"The reaction of the world to the Paraclete will be much the same as the world's reaction was to Jesus.”-- Berard L. Marthaler
"As the Christ, Jesus was at once the fulfillment of prophecy and at the same time the greatest of the prophets. In departing he promised, 'I will ask the Father and he will give you another Paraclete—to be with you always...' (Jn 14:16). Jesus spoke several times of the Paraclete in his farewell discourse, and the condition for the coming of this new advocate seems to have been Jesus' own return to the Father (Jn 16:7). 'Paraclete,' a title peculiar to the Johannine writings, is close to the Greek parakletos, which has many meanings. Paraclete suggests a helper, friend, interpreter, consoler, witness for the defense, and advocate. Raymond E. Brown, who compiled a list of all the texts where the word appears in John's Gospel, concluded that the Paraclete has two basic functions: 1) the Paraclete comes to the disciples and dwells with them, guiding and teaching them about Jesus; and 2) the Paraclete accuses the world and condemns its false values and sin, specifically, for unjustly sentencing Jesus to death.
The portrait of the Paraclete in the Johannine gospel bears a striking resemblance to Jesus. Virtually every quality ascribed to the Paraclete has a parallel in what was said of Jesus. Jesus himself says that the Father will send another Paraclete, thus clearly indicating that his own mission was that of a 'paraclete,' with all the complex connotations that this title carries. The Paraclete will come, sent forth by the Father just as Jesus came, sent into the world by the Father. It is said that the disciples will know the Paraclete and the Paraclete will remain with them, much as it was said that the disciples were privileged to know the Son, who will remain with them. The Paraclete will guide the disciples along the way of all truth; Jesus is the way of truth. The Paraclete will bear witness; Jesus bears witness (Jn 8:14). The reaction of the world to the Paraclete will be much the same as the world's reaction was to Jesus. The world does not know or accept the Paraclete, much as it remained ignorant of Jesus' true identity and rejected him (5:43; 12:48).
In many ways the Paraclete is to Jesus as Jesus is to the Father: as the Paraclete is sent in Jesus' name, so Jesus came in the name of the Father. 'Thus,' writes Brown, 'the one whom John calls another Paraclete' is another Jesus.' The Paraclete is the presence of God in the world when Jesus ascends to the Father. In his farewell discourse Jesus revealed that this Paraclete is in fact the Holy Spirit. He said, 'The Paraclete, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will instruct you in everything, and remind you of all that I have told you.' (14:26). The Paraclete will not teach novel truths or a new revelation but will witness to the full meaning of Jesus' mission and revelation.”
B. L. Marthaler, The Creed: The Apostolic Faith in Contemporary Theology
Twenty-Third Publications, 2007, page 275-6
"Christ's teaching is not generally understood in its true, simple, and direct sense even in these days, when the light of the Gospel has penetrated even to the darkest recesses of human consciousness; when, in the words of Christ, that which was spoken in the ear is proclaimed from the housetops; and when the Gospel is influencing every side of human life—domestic, economic, civic, legislative, and international. This lack of true understanding of Christ's words at such a time would be inexplicable, if there were not causes to account for it.
One of these causes is the fact that believers and unbelievers alike are firmly persuaded that they have understood Christ's teaching a long time, and that they understand it so fully, indubitably, and conclusively that it can have no other significance than the one they attribute to it. And the reason of this conviction is that the false interpretation and consequent misapprehension of the Gospel is an error of such long standing. Even the strongest current of water cannot add a drop to a cup which is already full.”
Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is within You
Bison Books, 1984, page 54
"What has been passing for Christianity during these nineteen centuries is merely a beginning, full of weaknesses and mistakes, not a full-grown Christianity springing from the spirit of Jesus. - Albert Schweitzer
First, I owe a word of explanation to readers. This book is not about one more attempt to prove why it is wrong to be a fundamentalist. Nor is it a book meant to prove that Jesus is not divine-at least in a metaphysical sense-and never walked on water or raised anyone from the dead. Indeed, I could not prove such a thing to anyone who wasn't already inclined to believe it. Instead, it is a book written by a pastor, an invitation that comes bearing the postmark of the church and addressed to those who already accept the Bible as inspired, but not infallible. It is not offered as a scholarly argument against literalism or literalists, nor is it intended to be one more tirade against any form of ignorance or arrogance. Those in glass houses should not throw stones.
