Angels, Messengers And Spirit (Ruh) Have Come By Allah’s Permission
“This surah begins with an appeal to five things, as pointing to the substantive statements in verse 7, that the Day of Justice and Judgement is bound to come, and we must prepare for it. It is difficult to translate but easy to understand, if we remember that a triple thread of allegory runs through this passage (verses 1-7.) The five things or phases, which will be presently considered in detail, refers to (a) Winds in the physical world, (b) Angels in the spiritual world, and (c) Prophets in the human world, connecting it with the spiritual world.”
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, surah 77:1-50 Al Mursalat (Those Sent Forth)
“So it is all described in Koran. There’s a complete surah describing about ‘The Sent One’, means the Avatar, means ‘The Incarnation’. And also said that you won’t believe, you won’t accept and all those things.”
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Note: For “(a) Winds in the physical world” all Muslims must read this PDF document before approaching the entire surah 77:1-50 Al Mursalat (Those Sent Forth). This Sure Sign (a) must be precisely met before (b) descend to (c). We hereby declare that any Muslim who denies these Sure Signs is a kafir and will meet the fate that surah 77:1-50 Al Mursalat condemns all unbelievers to! Then what Message after that will they believe in?
The Holy Qur’n

Al-Mursalat: Those Sent Forth Have Arrived
1. By the (Winds) Sent Forth (5863) one after another (to man’s profit); (5864)
2. Which then blow violently in tempestuous Gusts (5865)
3. And scatter (things) far and wide;
4. Then separate them one from another
5. Then spread abroad a Message (5866)
6. Whether of Justification or of Warning
7. Assuredly what ye are promised must come to pass.
8. Then when the stars become dim;
9. When the heaven is cleft asunder;
10. When the mountains are scattered (to the winds) as dust;
11. And when the apostles are (all) appointed a time (to collect)
12. For what Day are these (Portents) deferred?
13. For the Day of Sorting out.
14. And what will explain to thee what is the Day of Sorting out?
15. Ah woe that Day to the Rejecters of Truth!
16. Did We not destroy the men of old (for their evil)?
17. So shall We make later (generations) follow them.
18. Thus do We deal with men of sin.
19. Ah woe that Day to the Rejecters of Truth!
20. Have We not created you from a fluid (held) despicable?
21. The which We placed in a place of rest firmly fixed.
22. For a period (of gestation) determined (according to need)?
23. For We do determine (according to need); for We are the best to determine (things)!
24. Ah woe that Day to the Rejecters of Truth!
25. Have We not made the earth (as a place) to draw together
26. The living and the dead
27. And made therein mountains standing firm lofty (in stature); and provided for you water sweet (and wholesome)?
28. Ah woe that Day to the Rejecters of Truth!
29. (It will be said:) “Depart ye to that which ye used to reject as false!
30. “Depart ye to a shadow (of smoke ascending) in three columns
31. “(Which yields) no shade of coolness and is of no use against the fierce Blaze.
32. “Indeed it throws about sparks (huge) as forts
33. “As if there were (a string of) yellow camels (marching swiftly).”
34. Ah woe that Day to the Rejecters of Truth!
35. That will be a Day when they shall not be able to speak
36. Nor will it be open to them to put forth pleas.
37. Ah woe that Day to the Rejecters of Truth!
38. That will be a Day of Sorting out! We shall Gather you together and those before (you)!
39. Now if ye have a trick (or plot) use it against Me!
40. Ah woe that Day to the Rejecters of Truth!
41. As to the Righteous they shall be amidst (cool) shades and springs (of water).
42. And (they shall have) fruits all they desire.
43. “Eat ye and drink ye to your heart’s content: for that ye worked (Righteousness).”
44. Thus do We certainly reward the Doers of Good.
45. Ah woe that Day to the Rejecters of Truth!
46. (O ye Unjust!) Eat ye and enjoy yourselves (but) a little while for that ye are Sinners.
47. Ah woe that Day to the Rejecters of Truth!
48. And when it is said to them “Prostrate yourselves!” They do not so.
49. Ah woe that Day to the Rejecters of truth!
50. Then what Message after that will they believe in?
surah 77:1-50 Al Mursalat (Those Sent Forth)
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’n, Amana Corporation, 1989.
