, a World Parliament of Religions was held to draw the religious implication of the stubborn fact that the human race was not exclusively European and therefore not exclusively Christian. As the percentage of Christians in the total world population continues to decline, it seems inconceivable that the Christian church will ever replace all the other religions of humanity. If Jesus is to be the Man Who Belongs to the World, it will have to come by some other way.”
Jaroslav Pelikan, The Illustrated Jesus Through The Centuries
Yale University Press (1997) p. 246
“The Apocalypse of Peter, probably among the latest writings discovered at Nag Hammadi (c. 200-300), tells how dismayed Peter was to hear that many believers "will fall into an erroneous name" and "will be ruled heretically.”[95] The risen Christ explains to Peter that those who "name themselves bishop, and also deacon, as if they had received their authority from God," are, in reality, "waterless canals.”[96] Although they "do not understand mystery," they "boast that the mystery of truth belongs to them alone.”[97] ...
The controversy over resurrection, then, proved critical in shaping the Christian movement into an institutional religion. All Christians agreed in principal that only Christ himself - or God - can be the ultimate source of spiritual authority. But the immediate question, of course, was the practical one: Who, in the present, administers that authority?
Valentinus and his followers answered: Whoever comes into direct, personal contact with the "living One.” They argued that only one's own experience offers the ultimate criterion of truth, taking precedence over all secondhand testimony - even gnostic tradition! They celebrated every form of creative invention as evidence that a person has become spiritually alive. On this theory, the structure of authority can never be fixed into an institutional framework: it must remain spontaneous, charismatic, and open.
Those who rejected this theory argued that all future generations of Christians must trust the apostles' testimony - even more than their own experience ... Since the death of the apostles, believers must accept the word of the priests and bishops, who have claimed, from the second century, to be their only legitimate heirs ...
Certainly it is true that gnostics who ridiculed the idea of bodily resurrection frequently devalued the body, and considered its actions (sexual acts, for example) unimportant to the "spiritual" person. According to the Gospel of Thomas, for example, Jesus says,
"If spirit came into being because of the body, it is a wonder of wonders.
Indeed, I am amazed how this great wealth [the spirit] has made its home in this poverty [the body]. [101]
For the gnostics stood close to the Greek philosophic tradition (and, for that matter, to Hindu and Buddhist tradition) that regards the human spirit as residing "In" a body - as if the actual person were some sort of disembodied being who uses the body as an instrument but does not identify with it. Those who agree with Moltmann may find, then, that the orthodox doctrine of resurrection, far from negating bodily experience, affirmed it as a central fact of human life.
But in terms of the social order, as we have seen, the orthodox teaching on resurrection had a different effect: it legitimized a hierarchy of persons through whose authority all other persons must approach God. Gnostic teaching, as Irenaeus and Tertullian realized, was potentially subversive of this order: it claimed to offer to every initiate direct access to God of which the priests and bishops themselves might be ignorant. [102]"
Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Gospels
Random House, New York (1989) p. 24-7
95. Apocalypse of Peter 74.16-21, in NHL 341. Cf. Brashler, The Coptic Apocalypse of Peter; Perkins, "Peter in Gnostic Revelations."
96. Apocalypse of Peter 79.24-30, in NHL 343,
97. Ibid., 76.27-34, in NHL 342,
101. Gospel of Thomas, 38.33-39.2, in NHL 121,
102. Cf. E. Leach, Melchisedek and the Emperor: Icons of Subversion and Orthodoxy, in Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institution of Great Britain and Ireland for 1972 (London, 1973), 1 ff.)"
“Although a devout Catholic himself, Nostradamus' prophecies do not bode well for the Vatican. In his letter to Henry II of France on June 27, 1558, Nostradamus wrote that the "great Vicar of the Cope (the Pope) shall be put back to his pristine state; but, desolated and abandoned by all, will return to the sanctuary destroyed by Paganism, when the Old and New Testament will be thrust out and burnt.”
Nostradamus is not the only prophet to foresee the collapse of the papacy. St. Malachy's predictions about the succession of popes from 1143 to the present have proven correct, even though he died in 1148 ...
Malachy's prophecies were supposed to extend from 1143 to "The end of the world.” And, according to them, there are but two popes remaining. Malachy called the last "Petrus Romanus," or Peter of Rome, and said he "Will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the Judge will judge the people.” Further evidence of the coming collapse of the Catholic Church is also believed to have been foretold by no less than the Virgin of Fatima ...
The third prophecy was kept hidden until 1942. The children refused to reveal what they had been told, but one of them forwarded it to the Vatican, where it was kept secret. Even now, only the part concerning the war has been released, despite the Lady's instruction that it should be fully disclosed in 1960. There is reason to belief that the remainder deals with the destruction of the Church somewhere around the year 2000. On October 15, 1963, a German newspaper printed what it said was the text of the prophecy: "For the Church too, the time of its greatest trial will come. Cardinals will oppose cardinals and bishops against bishops. Satan will march in their midst and there will be great changes in Rome. What is rotten will fall, never to rise again. The church will be darkened and the world will shake in terror. "La loy du Sol, & Venus contendens.” "
Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon: Visions of a New Millennium
A Time Warner Company (1997) p. 69.
