The Comforter will recall to their minds Jesus’ teachings and “mysteries which are beyond the world and the things which will occur at the end.”

“25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
26. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have told unto you… (John 14:25-6)
Jesus now summarizes all that He has been saying in this section. Referring to the many things which He has taught them while He has been present with them in the flesh, He tell the disciples that the Comforter not only is going to remind them of these things, but also will go to teach them all things necessary to their understanding and happiness. The Comforter will recall to their minds Jesus’ teachings, will enable them to understand truly and completely, and will develop and expand them into new and wonderful truths.” The Randall House Bible Commentary
“Jesus solemnly assures the disciples that they will, in the future, perform even greater miracles than He. By this He means to say that through the power of the Holy Spirit, they will bring about the greatest miracle of all—the salvation of lost souls. He promises them that whatever they ask for, in connection with their ministry of bringing the miracle of salvation to lost men, will be granted them.
The theme of this section is reassurance and encouragement. Jesus gives the disciples three basic reasons they should cease being troubled in their spirits. First, He tells them that, although He is going away, He will return for them so that they may ultimately join Him where He is going (vv. 1-3). Second, He tells them that, though He is going away, He will be the only means by which men may come to God and go to Heaven (vv. 4-11). Third, He tells them that, though He is going away, their ministries are not finished. In fact, the best is still ahead. They are going, by the Holy Spirit’s power, to be part of the greatest miracle of all, bringing men to salvation (vv. 12-14).”…
25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
26. But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have told unto you.
Jesus now summarizes all that He has been saying in this section. Referring to the many things which He has taught them while He has been present with them in the flesh, He tell the disciples that the Comforter not only is going to remind them of these things, but also will go to teach them all things necessary to their understanding and happiness. The Comforter will recall to their minds Jesus’ teachings, will enable them to understand truly and completely, and will develop and expand them into new and wonderful truths.
Jesus has referred to the coming Comforter as the Spirit of Truth (v. 17)…[whose] primary function is the work of making men holy. This is the work we call sanctification.
In v. 16 Jesus has said that the Comforter is going to be provided to the disciples by the Father on the basis of His (Jesus’) prayer that He should do so. Now He says that the Father is going to send the Comforter in His (Christ’s) name. These statements are essentially identical and imply a joint action involving both Father and Son.”
Jack Wilson Stallings and Robert E. Picirilli,
The Randall House Bible Commentary: The Gospel of John,
Randall House Publications, 1989, page 205
Advocate, (Gr. parakletos), one who pleads another’s cause, who helps another by defending or comforting him. It is a name given by Christ three times to the Holy Ghost (John 14:16; 15:26; 16:7, where the Greek word is rendered”Comforter,” q.v.).
Comforter, the designation of the Holy Ghost (John 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7; R.V. marg.,” or Advocate, or Helper; Gr. paracletos”). The same Greek word thus rendered is translated”Advocate”In 1 John 2:1 as applicable to the Comforter to be sent by Christ. It means properly”one who is summoned to the side of another”to help him in a court of justice by defending him,” one who is summoned to plead a cause.”

“From the very beginning, when the gospel says that Jesus came for the salvation of humankind, we are told that he delivers that salvation by teaching people about ‘the mysteries which are beyond the world and the things which will occur at the end.’ Yet contemporary readers may well ask: How can such teaching help anyone? Many people I have spoken with find most of it bizarre, if not simply incomprehensible. What message of any value could it possibly contain? The alien names and aeons, the strange and complicated use of numbers, and many missing parts of the ancient manuscript – all these make it difficult, if not impossible, to grasp the underlying message. Yet understanding this material is crucial, because it contains the answers to every important question in the ‘Gospel of Judas’: the nature of God, what it means to be human, why people suffer and die, why Jesus was crucified, why Judas handed him over, and much more.”
Overview of Chapters 10 through to 14 (Gospel of Judas)
“This long section contains Jesus’s revelation to Judas about the origin and shape of the universe. This is the most prominent topic in the entire gospel – it takes up more than 40 percent of the ‘Gospel of Judas’ and dominates Jesus’s teaching throughout. From the very beginning, when the gospel says that Jesus came for the salvation of humankind, we are told that he delivers that salvation by teaching people about ‘the mysteries which are beyond the world and the things which will occur at the end.’
Yet contemporary readers may well ask: How can such teaching help anyone? Many people I have spoken with find most of it bizarre, if not simply incomprehensible. What message of any value could it possibly contain? The alien names and aeons, the strange and complicated use of numbers, and many missing parts of the ancient manuscript – all these make it difficult, if not impossible, to grasp the underlying message. Yet understanding this material is crucial, because it contains the answers to every important question in the ‘Gospel of Judas’: the nature of God, what it means to be human, why people suffer and die, why Jesus was crucified, why Judas handed him over, and much more.
Moreover, this kind of thinking is not as difficult to comprehend as it may first appear. Arcane as ancient cosmology may seem to contemporary readers, we are familiar with the basic concept: What we know about the universe directly relates to what we understand about human nature. We can see this kind of thinking today, for example, in the debates over evolution and intelligent design (or creationism). Here, too, people are trying in various ways to confront some of the most central issues that people in any age must face: What is the nature of reality? How did the world and humanity come into being? What is the place of humanity in the universe? Does the universe have a moral order or is it all random? What is the truth of the Bible and revelation – or, for that matter, any religious claim?…
In the ‘Gospel of Judas’, Jesus teaches people about the kinship they have with God and about how to live according to the moral order of the universe established by God. People, Jesus says, have spiritual resources within them beyond what they know. He explains this message by telling Judas about the nature of the universe – that another realm exists beyond the material world, and an immortal holy race above the mortal human race. If people can understand this reality, they can fulfill their highest nature and understand how they should live now. He explains that human beings were created following the divine image of the heavenly First Man, Adamas. To honor this divine image in people, God sent divine spirits to everyone, giving people the potential to turn and worship him. By looking within themselves, people can”bring forth the perfect human”- they can discover what is divine and immortal within themselves.
But people need to understand, too, how it is that they are ignorant of this higher realm and of their own inner spiritual nature. Jesus explains that although people are made according to the divine image and likeness, they are nonetheless created by the lower angels God put in charge of the material world – the realm of chaos and oblivion. Because these angels are themselves subject to error through their own arrogance and ignorance, they have led humanity astray by getting people to worship them. They confuse some people into thinking that human beings are righteous when they perform seemingly pious acts like sacrifice, fasting, prayer, and baptism. By performing these acts, such people become hardened in their ways and, like the twelve disciples, resist Jesus’s criticism, especially since – as becomes clear throughout the gospel – following Jesus does not mean gaining power and glory in this world; it means being cursed, suffering, and dying.