“5863. This surah begins with an appeal to five things, as pointing to the substantive statements in verse 7, that the Day of Justice and Judgement is bound to come, and we must prepare for it. It is difficult to translate but easy to understand, if we remember that a triple thread of allegory runs through this passage (verses 1-7.) The five things or phases, which will be presently considered in detail, refers to (a) Winds in the Physical world, (b) Angels in the spiritual world, and (c) Prophets in the human world, connecting it with the spiritual world.
5864. Understanding the reference to Winds, we can see that they are powerful factors in the government of the physical world.
5865. If we understand the reference to be, not to Winds, but to Angels, they are agencies in the spiritual world, which carry out similar functions, changing and revolutionising the face of the world. (1) They come softly, on beneficent errands of Mercy: (2) they are charged with the mission of punishment and destruction for sin as in the case of two angels who came to Lut (15:57-66); (3) they distribute Allah’s Mercies as the Winds distribute good seeds; (4) they sort out good from the evil among men; and (5) they are the agency through which Allah’s Messages and Revelations are conveyed to the Prophets (see No. 5 in the last note.)
5866. If we understand the reference to Prophets or Messengers of Allah, or the verses of Revelation which would be particularly appropriate for verses 5-6, we also get a satisfactory solution of the Allegory. (1) The Prophets have followed one another in a series: the verses of the Qur’an came, one after another as needed; in both cases it was for man’s spiritual profit; (2) they caused great disturbance in a spiritually decadent world; they pulled down evil institutions root and branch, and substituted new ones; (3) they proclaimed their truths far and wide, without fear and without favour; (4) through them were sorted out men of Faith and rebels against Allah’s Law; and (5) they gave a Message, through which just men were justified through repentance, and evil men were warned of their sins. Some Commentators take one or other of these allegories, and some apply one allegory to a few of the verses, and another to a few. In my opinion the allegory is wide enough to comprehend all the meanings which I have sketched. I wish a translation could do justice to those marvelously terse sentences in the original.”
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’an, 1989, p. 1578.
It is easy to understand these precise conditions:
i) Winds in the Physical world,
ii) Angels in the spiritual world, and
iii) Prophets in the human world, connecting it with the spiritual world.
All these three specific circumstances were met between July 14-16, 1995, at Guru Puja, Camp Talooli, Syracuse, USA. Every Sahaja Yogi present bears testimony to this Truth, even though they never saw the Angels with their physical eyes (photograph is presented as evidence).
Islamic scholars, century after century, find it difficult to comprehend such simple sentences and make little sense in their interpretations. Furthermore, they are perplexed by the diverse complexity of this verse:
— Why the Announcement (An-Naba) of both Salvation and Retribution?
— When will the Angels spread this Message of Mercy?
— Who are these prophets that will come for humankind’s spiritual profit?
— How will they cause a “great disturbance in a spiritually decadent world”?
— How will they pull “down evil institutions root and branch” and substitute new ones?
— What Truth will be proclaimed “far and wide, without fear and without favour”?
— How will they sort “out men of Faith and rebels against Allah’s Law”?
Future generations will say that “They gave a Message, through which just men were justified through repentance, and evil men were warned of their sins.” What is this Message and who are the Messengers?
Abdullah Yusuf Ali and his scholars wished that “A translation could do justice to those marvelously terse sentences in the original.” They had absolutely no answers because this was a Divine Event that had not even manifested itself. Put simple, this verse referred explicitly to a prophecy that yet had to take place! The entire Islamic world is now called to bear testimony to this Revelation in the next paragraph and confirm with their eyes if it is indeed the Truth.
The only natural phenomenon as the Angels arrived was the awesome display of nature — violent winds, lightning crackling and thunder bursting all around the surrounding areas throughout Friday night. Furious winds, rare in Syracuse, New York, cut off power supply to that area. Throughout the night streaks of awesome thunderbolts and distant thunderclaps blasted the surrounding area. Kash’s father stayed awake intermittently until early dawn to watch this majestic nocturnal exhibition. It was the first time in his life such a massive display of the forces of nature were seen in full fury, rare even in monsoon Malaysia, his country of birth. For some reason there was much lightning, as if the negativity of the entire area was being blasted away before the arrival of the Celestial Beings. Unknown to all, the Qur’anic prophecy of Those That Are Sent Forth was being fulfilled, right down to the precise weather conditions! The majority of Islamic scholars interpret surah 77:1-7 as that of Angels descending during violent weather and these exacting conditions have been met. The lightning, thunder and violent winds that thrashed the area around Camp Talooli, Syracuse, USA on Friday 14, 1995, is proof that this prophecy has been fulfilled down to the smallest detail.