“According to Catholic belief and traditional practice, all power to govern, to teach, to administer the temporal and spiritual affairs of the Catholic Church whether in Rome or elsewhere originates in the pope as Christ's representative. The pope is the first source and the ultimate recourse in the power structure. That one man as pope is given the plenitude of power. All others merely share in it. This is why all positions of power, except that of pope, are appointive: Power is given them by the pope. Only the position of pope is attained by election.
But the man elected pope does not receive his papal power from the cardinal-electors who vote him in. They do not possess that power. Catholic belief and dogma is that if a man is validly elected by the authorized electors, the cardinals, then God automatically confers the plenitude of power directly on the pope-elect.”
Malachi Martin, Rich Church, Poor Church
G. P. Putnam's Sons (1984) p. 87
(Dr. Martin, formerly a Jesuit priest and a professor at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, received his doctorate in Semitic languages, archaeology and Oriental history at the University of Louvain. He also studied at Oxford and at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. His published books include a two-volume work, The Scribal Character of the Dead Sea Scrolls [1958], and several studies of Semitic paleography. He has done archaeological works at diggings in Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan, and he speaks modern Arabic as well as Hebrew.)
“The whole root of the historic insufficiency of religion as a guide and control of human society lies there. Churches and creeds have, for example, stood violently in the way of philosophy and science, burned a Giordano Bruno, imprisoned a Galileo, and so generally misconducted themselves in this matter that philosophy and science had in self-defense to turn upon religion and rend her to pieces in order to get a free field for their legitimate development; and this because men in the passion and darkness of their vital nature had chosen to think that religion was bound up with certain fixed intellectual conceptions about God and the world which could not stand scrutiny, and therefore scrutiny had to be put down by fire and sword; scientific and philosophical truth had to be denied in order that religious error might survive. We see too that a narrow religious spirit often oppresses and impoverishes the joy and beauty of life, either from an intolerant asceticism or, as the Puritans attempted it, because they could not see that religious austerity is not the whole of religion, though it may be an important side of it, is not the sole ethico-religious approach to God, since love, charity, gentleness, tolerance, kindliness are also and even more divine, and they forgot or never knew that God is love and beauty as well as purity. In politics religion has often thrown itself on the side of power and resisted the coming of larger political ideals, because it was itself, in the form of a Church, supported by power and because it confused religion with the Church, or because it stood for a false theocracy, forgetting that true theocracy is the kingdom of God in man and not the kingdom of a Pope, a priesthood or a sacerdotal class.”
Sri Aurobindo, The Future Evolution of Man (August 1962.)
(Mountain Man Graphics, Australia in the Southern Spring of 1996.)
“The Pope and the Council contained aspects of papal history completely unknown to me. I had been brought up as a Catholic, had gone through the usual six-year seminary course prior to ordination, had graduated from a Catholic university, the Gregorianum in Rome, and had never come across such ideas. This is partly to be explained by the partisan nature of seminary education and the fact that in such establishments history is a Cinderella subject. The misbehaviour of popes is lightly dwelt or even excised, rather in the way that Trotsky was cut out of all Soviet history by Stalin ... My ignorance must also be set down to the preference Catholics have for a history of the papacy that can be read with white gloves on. It is not easy to admit that one's leaders were often barbarians, or that the good popes sometimes did far more harm than good.
Thus, quite late in my career, I felt obliged to examine the history of Catholic ideas and institutions, the later of course including the papacy. It was a long and sometimes painful form of a self-education.”
Peter de Rosa, Vicars of Christ: The Dark Side of the Papacy
Bantam Press (1988) p. 455-56.
(Peter de Rosa is author of many books including Bless Me, Father, Christ and Original Sin, and Jesus Who became Christ. In Vicars of Christ. He dispels myths about the papacy in favor of hard facts, and provides everyone, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, with the true, alarming story of the dark origins of the Church.) Most Helpful Customer Reviews
Syllabus of Errors... And Crimes
By "Bute2" on May 12, 2004
"This book had me shaking with laughter and trembling with rage--rage at the misdeeds of the papacy, not the book. It brilliantly recounts the endless crimes, hypocrisies, errors, indecencies, murders, debaucheries, illogicalities, idiocies and fanaticisms of the papacy from the "first pope" to the present. It is written in a highly engaging and breezy journalistic style, with more than a dash of humour and wit. For the most part the author lets the deeds (or rather, misdeeds) of the Bishops of Rome speak for themselves, although his own dim view of his subject is abundantly clear throughout. He is himself a former priest (educated at the Gregorian University in Rome) who unfolds the theologial groundlessness of the office of Pope itself, the ethical depravity of a depressingly high percentage of its occupants, the religious zealotry of many Popes, and the laughable absurdity of so many Roman Catholic doctrines such as Papal Infallibility. The overall effect of this is devastating for the Papacy, which emerges from the pages of this book as one of the most hypocritical, malevolent and unjustifiable institutions in human history--which is saying a great deal. The book is the perfect antidote to the awe in which the office of Pope is held today, and a very welcome reminder of the dark history of a powerful institution built on a mountain of absurdities and atrocities that we all-too-easily forget. De Rosa has done his readers a great service in putting that history into a single volume without mincing his words of pulling his punches. Read it and weep.”
Web (Sept. 28, 2014)
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