Rather, it is a word on behalf of those who have walked away from the church because they recognize intellectual dishonesty as the original sin of orthodoxy. It is a sermon addressed to nonbelievers as well as to those who grew up in the church. It is meant to provide a second opinion for all those who know what they are supposed to believe but refuse to equate miracles with magic or liturgy with history—and yet fall silent when someone reads the Beatitudes or get goosebumps listening to the parable of the prodigal son. It is not an apologetic but a call to reconsider what it means to follow Jesus, instead of arguing over things that the Church has insisted we must all believe about Christ. Doctrines divide by nature. Discipleship brings us together.”
Robin R. Meyers, Saving Jesus from the Church
HarperOne (February 24, 2009), Pages 13-14
The Messiah-Paraclete “So, as I told you yesterday, no use giving a sermon, talking about you - talking is not going to create the reality. We can talk anything we want to. Does it become reality? And He has predicted that 'I'll send you the Holy Ghost; I'll send you the counselor; I will send you the redeemer; I'll send you the comforter'. If they were true disciples of Christ, they would have waited for this time to come.
But somehow or other, anybody who put forward the idea of Holy Ghost, they shunned it, they never talked about it. Of course, it did introduce Christ to people, also told what is the righteous life is. But gradually it started losing that effect upon itself, as we had at the time of [UNCLEAR WORD] and started becoming more a sort of a political institution that deals with politics. Christ was never a politician, was He? He was a carpenter's son and He lived like a carpenter's son. Did He live in big palaces? Whatever is His status of life, He lived with it. So one has to realize that God's work does not need any money. All the God's work is free.”
The Paraclete Shri Mataji
October 25, 2004
Yahoo forum post # 2643
Just wondering what will happen with SY, self realization, the cool breeze and all the aspects, individually, of sahaja yoga after the physical Shri Mataji passes on to reside fully back in the kingdom of god within? Well the cool breezes stop? Will realization stop, change, or be different in anyway? Also on a side topic, what will happen to all the SY yogis who are so focused on praising her physical form?
Also, I read that if u don't listen to the Cool Breeze and start correcting certain things when they are brought up to you in vibratory form, i.e. things not approved by the spirit, then the connection to the divine, the Cool Breeze and the ability to attain thoughtless awareness ceases. Now, I wanted to know if it stops permanently or just until the seeker/yogi changes his ways and starts all over again from realization?
IF you could get back to me ASAP I would be grateful.
Kyyan volk
PS: how long do you think we have between the physical passing shri mataji and the end of the last judgment and its symptoms?
October 26, 2004
Yahoo forum post # 2647
Dear Kyyan,
Thank you for asking these questions because Shri Mataji is now an octogenarian. Even though She is healthy in mind and body there is a limit to earthly existence. Thus the questions of how long She will stay and what will happen after that are on the minds of most SYs.
Yes, the majority of SYs have their attention fixated on the external, physical Adi Shakti for decades and have neglected one of the most important aspect of Self-realization i.e., attention on Her existence within in the Sahasrara (Kingdom of God). i have already explained the dependence of SYs on Her external image and related rituals. Few can cross this self-imposed handicap and truly rise to attain Brahman within. It has always been "Shri Mataji is in Cabella"; "She is going to India next month"; "Hope She comes to New York this year"; "Did She attend the musical program" .............. .... this external attention is pervasive.
In all my years in Sahaja Yoga i have never actually heard of any SY talking about Her presence in the Sahasrara, i.e., SYs expressing their faith and conviction that She actually resides within. That is why even ex-world leader Yogi Mahajan did not privately believe what he publicly professed in his book:
"Only those who go deep in the source discover the Golden Goddess that resides within. Her touch enlightens and enthralls the total being. It is indeed the miracle of miracles. This miracle resides in every being. The wise pursue it, the scriptures speak of it, and the saints glory in its praise.” (Yogi Mahajan, The Ascent, Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi, 1997 p. 4.)
