Walter Mercado: "But before it comes, the old must be purged.”
"The Bible speaks of the Second Coming of Christ, of a millennium of peace that comes when Jesus returns anew and all of us join together universally. The time is at hand. Christ is coming, but not physically, spiritually. The Bible spoke in many metaphors. The Spirit of Christ is what comes now in our souls, in our awakened spirituality. The cosmic inner Christ is coming. It is time to realize that we are all the "children of God," and that the "Son of God" came to show us the way to unite with that divine universal spirit.”
Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon:
Visions of a New Millennium
"That major religions would be facing such challenges to their basic structures and doctrines is reflective of the increasing energy of the New Age affecting their flocks. The New Millennium opens an era of renewed and individual spirituality, in which we will no longer seek interpretations of the scriptures from others, but will connect directly with the universal spirit and understand the meaning of the holy works ourselves.
But we must first pass through the final days of the dying era, which, as all eras before it, will burst forth in a concentration of negative energy, some of which we are already witnessing.
In the Book of Revelation, the Bible speaks in apocalyptic terms of blood, pestilence, suffering, and violence—all the horrors to be rained down on humanity before the chosen stand beside God in the millennium of peace that reigns thereafter. Many interpret this to mean the end of the world. But it is not the end of the world, it is the end of the past. These are not contradictory concepts. In the symbolism of the Bible verses, the world as we know comes to an end and all humanity unites in peace to bring the way of Christ to all the Earth, to bring the spirit of Christianity out of the Book and into our lives. This is the very spirit of the New Age, of compassion and caring for our fellows on Earth, of fraternity and unity and peace. But before it comes, the old must be purged. The only way it will be purged is through a washing away of the sins of the past and thinking of the past, to open the way for what is to be. And as many devout believers in scripture say, those times are already upon us.
In the Age of Aquarius, we break from the past to invent the future we desire in our society and in our person. The answers we find will be wholly new ones, totally original ones, but they require a thorough examination of what has been and what we wish to come. All of our institutions as we know them must adapt to this new reality. The time is not just for the integration of humanity, but for the integration of all its codes, canons, and concepts. We are not just reinventing ourselves, but all of our systems of society. The rules that bind, the laws that chain, the edicts that keep us in constant conflict with ourselves, all come crashing down.
The Bible speaks of the Second Coming of Christ, of a millennium of peace that comes when Jesus returns anew and all of us join together universally. The time is at hand. Christ is coming, but not physically, spiritually. The Bible spoke in many metaphors. The Spirit of Christ is what comes now in our souls, in our awakened spirituality. The cosmic inner Christ is coming. It is time to realize that we are all the "children of God," and that the "Son of God" came to show us the way to unite with that divine universal spirit.
It is Christ's message now that is awakened and becomes a reality. We do unto others and have compassion for all. Now is the time to put Christ's message and Buddha's message of love into practice, to take them from the level of mere words and turn them into action. Too many people make a show of going to church. They go not seeking, but to be seen. They go to church but the Church does not go in them. They make an act of presence, repeating rituals mechanically, without feeling, failing to grasp the meaning. Or they go begging. Ungrateful for what they have, wishing it were more, they go asking for more. That is not they way, nor the purpose of religion. Aquarius is an age of gratefulness. We must get up every morning thankful for yet another day of light, of love, of opportunities and possibilities. The affirmation of every day should be, "I feel good. I feel loved by nature, by the wind, by the universe and everything in it.”
What is important now is to seek the true meaning of the message of the masters. For two thousand years, those messages have been exploited, used by preachers, pastors and priests to build gleaming castles, to build treasure troves of riches while the poor starved. They served as salesmen of paradise and perdition to build palaces. But few put the message of the masters, the message of love, into practice. Often, it was just the opposite. Too many have been killed in the name of God. The Crusades sent army after army to wage war in the Holy Land. Inquisitors and pious prosecutors sent too many so- called heretics and witches to their deaths. Now we must renounce all the venom of the past, release the centuries of anger, and breathe the peace and love of the Age of Aquarius. We must stop being beggars seeking salvation or praying for prosperity and become grateful participants in the order of the universe, in harmony with it"
Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon: Visions of a New Millennium,
A Time Warner Company, 1997 p. 71-109.
