Shri Guru Nanakji's IK ONKAAR

Shri Guru Nanakji's IK ONKAAR
Meditation on The One Indivisible Truth

by Swami Swaroopananda
Courtesy & Copyright Chinmaya Mission

The piece is divided into ten chapters namely -

1. Mool Mantra - Fundamental Meanings and Philosophical Implications
2. Ik Onkaar - The One God, the Absolute Reality
3. Satnaam - His name is Sat, Ever True
4. Kartaa Purakh - The Only Doer, the One Creator
5. Nirbhau Nirvair - Fearless and All-loving is He
6. Akaal Moorat - His Form (Existence) Transcends Time
7. Ajuni - He is Without Birth or Beginning
8. Saibangh - He is Self-existent and Self-illuminating
9. Gurparsaad - The Grace of the Guru
10. Jap - Chant

1. Mool Mantra & Mangalaacharan
Fundamental Meanings and Philosophical Implications

"Mantras are those mystical sound symbols, or words of deep significance, which serve to protect the person who chants them and reflects upon their meaning. In fact, they are minute"Word-capsules" or"phrase-capsules"filled with immense knowledge.

In the term mool mantra, mool means 'root'. Every tree has roots without which it cannot exist. The tree is sustained and nourished through these roots. They constitute the very foundation of the tree from which it grows and expands. In the same way, mool mantra means athat mantra in which lies the very essence of the Scripture', the entire Scripture being an elaboration, expansion or explanation of that mantra.

Just as Om is considered to be the mool mantra of the Vedas and the name Shri Ram the essence of the"Ramayan", so too Ik-Onkaar Sat-Naam Kartaa-Purakh Nirbhau Nirvair Akaal-Moorat Ajuni Saibangh Gurparsaad is considered to be the mool mantra of the"Granth Sahib.” Revealing and expounding on the Truth enshrined in this mantra is the entire"Japji Sahib", and the elaboration of the "Japji Sahib" is the entire "Granth Sahib.”

From time immemorial it has been the tradition of all the great Rishis of the Holy Land of Bharat to first invoke the Higher to bestow auspiciousness upon Them before They commence writing or composing any sacred textbook. All such prayers, invocations, and praises are called mangalaacharan.

Through these invocations the Rishis surrendered Their ego, Their sense of limited individuality, so that it would not"contaminate"or influence the sacred task They were about to embark on. All the same time They sought the blessings of the Higher, by whose Grace alone can anything be successfully achieved.

Shri Guru Nanak Devji is the Rishi who is the mantra dhrashtaa or 'seer' of the 'Ik-Onkaar....' mool mantra, which means that this mantra was revealed to Him in His meditation. It was with this mool mantra as well that He performed mangalaacharan, praising the lord before starting on the "Japji Sahib.”"

Mool Mantra & Mangalaacharan

Guru Granth Sahib: 1. Mool Mantra - Fundamental Meanings
Guru Granth Sahib: 2. Ik Onkaar - The One God, the Absolute Reality
Guru Granth Sahib: 3. Satnaam - His name is Sat, Ever True
Guru Granth Sahib: 4. Kartaa Purakh - The Only Doer, the One Creator
Guru Granth Sahib: 5. Nirbhau Nirvair - Fearless and All-loving is He
Guru Granth Sahib: 6. Akaal Moorat - His Form (Existence) Transcends Time
Guru Granth Sahib: 7. Ajuni - He is Without Birth or Beginning
Guru Granth Sahib: 8. Saibangh - He is Self-existent and Self-illuminating
Guru Granth Sahib: 9. Gurparsaad - The Grace of the Guru
Guru Granth Sahib: 10. Jap - Chant

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