He regarded as blasphemy and the work of demonic possession when he came to know that my children were visiting the Golden Goddess daily in their Sahasraras. After successfully conspiring to get them removed from the school in Dharamsala, India, against Shri Mataji's explicit instructions not to, he worked to demonize them among SYs. This character assassination continued till he himself had to leave Sahaja Yoga a few years ago. i have to admit that he has been very successful among SYs, and some of them continue to perpetuate this negativity.
But the chickens will sooner or later come home to roost and your questions reflect their homecoming.
Q 1: So what will happen when Shri Mataji leaves?
Well, most SYs are going to feel sad and send each other emails expressing their condolences. A number of them, especially the women, are going to cry over and over again. Others will narrate stories of the glory days and blissful pujas of the past, choking off and on and try to hold back tears.
i will take a walk in the park or along the lake and enjoy the view, along with Her in my Sahasrara. A few ignorant SYs may call me cold- hearted and insensitive but why cry or feel sad when She has always been residing and guiding me from within over countless rebirths? Why should i ever cry or feel miserable when i know in heart, mind and soul that the Shakti within me has been doing everything that SYs think the physical Shri Mataji is doing, and will continue forever? i must repeat: The physical Shri Mataji does not do anything!
Q 2: Will the cool breezes stop?
Absolutely not. The Cool Breeze never ever came from the physical Shri Mataji. Even She has openly admitted that She does nothing. All the while it was the Adi Shakti within who was the source of all the Cool Breeze, healing, cures, guidance, witnessing and more. That is why the Cool Breeze will continue to flow long after Shri Mataji leaves this Earth.
Q 3: Will realization stop, change, or be different in anyway?
Again i have to say nothing will change because the physical Shri Mataji never did anything, though Her physical presence was necessary to enable humans to put their faith and attention on a visible entity. How many would have believed in the Great Event ordained for humanity if there was no physical manifestation of the Adi Shakti to explain in detail how to go about it?
"They say that at Sahasrara when the Goddess will appear, She will be Mahamaya. Is it possible to be anything else in the world of today to come on this Earth? Any type of incarnation could have been
in great trouble because human beings in their ego are highest in Kali Yuga. So they are quite stupid and they are capable of doing any kind of harm or violence to a Divine personality. It is not at all possible to exist in this world as anything else than Mahamaya . . .
It has no power or any intention of giving you wrong ideas or something that is false. It is there whatever, it is Truth. So in a way to say that Mahamaya is the one which deludes is wrong...
I need not be before you; I can be just here in Nirakar, in formless, but how to communicate; how to have a rapport. For that, one has to come in the form of Mahamaya so that there is no fear, there is no distance? One can come close and understand, because if this Knowledge has to be given, if Realization has to be given, people have to at least sit before the Mahamaya. Otherwise, if they all run away, what's the use? To create that extremely human personality in Sahasrara, She comes as Mahamaya.”
Shri Turya Devi
Mahamaya's Doings, Sahasrara Puja, Cabella, Italy—May 8, 1994
Turya (262nd): The Fourth.
Q 4: What will happen to all the SYs who are so focused on praising her physical form?
They will all eventually learn to focus their attention and faith on Her eternal spiritual presence within themselves. Perhaps then they will realize that they do not need any images or rituals to meditate or invoke Her blessings. Maybe at last they will begin learning in earnest the highest object of life - the attainment of Brahman in the Kingdom of God within!
Q 5: Also, I read that if u don't listen to the Cool Breeze and start correcting certain things when they are brought up to you in vibratory form, i.e. things not approved by the spirit, then the connection to the divine, the Cool Breeze and the ability to attain thoughtless awareness ceases. Now, I wanted to know if it stops permanently or just until the seeker/yogi changes his ways and starts all over again from realization?
Only if you continue to transgress over an extended period of time will the Cool Breeze and connection to the divine cease. The Divine is not trying to punish or force you to do good deeds. Right now i have total freedom to leave Sahaja Yoga and start enjoying my pre- Self-realization lifestyle. The Adi Shakti in the Sahasrara will never - and i mean never - stop me from exercising my freedom as a human being. The only difference is that the Cool Breeze and connection to the divine will slowly cease and end.