Jacket cover
There is nobody quite like Walter Mercado. His uncanny predictions have thrilled Spanish-speaking audiences for decades. His television shows reach over 500 million viewers worldwide. His psychic hotline receives over 50,000 calls a day. Now this gifted visionary offers a penetrating, provocative astrological forecast for the new millennium; the world that awaits us...Beyond the Horizon
In this remarkable book, Walter Mercado explains that mankind is at a turning point. We are passing through a crucial portal in time. He advises that the catastrophic human and natural disasters of the recent past are the death throes of the 2,000-year-old Age of Pisces. And he divines a golden epoch of peace and enlightenment ahead: the Age of Aquarius.
Inclusive and compassionate, the bright New Age will lead us to explore our inner selves, transporting us into spiritual realms beyond what we have ever known. As with any birth, there will be pangs of pain, as well as challenge, epiphany, ecstasy—and change. Walter foresees that:
- Technology will spur a global revolution, enabling us to free our inner selves and reach the higher levels of the universe
- Mankind, free of dependency, will unite with nature—and with the natures of others
- Human relationships, personal and global, will alter; we will seek spiritual rather than carnal ties
- Environmental movements will be pursued with renewed vigor, initiating a return to the wilderness or the exploration of space
- Material greed and political power will be firmly renounced
- The new person of the New Age will be rich in knowledge, rich in spirit, and rich in consciousness.
In the fascinating tradition of The Celestine Prophecy, Beyond the Horizon delves into the mysteries of the past to inform us of the shape of the future. Insightful and uplifting, it is your personal guide to our newborn global community; a survival handbook for the coming transitions that will affect us all.
"Read Beyond the Horizon and prepare yourselves for the coming changes...Merely touching this book will change everything. Wanting to know is as good as knowing. Looking at the pages tears open the mind, and lets in the stuff of dreams. Be yourselves, a part of the new order. Step into the new, new world.”
-David Carradine
“A must-read...highly original and a simple, easy-to-understand style...For everyone fascinated by philosophical ideas and how they can be made practical in our lives.”
-Eric Bronson, professor of philosophy, State University of New York at Buffalo
"Important reading for those on the path to higher awareness...Walter Mercado shares from the depths of his wisdom and offers great vision and heart. I deeply honor Walter's gifts, and celebrate the love and inspiration he generates.”
-Alan Cohen, author of The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Anymore
Shri Mataji "Kaliyuga is at its worst now. The kind of things people are doing even in the name of God is shocking. But that is Kaliyuga, where we have lost all sense of direction. We don't know which way we are going. All kinds of wrong things we are doing and we think its alright. After all what's wrong in it. Everything you tell them, they say what's wrong? You tell them don't do it, they say what's wrong? That's how every human being has become very individualistic. In a way he is not, because they follow a fashion, they follow a style. I mean they are not. They are slavish. But they believe that they are very independent. They are free people. They can do whatever they like. As a result of this freedom, in this Kaliyuga, what has happened with them is that they have become extremely ugly. The kind of things they are doing in Kaliyuga is unbelievable. Even when they are preached, they are in the Churches, this thing, that thing. They become so horribly immoral that you can not believe how come that be in the name of God, under the roof of God. But it has started, that is Kaliyuga. And this Kaliyuga has to be finished.
So what do we do to remove the darkness of the night, is to put light. In the same way people should be enlightened. There should be light in the hearts of people. Once they are enlightened, this darkness, from which we are suffering because of our ignorance, will be finished and we will have the absolute knowledge. So this is a New Age that we are talking about here, right now here, that it is going to work out in such a manner that there will be all enlightened personalities together and they will know what is right, what is real knowledge, Gyana.
So ours is the path of knowledge. Knowledge that is love. Knowledge that is compassion. This is what we have to understand that we have come into another area, arena where all the skirmishes and the troubles of Kaliyuga cannot interfere. Its reigning outside; nothing inside. Its like that that we are now not only free but whatever we are doing is nothing but freedom.
Today we are not attached to anything that can debase us, make us lose grip over truth. When such a personality is brought in, then what happens? That all these ideas of Kaliyuga will disappear. But I must say it is the Last Judgment at the same time Those who accept the truth and reside in truth and grow in truth will remain, and all other will be perished. It is said already. Like you see a garden in which there are some trees, which are nourished well, which get lot of water and love and which give also so much to people. They exist. The others are burnt down and finished. In the same way we have to first accept the love, take the love, nourish yourself with that love and then you give to others. This is a simple way you can overcome the Kaliyga's curses.
