Ruach, breath of God, experienced daily as Cool Breeze/wind by participants of Resurrection

Judith Coney: Sahaja Yoga><BR CLEAR=
Judith Coney

"This book is my attempt, as a sociologist of religion, to answer the question raised by my friend that day. It is about Sahaja Yoga, the new religious movement (NRM) whose member was responsible for the 'cool breezes' which he felt.”- Judith Coney

"One spring afternoon in 1992, a Norwegian friend who was living in my village for a year whilst he completed a Master of Business Administration at Bath University dropped over for coffee. After exchanging the usual set of pleasantries about the weather and a few comments about the local primary school, he introduced a new topic into the conversation. Knowing my interest in new religions, he said, was I aware that some people in the next village were 'giving cool breezes'? I confessed my ignorance and pressed him for details. One, a woman called Jane, he continued, had given him a sort of massage and as a result he had felt a Cool Breeze on the top of his head. "I really did, you know!" he went on, looking slightly uncomfortable, as he did not quite believe it himself. "What's it all about?”

This book is my attempt, as a sociologist of religion, to answer the question raised by my friend that day. It is about Sahaja Yoga, the new religious movement (NRM) whose member was responsible for the 'cool breezes' which he felt.”

Judith Coney, Sahaja Yoga (Introduction page)
RoutledgeCurzon; 1 edition (May 24 1999)

About the Author (
Judith Coney is a lecturer in the Department of Study of Religions at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.

Book Description
The first full-length examination of Sahaja Yoga, a new religious movement led by Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi, which claims up to one hundred thousand members from around the world.

This is the first full-length examination of Sahaja Yoga, a new religious movement led by Sri Mataji Nirmala Devi, which claims up to one hundred thousand members from around the world. The study on which it is founded began as a result of the author's curiosity being aroused when she heard followers of the guru claiming to feel 'cool breezes' on the tops of their heads and on the palms of their hands. Basing her account largely on participant observation with devotees, Judith Coney sets out the experiences of western members of the movement, from the point of first contact to departure. She examines how newcomers adopt new practices and allegiances on becoming full-time members, and how most develop a radically new awareness of 'spiritual vibrations' as a result of the regular meditation suggested by Sri Mataji. To do so, she reflects upon current theories of socialisation, in particular building up understandings about new social worlds than has so far been appreciated. This accessible and informative account is of particular value to scholars working in the study of religions and new religious movements, and of interest to those working on theories of socialisation. However, the book is required reading for anyone who wants to know more about the contemporary religious landscape.

Ruach, the breath of God, experienced daily as Cool Breeze/wind by SYs

Hebrew name for God - Ruach Elohim


"The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” (Job 33:4)

The Spirit of YHVH is YHVH Himself...

In the Tanakh, the word ruach generally means wind, breath, mind, spirit. In a living creature (nephesh chayah), the ruach is the breath, whether of animals (Gen 7:15; Psa 104:25, 29) or mankind (Isa 42:5; Ezek 37:5). God is the creator of ruach: "The ruach of God (from God) is in my nostrils" (Job 27:3). In God's hand is the ruach of all mankind (Job 12:10; Isa 42:5). In mankind, ruach further denotes the principle of life that possesses reason, will, and conscience. The ruach imparts the divine image to man, and constitutes the animating dynamic which results in man's nephesh as the subject of personal life.

When applied to God, the word Ruach indicates creative activity (Gen 1:2) and active power (Isa 40:13). The Spirit of God also works in providence (Job 33:4; Psa 104:30), in redemption (Ezek 11:19; Ezek 36:26-27), in upholding and guiding his chosen ones (Neh 9:20; Psa 143:10; Hag 2:5), and in the empowering of the Messiah (Isa 11:2; Isa 42:1; Isa 61:1).

In short, as the ruach is to the created nephesh, so the Ruach Elohim is to God Himself, part of God and identified with God. Ruach may be understood as the Author of the animating dynamic of the created order, the underlying Principle of creation, and the One that imparts the nephesh to the entire universe.

The Spirit of God
Ruach Elohim.
The Spirit of God.
References: Gen. 1:2; Gen. 41:38; Exod. 31:3; 35:31; Num. 24:2; 1 Sam. 10:10; 11:6; 16:15f, 23; 18:10; 19:20, 23; 2 Chr. 15:1; 2 Chr. 24:20. In many of these references note that the Spirit of God"came upon"An individual and enabled him to speak or act on behalf of YHVH.