But leaving Sahaja Yoga does not mean the end. The very day you desire again, perhaps after months/years, to continue participating in the Great Event the Cool Breeze and connection to the Divine is again established. Kyyan, you must know in your heart that the Divine is not trying to punish or force you to do good deeds. You can take a break today from Sahaja Yoga and return a few years later to continue from where you left.
There is however one drawback in this option, and that is it will give you a shorter time frame for cleansing mind and body. Running a spiritual marathon requires excellent mental health, optimum earthly endurance and, perhaps of even more importance, an indefatigable will to remain righteous during this Kali Yuga. You will find it much harder to evolve and attain liberation if you opt for procrastinating the Last Judgment. Meditating twice a day for about 15-20 minutes does not even break you into a sweat. So why take a break in the first place?
But please do if a short period is needed to clear/accomplish important things. There is no harm is tying loose end, and may be even beneficial and advantageous. However, if it is going to take a longer period then it would not be a wise move. Anyway, these decisions should be yours and your only since you know your own situation and surroundings much better. The bottom line is that if you leave now it is not the end of your participation in the Great Event. You can always return to continue, even decide it is all a huge lie and leave forever.
Q 6: How long do you think we have between the physical passing Shri Mataji and the end of the last judgment and its symptoms?
All i can say is that members of this forum will probably not live long enough to see it. There are still tens of millions of very good souls on Earth who are also looking for the truth that will set them free. There is going to be no sudden and apocalyptic End when so many nations and peoples of many tongues are totally unaware of the Blossom Time. They have the right to know and decide for themselves. So let's work to make this world a better place to live by telling all about the Great Event ordained for humanity.
In the meantime enjoy the Blossom Time and learn to focus your attention on Shri Mataji within your Sahasrara. You will be more happier than many SYs when Shri Mataji finally leaves Earth.......... and more advanced as well.
be your own master,
"The Johannine vision can be outlined in four points. Firstly, the Johannine literature emphasizes that the Spirit/Paraclete is given to all individuals in the community. Secondly, Jesus promises another Paraclete who will take the place of Jesus; nevertheless, although the Spirit/Paraclete takes the place of Jesus, the Spirit/Paraclete does not supplant or negate Jesus. The 'secessionists,' according to the author of 1 John, are wanting to give independent authority to the Spirit over against Jesus, thereby serving the necessary element of continuity with Jesus. The Johannine literature emphasizes that it is the role of this Spirit/Paraclete to ensure continuity with Jesus. A phrase recurs: 'from the beginning.' The Spirit ensures continuity with the pre-Easter Jesus. Thirdly, the Johannine literature emphasizes that it is the role of this Spirit/Paraclete, not only to ensure continuity with Jesus, but also to enable the community to interpret the word of Jesus for a new context, ensuring faithful adaptation and innovation. Fourthly, the Johannine literature emphasizes that it is the role of this Spirit/Paraclete to indeed further the teaching of Jesus beyond what Jesus was able to teach, speaking a new word of the glorified Jesus.' (Rush 2016, 21)
January 7, 2018
Yahoo forum post # 19036
Dear Kyyan and all,
From the beginning of this presence on the forum, I have always valued your conscience that compelled you to ask difficult questions and doubts about Shri Mataji, the SY organization and SYs. Unlike many SYs, you are just like me - you question and seek answers to all the ails Sahaja Yoga. And I have always responded to all of them, and that has enriched us all.
SYs have followed Shri Mataji in blind faith .................. blind faith since they worshipped Her in the capacity of triggering the subtle system to begin empowering them - kundalini awakening, cleansing catches, daily rituals.
I do not believe any more than a handful joined because they realized that Jesus had fulfilled His 2,000-year-old promise that God Almighty will send the Paraclete/Comforter/Holy Spirit in His name to complete the message of the Resurrection, Kingdom of God, and life eternal.
When I joined I too had no idea. I just joined because the incarnation of the DIVINE MOTHER was on Earth, and went by the name of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi.
It took me a year or two to realize, after repeatedly hearing Her speak about Jesus and His message, that no SY was following Shri Mataji for that reason. When I started questioning the best answer was: "Nobody believes in the Bible anymore. So just give Self-realization.”