Kaliyuga is so much full of darkness that we start hitting each other. For example you are all sitting here. Suddenly it becomes dark, you don't know how to move, whether you are hitting others or not, with whom are you sitting, nothing. it's the same, with the darkness in the heart, darkness in the mind, you don't know where are you, what are you doing and what you should be doing? Just like going amuck you go on hitting each other. This is what is Kaliyuga and the one who recognizes it and gets out of it is the Sahaja Yogi. Otherwise they are just like other people, if you are still in the same periphery, in the same circles of imbalance.
Now another thing in Kaliyuga is this that even if you are hit, even if you are destroyed, they just don't blame themselves. Thus another horrible temperament can develop that you blame others, never yourself that it is your mistake that you hit yourself. It was you who did wrong and that's what it is.
This is what we call the illusion, the `Bhram'. And this illusion has to go away. For Kaliyuga it is said it is the Era of illusions and this illusion, if you fall into it you are finished. But if you see the illusions then you try to seek the truth. That's why today the seeking is very strong because they can feel it is an illusion. It is not the truth they know and once they know it is not the truth, what do they do? They want to know what is the truth, where is the truth? And they try to find it. That's how also in this Kaliyuga the seeking has started.
The story about Kaliyuga is also told in another Puranas, Damayanti Purana. Where Damayanti, the wife of Nala was separated from him because of the same illusions created by Kali. So one day it happened that Nala got hold of this horrible Kali and he said that now I am going to strangle you and finish you up. So Kali said, you can do it, but first listen to my importance, my Mahatmaya, what importance I have, why I am here? So he waited. He said now agree, if you listen to me I will tell you. When I will come and I will rule the world, means when there will be Kaliyuga, people will get into Bhranti, mean illusions. They will not know whether this is truth or not and they will then try to seek the truth. But not only the people those who go to jungles and those who renounce every thing, but there will be another type, the same people who are doing this kind of seeking will, in the Kaliyuga, take birth and will be normal house holders and they will get into these illusions. At that time when they will get into this illusions then only they will start seeking, realizing that: it is untruth and they will seek the truth at that time. At that time only they will get their self-realization. He told it very clearly, thousands of years back. So Kaliyuga is the time where people can get their self-realization. They will know their self. They will know the truth. This is said long time back and you can see now itself. So this was the time meant for that because if you are alright like in Satyayuga and all that, so you don't seek. You just accept, you are obedient, you are good people. But in Kaliyuga you really start seeking the absolute truth and that is why these lights depict that character or you can say that soul which are being enlightened. So you are all enlightened souls. For me that's the Diwali. If the people are enlightened that's the Diwali. That they remove all the darkness of Kaliyuga and you all enjoy the beauty and joy of Kaliyuga. Its very very symbolic, I should say, that Diwali has already started. We hve many lights and we have to get more lights. Not because it is short of light. Why are we taking more lights? Why do we want? Because all must be saved. Our effort is to save everyone of them. It is difficult, very difficult.
But you can see now, how like seeds, realize souls go and plant themselves in very far- fetched places and there they prosper, become very beautiful trees, fragrant and which are giving shade to others. That's why you see people from all sorts of places are being awakened and they become realized souls and they awaken others. Its all the process. it's so well built in. It looks like that and it is working out well. The only thing which is doubtful is that how many will come to Sahaja Yoga and how many we can salvage and save? This is the only problem and for that you should be prepared that every one of you should decide that I am going to save at least one soul every day One person every day. Supposing we have some people who are getting drowned in a river or in a sea. What do you do? You all rush together to save. You go all out to save their lives. In the same way we have to understand that we have to save the lives of all the people and for that we have to work very hard.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Delphi, Greece—November 7, 1999
Shri Mataji "it's a new age that has started. The other day I said the Satya Yuga has started now. So it will start exposing all that is Asatya, which is whatever is false. All those who are false people will be exposed and you'll be amazed at the way things will work out. And it's such a great time you are born and it's such a great thing that you have come to Sahaja Yoga and that you have got your realization and that you are one of those who have to lift the whole of this universe into a higher awareness. Of course, we can't say how many will be saved.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Athens, Greece—26 April 1993
"The New Age people talk of is here, no doubt. This is the New Age, and new consciousness is also there. But what is the new now, is the new collectivity, and that collectivity acts that you want to spread it, it acts. Like your hunger, it is another kind of hunger, that you want to create more Sahaja Yogis, you want to have more brothers and sisters, and you want to help them so that they could come to the pujas and all that and become good Sahaja Yogis. Now this kind of an ambition or a joy, or whatever you may call it, is the whole plan shows that in your heart the collectivity is prospering, and that's why you cannot enjoy Sahaja Yoga alone, sitting in the Himalayas, no. You want to have other people. This is now the sign of how The Mother's love has taken roots in your hearts, and how you are all going to spread Sahaja Yoga.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Cabella Ligure, Italy—9 October 1994.