This theme – that Christian discipleship means following Jesus by imitating his suffering and death – is certainly not new to the ‘Gospel of Judas’. Already the earliest of the New Testament gospels, the ‘Gospel of Mark’, sounds this theme, stressing repeatedly its message of suffering discipleship. As we have seen, too, many Christians in the second century understood the death of martyrs in this way. What, then, is different in what the ‘Gospel of Judas’ says? The author stresses that the true God does not desire this suffering and death. Indeed, Jesus is sent to demonstrate that death is only a step into eternity. Suffering and death occur only because the world rulers and those who follow them have gone astray. Yet their allotted time will come to an end, and they will all be destroyed. Such is the justice of the true God on high. Nor will bodies of flesh be raised to eternal life; the flesh belongs to the material world that is destined to fall back into the chaos out of which it came. Only false ‘Gods’ promise that the perishable flesh can become imperishable. That is a lie. They and all those who follow them will perish, along with the world where they now rule.
Given this situation, how can people survive? In the ‘Gospel of Judas’, this problem is posed as an eschatological problem; Jesus talks about life and death in terms of what will happen in the end times. At stake is not merely the personal survival of people beyond the grave but the question of whether the world has a moral order, whether justice will prevail in spite of all the violence, unjust suffering, and evil that people suffer. The author of the ‘Gospel of Judas’ affirms – against all the seeming evidence of Jesus’s death, Judas’s death, and the persecution of Christians in his own day – that justice does exist, that the glorious life of the spirit will triumph over every evil.
Chapters 10-14 of the ‘Gospel of Judas’ contain the core of Jesus’s teaching. Many things Jesus has only hinted at before are presented here more systematically. [17] We can best understand the thinking underlying the ‘Gospel of Judas’ by grasping some of the core presuppositions the author assumes. The author of the ‘Gospel of Judas’, like other early Christians, turned first to the biblical book of ‘Genesis’ to answer questions about human nature, moral order, and their relationship to God. But even as people today read their sacred stories in terms of what they know about science, so too ancient Christians interpreted ‘Genesis’ in the light of ancient philosophical and scientific thinking, especially astronomy, as well as Jewish interpretations of Scripture. Ideas from all these sources appear in the ‘Gospel of Judas’, as we will see. Another presupposition is that the world we live in was patterned after a higher, perfect realm of God above. These Christians read ‘Genesis’ knowing that the account of the creation of the lower world would contain hints about that heavenly realm, since this world is patterned upon it. They therefore not only read ‘Genesis’ to learn about the nature of this world but also sought clues in it about the nature of the transcendent realm of God above. In chapters 10-11, Jesus describes that realm to Judas.”
Reading Judas: The Gospel of Judas and the Shaping of Christianity
Elaine Pagels and Karen L. King, Penguin Group (2008) pp. 143-7
[14] See George Johnson, “For the Anti-Evolutionists, Hope in High Places” (‘New York Times’ “Week in review,” Oct. 2, 2005), p.4; Kenneth L. Woodward, “Evolution as Zero-Sum Game” (‘New York Times’, Oct. 1, 2005), p.A29.
[15] Cited in Johnson,” For the Evolutionists.”
[16] Johnson, ibid.
[17] Many elements of the theology and cosmology of the ‘Gospel of Judas’ are similar to a set of newly discovered writings found in Egypt that scholars classify as “Sethian Gnosticism” or simply “Sethianism.” One of these is athe Secret Revelation of John’, with which several scholars have compared the ‘Gospel of Judas’, notably Marvin Meyer (“Judas and the Gnostic Connection”In Kasser, Meyer, and Wurst, editors, ‘the Gospel of Judas’, op. cit. Not only are there important similarities, crucial differences also appear. For example, in ‘The Secret Revelation of John’, the true God is not responsible for appointing the lower beings who shape the material world, but rather against God’s will, the world comes into being at the hand of an ignorant and arrogant pretender god. An extensive episode tells of how this happens when a divine being, named Sophia (“Wisdom”) acts without the permission of the Invisible Spirit and her male consort, thus setting in motion the creation of the lower world and the enslavement of humanity to its wicked rulers. For more on these topics, see Karen L. King, ‘the Secret Revelation of John’, op.cit., for more on Sethianism, see Karen L. King, ‘What is Gnosticism’?, pp.154-169.
Our Lord explained the coming presence of the parakletos (paraklete, comforter, helper, advocate)
In the first portion of the Gospel of John, the holy spirit is spoken of as something descending from heaven to remain upon Jesus (John 1.32-33), as a medium into (or through) which one must be born (John 3.5), as an enablement for Christ to speak the words of God (John 3.34), as a medium through which one may worship the Father (John 4.23), as the essential nature of God (John 4.24), as a life giver (John 6.63), and as something to be received by the disciples (John 7.39).
It is clear from these examples that the essential character and functionality of God’s spirit had not changed. However, the claim that John 7.39 makes seems to contradict everything we have discovered by saying “that the spirit was not yet given.”
“But this he spoke of the spirit, which those who believed in him were to receive; for the spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.” (John 7.39)
Obviously, the spirit had been given in OT times, to Jesus, and to the disciples who were able to go out performing miracles and healing people. Nonetheless, there must be some essential difference between the spirit that we have described up to this point in our inquiry and that, which is described in detail in chapters 14, 15, and 16 of John in order to warrant the phrase “The spirit was not yet given.”
Our Lord explained the coming presence of the parakletos (paraklete, comforter, helper, advocate). The chain of events would be {1} the disciple demonstrates love for Jesus by keeping his commandments (John 14.15) {2} Jesus will ask the Father to send the paraklete (John 14.16; 15.26; 16.7) {3} the paraklete will be sent in Jesus’ name to abide in the believer forever (John 14.16, 26). The paraklete is”The spirit of truth” (John 14.17), which will teach the disciples all things and bring to their remembrance all that Jesus has said (John 14.26), testify about Jesus (John 15.26), be more advantageous to the saint than the presence of Christ on earth (John 16.7), convict the world concerning sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16.8- 11), guide them into all truth (John 16.13), and disclose Christ to the disciple (John 16.14-15).”
Sean Finnegan,
All that is changeable is but reflected;
The unattainable here is effected;
Human discernment here is passed by;
The Eternal-Feminine draws us on high.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832), Faust
Woman-Saviour now we muster
To await thy advent sure,
In the cluster of thy lustre,
Come and leave the earth no more?
Then before thy gentle look,
Swords shall quail and warriors fail,
And the spear, a shepherd’s crook,
Shall adorn the daisied dale.
Woman-power! Incarnate love!
Human Goddess come and be,
If the Bridegroom’s tears can move,
Bride unto Humanity.
Thou alone of all can save us
Let us be what thou would have us!
