“And when Jesus foreannounced another Comforter, He must have intended a Person as distinct and helpful as He had been.”- F. B. Meyer

That word, “another”—”He shall give you another Comforter”—is in itself sufficient to prove the Divinity and Personality of the Holy Ghost. If a man promises to send another as his substitute, we naturally expect to see a man like himself, occupying his place, and doing his work. And when Jesus foreannounced another Comforter, He must have intended a Person as distinct and helpful as He had been. A breath, an afflatus, an impersonal influence could not have stood in the same category as Himself.
There are those who think that the Holy Spirit is to the Lord what a man’s spirit is to the body; and imagine that our Lord simply intended that the spirit of His life-teaching and self-sacrifice would brood over and inspire His followers; but this could not have fulfilled the promise of “the other Comforter.” It would simply have been Himself over again, though no longer as a living Person; rather as the momentum and energy of a receding force which gets weaker and even weaker as the ages pass. Thus the spirit of Napoleon or of Caesar is becoming little more than a dim faint echo of footsteps that once shook the world.
Jesus knew how real and helpful He had been to His followers—the centre around which they had rallied; their Teacher, Brother, Master; and He would not have tantalized them by promising another Paraclete, unless He had intended to announce the advent of One who would adjust to their needs with that quickness of perception, and sufficiency of resource, which characterize a personal Leader and Administrator. There were times approaching when the little band would need counsel, direction, sympathy, the interpretation of a strong wise Hand—qualities which could not be furnished by the remembrance of the past, fading like colors on clouds when the sun has set; and which could only be secured by the presence of a strong, wise, ever-present Personality. “I have been one Paraclete,” said the Lord in effect; “but I am going to plead your cause with the Father, that another Paraclete may take My place, to be My other self, and to bide with you forever.””
F. B. Meyer, Love to the Utmost
The Echo Library (2008), pp. 42-3
The Paraclete Or Coming World Mother
“The Message of the Comforter does not detract in any way from the teachings of Jesus the Christ. It does not encroach on the long-established system of organised, orthodox belief. On the contrary, the World Mother is coming into physical manifestation at this critical time to expound the teachings of the Christ, to present them in a form that will be acceptable to all God’s children, to draw the peoples of the earth together, to unite, to bind, to gather the scattered flocks of the human family; to function as the Comforter of the world during the period described in the Scriptures as “the last tribulations,” and to prepare the physical bodies of the human race to receive the Spirit of Christ.

All this is in the strict accord with Bible prophecy. No mention is made of the visible presence of our Lord on earth during the great tribulations, but special emphasis is laid on the fact that He will come soon after. In the 24th Chapter of St. Matthew in the 29th and 30th verses the order of events to be expected is put so clearly that there is no mistaking it: “Immediately after the tribulations of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken; and then shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven; and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”
Instead of speculating on the time and manner of His Coming, we should be preparing to meet the “tribulations” and to make ourselves worthy to receive Him when He comes. By watching the signs of the times and studying the teachings of thousands of inspired souls I think we may safely conclude that a change of some sort is pending. No matter what our beliefs may be the atmosphere is pregnant with meaning, and if we accept the prophecies of the Scriptures to the effect that Jesus the Christ will not be here in manifestation to our physical senses to help us through the crisis (whatever it may be) then the question confronts us whether we are to be utterly forsaken and deserted in a time of peril and confusion? We have no earthly leader in whom we can put our full confidence; on the contrary, the leaders in every department of life have reached the point of despair in their helplessness. But why all this despair? Did Jesus not promise to send us help? Did He not distinctly say, “I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter?” (St. John 14, vs. 16.) This throws a flood of light on the subject – it is the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who will lead us through the abyss.
The only difference between the teachings of this little book and those of the Scriptures lies in the fact that the writer sees the Holy Spirit in the garb of a Woman, a Mother. Time alone will show us whether this is correct or not. No one who is under a delusion is mentally equipped to create the form of a mighty Being who is able to manifest among men as a leader, able to give expression to the powers of the Spirit in prophecy, in healing, in telepathy, in working the signs and wonders and miracles which we are wont to associate with the life of Jesus, and Jesus alone, in spite of the fact that He said “The works that I do shall ye do also; and greater works than these shall ye do.”
A modern Messiah who is able to save the situation at the eleventh hour would naturally manifest in such irresistible power that all our reasoning will be swept away. And that is what I expect; a demonstration of the power and majesty of God in the fragrant beauty of an earthly, feminine form, a comforting, womanly presence whose mission will be far more effectively carried out because it presents the most unexpected deliverance. I have asked myself a thousand times why the identity of the Mother has been concealed throughout the ages and this is the only explanation that has occurred to me—that a most unusual, most powerful stroke of Divine Genius would be necessary to pave the remnant destined to survive the ordeal. Otherwise “no flesh” will be saved. The revelation of the Cosmic Mother as Comforter and the arming of the nations on an unprecedented scale occur at the same time in the history of the world. This is no coincidence.”