Shri Mataji Question:"Shri Mataji, would you say a few words about the Golden Age, the forthcoming Golden Age?
Shri Mataji:"You see, Aquarius, as they say, Aquarius according to our astrology is the Kundalini. The Kundalini is Aquarius according to Indian, I should say, Indian science of Astrology.
And you see they, what they say that this age of Aquarius is very important because this will change the lives of people. And that is what they have already described about this, that now there was Kali Yuga, means the worst possible times. The whole Kali Yuga means the absolutely the worst and worst possible time for our destruction. That was over. Then comes Kruta Yuga, I mean, overlapping. Now, in Kruta Yuga, this all-pervading power, they call it Paramchaitanya, becomes active. It starts helping people to come along. That also has been going on some days.
After this, is Satya Yuga. it's the age of truth. But it's a Last Judgement. If you take to truth, alright, well and good. But if you don't take to truth you are judged. it's like this.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji Press Conference—London 1999
This quatrain predicts that organized religions will be destroyed by words of truth spoken by the "friend"
"Gautama, the Buddha, taught that the Wheel of Dharma — the teaching of truth, is like a great wheel which, 2,500 years from its first revolution, runs out of momentum. The next world teacher, who is given the name 'Maitreya' meaning 'friend,' would appear around the year A.D. 2000 and will restore momentum and power to all those seeking after religious truth.
Nostradamus corresponds to this prophecy with the Quatrain 24 Century 4. This quatrain predicts that organized religions will be destroyed by words of truth spoken by the 'friend' through the 'human flame' of a new religion.”
John Hogue, Nostradamus: The New Revelations,
Element Books, Inc., 1994, p. 243.
By clearing predicting the flowering of a new religion, Nostradamus discounts all the familiar established faiths.
"Almost all the publications on Nostradamus' work which have appeared this century focus exclusively on the negative aspects of his predictions, making him, in the popular mind, a prophet solely of destruction and disaster, plague and nuclear war.
But are we inevitably doomed to a future world of natural and ecological disaster, plague and nuclear war? Is our future destiny, as foreseen by Nostradamus, immutable, or will we be given an opportunity to improve our chances of survival?
Throughout the prophet's visions of apocalypse the theme of a new religious consciousness occurs again and again. It will flourish, he says, before the end of the 20th century ...
In their present state the established religions show little signs of an ability to bring peace on earth. On the contrary, most of the wars of history have been fought over differences of faith and different definitions of the nature of 'truth.' By clearing predicting the flowering of a new religion, Nostradamus discounts all the familiar established faiths. What is the nature of this new religion? Is it already developing, or yet to be born?”
John Hogue, Nostradamus: The New Revelations
Element Books, Inc., 1994, p. 225.
Shri Mataji “Such heartless people, who abuse the innocence of children by doing such heinous things, are not described in any predictions, so the West does not have any faith in any Indian predictions. They feel very strongly that the ancient Indian astrologers had no clear insights. What about Nostradamus? It is as if those ancient seers could not bear to relate such stark horrors that no one would have believed until this time, the lowest point of Kali Yuga.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
"I want to tell you, as a Mother, that you all should depend on Paramchaitanya. That's very important to depend on Paramchaitanya... That's so important because at this juncture of the time people think that something great is going to happen. I don't know. 2,000 years according to them would be something great but I don't know because it's all man-made. All this 2,000 year and 3,000 year is man-made. But I Myself feel, as predicted by many, that possibly because of your understanding and your wisdom, I am sure something great may happen in this world, and things may be brought to a proper level of understanding of spirituality because this is the Last Judgment. And in this Last Judgment you have to play a very vital role which I am sure you can do it, if you decide to achieve something for the future. May God bless you.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Navaratri Puja,
Cabella, Italy, 27 September, 1998
Walter Mercado: "But before it comes, the old must be purged.”