Goodwyn Barmby, The Woman-power (1842),
English radical
“The Muse of the New Era, as our grand-grandchildren, or an even later generation will know her, when will she reveal herself? What will she look like, what will she sing? Which strings of the soul will she vibrate? Till which height will she elevate her Era?”
Hans Christian Andersen, The New Century’s Goddess (1861),
Danish writer
Let it be known: today the Eternal Feminine
In an incorruptible body is descending to Earth.
In the unfading light of the new Goddess
Heaven has become one with the depths.
Vladimir Soloviev (1853-1900), Russian philosopher
“It was generally considered, at the turn of the next century, that the next Divine incarnation was about to come to earth and would be female, the advent of Divine Wisdom, or Theo-Sophia, and that the present age would be the age of making known all that which has been kept secret from the beginning.”
Lady Caithness, The Mystery of the Ages (1887),
French theosophist
“The word which shall come to save the world, shall be uttered by a woman. A woman shall conceive, and shall bring forth the tidings of salvation. For the reign of Adam is at its last hour; and God shall crown all things by the creation of Eve.”
Anna Kingsford, Clothed with the sun (1889),
English theosophist
“There is no line of work or study which woman in the West does not undertake and does not accomplish as well as man. Even in social and political activities, in religion, in spiritual ideas, she excels man. … I can see as clear as daylight that the hour is coming when woman will lead humanity to a higher evolution.”
Hazrat Inayat Khan (1882-1927),
Indian Sufi in the West
“A great era has begun: the spiritual”Awakening”, the increasing tendency to regain”lost balance”, the inevitable necessity of spiritual plantings, the unfolding of the first blossom. We are standing at the threshold of one of the greatest epochs that mankind has ever experienced, the epoch of great spirituality.”
Vassily Kandinsky/ Franz Marc, Blaue Reiter Almanac (1911),
abstract artists
“The Cycle of the Children. It is impossible to gauge the significance of the present time or to realize what is in store for humanity during the next hundred years, merely from our own experience and from recorded history. For this is no ordinary time. It is not simply the culminating point of the past hundred years, but of thousands of years; the night of centuries has passed, and with the new dawn comes the return of memories and powers and possibilities of an age long past.”
Katherine Tingley, The Path of the Mystic (1922),
American theosophist
The Father has not saved the world,
The Son has not saved it,
The Mother shall save it;
The Mother is the Holy Spirit.
Dmitrii Merezhkovskii, The Mystery of Three (1925),
Russian exile in France
“We are entering the cycle of epochs when the feminine soul will become increasingly pure and broad, when more and more women will become deep inspirers, sensible mothers, and wise and visionary leaders. This will be the cycle of epochs when the feminine component of humanity will manifest itself with unprecedented strength, balancing the previous dominance of masculine forces in a perfect harmony.”
Daniil Andreev, Roza Mira (completed 1958),
Russian dissident

Some quotes of the Comforter The Paraclete Shri Mataji since the 1970’s regarding the Last Judgment and Resurrection
“If we follow Him (Jesus) then we cannot be conditioned by anything because He talked of Spirit only. Spirit cannot be conditioned, conditioned by anything…
I am here to tell you all these things which Christ could not tell, and to fulfil what He wanted to say. All those things I am saying to you, it has already worked. You all have got realization. But develop respect for yourself, as Sahaja Yogis. Don’t have funny ideas about yourself; just know you’re a Sahaja Yogi and Sahaja Yogini. That’s what is needed for a person if he is today celebrating the birth of Christ.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Christmas Puja, Delhi, India — Dec. 24, 1995
“Christ didn’t say that, ‘I am the Destination.’ He said, ‘I’ll send you the Holy Ghost; I’ll send you a Comforter; I’ll send you a Redeemer; I’ll send you a Councilor.’ He talked about the future.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have come for this Special Time, that is, the Resurrection Time.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Sydney, Australia – March 21, 1983
“In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu called as Kalki there is a time given to human beings to rectify themselves, for them to enter into the Kingdom of God, which in the Bible is called as Last Judgment.
The population of the Earth is at the maximum these days because all those – practically all those who had aspirations to enter into the Kingdom of God – are born in modern times and are going to be born very soon. This is the most important times because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to hear this but that’s the fact. it’s the Truth!
Though you can understand that Mother’s Love makes it very easy for you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last Judgment – which looks such a horrifying experience – has been made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb you.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India – September 28, 1979
“But they should also understand that this is the Golden Age of Emancipation, Resurrection and Last Judgment; if we can achieve it, all of us, including them also, will have the blessings of the Divine love which has been promised a long time back.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Of course there are some absurd things which grew with misinterpretation and interference from unholy people, which are common in these religions. For example, Jews, Christian and Muslims believe that when they die their bodies will come out of their graves and they will all be resurrected at the Time of Resurrection, at the Time of Last Judgment, at the Time of Qiyamah. It is illogical to think what will remain inside those graves after five hundred years. Nobody wants to think and understand that it is not the body but the soul that will come out of these bodies, be born again as human beings and be saved through Qiyamah and Resurrection.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“There are lots of myths in the Bible and one of them is that at the Time of Resurrection your bodies will come out of the graves. This is not only for Christians, but also for the Muslims and Jews. Think of this – What remains in the grave after many years? Only a few bones. And if these bones came out how can you give them Realization? Think of it. It is a big myth. Not possible logically.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
India – December 25, 1993
“That’s what it is today. I do not know that what it is to that we are now in the Blossom Time, as I call it, because many flowers are born and they are to become the fruits. This is the Resurrection Time, which is described in all the scriptures, but it’s not like this, the way they had described us. Something wrong with them that all the dead bodies who are in the graves will come out of the graves. I mean, how much is left out of them, God knows. Must be some bones or maybe some skulls there. So they’ll come out of the graves and they will get their Resurrection. This is a very wrong idea.
Once I happened to mean a fellow, a Muslim from Bosnia and he told Me, ‘I want to die for my religion, for God’s sake.’ I said, ‘But why? Who told you to die?’ He said, ‘Now, if I die in the name of God, I’ll be resurrected.’ I said, ‘it’s all wrong. That’s not the way it is going to work out. Resurrection is going to work out this way that at this time, all these souls will take their birth. All these souls will take their birth and they will be resurrected. As human beings they’ll have to come.’