That is when I too started questioning and criticizing the lies and hypocrisy of the SY organization, and have not ceased today. Violet coined the acronym "SYSSR". I coined "crime against humanity.” Together, they bring the clarity of the poverty that is Sahaja Yoga.
While we wait for "Saving Jesus" I would like to revisit a post that I just came across during a search. It brought back memories of challenging the most vociferous critic of Shri Mataji and the SY organization - Simon Montford. He did the most damage as he gathered the ex-SYs and they wrote highly critical posts on their Yahoo forum.
SYs spent years collectively shoe-beating, bhandan-ing, matka-ing, candling, string burning and mantra-ing him. All the collective power of the SY organization could not bring a single synapse of his brain to spark conscience. Yes, all the time and effort of thousands failed ................. abysmally. (Talk about SYs having power.)
But in the end Simon Montford—after reading my relentless defense of Shri Mataji appearing on Earth as the Paraclete, an incarnation of the HOLY SPIRIT/DEVI—relented and told his followers that he had to stop. It took a few years but he too surrendered and ceased. He was given the Savior's clear warning against all who blasphemed Shri Mataji - no forgiveness. (SYs are still oblivious to that warning.)
The Independent article "She Who Must Be Obeyed" appeared at a critical time when Shri Mataji made Her Royal Albert Hall appearance on July 12, 2001. In that speech, She spoke openly about the Resurrection and Last Judgment to thousands of complete strangers. It was one of Her best speeches in defense of the Savior and His message.
The utter failure of this huge SY exercise to promote Shri Mataji is a reminder, yet again, of the poverty that is SY. More precisely, the SYSSR. That after Her death the official AUM Initiative was adopted in 2012 is but a reminder, again, as to the collective crime against humanity.
So while we wait for Violet to start extracting about the Savior, let us remember the decade ago where the Paraclete spoke and declared all that Jesus expected of Her. And God Almighty too. Amen.
"It is this claim of access to new teaching that becomes problematic within the Johannine communities.”
Lumen Gentium 12 teaches that all believers possess "a supernatural sense of the faith" which enables an infallibility in believing. This supernatural sense of the faith is "aroused and sustained by the Spirit of truth.” A theology of the sensus fidelium must begin by attending to the role of the Holy Spirit in divine revelation. It is central to the belief of Christians that God is fully encountered in Jesus Christ, the Crucified and risen one; that salvation from God is mediated through him; and that, within that salvific encounter, God is revealed to humanity. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in that process of revelation? How might a trinitarian theology of revelation be constructed that gives appropriate emphasis to that role?
In this chapter, we begin our exploration of the sensus fidelium by firstly highlighting the witness of Scripture to the enlightening role of the Holy Spirit, as but one of the many interrelated dimensions of the Spirit's assistance in empowering Christians to appropriate the salvation Jesus Christ offers. This chapter therefore does not attempt a comprehensive exploration of the role of the holy spirit in the Christian life. After examining the scriptural witness to this Christian experience of enlightenment by the Spirit in the economy of salvation, this chapter then proposes a trinitarian theology of revelation in which the Holy Spirit is seen to be "the principle of reception" in the process of divine revelation.
Jesus was being interpreted from the moment his public ministry began, yet being misinterpreted. The four Gospels consistently preserve the memory that, during his ministry, the earliest disciples misunderstand Jesus. This misunderstanding is later corrected by three decisive "events": Jesus' death on the cross, his resurrection from the dead, and the early disciples' experience, after the resurrection, of being given an ability to understand aright the meaning of Jesus' teaching and ministry, of his death and resurrection, and of his identity as God's bearer of salvation. In this section, it is this gift of an ability to understand Jesus that I particularly wish to focus on, without wanting to reduce the Spirit's work to a purely cognitive dimension....
According to Johannine pneumatology, Jesus promises another Paraclete, the spirit of Truth who will enable the community to understand the meaning of Jesus. Helmut Gabel neatly summarizes the Johannine vision:
In the view of the Gospel of John, the word of the eye-witnesses of Jesus and that of the future disciples is work of the spirit. The entire tradition process is a process enabled by the Spirit. The spirit is, as it were, the "interpreter" of Jesus, who leads to the true understanding of the Christ event and reveals the event in its deepest sense.