The Spirit of the LORD
Ruach Adonai.
References: Jdg. 3:10; 6:34; 11:29; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 15:14; 1 Sam. 10:6; 16:13,4; 19:9; 2 Sam. 23:2; 1 Ki. 18:12; 22:24; 2 Ki. 2:16; 2 Chr. 18:23; 20:14; Isa. 11:2; 40:7, 13; 59:19; 63:14; Ezek. 11:5; Hos. 13:15; Mic. 2:7; 3:8.
Note: A distinction was made by ancient Jewish authorities between the"Spirit of the Lord"And the Shekhinah, or the (tangible) presence of God. This distinction is made in the Talmud, which gives a list of things found in the first Temple in Jerusalem, but missing in the second Temple. The Shekhinah may have referred to God's actual dwelling within the Holy of Holies, and God's presence emanating outward from it in a special way, though this is speculative and not based on the scriptures found directly in the Tanakh.

The Holy Spirit
Ruach Hakkodesh.
The Holy Spirit.
Reference: Psalm 51:11

The Spirit of the LORD God
Ruach Adonai Adonai.
The Spirit of the LORD God.
Reference: Isaiah 61:1

The Spirit of God
The Spirit of God.
Reference: Job 33:4

"The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life.” (Job 33:4)
Web (Retrieved 2018-02-01)

The Old testament word for spirit is 'ruach', (pronounced roo'-akh) meaning wind, breath, inspiration, and the OT Hebrew noun is always feminine. The original tongue of the Hebrew or Aramaic would translate 'Holy Spirit' as female. Also, Greek would translate 'Holy Spirit' as either female or 'neuter in reference to the subject' and She only became 'He' in Latin and English bibles.

The word ruach occurs 389 times in the Hebrew Old Testament. In the Authorized Version it is rendered spirit in 237 passages (and no other word is rendered spirit except neshamah," breath", in Job 26:4 and Proverbs 20:27.). In the remaining 152 places it is translated in 22 different ways, which are to be carefully distinguished. [In the Revised Version ruach is rendered spirit 224 times, and in the remaining 165 passages is rendered in many different ways.]

The meaning of the word is to be deduced only from its usage. The one root idea running through all the passages is invisible force. As this force may be exerted in varying form, and may be manifested in divers ways, so various renderings are necessitated, corresponding thereto.

Ruach, in whatever sense it is used, always represents that which is invisible except by its manifestations. These are seen both externally to man, as well as internally within man.

As coming from God, it is the invisible origin of life. All apart from this is death. It comes from God, and returns to God (Ecclesiastes 3:19,20). Hence, ruach is used of

I. - GOD, as being invisible.”The Spirit of Jehovah"Is Jehovah Himself, in His manifestation of invisible power.

2 Samuel 23:2. Psalm 139:7 (= Thee). Isaiah 40:13.

II. - THE HOLY SPIRIT : the Third Person of the Trinity.

2 Samuel 23:2. 1Kings 18:12; 22:24. 2Kings 2:16. 2Chronicles 18:23. Nehemiah 9:20,30. Job 26:13; 33:4. Isaiah 40:13; 48:16; 59:19,21; 61:1; 63:10,1-4. Ezekiel 3:12,14 (1 st); 8:3; 11:1,24; 37:1; 43:5. Micah 2:7; 3:8. Zechariah 4:6; 6:8; 7:12. Malachi 2:15.


In creation. Genesis 1:2. In giving life. Ezekiel 37:14.
In executing judgement-
"blast.”Exodus 15:8. Isaiah 37:7.
"breath.”2Samuel 22:16. 2 Kings 19:7. Job 4:9; 15:30. Psalms 18:15; 33:6. Isaiah 11:4; 30:28.
"spirit.”Isaiah 4:4; 28:6; 34:16; 40:7.

IV. - INVISIBLE "POWER FROM ON HIGH", MANIFESTING ITSELF AS DIVINE POWER in giving spiritual gifts. Spoken of as coming upon, clothing, falling on, and being poured out. Rendered"Spirit", but should be"spirit.”

