Quotes of Shri Mataji

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Self-realization is the first encounter with Reality.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Innately, within us, resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten you, to give peace, the bliss and the joy of our being.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"You are your Self and you must see yourself as your Self, as your Spirit; and Spirit is a Universal Being, is the innocence, is the virgin within you. This body is a palace and it is the House of God. within it God kept the Infinite Flame.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"The enjoyment of life is only possible if the world could get connected to the Spirit.... You become the spirit as Christ has said in simple words that 'you have to be born again.'"

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"You are not this body; you are not this mind—you are the Spirit. This is the greatest truth.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
"Divinity is not a fashion. It is the way of life. It is the need of your being. You have become that.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Now the stage today is to know that Self-realization gives you experience and then your faith is established; not blind but enlightened faith.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Freedom is when you really get your own powers which are within you, in you central nervous system and in your conscious mind. You must feel the existence of the Spirit.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Kundalini cures you, She improves you, She bestows all these blissful things upon you. She takes you away from the worries of grosser level.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Meditation is the only way you can grow because when you meditate you are in Silence; you are in thoughtless awareness. Then the growth of awareness takes place.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

“A star is shining within us and that is our Spirit.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Either you lead a life which is luxurious on the material level or you lead a luxurious life of God's blessings. One of them you have to choose, the Time has come.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
"You have to know your spirit... for without knowing your spirit, you cannot know the truth.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"It is important for everyone to have that knowledge of the roots within ourselves. Sahaja Yoga allows the individual to become his own spiritual guide.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"You just become, like a flower becomes the fruit. It's all built in within you. Allow it to work out.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Self Realisation makes us humble. Replace temper with compassion. The more innocent you are, the more blissful you will be.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Discover the peace and joy within through the connection with your Spirit.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Sahaja Yoga unites the essence of all religions.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
"Sahaja Yoga is different from the other yogas because it begins with Self realization instead of this being the unobtainable dream of a distant goal.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"The greatest friend you have is the Divine Power which is looking after you and doing everything for you.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"It is God who rules, it is He who does, it is He who has created everything and it is He who enjoys everything.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Atma (Spirit/Self) is the reflection of Paramatma (Self/God Almighty) in our heart. This reflection is like the sun in water. Although reflection of the sun is in the water, he is away in the sky and not in the water. Similarly, Atma is as much as it is seen, it is beyond all that and not limited by it.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"The Atma (Spirit) resides inside this heart and after Sahaja Yoga its light spreads within us in seven layers.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"The representatives of SadaShiva (God Almighty) and Adi Shakti (His Power) in us are the Atma and the Kundalini.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Meditation, where you are connected to the All-pervading Divinity, is the starting point in Sahaja Yoga.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"When you try to seek the Knowledge you have to become the Knowledge. The light of Love is so sweet, so beautiful, so enamoring, so abounding. You can feel that Light within you which is of pure love, pure relationship and pure understanding.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
"Kundalini is our Mother, we are Her only children and She has been with us through all our lives just waiting for the moment of fulfillment.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"It is the Divine love and grace of God which has made you a human being and it is His grace which is going to make you a supreme human being in Sahaja Yoga.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Some are rich, some are poor, these are transitory things. Look into the heart within and enjoy that Love. With that Love you elevate and once more rise to greatness.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"We do not know our potential, our beauty, but once this connection with the mains is established you will be surprised at the results and the dynamism. Through our love we can absorb the defects of others and cleanse them. This is the power of Love. So far we have never used the power of Love.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"You cannot make your Kundalini pulsate with your mind. The Divine, if it has to do something, it must be extra-ordinary which human beings cannot do. To pulsate Kundalini is only possible for the Divine. It is a living force.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

“A spiritual person is just innocent, just innocent. Whatever he talks or says comes through innocence. It just says what it knows and what it knows is the highest.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"God is infinite. You don't have to count His aspects. You want to enjoy Him. The wise simply eat the fruit, they do not count the leaves, roots and branches.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"It is very important to understand that without transformation you have no meaning. Whatever you are, do not identify yourselves with that, but whatever you want to be, try to be that.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
"Spirit is the only thing that is at the center, and at the periphery if you look at things, they look as if they are separate and different. But if you can approach somehow into that state where your Spirit resides, you will be amazed to see that everything integrates, everything coordinates, and there is no difference. Say, in Mohammed Sahib, Dattatreya, Raja Janaka or Shirdi Sai Nath — there is no difference in their principle if you can just get your Spirit.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Until you are able to understand the meaning of the"Self", the physical body would remain imperfect and would be unable to verify the Truth. But once the physical instrument is connected with Truth, you are able to verify the Truth.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"When you become one with the Spirit all your problems will be solved. A realised person never talks in first person. He becomes separate from himself leaving aside his desires, his materialistic ideas.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"Meditation is nothing but the state of remaining in the constant company of the every-loving Bhagawati.”

[Bhagawati is the Primordial/Divine Mother]

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"The essence of all religions is to find the eternal.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"In Sahaja Yoga, you have to understand one simple thing, that you are the Spirit and whatever is not the Spirit is not yourself.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"God has created man with his Shakti and man has to know Him, and recognize Him through Kundalini awakening. Blossom Time has come and many ancient seekers are today getting their Self-Realisation.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"The object of Sahaja Yoga is basically to become and experience the spiritual Self.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
"It's the culture of God, we are talking about, it's the culture of His kingdom where we give to others, enjoying, giving, doing for others, loving others, caring for others without any return.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"The only thing where you can really hide yourself is the love of God; where you can really get the great restful, blissful feeling of His complete protection.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"If in one lifetime you can achieve Self-Realization and you reach the point of having begun to lose your habits, then in that very lifetime, it is possible for you to acquire that so called State. An established Sahaja Yogi is the one who becomes completely one with God and wins Him over.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

"This is the Last Judgment. Remember, God will not bow before you. You have to accomplish Him in your own freedom. If you have not achieved Him it is not His fault nor is it of Sahaja Yoga.”

The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh-Devi

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NOTE: If this page was accessed during a web search you may wish to browse the sites listed below where this topic or related issues are discussed in detail to promote global peace, religious harmony, and spiritual development of humanity:

www.adi-shakti.org/  — Divine Feminine (Hinduism)
www.holyspirit-shekinah.org/  — Divine Feminine (Christianity)
www.ruach-elohim.org/  — Divine Feminine (Judaism)
www.ruh-allah.org/  — Divine Feminine (Islam)
www.tao-mother.org/  — Divine Feminine (Taoism)
www.prajnaaparamita.org/  — Divine Feminine (Buddhism)
www.aykaa-mayee.org/  — Divine Feminine (Sikhism)
www.great-spirit-mother.org/  — Divine Feminine (Native Traditions)

“Now, the principle of Mother is in every, every scripture - has to be there.”Shri Mataji, Radio Interview 1983 Oct 01, Santa Cruz, USA

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