The Johannine vision can be outlined in four points. Firstly, the Johannine literature emphasizes that the Spirit/Paraclete is given to all individuals in the community.
Secondly, Jesus promises another Paraclete who will take the place of Jesus; nevertheless, although the Spirit/Paraclete takes the place of Jesus, the Spirit/Paraclete does not supplant or negate Jesus. The "secessionists," according to the author of 1 John, are wanting to give independent authority to the Spirit over against Jesus, thereby serving the necessary element of continuity with Jesus. The Johannine literature emphasizes that it is the role of this Spirit/Paraclete to ensure continuity with Jesus. A phrase recurs: 'from the beginning.' The Spirit ensures continuity with the pre-Easter Jesus.
Thirdly, the Johannine literature emphasizes that it is the role of this Spirit/Paraclete, not only to ensure continuity with Jesus, but also to enable the community to interpret the word of Jesus for a new context, ensuring faithful adaptation and innovation.
Fourthly, the Johannine literature emphasizes that it is the role of this Spirit/Paraclete to indeed further the teaching of Jesus beyond what Jesus was able to teach, speaking a new word of the glorified Jesus...
The Fourth Gospel portrays Jesus giving his disciples the assurance that the Spirit/Paraclete will, in the future, be the teaching voice of Jesus himself.
I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the advocate, the holy spirit, whom the father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you.
The spirit/Paraclete will bring the past to memory, but the Spirit/Paraclete will be the voice of the glorified Jesus teaching in new situations in the present. However, this new teaching will be anchored in the Jesus of the past, because the Spirit/Paraclete will be speaking anew on behalf of the glorified Jesus.
It is this claim of access to new teaching that becomes problematic within the Johannine communities. The controversy lurking behind the themes of the first epistle is the divergent reception of the fourth Gospel. The author claims that the group emphasizing its pneumatic authority and an access to the new teaching of the glorified Jesus is losing its grounding in the tradition and the teaching of the pre-Easter Jesus. Thus there is a tension within the communities between those emphasizing the tradition (anamnesis) and those emphasizing the creative voice of the glorified Jesus going beyond the teaching he had given before the resurrection (inspiration). The writer of the epistle claims that both anamnesis and inspiration are demanded. It is a tension that will mark the history of the Spirit not only throughout the Johannine communities, but throughout the history of the church.” [emphasis ours]
Ormond Rush, The Eyes of Faith
The Catholic University of America Press (March 11, 2009) pp. 16-21
The fulfillment of eschatological instruction promised by Jesus
“The original meaning of the word ‘apocalypse’, derived from the Greek apokalypsis, is in fact not the cataclysmic end of the world, but an ‘unveiling’, or ‘revelation’, a means whereby one gains insight into the present.” (Kovacs, 2013, 2)
An apocalypse (Greek: apokalypsis meaning “an uncovering”) is in religious contexts knowledge or revelation, a disclosure of something hidden, “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities.” (Ehrman 2014, 59)
“An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: apokalypsis ... literally meaning "an uncovering") is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. In religious and occult concepts, an apocalypse usually discloses something very important that was hidden or provides what Bart Ehrman has termed, "A vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities". Historically, the term has a heavy religious connotation as commonly seen in the prophetic revelations of eschatology obtained through dreams or spiritual visions.” Wikipedia 2021-01-09
An apocalypse (Greek: apokalypsis meaning “an uncovering”) is in religious contexts knowledge or revelation, a disclosure of something hidden, “a vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities.” (Ehrman 2014, 59)
“An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: apokalypsis ... literally meaning "an uncovering") is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. In religious and occult concepts, an apocalypse usually discloses something very important that was hidden or provides what Bart Ehrman has termed, "A vision of heavenly secrets that can make sense of earthly realities". Historically, the term has a heavy religious connotation as commonly seen in the prophetic revelations of eschatology obtained through dreams or spiritual visions.” Wikipedia 2021-01-09
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi (1923-2011) was Christian by birth, Hindu by marriage, and Paraclete by duty.