That’s why we find all kinds of funny people these days, all kinds of cruel, criminal, all kinds of idiotic, stupid, I mean very queer, weird, funny ideas which find such, such a variety of people and such a tremendous population that we should understand they have to have their chance of Resurrection. But how many will come? That’s the point. How many are going to come?”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji Philadelphia, USA — October 15, 1993

“That Jesus ‘rose from the grave’ to new life is a fundamental theme of Christian teaching; certainly it is the most radical. For even though most people believed in eternal life, the insistence of certain Christians like Irenaeus that their bodies would be buried, decompose—and yet rise again at the appointed time—was met not only with disbelief but with horror. Christians themselves were unclear about what kind of body this resurrected body would be. When Paul wrote about the resurrection, although his words are often mistaken as arguing for physical resurrection, he himself clearly says the opposite: ‘What I am saying, brothers and sisters, is this: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable’ (1 Corinthians 15:50). Without claiming to understand exactly what happens, Paul acknowledges that resurrection is a mystery, in which, he says, ‘we will all be changed’ from physical to spiritual existence (1 Corinthians 15:51:53).”
Reading Judas: The Gospel of Judas and the Shaping of Christianity
Elaine Pagels and Karen L. King, Penguin Group (2008) p. 83

“The doctrine of bodily resurrection, linked closely to the soul’s nature and destiny, suffers like a fate. The ancients knew little or nothing about the human organism — its chemical constituents, its functioning parts, its psychology — and even less about the nature of death. Modern man has measured corruption, can detail the chemical changes that take place when bodily life ceases, has a clear idea of what precisely corruption and decay of the human frame connote, and defines human death precisely by the cessation of the observable functions of the body. The three religions define death as the moment when the soul leaves the body.
On the other hand, the scientist cannot accept the”outside”explanation: that a god will”resurrect”The corrupted body. He knows that in a living body today the actual molecules which compose it were not part of it some time ago. In another decade it will be made up of molecules which at present are elsewhere: in African lions, in passion-flowers of the Amazon, in Maine lobsters, in earth in Patagonia, and in the fur of a Polar bear. For the scientist, the body as such has truly ceased to exist. No”shade”or reduced form of the body exists in an”underworld”or in Elysian fields. The body has ceased to exist. He therefore finds the resurrection of the body unintelligible.”
Malachi Martin, The Encounter,
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1970, 286.
“This is the Last Judgment time, and everyone can judge him or herself through the light of the Spirit.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“The Last Judgment is done by the Kundalini. On the fingertips one can feel oneself and can judge oneself.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“These are the times described in the Holy Bible as the Last Judgment and in the Koran as Qiyamah, the Resurrection Time. Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“And in this great happening of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection Time, one need not, and should not, believe blindfolded in whatever is said about ascent or salvation, but should treat it like a hypothesis, and observe the facts with an open mind like a, scientist.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“In my opinion, every Westerner has, as a matter of urgency, to understand the vital role he has to play in this great Age of Transformation and of the Last Judgment.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Thus, the establishment of global peace can only come through people who have achieved this state in modern times which is very special and I call it a Blossom Time. In the Bible, it is described as the Last Judgment, also in the Koran it is called as Qiyamah (the Resurrection time).”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“This is the Last Judgment. Either you will go to heaven or you will go to hell. it’s already working out like that. So let’s see. Where are you? So I have to again and again tell you as your mother, I have to correct you and tell you that remember this is the Last Judgment and please, don’t take anymore to the activities which are antichrist.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“So in this Last Judgment a new race, new race of great people is created. It is your own. It is your own power. Only to know how glorious you are. How great you are. Absolutely free because you get that superior intelligence. In the light of Spirit you know what is constructive for you. You know absolute knowledge.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“So, as it is, you are already marked, you have already been chosen by Christ in his Last Judgment, and you are there. But still one should know that there is also the possibility that you are hypocrites, that you are playing with only words. Could be that we still have to cleanse ourselves, so just put your mind into yourself, and just see for yourself that where have I gone wrong.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“People do not know what time has come. It is the last chance. You won’t get any more chance. In Bible it has been described as the Last Judgment. Your Last Judgment is in Sahaja Yoga and how it will be done can be judged by yourself.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“This is the Last Judgment. Let us see what happens. Whatever people come is alright for me. Even if they do not come, it’s still alright. Remember, God will not bow before you.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“For us, in between Christ and this destroying incarnation of Mahavishnu called as Kalki, there is a time given to human beings to rectify themselves, for them to enter in the Kingdom of God, which in the Bible is called as the Last Judgment. That you will be judged, all of you will be judged on this earth.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“I have to warn all the Sahaja Yogis who are here because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment; not only that you will be judged, that you are entering into the Kingdom of God, but you become the citizens of God is correct.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“I am here to work for you day and night. You know that I work very hard for you. I spare no efforts, to help you, and do everything that is possible to make you all right; to make you pass this examination of Last Judgment; but you have to cooperate with me, and you have to go headlong about it, and devote most of your time for Sahaja Yoga and for imbibing all that is great and noble.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“This is the greatest of the greatest things which can happen to anyone that you know. Also you know, this is the greatest happening, which was prophesied long time back as the Last Judgment. You know that this is the way, you are going to be judged. So we have to work very hard. We have to work. It is effortlessly given to you, alright. But to maintain it, keep it up to go high, we have to religiously work it out.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“And that your Last Judgment is also now. Only through Kundalini awakening God is going to judge you. How is he going to judge you otherwise? You think of somebody now, a person comes in now. Here is somebody sitting to judge you. How? By how many hair-dressers you have been to? Or how many suits you have stitched for Christmas? Or what presents you have bought or how many cards you have sent? and to how many people you have sent some other things which may not be very palatable. That’s not the way.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to have this but that’s a fact & is the truth. Though you can understand, that Mother’s love makes it very easy for you to get through your realization and that the whole story of the Last Judgment looks such as horrifying experience has been made very beautiful and very tender and delicate and does not disturb you. But this is the Last Judgment I tell you, and you all are going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether, you can enter into the kingdom of God or not.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment today. We are not aware of it. And all the satanic forces have come out like the wolves in sheep’s clothes. And they are trying to attract you and you do not judge them. You only sit down and judge the Reality. It has started, it is a fact. It has started.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“That Krishna has said once you get your realisation your problems are solved, physical, emotional, mental, all problems are solved and you become absolutely relaxed. That goes without saying. But I’m not here to sort of cure people and go to hospitals. Nothing of the kind. it’s just who are the seekers will be blessed because this is the reward of this Last Judgment.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Christ has said very clearly in the second chapter of Matthew second verse ‘You’ll be calling me Christ! Christ! I won’t recognize you.’ That’s very true. It is not a question of who recognises Him, but He should recognize you because the advent of Christ is going to be absolutely terrible. He is not going to talk to you, convince you or comfort you or give you any council as I am trying my level best, but He will just come for the Last Sorting out because I declare that the Last Judgment has started. The Last Judgment takes place only through Kundalini awakening. There is no other way out. God is going to do it through living process.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“But, logically, you must understand. Where should we reach? What should happen to us? As seekers, what are we expecting? This is a very, very precarious and important time is more to say. The Last Judgment has started. That has started. That’s how you are all here and you are seeking. The way it will judge, is the Kundalini has to rise. Your have to become self realized. Then you start feeling your centers on your fingers.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Sahaja Yoga is for the emancipation of the whole world, at every level. Once we have people of a certain number in Sahaja Yoga, it will start triggering understanding of real righteousness, religiousness and our love for God, and enlightened faith in God. This is how the Resurrection time is going to be worked out. This is the Last Judgment time, and everyone can judge him or herself through the light of the Spirit.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“If we have to change this world, and if we have to save our people from complete destruction, we have to take to wisdom, and that is only possible when the brain is enlightened by Kundalini. This is what is very important today, when we see that this world is on the verge of destruction. Of course, the Creator himself is very anxious to save us and that is why he has in these modern times which are called Kali Yuga, made the all-pervading power activated.
