
Logion 7: Jesus said, “Blessings on the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human.”

“I am teaching, doing what Christ has already predicted about Me... What Christ has said [is that] ‘you are to be born again.’ What Christ has precisely said is that you have to become the Spirit.... I am here to give the answer. I am here to prove Christ. I am here to prove all that is written in the Bible. When, also is said ‘The Comforter is going to come and you are going to achieve it, by which you will know My Father, forever.‘ What Christ taught, that's what I am exactly doing.”
THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi, You Must Become the Spirit,
Brighton, UK—May 14, 1982

“You see, animals, when we eat them, they evolve into greater animals... I don't say that you become a non-vegetarian like that, but you don't harm them. They don't understand harm. They don't understand harm, but if you eat meat, if you want to eat meat, you are giving them evolutionary jump.”

Press Conference with Shri Mataji
Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver Canada—June 27, 1999

“We can say, Kundalini is the one that triggers, that is the one that explodes. So Kundalini force is in everything, but in the most affective, the best, the highest form, it is in human beings. It is this force which exists in everyone and evolves everything, say from carbon to the amoebae stage and from amoebae to animal stage and from animal to human stage. Even in elements it exists because the elements also evolve.

We do not know how they evolve but it happens in Nature, that elements start changing their forms & mass and they become different elements; we have no idea of this because we have no way of measuring the quantity of this change that is taking place. Then the animals also change, from fishes, many become reptiles, out of reptiles many become mammals, from mammals, many become primates, monkeys and then human beings. All this happening takes place. How many are destroyed, how many remain, how many are transformed, nobody has kept any account of it.

Today, we talk of population problem, perhaps many animals have taken birth as humans. You can ,see the effect of that, the way people are behaving; you can be sure that many animals have taken human form and they have yet to go through lot of evolution and training as a human being to understand the value of human life. A human being starts evolving within himself.”

Press Conference with Shri Mataji
Sutton Place Hotel, Vancouver Canada—June 27, 1999

Karma and Female Birth
With the present paper I examine the notion that birth as a woman is the result of bad karma based on selected canonical and post-canonical Buddhist texts.
In her study of the position of women in Thai Buddhism, Kabilsingh (31) remarks, “it is frequently said, for example, that ‘women were born from their bad karma’ . . . many women are convinced that they carry a heavy load of negative karma due to the simple fact of their gender.” As a result of this, according to Kabilsingh (16) “Thai women seem to accept their suppression without complaint. Exploitation, whether physical, legal, or cultural, has been justified on the basis of karma, and has therefore been accepted as the expression of [a] religious principle.”3
Testimony to this notion can be found in a 14th century inscription from Sukhotai, where the queen mother formulates an aspiration that the merit of her founding a monastery may conduce to her rebirth as a male.4 The wording of her aspiration conveys the impression that her urge to become a man is so strong that she imagines having become one already, and is now looking back at a previous existence as a female.5
A rationale for this type of aspiration finds expression in a passage in the commentary on the Sutta-nipata, the Paramatthajotika, which reports an aspiration made by a woman to be reborn as a man. In her aspiration, she notes how disgusting it is to be a woman—even the daughter of a wheel-turning monarch will be under the control of others—and therefore aspires to become a male.6 In other words, her aspiration to become a male is motivated by the wish to escape the restraints she experiences in a patriarchal society.
Bhikkhu Analayo, Karma and Female Birth, p. 107-8
3 Cheng (57) reports in her study of Buddhist nuns, “much research finds that the idea of women having inferior karma has had a negative impact on the welfare of Buddhist nuns.” Cheng (65) adds, “socially, the idea of women’s inferior karma might hinder nuns to compete in the same activities as monks. This problem seems to be more severe in Taiwan than in Sri Lanka.”
4 The relevant part of the aspiration, translated in Griswold and Prasert (55), reads: “by the power of my merit, may I be reborn as a male in the future . . . may I retain this woman’s accumulated merit.”
5 Griswold and Prasert (55 note 90) comment that in the aspiration the expression “‘this woman’ is of course the donor herself in her present existence . . . she is here speaking as if she had already been reborn as a male and were viewing the present events in retrospect.’”

A Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas: From Interpretations to the Interpreted
7 33,23b–28a

Jesus says: “Blessed is the lion,
that a person will eat
and the lion will become human.
(2) And anathema is the person
whom a lion will eat
and the lion will become human.”

The Greek version from P.Oxy. 654,40–42 is so damaged (only fragments of five words) that it can be only partially reconstructed by means of analogy with the Coptic version and cannot be used as evidence of the Greek text.

The saying speaks of how a lion, who in the hierarchy of creatures has a lower position than human beings, can profit from contact with human beings, even if he becomes their food.

In antiquity, to eat meant to transform the eaten subject into the eating person, as it still does in some primitive totemic societies today. Thus, the first sentence of the saying expresses the value of the humanity (Blessed . . .) that absorbs and so elevates animal elements, while conversely the second sentence warns (on pain of anathema = to be cursed) against the lion—the animal power itself overcoming and swallowing the human soul.

A Commentary on the Gospel of Thomas
Petr Pokorny, T&T Clark; Reprint edition (December 22, 2011) p. 45-6
“Following his life as a failed ascetic and false teacher, Marici experiences a large number of intervening births, very often as a brahmin who becomes once again a tridaṇḍin ascetic. Eventually he is born in a royal family and becomes an ascetic. His ascetic practices result in him having a rather emaciated appearance, for which he is mocked by his cousin. Angered by this, Marici vows to have the strength to kill his cousin in a future life, and indeed he does this two births later, when he is born as the first Vasudeva, or half-cakravartin, named Triprsta. His cousin has meanwhile been reborn as a lion, which Tripṛṣṭa proceeds to kill with his bare hands. He then enacts the standard narrative for each of the vasudevas: he battles with and kills his multi-life adversary – the prativasudeva – while his half-brother the baladeva remains detached and eventually attains mokṣa. As is inevitable for all vasudevas, his violent actions result in rebirth in a hell realm. After this Mahavira-to-be experiences a large number of animal and hell rebirths, before eventually attaining human birth once more and acquiring some good karma. Next he becomes a cakravartin, then a god, and once more a king-turned-ascetic; in this birth he finally binds tirthankana-karma. Thus we see from Mahavira’s story that a desire to attain jinahood is not a positive motivating force. Instead Mariuci’s prediction to jinahood leads him to undue pride which results in him binding a large amount of negative karma.” (Appleton 2014, 110)

Jean-Yves Leloup, The Gospel of Thomas

Yeshua said:
Fortunate is the lion eaten by a human,
for lion becomes human.
Unfortunate is the human eaten by a lion,
for human becomes lion.

(CF. EX 22:30; 1 PETER 5:8; REV 4;7.)

Jean-Yves Leloup, The Gospel of Thomas
Inner Traditions (2005) p. 78

Marvin Meyer, The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus
7 Jesus said, “Blessings on the lion that the human will eat, so that the lion becomes human. And cursed is the human that the lion will eat, and the lion will become human.”

Marvin Meyer, The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus HarperOne; 2nd edition (October 9, 1992) p. 23

(Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 654.40-42)

[...]“Blessings on [the lion that a human eats, and the] lion will be [human. And cursed is the human] that [a lion eats ...].”

Marvin Meyer, The Gospel of Thomas: The Hidden Sayings of Jesus
HarperOne; 2nd edition (October 9, 1992) p. 69

“In the Coptic text, this saying actually ends And the lion becomes man.' While we have a Greek version of this, from the Oxyrhynchus papyri, the Greek version is too fragmentary to be of any use in determining the correct ending: scholars have to use the Coptic version to reconstruct the Greek. In my translation, I have reversed the ending to read And the man becomes lion', as did Guillamont, Puech, Quispel et al, the first translators of the Gospel of Thomas. The reversed ending makes sense and most commentators agree that the corrected version is what was intended. Otherwise saying 7 requires particularly contorted interpretations. Richard Valantasis manages to have it both ways, and decides that the Greek version ends as my version does, while the Coptic version intentionally reversed it.”

Web (April 17, 2012)

“We are in the Kingdom of God. In no way we are unhappy, in no way. Some things happen in life, life is such: somebody has to die, everybody doesn't die together.... So everybody who is born has to die but the way they've made the death as some sort of a big part of life. It is just a moment! Just a moment that you pass out and you go and change and come back again. But in this life, if you have to do anything, is to enjoy.