"That major religions would be facing such challenges to their basic
structures and doctrines is reflective of the increasing energy of
the New Age affecting their flocks. The New Millennium opens an era
of renewed and individual spirituality, in which we will no longer
seek interpretations of the scriptures from others, but will connect
directly with the universal spirit and understand the meaning of the
holy works ourselves.
But we must first pass through the final days of the dying era,
which, as all eras before it, will burst forth in a concentration of
negative energy, some of which we are already witnessing.
In the Book of Revelation, the Bible speaks in apocalyptic terms of
blood, pestilence, suffering, and violence—all the horrors to be
rained down on humanity before the chosen stand beside God in the
millennium of peace that reigns thereafter. Many interpret this to
mean the end of the world. But it is not the end of the world, it is
the end of the past. These are not contradictory concepts. In the
symbolism of the Bible verses, the world as we know comes to an end
and all humanity unites in peace to bring the way of Christ to all
the Earth, to bring the spirit of Christianity out of the Book and
into our lives. This is the very spirit of the New Age, of compassion
and caring for our fellows on Earth, of fraternity and unity and
peace. But before it comes, the old must be purged. The only way it
will be purged is through a washing away of the sins of the past and
thinking of the past, to open the way for what is to be. And as many
devout believers in scripture say, those times are already upon us.
In the Age of Aquarius, we break from the past to invent the future
we desire in our society and in our person. The answers we find will
be wholly new ones, totally original ones, but they require a
thorough examination of what has been and what we wish to come. All
our institutions as we know them must adapt to this new reality.
The time is not just for the integration of humanity, but
for the integration of all its codes, canons, and concepts. We are
not just reinventing ourselves, but all of our systems of society.
The rules that bind, the laws that chain, the edicts that keep us in
constant conflict with ourselves, all come crashing down.
The Bible speaks of the Second Coming of Christ, of a millennium of
peace that comes when Jesus returns anew and all of us join together
universally. The time is at hand. Christ is coming, but not
physically, spiritually. The Bible spoke in many metaphors. The
Spirit of Christ is what comes now in our souls, in our awakened
spirituality. The cosmic inner Christ is coming. It is time to
realize that we are all the 'children of God,' and that the 'Son of
God' came to show us the way to unite with that divine universal
It is Christ's message now that is awakened and becomes a reality. We
do unto others and have compassion for all. Now is the time to put
Christ's message and Buddha's message of love into practice, to take
them from the level of mere words and turn them into action. Too many
people make a show of going to church. They go not seeking, but to be
seen. They go to church but the Church does not go in them. They make
an act of presence, repeating rituals mechanically, without feeling,
failing to grasp the meaning. Or they go begging. Ungrateful for what
they have, wishing it were more, they go asking for more. That is not
the way, nor the purpose of religion. Aquarius is an age of
gratefulness. We must get up every morning thankful for yet another
day of light, of love, of opportunities and possibilities. The
affirmation of every day should be, 'I feel good. I feel loved by
nature, by the wind, by the universe and everything in it.'
What is important now is to seek the true meaning of the message of
the masters. For two thousand years, those messages have been
exploited, used by preachers, pastors and priests to build gleaming
castles, to build treasure troves of riches while the poor starved.
They served as salesmen of paradise and perdition to build palaces.
But few put the message of the masters, the message of love, into
practice. Often, it was just the opposite. Too many have been killed
in the name of God. The Crusades sent army after army to wage war in
the Holy Land. Inquisitors and pious prosecutors sent too many so-
called heretics and witches to their deaths. Now we must renounce all
the venom of the past, release the centuries of anger, and breathe
the peace and love of the Age of Aquarius. We must stop being beggars
seeking salvation or praying for prosperity and become grateful
participants in the order of the universe, in harmony with it...
But there will be many who will resist the truth of the new era. They may
try at first by playing upon the sense of self-doubt that lies within
each of us. Self-doubt exists only because we have allowed others to
define our reality for so long that we no longer know what is real anymore.