So, now a new age has started which is called the Age of Aquarius,
(Kumbha) meaning the pitcher carrier of spiritual holy water that is the work of Kundalini. The activity of the Kundalini is like the sap of the tree that rises and nourishes all parts of the tree and does not get stuck at one flower. Moreover these are special times. This is the resurrection time. The Last Judgment is done by the Kundalini. On the fingertips one can feel oneself and can judge oneself.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Of course, this is also the age of science and technology in which human beings have progressed beyond the stage of blind faith. And in this great happening of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection Time, one need not, and should not, believe blindfolded in whatever is said about ascent or salvation, but should treat it like a hypothesis, and observe the facts with an open mind like a, scientist. Of course, if a hypothesis is proved, then any honest, scientifically minded modern person has to accept it.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Now this is the Last Judgment and those who miss will miss in any case. Christ has said, ‘You will be calling Me Christ, Christ, but I will not recognize you.’ So understand you have to become the Spirit as Christ has said, ‘You are to be born again.’ You may have faith in me or not – doesn’t matter. You must have faith in yourself to begin with.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“But in a way is good because this is Last Judgment. If by marriage, by temptations, by wrong doings, by conditionings if you have to go out, you have to go out.
I must tell you that also there’s very little place in the Kingdom of God. Unless and until you prove to be good Sahaja Yogis, there is no place for you, for mediocre there is no place. You have to serious, deep, seeking, dedicated Sahaja Yogis otherwise you have no place.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“So this is the Last Judgment and you will be judged for everything that you do for Sahaja Yoga. One has to be very careful as to how you behave, what is your attitude is and how you should change.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
If you want to miss your own ascent, you can go ahead, you can chose, the choice is yours, this is the Last Judgment. And with this Last Judgment, you have to judge yourself. In the Koran it is very clearly said at the time of Resurrection, your hands will ‘speak’ and will give witness against you. There is a very big chapter on Resurrection, but the fundamentalists don’t want to look at it. They believe their religion is the best. But what would it has done to anyone? It is so much misinterpreted… so much misinterpreted. Now the time has come, this is a special time which is the time of Resurrection, this is the Qiyamah. It is the special time of Last Judgment where you have to judge yourself.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to have this, but that’s a fact and is the truth, though you can understand that Mother’s Love makes it very easy for you to get through your realisation, and that the whole story of the Last Judgment looks such as horrifying experience, has been made very beautiful and very tender and delicate and does not disturb you.
But this is the Last Judgment, I tell you, and you are all going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether you can enter into the Kingdom of God or not.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en- masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day’s Yuga Dharma. It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, their absolute, their spirit.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come for you to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in the Bible but all the scriptures of the world. The time has come today that you have to become a Christian, a Brahmin, a Pir, through your Kundalini awakening only. There is no other way. And that your Last Judgment is also now.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji

Some quotes of Shri Mataji regarding Self-realization, Self, Spirit and God
“Sahaja Yoga is different from the other Yogas because it begins with Self realisation instead of this being the unobtainable dream of a distant goal.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Sahaja Yoga unites the essence of all religions.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Innately, within us, resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten you, to give peace, the bliss and the joy of our being.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“You are yourself and you must see yourself as your Self, as your Spirit. And Spirit is a Universal Being, is the innocence, is the virgin within you. This body is a palace and it is the House of God. within it God kept the Infinite Flame.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“The greatest friend you have is the Divine Power which is looking after you and doing everything for you.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“It is God who rules, it is He who does, it is He who has created everything and it is He who enjoys everything.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Atma is the reflection of Paramatma in our heart. This reflection is like the sun in water. Although reflection of the sun is in the water, he is away in the sky and not in the water. Similarly, Atma is as much as it is seen, it is beyond all that and not limited by it.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“The Atma (Spirit) resides inside this heart and after Sahaja Yoga its light spreads within us in seven layers.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Worry about yourself and see the good points of others.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“The representatives of Sadashiva and Adi Shakti in us are the Atma and the Kundalini.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Meditation, where you are connected to the All- pervading Divinity, is the starting point in Sahaja Yoga.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“When you try to seek the Knowledge you have to become the Knowledge. The light of Love is so sweet, so beautiful, so enamoring, so abounding. You can feel that Light within you which is of pure love, pure relationship and pure understanding.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Kundalini is our Mother, we are Her only children and She has been with us through all our lives just waiting for the moment of fulfilment.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“It is the Divine love and grace of God which has made you a human being and it is His grace which is going to make you a supreme human being in Sahaja Yoga.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Some are rich, some are poor, these are transitory things. Look into the heart within and enjoy that Love. With that Love you elevate and once more rise to greatness.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“We do not know our potential, our beauty, but once this connection with the mains is established you will be surprised at the results and the dynamism. Through our love we can absorb the defects of others and cleanse them. This is the power of Love. So far we have never used the power of Love.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“You cannot make your Kundalini pulsate with your mind. The Divine, if it has to do something, it must be extra-ordinary which human beings cannot do. To pulsate Kundalini is only possible for the Divine. It is a living force.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“A spiritual person is just innocent, just innocent. Whatever he talks or says comes through innocence. It just says what it knows and what it knows is the highest.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“God is infinite. You don’t have to count His aspects. You want to enjoy Him. The wise simply eat the fruit, they do not count the leaves, roots and branches.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“It is very important to understand that without transformation you have no meaning. Whatever you are, do not identify yourselves with that, but whatever you want to be, try to be that.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Spirit is the only thing that is at the center, and at the periphery if you look at things, they look as if they are separate and different. But if you can approach somehow into that state where your Spirit resides, you will be amazed to see that everything integrates, everything coordinates, and there is no difference. Say, in Mohammed Sahib, Dattatreya, Raja Janaka or Shirdi Sai Nath — there is no difference in their principle if you can just get your Spirit.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Until you are able to understand the meaning of the”Self”, the physical body would remain imperfect and would be unable to verify the Truth. But once the physical instrument is connected with Truth, you are able to verify the Truth.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“When you become one with the Spirit all your problems will be solved. A realized person never talks in first person. He becomes separate from himself, leaving aside his desires, his materialistic ideas.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Meditation is nothing but the state of remaining in the constant company of the every-loving Bhagawati.”