Christianity has not said much on the subject of death. Christ, if they had allowed Him to live He would have talked about it; but He has said that Spirit is eternal. He has talked of reincarnation, no doubt.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Cabella, Italy—November 10, 1991

“In the olden days people used to go to forest to kill animals, especially tigers. As a result the tiger became a man-eater or a lion attacked human beings, and this killing had to be accepted. Even when eating the flesh of animals when sufficient food was not available was quite justified, most of the people who went to the forest for hunting, did it just for the pleasure of killing. This horrible desire can lead to a very dangerous ending.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji

The fulfillment of the promised divine eschatological instruction
“The original meaning of the word ‘apocalypse’, derived from the Greek apokalypsis, is in fact not the cataclysmic end of the world, but an ‘unveiling’, or ‘revelation’, a means whereby one gains insight into the present.” (Kovacs, 2013, 2) An apocalypse (Greek: apokalypsis meaning “an uncovering”) is in religious contexts knowledge or revelation, a disclosure of something hidden, “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities.” (Ehrman 2014, 59)
Shri Mataji
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (1923-2011) was Christian by birth, Hindu by marriage, and Paraclete by duty.
“The Paraclete will come (15:26; 16:7, 8, 13) as Jesus has come into the world (5:43; 16:28; 18:37)... The Paraclete will take the things of Christ (the things that are mine, ek tou emou) and declare them (16:14-15). Bishop Fison describes the humility of the Spirit, 'The true Holy Spirit of God does not advertise Herself: She effaces Herself and advertises Jesus.' ...
It is by the outgoing activity of the Spirit that the divine life communicates itself in and to the creation. The Spirit is God-in-relations. The Paraclete is the divine self-expression which will be and abide with you, and be in you (14:16-17). The Spirit's work is described in terms of utterance: teach you, didasko (14:26), remind you, hypomimnesko (14:26), testify, martyro (15:26), prove wrong, elencho (16:8), guide into truth, hodego (16:13), speak, laleo (16:13, twice), declare, anangello (16:13, 14, 15). The johannine terms describe verbal actions which intend a response in others who will receive (lambano), see (theoreo), or know (ginosko) the Spirit. Such speech-terms link the Spirit with the divine Word. The Spirit's initiatives imply God's personal engagement with humanity. The Spirit comes to be with others; the teaching Spirit implies a community of learners; forgetful persons need a prompter to remind them; one testifies expecting heed to be paid; one speaks and declares in order to be heard. The articulate Spirit is the correlative of the listening, Spirit-informed community.
The final Paraclete passage closes with a threefold repetition of the verb she will declare (anangello), 16:13-15. The Spirit will declare the things that are to come (v.13), and she will declare what is Christ's (vv. 14, 15). The things of Christ are a message that must be heralded...
The intention of the Spirit of truth is the restoration of an alienated, deceived humanity... The teaching role of the Paraclete tends to be remembered as a major emphasis of the Farewell Discourses, yet only 14:26 says She will teach you all things. (Teaching is, however, implied when 16:13-15 says that the Spirit will guide you into all truth, and will speak and declare.) Franz Mussner remarks that the word used in 14:26, didaskein, "means literally 'teach, instruct,' but in John it nearly always means to reveal.” (Stevick 2011, 292-7)
Stephen E. Witmer, Divine instruction in Early Christianity   
F. B. Meyer, Love to the Utmost Robert Kysar, John, the Maverick Gospel 
Danny Mahar, Aramaic Made EZ Lucy Reid, She Changes Everything
David Fleer, Preaching John's Gospel: The World It Imagines Berard L. Marthaler, The Creed: The Apostolic Faith in Contemporary Theology
George Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament In Spirit and Truth, Benny Thettayil
Jesus and His Own: A Commentary on John 13-17 Marianne Meye Thompson, The God of the Gospel of John
Eric Eve, The Jewish Context of Jesus' Miracles D. R. Sadananda, The Johannine Exegesis of God: an exploration into the Johannine understanding of God
Michael Welker, God the Spirit Georg Strecker, Theology of the New Testament
Tricia Gates Brown, Spirit in the writings of John Michael Welker, The work of the Spirit: pneumatology and Pentecostalism
Robert Kysar, Voyages with John: Charting the Fourth Gospel John F. Moloney, The Gospel of John
Harvey Cox, The Future of Faith Robert Kysar, John
Robert E. Picirilli, The Randall House Bible Commentary George Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament 
“The teaching of the Paraclete, as the continuation of Jesus' teaching, must also be understood as the fulfillment of the promise of eschatological divine instruction.”
Stephen E. Witmer, Divine instruction in Early Christianity