The next day Allah’s Angels (Those Sent Forth) descended to attend the sacred ceremony to Allah’s Ruh performed by Her followers. This incident thus fulfils yet another prophecy of the Qur’an, plugging all loopholes for the Unbelievers (Al-Kafirun) to wriggle out, whether they want to interpret it as Winds or Angels! They will not be able to deny Allah’s Revelations and the Sure Signs (Bayyinat) of Qiyamah. And the miracle photograph is visual proof to all humankind that His Angels were present, and paid homage to the image of His Holy Spirit. What excuse will humans now fabricate to deny Allah, His Ruh, His Angels, and His messengers on Earth spreading His Announcement (An-Naba) of Qiyamah Abdullah Yusuf Ali and his scholars also forgot that the fulfillment of the Quranic prophecies required His Grace, Al-Qadar (Divine Predetermination) and Divine Intervention! But now there is going to be massive Muslim reaction. As far as they are concerned Allah has no business dealing with kafirs (non-Muslim heathens). May the Islamic nations who are going to challenge His Call of Qiyamah heed its dire consequences.
But this warning will be discarded because the Quranic prophecy of Muslims (except perhaps the Shiites) returning home after hearing the announcement of Qiyamah, and denouncing it, is yet to be fulfilled. The entire Sunni Ummah will defy the Great News (surah 78:1-5 An-Naba) of Qiyamah.
Concerning what are they disputing?
Concerning the Great News (5889) about which they cannot agree.
Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!
Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!
surah 78:1-5 Al Naba’ (The Great News)
“5889. Great News: Usually understood to mean the News or Message of the Resurrection or the Hereafter.”
Abdullah Yusuf Ali The Holy Qur’n
Be forewarned, Unbelievers (Al-Kafirun), be forewarned!
O ye who believe!
Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do so often:
And glorify Him morning and evening.
He it is Who sends blessings on you, as do His angels,
That He may bring you out from the depths of Darkness into Light:
And He is full of Mercy to His Believers.
Surah 33:41-3 Al Ahzab (The Confederates)
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’n, Amana Corporation, 1989.
“The heavens and the earth include mankind and all other creatures and millions of stars. Man is himself but a tiny part of creation. Why should he be so egocentric? The whole is greater than a tiny part of it. And Allah who created the whole of the Worlds is able to do much more wonderful things than can enter the imagination of man. Why should man be arrogant and doubt the Resurrection, and take upon himself to doubt the possibility of Allah’s Revelation? It is only because he has made himself blind.”
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’n, 1989, p. 1220.
“There are profound mysteries which the knowledge of men cannot fathom but which are open knowledge to Allah, because He plans, guides and controls all things. The precise time of the Hour of Judgement is one of these. We are not to dispute about matters like these, which are matters of speculation as far as human intelligence is concerned…. When the final restoration of good values comes, all falsehood will be exposed openly and publicly.”
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’n, 1989, p. 1207.)
His Spirit And His Angels Have Revealed Message
We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power: [6217]
And what will explain to thee what the Night of Power is?
The Night of Power is better than a thousand Months.
Therein come down the angels, and the Spirit by Allah’s permission,
On every errand: Peace! This until the rise of morn!
surah 97:1-5 Al Qadr (The Night of Power and Honour)
(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’an, Amana Corporation, 1989.)
“6217… . It is best to take this in the mystic sense, which also accords with verse 3 below, which says that the Night of Power is better than a thousand Nights. It transcends Time: for it is Allah’s Power dispelling the Darkness of Ignorance, by His Revelation, in every kind of affair.
The subject matter is the mystic Night of Power (or Honour), in which Revelation comes down to a benighted world — it may be to the wonderful Cosmos of an individual — and transforms the conflict of wrongdoing into Peace and Harmony — through the agency of the angelic host, representing the spiritual powers of the Mercy of Allah.”
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’n
(Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Amana Corporation, 1989.)
Lo! We revealed it on the Night of Predestination.
Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Night of Power is?