Genesis 41:38. Exodus 28:3; 31:3; 35:31. Numbers 11:17,25,25,26,29; 24:2; 27:8. Deuteronomy 34:9. Judges 3:10; 6:34; 11:29; 13:25; 14:6,19; 15:14. 1Samuel 10:6,10; 11:6; 16:13,14; 19:20,23. 2Kings 2:9,15. 1Chronicles 12:18; 28:12. 2Chronicles 15:1; 20:14; 24:20. Psalms 51:11,12; 143:10. Proverbs 1:23. Isaiah 11:2,2,2,2; 30:1; 32:15; 42:1,5; 44:3; 59:21; 61:1; 63:11. Ezekiel 2:2; 3:24; 11:5,19; 36:27; 39:29. Daniel 4:8,9,18; 5:11,12,14. Joel 2:28,29. Haggai 2:5. Zechariah 12:10.

V. - THE INVISIBLE PART OF MAN (Psychological). Given by God at man's formation at birth, and returning to God at his death.

"Breath.”Genesis 6:17; 7:15,22. Job 9:18; 12:10; 17:1. Psalms 104:29; 135:17; 146:4. Ecclesiastes 3:19. Jeremiah 10:14; 51:17. Lamentations 4:20. Ezekiel 37:5,6,8,9,10. Habakkuk 2:19. Zechariah 12:1. "spirit.”Genesis 6:3. Numbers 16:22; 27:16. Job 27:3; 34:14. Psalms 31:5; 104:30. Ecclesiastes 3:21,21; 8:8,8; 11:5; 12:7. Isaiah 42:5. "Wind.”Ezekiel 37:9,9.

VI. - THE INVISIBLE CHARACTERISTICS OF MAN; manifesting themselves in states of mind and feeling.

"Breath.” Job 19:17 (= manner).
"Spirit.” Genesis 41:8; 45:27. Exodus 6:9; 35:21. Numbers 5:14,14,30; 14:24. Joshua 5:1. Judges 15:19. 1Samuel 1:15; 30:12. 1Kings 10:5; 21:5. 1Chronicles 5:26,26. 2Chronicles 9:4; 21:16; 36:22. Ezra 1:1,5. Job 6:4; 7:11; 10:12; 15:13; 20:3; 21:4; 32:8,18. Psalms 32:2; 34:18; 51:10,11,12,17. 76:12; 78:8; 142:3; 143:4,7. Proverbs 11:13; 14:29; 15:4,13; 16:2,18,19,32; 17:22,27; 18:14,14; 25:28; 29:23. Ecclesiastes 1:14,17; 2:11,17,26; 4:4,6,16; 6:9; 7:8,8,9; 10:4. Isaiah 19:3,14; 26:9; 29:10,24; 33:11; 38:16; 54:6; 57:15,15,16; 61:3; 65:14; 66:2. Jeremiah 51:11. Ezekiel 13:3. Daniel 7:15. Hosea 4:12; 5:4. Micah 2:11.

Why Christianity Must Change or Die
Ruach: Hebrew word for God

"One ancient Hebrew word for God, for example, was ruach. Literally, that word meant "Wind," a natural and even an impersonal concept. The wind or ruach was observed not as a being, but as a vitalizing force. It had no boundaries and no recognizing destination. Among the Hebrews the ruach or wind of God was said to have brooded over the chaos in the story of creation in order to bring forth life. Slowly this ruach then evolved and became personalized and was called Spirit. But it is important to note that at its origin ruach was an impersonal life force, an experienced "What," not a "Who.” The ruach or wind of God was not external. It rather emerged from within the world and was understood as its very ground, its life-giving reality....

The wind was also assumed by the Jewish mind to have come from God. "Thou didst blow with thy wind," said the book of Exodus (15:10), and "There went forth a wind from the Lord," said the book of Numbers (11:31). God might have been defined by these ancient people as a distant, theistic, personal power who lived beyond the sky, but in the very mysterious wind, which the Jews felt on their own faces, they believed they found themselves touched by God here and now.”

Bishop J. S. Spong
Why Christianity Must Change or Die

Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit in Ecumenical, International, and Contextual Perspective
A Pneumatological Renaissance

"The Catholic theologian Elizabeth Dreyer vividly describes this renewed enthusiasm over pneumatology: Renewed interest in the Holy Spirit is visible in at least three contexts: individual Christians who hunger for a deeper connection with God that is inclusive of all of life as well as the needs of the world; the church that seeks to renew itself through life-giving disciplines and a return to sources; and the formal inquiry of academic philosophy and theology. In effect, one can hear the petition, 'Come Creator Spirit' on many lips these days.”

Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit in Ecumenical, International, and Contextual Perspective
Veli-Matti Karkkainen, Baker Academic (June 1 2002) p. 11

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (1923-2011)
was Christian by birth, Hindu by
marriage, and Paraclete by duty.