[Bhagawati is the Primordial Mother — Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit or Ruh of Allah]
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“Sahaja Yoga is different from the other Yogas because it begins with Self realization instead of this being the unobtainable dream of a distant goal.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“The essence of all religions is to find the eternal.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“In Sahaja Yoga, you have to understand one simple thing, that you are the Spirit and whatever is not the Spirit is not yourself.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“God has created man with his Shakti and man has to know Him, and recognize Him through Kundalini Awakening. Blossom Time has come and many ancient seekers are today getting their Self-Realization.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“The object of Sahaja Yoga is basically to become and experience the spiritual Self.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“it’s the culture of God, we are talking about, it’s the culture of His kingdom where we give to others, enjoying, giving, doing for others, loving others, caring for others without any return.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“The only thing where you can really hide yourself is the love of God; where you can really get the great restful, blissful feeling of His complete protection.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“If in one lifetime you can achieve Self-Realization and you reach the point of having begun to lose your habits, then in that very lifetime, it is possible for you to acquire that so called State. An established Sahaja Yogi is the one who becomes completely one with God and wins Him over.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“This is the Last Judgment. Remember, God will not bow before you. You have to accomplish Him in your own freedom. If you have not achieved Him it is not His fault nor is it of Sahaja Yoga.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
The fulfillment of eschatological instruction promised by Jesus
“The original meaning of the word ‘apocalypse’, derived from the Greek apokalypsis, is in fact not the cataclysmic end of the world, but an ‘unveiling’, or ‘revelation’, a means whereby one gains insight into the present.” (Kovacs, 2013, 2)
An apocalypse (Greek: apokalypsis meaning “an uncovering”) is in religious contexts knowledge or revelation, a disclosure of something hidden, “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities.” (Ehrman 2014, 59)
“An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: apokalypsis … literally meaning “an uncovering”) is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. In religious and occult concepts, an apocalypse usually discloses something very important that was hidden or provides what Bart Ehrman has termed, “A vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities”. Historically, the term has a heavy religious connotation as commonly seen in the prophetic revelations of eschatology obtained through dreams or spiritual visions.” Wikipedia 2021-01-09

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (1923-2011) was Christian by birth, Hindu by marriage, and Paraclete by duty.
Total number of recorded talks 3058: Public Programs 1178, Pujas 651, and other (private conversations) 1249
“The Paraclete will come (15:26; 16:7, 8, 13) as Jesus has come into the world (5:43; 16:28; 18:37)… The Paraclete will take the things of Christ (the things that are mine, ek tou emou) and declare them (16:14-15). Bishop Fison describes the humility of the Spirit, ‘The true Holy Spirit of God does not advertise Herself: She effaces Herself and advertises Jesus.’ …
It is by the outgoing activity of the Spirit that the divine life communicates itself in and to the creation. The Spirit is God-in-relations. The Paraclete is the divine self-expression which will be and abide with you, and be in you (14:16-17). The Spirit’s work is described in terms of utterance: teach you, didasko (14:26), remind you, hypomimnesko (14:26), testify, martyro (15:26), prove wrong, elencho (16:8), guide into truth, hodego (16:13), speak, laleo (16:13, twice), declare, anangello (16:13, 14, 15). The johannine terms describe verbal actions which intend a response in others who will receive (lambano), see (theoreo), or know (ginosko) the Spirit. Such speech-terms link the Spirit with the divine Word. The Spirit’s initiatives imply God’s personal engagement with humanity. The Spirit comes to be with others; the teaching Spirit implies a community of learners; forgetful persons need a prompter to remind them; one testifies expecting heed to be paid; one speaks and declares in order to be heard. The articulate Spirit is the correlative of the listening, Spirit-informed community.
The final Paraclete passage closes with a threefold repetition of the verb she will declare (anangello), 16:13-15. The Spirit will declare the things that are to come (v.13), and she will declare what is Christ’s (vv. 14, 15). The things of Christ are a message that must be heralded…
The intention of the Spirit of truth is the restoration of an alienated, deceived humanity… The teaching role of the Paraclete tends to be remembered as a major emphasis of the Farewell Discourses, yet only 14:26 says She will teach you all things. (Teaching is, however, implied when 16:13-15 says that the Spirit will guide you into all truth, and will speak and declare.) Franz Mussner remarks that the word used in 14:26, didaskein, “means literally ‘teach, instruct,’ but in John it nearly always means to reveal.” (Stevick 2011, 292-7)
The Holy Spirit as feminine: Early Christian testimonies and their interpretation,
Johannes van Oort, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Department of Church History and Church Polity, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Paraclete, as the continuation of Jesus’ teaching, must also be understood as the fulfillment of the promise of eschatological divine instruction.”
Stephen E. Witmer, Divine instruction in Early Christianity
“Jesus therefore predicts that God will later send a human being to Earth to take up the role defined by John .i.e. to be a prophet who hears God’s words and repeats his message to man.”
M. Bucaille, The Bible, the Qur’n, and Science
“And when Jesus foreannounced another Comforter, He must have intended a Person as distinct and helpful as He had been.”
F. B. Meyer, Love to the Utmost
“The Paraclete has a twofold function: to communicate Christ to believers and, to put the world on trial.”
Robert Kysar, John The Meverick Gospel
“But She—the Spirit, the Paraclete…—will teach you everything.”
Danny Mahar, Aramaic Made EZ)
“Grammatical nonsense but evidence of the theological desire to defeminize the Divine.”
Lucy Reid, She Changes Everything
“The functions of the Paraclete spelled out in verses 13-15… are all acts of open and bold speaking in the highest degree.”
David Fleer, Preaching John’s Gospel
“The reaction of the world to the Paraclete will be much the same as the world’s reaction was to Jesus.”
Berard L. Marthaler, The Creed: The Apostolic Faith in Contemporary Theology
Bultmann calls the “coming of the Redeemer an ‘eschatological event,’ ‘the turning-point of the ages.”
G. Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament
“The Paraclete equated with the Holy Spirit, is the only mediator of the word of the exalted Christ.”
Benny Thettayil, In Spirit and Truth
“The divine Paraclete, and no lessor agency, must show the world how wrong it was about him who was in the right.”
Daniel B. Stevick , Jesus and His Own: A Commentary on John 13-17
Stephen Smalley asserts that “The Spirit-Paraclete … in John’s Gospel is understood as personal, indeed, as a person.”
Marianne Thompson, The God of the Gospel of John
“The Messiah will come and the great age of salvation will dawn (for the pious).”