“Jesus therefore predicts that God will later send a human being to Earth to take up the role defined by John .i.e. to be a prophet who hears God's words and repeats his message to man.”
M. Bucaille, The Bible, the Qur'n, and Science

“And when Jesus foreannounced another Comforter, He must have intended a Person as distinct and helpful as He had been.”
F. B. Meyer, Love to the Utmost

“The Paraclete has a twofold function: to communicate Christ to believers and, to put the world on trial.”
Robert Kysar, John The Meverick Gospel

“But She—the Spirit, the Paraclete...—will teach you everything.”
Danny Mahar, Aramaic Made EZ)

“Grammatical nonsense but evidence of the theological desire to defeminize the Divine.”
Lucy Reid, She Changes Everything

“The functions of the Paraclete spelled out in verses 13-15... are all acts of open and bold speaking in the highest degree.”
David Fleer, Preaching John's Gospel

“The reaction of the world to the Paraclete will be much the same as the world's reaction was to Jesus.”
Berard L. Marthaler, The Creed: The Apostolic Faith in Contemporary Theology

Bultmann calls the “coming of the Redeemer an 'eschatological event,' 'the turning-point of the ages.”
G. Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament

“The Paraclete equated with the Holy Spirit, is the only mediator of the word of the exalted Christ.”
Benny Thettayil, In Spirit and Truth

“The divine Paraclete, and no lessor agency, must show the world how wrong it was about him who was in the right.”
Daniel B. Stevick , Jesus and His Own: A Commentary on John 13-17

Stephen Smalley asserts that “The Spirit-Paraclete ... in John's Gospel is understood as personal, indeed, as a person.”
Marianne Thompson, The God of the Gospel of John

“The Messiah will come and the great age of salvation will dawn (for the pious).”
Eric Eve, The Jewish context of Jesus' Miracles

“The remembrance is to relive and re-enact the Christ event, to bring about new eschatological decision in time and space.”
Daniel Rathnakara Sadananda, The Johannine Exegesis of God

“The Spirit acts in such an international situation as the revealer of 'judgment' on the powers that rule the world.”
Michael Welker, God the Spirit

The Paraclete's “Appearance means that sin, righteousness, and judgment will be revealed.”
Georg Strecker, Theology of the New Testament

“While the Spirit-Paraclete is the true broker, the brokers they rely on are impostors.”
T. G. Brown, Spirit in the writings of John

“The pneumatological activity ... of the Paraclete ... may most helpfully be considered in terms of the salvific working of the hidden Spirit.”
Michael Welker, The work of the Spirit

“The pneuma is the peculiar power by which the word becomes the words of eternal life.”
Robert Kysar, Voyages with John

“The gift of peace, therefore, is intimately associated with the gift of the Spirit-Paraclete.”
Francis J. Moloney, The Gospel of John

“This utopian hope, even when modestly expressed, links Jesus and the prophets to a much wider history of human longing.”
Harvey Cox, The Future of Faith

“Because of the presence of the Paraclete in the life of the believer, the blessings of the end-times—the eschaton—are already present.”
Robert Kysar, John

“They are going, by the Holy Spirit's power, to be part of the greatest miracle of all, bringing men to salvation.”
R. Picirilli, The Randall House Bible Commentary

“The Kingdom of God stands as a comprehensive term for all that the messianic salvation included... is something to be sought here and now (Mt. 6:33) and to be received as children receive a gift (Mk. 10:15 = Lk. 18:16-17).”
G. Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament

“But today is the day I declare that I am the one who has to save the humanity. I declare I am the one who is Adishakti, who is the Mother of all the Mothers, who is the Primordial Mother, the Shakti, the desire of God, who has incarnated on this Earth to give its meaning to itself; to this creation, to human beings and I am sure through My Love and patience and My powers I am going to achieve it.