"As Stanley and John argue, "... it is the Holy
Spirit announcing the good news about Jesus
Christ, which Word the church speaks in
the Spirit's power and by the Spirit's authority,
and which is thereby connected to Christ
himself.” (Varkay 2011 Kindle 255)
"Now this Cool Breeze (Pneuma) is not chilling breeze nor is this a hot breeze but a kind of a cool soothing effects that you feel all around yourself which you have never felt before.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
Public Program, Miami, USA—1990

'Facing the wind:
Challenges and expectations within pneumatology

'Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send [this One] to you' JOHN 16:7
'One of the most perplexing moments within the biblical testimony is when Jesus tells his disciples on the evening of his betrayal that they will actually benefit from his absence. Earlier in this section of John's Gospel (a section sometimes labeled the 'Farewell Discourses,' Chapters 14'17), Jesus made the link explicit between 'another Advocate' and 'the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees [this one] nor knows [this one],' but, according to Jesus, the disciples know this one because this one abides with them, and this one will be in them (John 14:16'18). Later in Chapter 14, Jesus makes much of the same gesture: 'I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you' (14:25'26; see also 15:26). When discussions of these passages ensue, often they take as their focus the many meanings that can be rendered from the word 'Advocate' or parakletos (sometimes transliterated as 'Paraclete' in English); these possibilities include 'representative,' 'counselor,' and 'comforter.' These exegetical forays, however, do not reckon with the startling claim made by Jesus himself that the disciples would be at an advantage by his leaving. Would the contrasting corollary also hold, namely that the disciples would have been disadvantaged had Jesus remained with them? More to the point: What is the logic at work in this reasoning? What particular advantage does the holy Spirit provide the disciples, one that apparently is unique to the Spirit?' (Castello 2015, 1-2)

"When you get your realization, you start feeling the cool vibrations (Pneuma) flowing from your hands. And these cool vibrations are the indication that the Divine power has started flowing through you. Now, these vibrations that you have are flowing through you like a Cool Breeze (Pneuma) are absolutely genuine, they are much more genuine than genuineness, because human beings always have relative idea of genuineness.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji
London, UK—16 July 1979

'Pneumatology'in this case the Christian theological sub-discipline devoted to the person and work of the Holy Spirit'is a deeply challenging field. Given the winds of Christian renewal sweeping across the globe today, perhaps no topic merits closer scrutiny and in turn has potential for wider application than this one within the field of Christian dogmatics. Despite this need, however, theologians, pastors, students, and laypeople continue to find themselves confused and frustrated with the topic. Easy, formulaic answers in pneumatology are simply unhelpful as circumstances and challenges unfold. Thoughtful, critical, and deeply earnest Christians continue to find the field puzzling, controversial, and maybe even unsettling. For these and other reasons, this book is needed, and if it can ameliorate this situation to some degree for some of its readers, it would have served its purpose....
This text takes seriously as an orienting concern the words associated with the series of which it is a part. This books aims to be a 'guide' for readers who are genuinely 'perplexed' by the topic of God's Spirit in the field of Christian theology. It is a collection of 'working papers' (especially in its latter chapters) that offers a glimpse into the field with the aim of clarifying some of the most pressing concerns associated with it. Naturally, not all perplexities can be addressed here. Repeatedly, I have found the task of writing on this topic daunting simply because there is so much to clarify and pursue. Quite simply, pneumatology needs much more development than it has traditionally received. As I contemplated what themes to pursue and how to approach them, I found myself gravitating to certain concerns more so than others, and because of this tendency, readers no doubt will find fault with some oversights that would feature in more exhaustive studies. I can only say that among my aims for the work comprehensiveness was not one of them.' (Castelo 2015, xii)

Related Articles:
1. Ruach, breath of God experienced daily as Cool Breeze/wind 1
2. Ruach, breath of God experienced daily as Cool Breeze/wind 2

3. All-Pervading Power of God felt as Cool Breeze or vibrations
4. Divine Wind flowing out of those born of the Spirit within
5. I will pour out in those days of My Spirit - Acts 2:18
Gospel of Truth pictures the holy spirit as God's breath
7. Comforter (Holy Spirit) would be like a breath, like a wind
8. The coming Messiah would inaugurate the age of salvation
9. The pneumatological activity [Cool Breeze or Wind] ... of the Paraclete
10. Pneuma is power by which the word becomes the word of eternal life
11. Pneuma (Cool Breeze) is the peculiar power of eternal life

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