Eric Eve, The Jewish context of Jesus’ Miracles
“The remembrance is to relive and re-enact the Christ event, to bring about new eschatological decision in time and space.”
Daniel Rathnakara Sadananda, The Johannine Exegesis of God
“The Spirit acts in such an international situation as the revealer of ‘judgment’ on the powers that rule the world.”
Michael Welker, God the Spirit
The Paraclete’s “Appearance means that sin, righteousness, and judgment will be revealed.”
Georg Strecker, Theology of the New Testament
“While the Spirit-Paraclete is the true broker, the brokers they rely on are impostors.”
T. G. Brown, Spirit in the writings of John
“The pneumatological activity … of the Paraclete … may most helpfully be considered in terms of the salvific working of the hidden Spirit.”
Michael Welker, The work of the Spirit
“The pneuma is the peculiar power by which the word becomes the words of eternal life.”
Robert Kysar, Voyages with John
“The gift of peace, therefore, is intimately associated with the gift of the Spirit-Paraclete.”
Francis J. Moloney, The Gospel of John
“This utopian hope, even when modestly expressed, links Jesus and the prophets to a much wider history of human longing.”
Harvey Cox, The Future of Faith
“Because of the presence of the Paraclete in the life of the believer, the blessings of the end-times—the eschaton—are already present.”
Robert Kysar, John
“They are going, by the Holy Spirit’s power, to be part of the greatest miracle of all, bringing men to salvation.”
R. Picirilli, The Randall House Bible Commentary
“The Kingdom of God stands as a comprehensive term for all that the messianic salvation included… is something to be sought here and now (Mt. 6:33) and to be received as children receive a gift (Mk. 10:15 = Lk. 18:16-17).”
G. Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament

Lessons for Living Found in Views of the Last Judgment
“The image of the God who judges in wrath has caused a great deal of spiritual damage,” Professor Moltmann will be telling his listeners.
But he is not satisfied with the alternative that makes eternal destiny simply a matter of the individual’s own choice of whether to reject God. In that case, Professor Moltmann says, the Last Judgment becomes no more than “the ultimate endorsement of our free will.” God really has nothing much to do with it beyond implementing the human outcome; in short, “we are the lords, and God is our servant,” he says.
The alternative, in Professor Moltmann’s view, is to put Jesus Christ at the center of this final drama. “It is high time to Christianize our traditional images and perceptions of God’s Final Judgment,” he says.
Any Last Judgment with Christ at the center must answer the cries of human victims for justice, without simply meting out vengeance on the perpetrators of injustice, Professor Moltmann suggests. A Christian eschatological vision would involve not the retributive justice of human courts but “God’s creative justice,” which can heal and restore the victims and transform the perpetrators.
The goal of a final judgment, in this interpretation, is not reward and punishment but victory over all that is godless, which he calls “a great Day of Reconciliation.” Professor Moltmann argues for the universal preservation and salvation not only of humans, as individuals and as members of groups, but also of all living creatures. It has been “a fatal mistake of Christian tradition in doctrine and spirituality,” he argues, to emphasize the “end of the old age” rather than “the new world of God,” the beginning of the “life of the world to come.”
This resurrected life will be bodily and worldly, and its expectation, he says, should teach people to “give ourselves wholeheartedly to this life here and surrender in love” to its “beauties and pains.”
New York Times, Lessons for Living Found in Views of the Last Judgment
January 20, 2007
“But today is the day I declare that I am the one who has to save the humanity. I declare I am the one who is Adishakti, who is the Mother of all the Mothers, who is the Primordial Mother, the Shakti, the desire of God, who has incarnated on this Earth to give its meaning to itself; to this creation, to human beings and I am sure through My Love and patience and My powers I am going to achieve it.
I was the one who was born again and again. But now in my complete form and complete powers I have come on this Earth not only for salvation of human beings, not only for their emancipation, but for granting them the Kingdom of Heaven, the joy, the bliss that your Father wants to bestow upon you.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
London, UK—December 2, 1979
“I am the one about which Christ has talked… I am the Holy Spirit who has incarnated on this Earth for your realization.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
New York, USA—September 30, 1981
“But to communicate with the people, to communicate with the Spirit—to understand the Kundalini, the vibrations, and their different decodings and all that—the Holy Spirit had to come; with Her mouth, and with Her voice, and with Her intelligence that is intelligible to you; with the knowledge, and everything.
Otherwise it is not possible to communicate and that’s why if somebody has to come you have to just recognize. Recognition is the best way of understanding the powers that are given to you…
So somebody has to be there to give you the complete picture. You get Realization, you get vibrations (Ruach, Pneuma, Prana), but then what? What about the complete? And for that the Holy Ghost has to take a form. All right?”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Sydney, Australia—April 7, 1981
Guest: “Hello Mother.”
Shri Mataji: “Yes.”
Guest: “I wanted to know, is the Cool Breeze (Pneuma) that you have spoken about, you feel on the hands the Cool Wind of the Holy Spirit, as spoken about in the Bible?”
Shri Mataji: “Yes. Yes, yes, same thing, same thing. You have done the good job now, I must say.”
Interviewer: “Is it the Holy Spirit?”
Shri Mataji: “Yes, of course, is the Holy Spirit.”
Guest: “Aha… I am feeling it now on my hand through the [not clear]”
Shri Mataji: “It’s good.”
Interviewer: “Did you want to say anything more than that?”
Guest: “No, I just… That’s all I wanted to know because I…”
Shri Mataji: “Because you are thoughtless now. Enjoy yourself.”
Guest: “Thank you.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Talkback Radio 2UE, Sydney, Australia—March 31, 1981
Second Guest: “I just want to ask Mother about a quotation from the Bible.”
Interviewer: “Yes, what’s that?”
Guest: “It says, ‘But the comfort of the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in My name would teach you all things.’ I would like to ask Her about that.”
Interviewer: “Could you just repeat the quotation again?”
Guest: “But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things.”
Interviewer: “And that’s from where?”
Guest: “John chapter 14, verse 26.”
Shri Mataji: “I think you should take your realization and then you will know the answer to it. Because, logically if it points out to one person, then you have to reach the conclusion, isn’t it? That’s a logical way of looking at things. But I am not going to say anything or claim anything. It is better you people find out yourself.”
Interviewer: “Does that answer your question?”
Guest: “Is the, is the Comforter on the Earth at the present time? Has the Comforter incarnated? Mataji should be able to tell us this because She said that through these vibrations on Her hands, She …”
Shri Mataji: “Yes, She is very much here and She’s talking to you now. Can you believe that?”
Guest: “Well, I feel something cool [Pneuma/Prana/Chi] on my hand. Is that some indication of the …?”
Shri Mataji: “Yes, very much so. So that’s the proof of the thing. You’ve already started feeling it in your hands.”
Guest: “Can I?”