I was the one who was born again and again. But now in my complete form and complete powers I have come on this Earth not only for salvation of human beings, not only for their emancipation, but for granting them the Kingdom of Heaven, the joy, the bliss that your Father wants to bestow upon you.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
London, UK—December 2, 1979

“I am the one about which Christ has talked... I am the Holy Spirit who has incarnated on this Earth for your realization.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh
New York, USA—September 30, 1981

“Tell them all about it. Give them the big message that the Redeemer has come now. There’s no time to sit down. This is the One who is here. Better get up now! Don’t carry on with your old ideas and old things. [You] must know that this has happened.

And as I told you, the predictions can be used. You can use anything that you want to use out of Sahaja Yoga. You can tell them anything out of my speeches, whatever you want. You have every right to do what you like with my speeches. There is nothing to be afraid of, or worried about.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
You Must Understand Your Own Importance, Brighton, UK—May 15, 1982

“Tell all the nations and tell all the people all over the Great Message that the Time of Resurrection is here. Now, at this time, and that you are capable of doing it.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Cowley Manor Seminar, UK—July 31, 1982

“This is the transformation that has worked, of which Christ has talked, Mohammed Sahib has talked, everybody has talked about this particular time when people will get transformed.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Chistmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India—25 December 1997

“The Resurrection of Christ has to now be collective Resurrection. This is what is Mahayoga. Has to be the collective Resurrection.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Easter Puja, London, UK—11 April 1982

Guest: “Hello Mother.”
Shri Mataji: “Yes.”
Guest: “I wanted to know, is the Cool Breeze (Pneuma) that you have spoken about, you feel on the hands the Cool Wind of the Holy Spirit, as spoken about in the Bible?”
Shri Mataji: “Yes. Yes, yes, same thing, same thing. You have done the good job now, I must say.”
Interviewer: “Is it the Holy Spirit?”
Shri Mataji: “Yes, of course, is the Holy Spirit.”
Guest: “Aha... I am feeling it now on my hand through the [not clear]”
Shri Mataji: “It’s good.”
Interviewer: “Did you want to say anything more than that?”
Guest: “No, I just... That’s all I wanted to know because I...”
Shri Mataji: “Because you are thoughtless now. Enjoy yourself.”
Guest: “Thank you.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Talkback Radio 2UE, Sydney, Australia—March 31, 1981
(The guest experienced the Cool Breeze [Pneuma/Prana/Chi] of the Spirit through the baptism [second birth by Spirit/Kundalini awakening] given by the Comforter Shri Mataji over the radio. )

Second Guest: “I just want to ask Mother about a quotation from the Bible.”
Interviewer: “Yes, what’s that?”
Guest: “It says, ‘But the comfort of the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in My name would teach you all things.’ I would like to ask Her about that.”
Interviewer: “Could you just repeat the quotation again?”
Guest: “But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things.”
Interviewer: “And that’s from where?”
Guest: “John chapter 14, verse 26.”
Shri Mataji: “I think you should take your realization and then you will know the answer to it. Because, logically if it points out to one person, then you have to reach the conclusion, isn’t it? That’s a logical way of looking at things. But I am not going to say anything or claim anything. It is better you people find out yourself.”
Interviewer: “Does that answer your question?”
Guest: “Is the, is the Comforter on the Earth at the present time? Has the Comforter incarnated? Mataji should be able to tell us this because She said that through these vibrations on Her hands, She ...”
Shri Mataji: “Yes, She is very much here and She’s talking to you now. Can you believe that?”
Guest: “Well, I feel something cool [Pneuma/Prana/Chi] on my hand. Is that some indication of the ...?”
Shri Mataji: “Yes, very much so. So that’s the proof of the thing. You’ve already started feeling it in your hands.” (Mother Laughs)
Guest: “Can I?”
Shri Mataji: “Ask the question, ‘Mother, are you the Comforter?’”
Guest: “Mother, are you the Comforter?”
Shri Mataji: “Ask it thrice.”
Guest: “Mother, are you the Comforter?”
Shri Mataji: “Again.”
Guest: “Mother, are you the Comforter?”
Shri Mataji: “Now, what do you get?”
Guest: “Oh, I feel this kind of cool tingling [Pneuma/Prana/Chi] passing all through my body.”
Shri Mataji: (Mother Laughs) “That’s the answer now.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Talkback Radio 2UE, Sydney, Australia—March 31, 1981
(Another guest also experienced the Cool Breeze [Pneuma/Prana/Chi] of the Spirit through the baptism [second birth by Spirit/Kundalini awakening] given by the Comforter Shri Mataji over the radio. )