Total number of recorded talks 3058: Public Programs 1178, Pujas 651, and other (private conversations) 1249
“The Paraclete will come (15:26; 16:7, 8, 13) as Jesus has come into the world (5:43; 16:28; 18:37)... The Paraclete will take the things of Christ (the things that are mine, ek tou emou) and declare them (16:14-15). Bishop Fison describes the humility of the Spirit, 'The true Holy Spirit of God does not advertise Herself: She effaces Herself and advertises Jesus.' ...
It is by the outgoing activity of the Spirit that the divine life communicates itself in and to the creation. The Spirit is God-in-relations. The Paraclete is the divine self-expression which will be and abide with you, and be in you (14:16-17). The Spirit's work is described in terms of utterance: teach you, didasko (14:26), remind you, hypomimnesko (14:26), testify, martyro (15:26), prove wrong, elencho (16:8), guide into truth, hodego (16:13), speak, laleo (16:13, twice), declare, anangello (16:13, 14, 15). The johannine terms describe verbal actions which intend a response in others who will receive (lambano), see (theoreo), or know (ginosko) the Spirit. Such speech-terms link the Spirit with the divine Word. The Spirit's initiatives imply God's personal engagement with humanity. The Spirit comes to be with others; the teaching Spirit implies a community of learners; forgetful persons need a prompter to remind them; one testifies expecting heed to be paid; one speaks and declares in order to be heard. The articulate Spirit is the correlative of the listening, Spirit-informed community.
The final Paraclete passage closes with a threefold repetition of the verb she will declare (anangello), 16:13-15. The Spirit will declare the things that are to come (v.13), and she will declare what is Christ's (vv. 14, 15). The things of Christ are a message that must be heralded...
The intention of the Spirit of truth is the restoration of an alienated, deceived humanity... The teaching role of the Paraclete tends to be remembered as a major emphasis of the Farewell Discourses, yet only 14:26 says She will teach you all things. (Teaching is, however, implied when 16:13-15 says that the Spirit will guide you into all truth, and will speak and declare.) Franz Mussner remarks that the word used in 14:26, didaskein, "means literally 'teach, instruct,' but in John it nearly always means to reveal.” (Stevick 2011, 292-7)
The Holy Spirit as feminine: Early Christian testimonies and their interpretation,
Johannes van Oort, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Department of Church History and Church Polity, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa
Total number of recorded talks 3058: Public Programs 1178, Pujas 651, and other (private conversations) 1249
“The Paraclete will come (15:26; 16:7, 8, 13) as Jesus has come into the world (5:43; 16:28; 18:37)... The Paraclete will take the things of Christ (the things that are mine, ek tou emou) and declare them (16:14-15). Bishop Fison describes the humility of the Spirit, 'The true Holy Spirit of God does not advertise Herself: She effaces Herself and advertises Jesus.' ...
It is by the outgoing activity of the Spirit that the divine life communicates itself in and to the creation. The Spirit is God-in-relations. The Paraclete is the divine self-expression which will be and abide with you, and be in you (14:16-17). The Spirit's work is described in terms of utterance: teach you, didasko (14:26), remind you, hypomimnesko (14:26), testify, martyro (15:26), prove wrong, elencho (16:8), guide into truth, hodego (16:13), speak, laleo (16:13, twice), declare, anangello (16:13, 14, 15). The johannine terms describe verbal actions which intend a response in others who will receive (lambano), see (theoreo), or know (ginosko) the Spirit. Such speech-terms link the Spirit with the divine Word. The Spirit's initiatives imply God's personal engagement with humanity. The Spirit comes to be with others; the teaching Spirit implies a community of learners; forgetful persons need a prompter to remind them; one testifies expecting heed to be paid; one speaks and declares in order to be heard. The articulate Spirit is the correlative of the listening, Spirit-informed community.
The final Paraclete passage closes with a threefold repetition of the verb she will declare (anangello), 16:13-15. The Spirit will declare the things that are to come (v.13), and she will declare what is Christ's (vv. 14, 15). The things of Christ are a message that must be heralded...