Johanna Brandt, The Paraclete OR Coming World Mother, 1936, pp. 4-5
“The Comforter will be an incarnation of the Holy Spirit as Jesus was of the Spirit of Christ. As Cosmic Mother She holds a superior position, far beyond the conception of a finite mind, and it will no more be possible for us to understand Her character and functions than if She represented the Creator Himself. It is on that account that Jesus said that the Comforter, when She comes, would not speak of Herself.”
Johanna Brandt, The Paraclete or Coming World Mother (1936), p. 37

The Messiah-Paraclete
Shri Mataji: “I am the one about which Christ has talked.”
“Normally I don’t tell about Myself but today he exposed me. As soon as I came I had to tell because it’s not tactful. it’s not tactful to say anything. it’s better that you discover Me than I tell you because Christ was crucified, everybody was tortured. I do not want to hamper My work because it makes no difference by telling you anything before Realization. it’s better to tell you after Realization that I am the Holy Ghost—no doubt. I am the one about which Christ has talked.
I have told them. I had never said this on from a platform and I told. They have been telling Me, “Mother, You must say that once.” I said, “In America I’ll declare it.” So today I declare that I am the Holy Ghost. I am the Holy Spirit who has incarnated on this Earth for your realization.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Born realized are the people who were realized long time back, before they were born in this lifetime. So they clear out much faster than you do, because they have done the clearing before also, so they clear out very fast. They normally do not take to all the perversions and all the temptations that you take to, and they are very different type of people. They are unique and cynical because when they are born they find the rest of them are going the other way and they don’t know how to deal with the others and with the situation.
They become cynical, and they have their own ideas, and maybe these born realized might develop their ego, also, quite a lot. Normally they do not take to temptations — normally — but if they go to it they will see to it that they have it fully, and, while you people have a very great capacity for one thing, because you know your realization; it happened in your own awareness. When you were aware of it, you saw the happening. So you understand the value of it. Supposing you are born in a rich family, then you don’t understand the value of richness.
But supposing you are not born in a rich family and suddenly you get lot of riches, then you can compare what I was and what I am. In the same way in Sahaja Yoga when you are not realized and you get realization, you can compare. And then the value of realization is much greater for a Sahaja Yogi than for a just a realized soul; some realized souls also may understand but they are more individualistic, they are not so much collective, as you people are. Secondly, because you have gone through that, in this lifetime and in your own memory all the wrong things you have done… you have much more compassion and understanding for other people, who have got these things.
While these who are realized people do not have much of that patience for others and they have their own way of doing things. If they come to Sahaja Yoga they could be very dynamic and very great, no doubt. But they will not take to Sahaja Yoga easily because they think they are alright. “Why should we accept anything else now?” Because, sort of, they are satisfied people. But they cannot help the humanity unless and until they learn the thing.
Like a man, say, who’s very clever, very intelligent, is a child born, very intelligent. He doesn’t like to go to a school. But he misses all the other things of the school: the discipline of the school, the complete knowledge of the school. He might be alright I mean, he’s quite intelligent, but he lacks all that, which one can get it in a school in a proper way. Apart from that he lacks that companionship with Me. Because I have given you realization, so you feel Me much more than they can.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
#1: All scriptures—from the Bhagavads to Bible, Upanishads to Koran, Vedas to Torah, Puranas to Guru Granth Sahib—ultimately point to Her as the Absolute!
Yahoo forum post # 18765
October 7, 2017
Note: So Pamela, as disciples of the Paraclete, all we need to understand is this:
“The Comforter will be an incarnation of the Holy Spirit as Jesus was of the Spirit of Christ. As Cosmic Mother She holds a superior position, far beyond the conception of a finite mind, and it will no more be possible for us to understand Her character and functions than if She represented the Creator Himself. It is on that account that Jesus said that the Comforter, when She comes, would not speak of Herself.”
Johanna Brandt, The Paraclete OR Coming World Mother (1936), pg. 37
So to know more and merge with the Cosmic Mother I have requested we all have The Devi Gita with us at all times. We will go very slowly, often in long concentric circles with the COSMIC MOTHER in the center. That I am now, again, talking about the DIVINE MOTHER is part of a concentric circle ……………… one of the countless that you will experience over the course of this forum.
What I am trying to say is that at all times the point of our attention, in relation to what is being discussed, should be the center i.e., the COSMIC MOTHER. Whether it is Jesus, the Resurrection, kundalini, WCASY, fools, vegetarian diet, Bible, etc. we must be able to have HER in our consciousness ………………….. 24/7. SHE must be at all times the center towards which our lives will always gravitate to.