“Today, Sahaja Yaga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en-masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day’s Yuga Dharma. It is the way the Last Judgement is taking place. Announce it to all the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of the divine to achieve their meaning, their absolute, their Spirit.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
MAHA AVATAR, ISSUE 1, JUL-SEP 1980 (Date and place unknown)

“The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come for you to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in the Bible but all all the scriptures of the world. The time has come today that you have to become a Christian, a Brahmin, a Pir, through your Kundalini awakening only. There is no other way. And that your Last Judgment is also now.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

“You see, the Holy Ghost is the Mother. When they say about the Holy Ghost, She is the Mother... Now, the principle of Mother is in every, every scripture — has to be there. Now, the Mother's character is that She is the one who is the Womb, She is the one who is the Mother Earth, and She is the one who nourishes you. She nourishes us. You know that. And this Feminine thing in every human being resides as this Kundalini.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Radio Interview, Santa Cruz, USA—1 October 1983

“But there is a Primordial Mother which was accepted by all the religions; even the Jews had it... In India, this is called as Adi Shakti. In every religion they had this Mother who was the Primordial Mother.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
TV Interview, Los Angeles, USA—11 October 1993

“It is the Mother who can awaken the Kundalini, and that the Kundalini is your own Mother. She is the Holy Ghost within you, the Adi Shakti, and She Herself achieves your transformation. By any talk, by any rationality, by anything, it cannot be done.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

“She is your pure Mother. She is the Mother who is individually with you. Forget your concepts, and forget your identifications. Please try to understand She is your Mother, waiting for ages to give you your real birth. She is the Holy Ghost within you. She has to give you your realization, and She's just waiting and waiting to do it.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Public Program Mar 22 1981—Sydney, Australia

“The Kundalini is your own mother; your individual mother. And She has tape-recorded all your past and your aspirations. Everything! And She rises because She wants to give you your second birth. But She is your individual mother. You don't share Her with anybody else. Yours is a different, somebody else's is different because the tape-recording is different. We say She is the reflection of the Adi Shakti who is called as Holy Ghost in the Bible.”

THE MOTHER: Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi
Press Conference July 08 1999—London, UK

The Great Goddess is both wholly transcendent and fully immanent: beyond space and time, she is yet embodied within all existent beings; without form as pure, infinite consciousness (cit) ... She is the universal, cosmic energy known as Sakti, and the psychophysical, guiding force designated as the Kundalini (Serpent Power) resident within each individual. She is eternal, without origin or birth, yet she is born in this world in age after age, to support those who seek her assistance. Precisely to provide comfort and guidance to her devotees, she presents herself in the Devi Gita to reveal the truths leading both to worldly happiness and to the supreme spiritual goals: dwelling in her Jeweled Island and mergence into her own perfect being.” (Brown, 1998, 2)

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New Age Children
Miracle Photo
Meeting His Messengers
Age Of Aquarius
Mayan End Age 12-21-2012
Our Conscious Earth
Adi Shakti's Descent
Witnessing Holy Spirit's Miracles
Jesus' Resurrection
Book Of Revelation
Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas Prologue
Logion 1
Logion 2
Logion 3
Logion 4
Logion 5
Logion 6
Logion 8
Logion 9
Logion 10
Logion 11
Logion 12
Logion 13
Logion 14
Logion 15
Logion 16
Logion 17
Logion 18
Logion 19
Logion 20
Logion 21
Logion 22
Logion 23
Logion ...

His Human Adversary
Kitab Al Munir
Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection)
His Light Within
His Universe Within
His Beings Within
Subtle System
Lectures To Earth
Shri Mataji
Drumbeat Of Death
Table Of Contents
Contact Us
Declaration of the Paraclete
The Paraclete opens the Kingdom of God
Cool Breeze of the Resurrection - BBC 1985
The Supreme Source Of Love 1985
The Great Mother
The Vision Part One
The Vision Part Two
The Vision Part Three
The Vision Part Four