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
The angels and the Spirit descend therein, by the permission of their Lord,
With all decrees. (The night is) Peace until the rising of the dawn.
surah 97:1-5 (Al Qadr)
Mohammed Pickthall, The Meaning of the Glorious Quran,
University of Michigan.
predestination 1 Theol. the doctrine that a) God foreordained everything that would happen b) God predestines certain souls to salvation and, esp. in Calvinism, others to damnation 2 a predestinating or being predestined; destiny; fate
angels 1 Theol. a) a messenger of God b) a supernatural being, either good or bad, to whom are attached greater than human power, intelligence, etc. 2 a guiding spirit or influence [one’s good angel]
Spirit 1 a) the life principle, esp. in man. orig. regarded as inherent in the breath or as infused by a deity b) soul 2 the thinking, motivating, feeling part of man, often as distinguished from the body; mind; intelligence 3 life, will, consciousness, thought, etc., regarded as separate from matter
Descend 1 to move from a higher to a lower place, or go down 2 to pass from an earlier to a later time, from greater to less, from general to particular, etc. permission the act of permitting; esp. formal consent; leave;
license [permission to go]
decree(s) 1 an official order, edict, or decision, as of a church, government, court, etc. 2 something that is or seems to be foreordained
dispensation Theol. a) the ordering of events under divine authority b) any religious system”
Webster New World Dictionary
Third College Ed., Simon & Schuster, 1988.
O ye that believe! Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do so often;
And glorify Him morning and evening.
He it is Who sends blessings on you, as do His angels,
That He may bring you out from the depths of Darkness into Light: And He is full of Mercy to His Believers.
surah 33: 43 Al Ahzabi (The Confederates)
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’n, Amana Corporation, 1989.
A questioner asked about a Penalty to befall [5675] —
The Unbelievers, the which there is none to ward off —
(A Penalty) from Allah, Lord of the Ways of Ascent. [5676]
The angels and the Spirit [5677] ascend unto Him in a Day,
The measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years.
surah 70: 1-4 Al Ma’rij (The Ways of Ascent)
“5675. Any one might ask, when will Judgement come? That question usually implies doubt. The answer is: the mystery of Time is beyond man’s comprehension … we are reminded of another title of Allah,” Lord of the Ways of Ascent”; which means that though He sits high on His Throne of Glory, He is not inaccessible, but His infinite Mercy has provided ways of ascent to Him; see next note.
5676. Ma’rij: stairways, ways of ascent … Here there is a profound spiritual meaning. Can we reach up to Allah Most High? In His infinite grace He gives that privilege to angels and spiritual beings, man being such in his highest aspect. But the way is not easy, nor can it be traveled in a day.
5677. Ruh: “The Spirit,” Cf. 78:38,” the Spirit and the angels”; and 97:4,” the angels and the Spirit.” In 16:2, we have translated Ruh by “Inspiration.” Some commentators understand the angel Gabriel by “The Spirit. “But I think a more general meaning is possible.”
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’an
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’n, Amana Corporation, 1989.

The Ruh Shri Mataji
Mar 21, 1923—Feb 23, 2011
“Even in the Judaism or when they believe in the coming of the Saviour for their salvation, even they have talked about. So it is all described in Koran. There’s a complete Surah describing about ‘The Sent One’, means ‘the Avatar’, means ‘The Incarnation’. And also said that you won’t believe, you won’t accept and all those things. So now, once you are realized souls, then only you start seeing that all this talk is futile. You have to become a realized person. If you get your realization, then only you can get over the superficial illusions and you can go deep into it. All these illusions are there in all the countries, in all the religions and that’s why there is a problem and we have seen people suffering from the pangs of fundamentalism.
And now the main problem is fundamentalism and that comes out of ignorance ignorance and also selfishness because people want to say that This is my religion, this is my prophet, this is my guru, this is my master and all those things, but actually they don’t belong to any party, to anyone. They belong to the whole world. One can understand if you establish something for your protection from other parties, but to start yourself in a way to establish a falsehood surprisingly very surprising, I don’t understand human beings. For such falsehood, they are very happy to join and so many will join. Without even thinking, knowing, they’ll all club together for a nonsense like that. For a nonsense, human beings always club together, but for a sensible thing they don’t want to understand.”
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
January 7, 1990—India
I do call to witness the Resurrection Day;
And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit.

Concerning what are they disputing?
Concerning the Great News. [5889]
About which they cannot agree.
Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!
Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!
surah 78:1-5 Al Naba’ (The Great News)
“5889. Great News: usually understood to mean the News or Message of the Resurrection.”
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’n, Amana Corporation, 1989.