The Devi Gita gives us an ever-widening, spectacular, panoramic view for those dulled and constrained by the tiny windows of their holy scriptures. For example, the tiny centuries-old window through which Jews, Christians, and Muslims have viewed future salvation is, at best, dim and vague. The Devi Gita, on the other hand, has an entire chapter on Kundalini awakening (second birth by the Spirit) through which the Paraclete Shri Mataji bestows the gift of Resurrection and life eternal. It is a view that few will ever see, unless they unconditionally believe in heart, body, and soul (literally!)* that the “Comforter will be an incarnation of the Holy Spirit as Jesus was of the Spirit of Christ.”
* Literally, because SHE resides in all three!
Yahoo forum post # 18767
October 8, 2017
“Indeed, the Goddess herself in the Devi Gita frequently quotes from the Bhagavad Gita, as well as from other Hindu scriptures, but with the understanding that all such passages ultimately point to her as the Absolute.” Brown (1998) 2
“You see, the Holy Ghost is the Mother. When they say about the Holy Ghost, She is the Mother… Now, the principle of Mother is in every, every scripture – has to be there.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Radio Interview 1983 Oct 01, Santa Cruz, USA
“She is the universal, cosmic energy known as Sakti, and the psychophysical, guiding force designated as the Kundalini (Serpent Power) resident within each individual.” Brown (1998) 2
“Now, the Mother’s character is that She is the one who is the Womb, She is the one who is the Mother Earth, and She is the one who nourishes you. She nourishes us, you know that. And, this feminine thing in every human being resides as this Kundalini.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Radio Interview 1983 Oct 01, Santa Cruz, USA
“There are no images of God the Father in Sophian tradition. The Father represents the transcendental aspect of God, which is formless, nameless, and only known through God The Mother, which is the immanent aspect of God. The Father is the Great Unmanifest and The Mother is All Manifestation. Thus, the Divine Mother is God ever near to us—as near as our breath, the beat of our hearts and our very bodies, material and spiritual. She is the All-in-All according to Sophian teachings, and being the matrix of creation and the archetypical principle of form, images of The Mother abound.” Malachi (2005) 82
“She is eternal, without origin or birth, yet she is born in this world in age after age, to support those who seek her assistance.” Brown (1998) 2
“We have the Mother within ourselves, in our hearts, and if She is awakened, She is going to look after us. She is going to give all the protection that is needed. And there is nothing to be frightened of anything.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Precisely to provide comfort and guidance to her devotees, she presents herself in the Devi Gita to reveal the truths leading both to worldly happiness and to the supreme spiritual goals: dwelling in her Jeweled Island and mergence into her own perfect being.” Brown (1998) 2
“it’s not tactful to say anything. it’s better that you discover me than I tell you because Christ was crucified, everybody was tortured. I do not want to hamper my work because it makes no difference by telling you anything before Realization. it’s better to tell you after Realization that I am the Holy Ghost — no doubt. I am the one about which Christ has talked.
I have told them I had never said this on from a platform, and I told. They have been telling me ‘Mother, you must say that once.’ I said, ‘In America I’ll declare it.’ So today I declare that I am the Holy Ghost. I am the Holy Spirit who has incarnated on this Earth for your realization.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
New York, USA 30 September 1980

“I conclude the chapter by suggesting that the teaching of the Holy Spirit/Paraclete, because it is understood as the continuation of Jesus’ teaching, is also regarded as the fulfillment of the promise of eschatological divine instruction.” Witmer (2008) 107
“At the heart of Christianity stands the figure of Jesus and the message he embodies. In the Greek language of the New Testament, this message was called euangelion. We traditionally translate that word as “gospel,” but in modern English it would be more exact to translate it as “good news.” …
Christianity is about two thousand years old. In that time, it has developed many aspects that are related loosely, if at all, to the original message of good news. As long as these aspects of Christianity don’t undermine or conceal the good news, there is no harm in that. In some cases, however, later developments have virtually negated the good news…
Christian people continue to owe their primary allegiance to the Jesus who proclaimed the good news. Both within the church and outside it, people are now in a time of refocusing and rediscovery, a time in which they are asking what is really central to Christian faith. If we encounter conflicts between the good news and the traditions of the various Christian denominations, we must be prepared to choose the good news over everything else.
My book is one effort to express that good news in terms that can make sense today. There are undoubtedly other ways as well, and yet not everything that claims to be the good news of Christ actually is. You, the reader, must try to judge. Here are three tests to apply.
1. It must be related to the words and life of Jesus as we find them in the gospels.
2. It must be news, offering some element of surprise, some new way of looking at the world, even when you’ve already heard it a hundred times.
3. It must be good news, giving hope for the future, not merely creating new burdens and obligations.
These are alarmingly high standards to suggest to one’s readers.”
Louis William Countryman, Good News of Jesus: Reintroducing the Gospel
Trinity Press International (February 1, 1993) , pp. 1-2