When we look inside and catch the first sight of what is real and it does
not concur with what those around us have said and are saying at the moment,
we discard it. We doubt ourselves because we have allowed others to tell us
what truth is. But as we reach deeper into the New Age, we will reach deeper
inside ourselves for the truth. And as we learn the truth, we will no longer
need or want others to interpret it for us. This will cause friction with
those who defend the institutions they feel comfortable with, the institutions
they cling to like a security blanket in a world they really aren't comfortable
with at all. Those who cannot, or do not dare, to look inside themselves for
the truth will be the ones who will resist the rest of us the most. They will
be the ones who challenge the rest of us the most. They will be the ones who
try to make the rest of us think that we are wrong because they want desperately
to believe that they are right, and they know that once their faith is shaken,
they have nothing left to cling to. But be wary of anyone who demands that you
have blind faith in what they are saying. If they will not allow scrutiny, it is
possibly because their beliefs cannot stand up to scrutiny. And when those who
hide within the institutions because they do not dare to look inside themselves
feel that they are losing their grip on the rest of us, they will fight.”
Walter Mercado, Beyond The Horizon: Visions of a New Millennium,
A Time Warner Company, 1997, p. 71-251.
Au revolu du grand nombre septiesme,
The year seven of the great number being past,
Apparoistra au temps ieux d'Hecatombe,
There shall be seen the sports of the ghostly sacrifice,
Non esloingne du grand age milliesme,
Not far from the great age of the millennium,
Que les entrez sortiront de leur tombe.
That the buried shall come out of their graves.”
Henry C. Roberts, The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus,
1994, p. 336.
"Some ambiguity plagues the descriptions of heaven and hell in the scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which can be interpreted either to describe the state of the soul upon death or what will be after the future Resurrection ... Most Muslims, therefore, regard the dead to be sleeping in the grave awaiting that momentous event. Yet other passages, such as the hadith describing Muhammad's Night Journey, point to the present reality of Heaven as the dwelling place for the souls of the righteous. The biblical vision of Heaven from the Revelation and the passage from the same book about the lake of fire are visions of a future recompense after the tribulations of the Last Judgment. Those Christians who hold to a literal interpretation of these verses concur with their Muslim brothers and sisters that the souls of the dead are asleep in the grave, awaiting the future opening of Heaven and hell. But another strand of the Christian tradition, supported by biblical descriptions of the Sheol in Job 3.17-19, the heavenly Jerusalem in Hebrews 12.22-24, and the story of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16.19-31, teaches that upon death each person immediately enters his appointed place in Heaven or hell. The visions in Revelation are often interpreted in this way, and have spawned such classic descriptions as Dante's Divine Comedy. The concept of the World to Come in Rabbinic Jewish writings is similarly ambiguous: the World to Come may be a present Heaven or describe a future redemption on earth.”
World Scripture, International Religious Foundation
Shri Mataji "But these are special time, the Blossom Time. They call it the Last Judgment, you can call it the Resurrection Time, you can call it the Qiyamah, they call it in Koran. It is said that people will come out of their graves and will get their Resurrection. I mean what is left to the graves is nothing but a few stones and a few bones. No. All these souls which are dead will take their birth, take human body and take their Realization in these special times. This is a sensible thing to say and is also happening.
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Moscow, Russia, November 12, 1993
"There are lots of myths in the Bible and one of them is that at the Time of Resurrection your bodies will come out of the graves. This is not only for Christians, but also for the Muslims and Jews. Think of this — What remains in the grave after many years? Only a few bones. And if these bones came out how can you give them Realization? Think of it. It is a big myth. Not possible logically.
In Nal Damyanti Akhyan they have clearly given that when the Kalyug will come, all these seekers who are seeking in the hills and mountains will be born again, and they will be given their Self-Realization! Their Kundalinis will be awakened and that is logical, because that is what we are doing today.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India — December 25, 1993
"But you are on the side of Dharma and if you fight for Dharma then, even if you die, you will be saved. But this is stretched too far in many scriptures also, which is very absurd; like saying that if you die and bury yourself, then after 500 years your body will come out and you will be saved. After 500 years what will remain of the body? Such absurd ideas there are in these religions — Christians, Jews and Muslims. That's why they bury people...
Christ was resurrected within three days. He died on Friday and resurrected on Sunday morning. But if you keep some body for 500 years, who is not even Christ, what will come out of it?”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Paris, France, July 13, 1994
"You are arriving at that point where your destruction is sure because you have to become the spirit. You have to rise in spiritual life and if your movement is downward who can help you? This is a very interesting time as I have told you is the Time of Judgment and at this Time we have to be careful that we are our own judges.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Navaratri Puja, Cabella, Italy — October 5, 1997
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