Shri Mataji: “Ask the question, ‘Mother, are you the Comforter?’”
Guest: “Mother, are you the Comforter?”
Shri Mataji: “Ask it thrice.”
Guest: “Mother, are you the Comforter?”
Shri Mataji: “Again.”
Guest: “Mother, are you the Comforter?”
Shri Mataji: “Now, what do you get?”
Guest: “Oh, I feel this kind of cool tingling [Pneuma/Prana/Chi] passing all through my body.”
Shri Mataji: “That’s the answer now.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Talkback Radio 2UE, Sydney, Australia—March 31, 1981

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (1923-2011): Christian by birth, Hindu by marriage and Paraclete by duty.
“The Paraclete and the disciples (vv. 25-26): The theme of departure (cf. vv. 1-6; vv. 18-24) returns. There are two “times” in the experience of the disciples: the now as Jesus speaks to them (v. 25) and the future time when the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father in the name of Jesus, will be with them (v. 26). The Paraclete will replace Jesus’ physical presence, teaching them all things and recalling for them everything he has said (v. 26). As Jesus is the Sent One of the Father (cf. 4:34; 5:23; 24, 30, 37; 6:38-40; 7:16; 8:16, 18, 26; 12:44-49), so is the Paraclete sent by the Father. The mission and purpose of the former Paraclete, Jesus (cf. 14:13-14), who speaks and teaches “his own” will continue into the mission and purpose of the “other Paraclete” (cf. v. 16) who teaches and brings back the memory of all that Jesus has said. The time of Jesus is intimately linked with the time after Jesus, and the accepted meaning of a departure has been undermined. The inability of the disciples to understand the words and deeds of Jesus will be overcome as they “remember” what he had said (cf. 2:22) and what had been written of him and done to him (cf. 12:16). The “remembering” will be the fruit of the presence of the Paraclete with the disciples in the in-between-time. In v. 16 Jesus focused on the inability of the world to know the Paraclete, but in v. 26 the gift of the Paraclete to “his own” is developed. As Jesus was with the disciples (v. 25), so will the Paraclete be with the disciples in the midst of hostility and rejection (v. 16). As the story has insisted that Jesus’ teaching has revealed God to his disciples, so will the Paraclete recall and continue Jesus’ revelation of God to the disciples (v. 26).” (Harrington 1998, 412)
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Radio Interview Oct 01 1983—Santa Cruz, USA

The Paraclete Shri Mataji (1923-2011)
Total number of Recorded Talks 3058, Public Programs 1178, Pujas 651, and other (private conversations) 1249
“What are they awaiting but for the Hour to come upon them suddenly? Its Signs have already come. What good will their Reminder be to them when it does arrive?” (Qur’n, 47:18) “As the above verse indicates, God has revealed some of Doomsday’s signs in the Qur’n. In Surat az-Zukhruf 43:61, God informs us that ‘He [Jesus] is a Sign of the Hour. Have no doubt about it…’ Thus we can say, based particularly on Islamic sources but also on the Old Testament and the New Testament, that we are living in the End Times.” Harun Yahya
Good News (An Naba) of Resurrection (Al-Qiyamah): Videos 3474, Audios 1945, Transcripts 3262 and Events 2413
“Concerning what are they disputing?
Concerning the Great News. [5889]
About which they cannot agree.
Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!
Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!”
surah 78:1-5 An Naba (The Great News)
5889. Great News: usually understood to mean the News or Message of the Resurrection.
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur’n
Amana Corporation, 1989
[Moderator]: “Any other questions?”
[Audience]: “Pardon me for asking this question, but, earlier you talked about the Resurrection and you mentioned about the scriptures, where like in the Hindus scriptures they talk about the Kalki Avatar who will come for the Resurrection, and for the Christians, I know they talk about the return of Christ and all the religions talk about this Resurrection and the belief in the coming of the Messiah. So I just want to know since you say you are going to give the resurrection to us, what is your station?”
Shri Mataji: “In Russia?”
[Audience]: “And are you the promised Messiah? Shri Mataji, are you?”
Shri Mataji: “I see now I am not going to tell you anything about myself, to be very frank. Because see Christ said He was the Son of God, and they crucified Him. I don’t want to get crucified. You have to find out. When you become the Spirit you will know what I am. I don’t want to say anything about myself.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
Toronto, Canada—October 5, 1993
“It is the Mother who can awaken the Kundalini, and that the Kundalini is your own Mother. She is the Holy Ghost within you, the Adi Shakti, and She Herself achieves your transformation. By any talk, by any rationality, by anything, it cannot be done.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
“She is your pure Mother. She is the Mother who is individually with you. Forget your concepts, and forget your identifications. Please try to understand She is your Mother, waiting for ages to give you your real birth. She is the Holy Ghost within you. She has to give you your realization, and She’s just waiting and waiting to do it.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
Sydney, Australia—Mar 22 1981
“The Kundalini is your own mother; your individual mother. And She has tape-recorded all your past and your aspirations. Everything! And She rises because She wants to give you your second birth. But She is your individual mother. You don’t share Her with anybody else. Yours is a different, somebody else’s is different because the tape-recording is different. We say She is the reflection of the Adi Shakti who is called as Holy Ghost in the Bible.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Press Conference July 08 1999—London, UK

Mar 21, 1923—Feb 23, 2011
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was
Christian by birth, Hindu by
marriage, and Paraclete by duty.
“The Paraclete represents direct,
intimate divine intervention,
supporting and teaching
believers and challenging the
world, as Jesus did. ” (D. Stevick
Jesus and His Own, 2011, 290)
“Now what is the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost is the Primordial Mother. But people never talked about Mother. They talked of the Father and the Son. Imagine, a father and a son and no mother. It is absurd. Have you seen any father and a son without a mother? Such an absurd situation comes in that people accepted because it’s all mental. Somebody tells you, “No, it’s a mystery, there’s no Mother,” and people accepted it.
But there has to be a Mother and this is the time of Aquarius what we call in Sanskrit as Kumbha, meaning the Aquarius which is the Kundalini, where She nourishes, where She cures you, She redeems you, She guides you, counsels you, and this is the time of the Mother. We had the time of the Father, then of the Son, and now this is the time of the Mother where She has to nourish you, where She has to take you to your ultimate goal that is the Spirit.
The consciousness itself, the way we have been moving in other directions, have been like people think that if a woman starts fighting for her life and then she is asserting the femininity. She is not.
What I’m saying is not meant for women or men. It is meant for every one of us, that we have to become like a mother. Like a Divine Mother, like a person who can nourish people, who can give them love, affection, attention, perseverance, fore-bearing.
This is only possible for a Mother to do it and that motherhood should be awakened in every human being.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
Public Program Day 1, Boston, United States—Oct. 11, 1983