The intention of the Spirit of truth is the restoration of an alienated, deceived humanity... The teaching role of the Paraclete tends to be remembered as a major emphasis of the Farewell Discourses, yet only 14:26 says She will teach you all things. (Teaching is, however, implied when 16:13-15 says that the Spirit will guide you into all truth, and will speak and declare.) Franz Mussner remarks that the word used in 14:26, didaskein, "means literally 'teach, instruct,' but in John it nearly always means to reveal.” (Stevick 2011, 292-7)
The Holy Spirit as feminine: Early Christian testimonies and their interpretation,
Johannes van Oort, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Department of Church History and Church Polity, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, South Africa
“The teaching of the Paraclete, as the continuation of Jesus' teaching, must also be understood as the fulfillment of the promise of eschatological divine instruction.”
Stephen E. Witmer, Divine instruction in Early Christianity
“Jesus therefore predicts that God will later send a human being to Earth to take up the role defined by John .i.e. to be a prophet who hears God's words and repeats his message to man.”
M. Bucaille, The Bible, the Qur'n, and Science
“And when Jesus foreannounced another Comforter, He must have intended a Person as distinct and helpful as He had been.”
F. B. Meyer, Love to the Utmost
“The Paraclete has a twofold function: to communicate Christ to believers and, to put the world on trial.”
Robert Kysar, John The Meverick Gospel
“But She—the Spirit, the Paraclete...—will teach you everything.”
Danny Mahar, Aramaic Made EZ)
“Grammatical nonsense but evidence of the theological desire to defeminize the Divine.”
Lucy Reid, She Changes Everything
“The functions of the Paraclete spelled out in verses 13-15... are all acts of open and bold speaking in the highest degree.”
David Fleer, Preaching John's Gospel
“The reaction of the world to the Paraclete will be much the same as the world's reaction was to Jesus.”
Berard L. Marthaler, The Creed: The Apostolic Faith in Contemporary Theology
Bultmann calls the “coming of the Redeemer an 'eschatological event,' 'the turning-point of the ages.”
G. Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament
“The Paraclete equated with the Holy Spirit, is the only mediator of the word of the exalted Christ.”
Benny Thettayil, In Spirit and Truth
“The divine Paraclete, and no lessor agency, must show the world how wrong it was about him who was in the right.”
Daniel B. Stevick , Jesus and His Own: A Commentary on John 13-17
Stephen Smalley asserts that “The Spirit-Paraclete ... in John's Gospel is understood as personal, indeed, as a person.”
Marianne Thompson, The God of the Gospel of John
“The Messiah will come and the great age of salvation will dawn (for the pious).”
Eric Eve, The Jewish context of Jesus' Miracles
“The remembrance is to relive and re-enact the Christ event, to bring about new eschatological decision in time and space.”
Daniel Rathnakara Sadananda, The Johannine Exegesis of God
“The Spirit acts in such an international situation as the revealer of 'judgment' on the powers that rule the world.”
Michael Welker, God the Spirit
The Paraclete's “Appearance means that sin, righteousness, and judgment will be revealed.”
Georg Strecker, Theology of the New Testament
“While the Spirit-Paraclete is the true broker, the brokers they rely on are impostors.”
T. G. Brown, Spirit in the writings of John
“The pneumatological activity ... of the Paraclete ... may most helpfully be considered in terms of the salvific working of the hidden Spirit.”
Michael Welker, The work of the Spirit
“The pneuma is the peculiar power by which the word becomes the words of eternal life.”
Robert Kysar, Voyages with John
“The gift of peace, therefore, is intimately associated with the gift of the Spirit-Paraclete.”
Francis J. Moloney, The Gospel of John
“This utopian hope, even when modestly expressed, links Jesus and the prophets to a much wider history of human longing.”
Harvey Cox, The Future of Faith
“Because of the presence of the Paraclete in the life of the believer, the blessings of the end-times—the eschaton—are already present.”
Robert Kysar, John
“They are going, by the Holy Spirit's power, to be part of the greatest miracle of all, bringing men to salvation.”
R. Picirilli, The Randall House Bible Commentary
“The Kingdom of God stands as a comprehensive term for all that the messianic salvation included... is something to be sought here and now (Mt. 6:33) and to be received as children receive a gift (Mk. 10:15 = Lk. 18:16-17).”
G. Ladd, A Theology of the New Testament
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