Move not thy tongue with this Revelation of Surah Al-Qiyamah!
For centuries hundreds and thousands of scholars first stripped, then molested, and finally raped the revelation of Al-Qiyamah beyond recognition, before leaving it pregnant with distortion, delusion and deceit. Even scores of scholars working with Abdullah Yusuf Ali took part in this orgy despite the clearest of Allah's injunctions never to interfere with this revelation. In order to substantiate this extremely serious allegation it has to be first understood that the word "Qur'n" is interpolated. To interpolate means (a) to alter or corrupt (as a text) by inserting new or foreign matter (b) to insert words into a text or into a conversation. The word "Qur'n" is in brackets as the interpreters have conveniently interpolated it to substitute for a missing word. So what is that missing word that has been substituted? It can be no other than "Resurrection" as the entire surah 75 deals only with the Great Event ordained for all humanity. Let Allah (SWT) be my witness that this message has been conveyed.Surah 75:16-19
1. I do call to witness the Resurrection Day;
2. And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit.
3. Does man think that We cannot assemble his bones?
4. Nay, We are able to put together in perfect order, the very tip of his fingers.
5. But man wishes to do wrong (even) in the time in front of him.
6. He questions: "When is the Day of Resurrection?”
7. At length, when the sight is dazed
8. And the moon is buried in darkness
9. And the sun and moon are joined together that Day will Man say;
10. "Where is the refuge?”
11. By no means! No place of safety!
12. Before the Lord (alone), that Day will be the place of rest.
13. That Day will Man be told (all) that he put forward, and all that he put back.
14. Nay, man will be evidence against himself,
15. Even though he were to make excuses.
16. Move not thy tongue concerning the (Qur'n), to make haste therewith.
17. It is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it:
18. But when We have promulgated it, follow thou its recital:
19. Nay more, it is for Us to explain it:
20. Nay, (ye men!) but ye love the fleeting life,
21. And leave alone the Hereafter.
22. Some faces, that Day, will beam (in brightness and beauty) -
23. Looking towards their Lord;
24. And some faces, that Day, will be sad and dismal,
25. In the thought that some backbreaking calamity was about to be inflicted on them;
26. Yea, when (the soul) reaches to the collarbone (in its exit),
27. And there will be a cry, "Who is a magician (to restore him)?”
28. And he will conclude that it was (the Time) of Parting;
29. And one leg will be joined with another:
30. The Day the Drive will be (all) to thy Lord!
31. So he gave nothing in charity, nor did he pray! -
32. But on the contrary, he rejected Truth and turned away!
33. Then did he stalk to his family in full conceit!
34. Woe to thee, (O man!), yea, woe!
35. Again, woe to thee, (O man!), yea, woe!
36. Does Man think that he will be left uncontrolled, (without purpose)?
37. Was he not a drop of sperm emitted (in lowly form)?
38. Then did he become a clinging clot; then did (Allah) make and fashion (him) in due proportion.
39. And of him He made two sexes, male and female.
40. Has not he, (the same), the power to give life to the dead?
surah 75:1-40 Al Qiyamah (The Resurrection)
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'n, Amana Corporation, 1989.
La tuharrik bihi lisanakalitaAAjala bihi
Inna AAalayna jamAAahu waqur-anahu
Fa-itha qara/nahu faittabiAAqur-anahu
Thumma inna AAalayna bayanahu
Move not thy tongue concerning the (Qur'n),
To make haste therewith. [5820]
It is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it:
But when We have promulgated it, follow thou its recital:
Nay more, it is for Us to explain it (and make it clear):
surah 75:16-19 Al Qiyamah (The Resurrection)
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Quran, 1989
"5820. Cf. 20:114, and n. 2639: "Be not in haste with the Qur'n before its revelation to thee is completed.”S. 75. is an earlier revelation, and the shade of the meaning is slightly different. The immediate meaning was that the Holy Prophet was to allow the revelation conveyed to him to sink into his mind and heart and not be impatient about it; Allah would certainly complete it according to His Plan, and see that it was collected and preserved for men, and not lost; that the inspired one was to follow it and recite it as the inspiration was conveyed to him; and that it carries its own explanation according to the faculties bestowed by Allah on man. The general meaning follows the same lines; we must not be impatient about the inspired Word; we must follow it as made clear to us by the faculties given to us by Allah.”
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'n, Amana Corporation, 1989.
A random selection of Quranic translations from other translators state the same message:
Move not thy tongue in haste to follow and master this revelation:
For we will see to the collecting and the recital of it;
But when we have recited it, then follow thou the recital,
And, verily, afterwards it shall be ours to make clear to thee.
J.M. Rodwell, The Koran, J.M. Dent & Sons 1978.
Do not move your tongue with it to make haste with it,
Surely on Us (devolves) the collecting of it and the reciting of it.
Therefore when We have recited it, follow its recitation.
Again on Us (devolves) the explaining of it.
Muhammed Shakir, The Holy Qur'n, University of Michigan.
Do not forestall (the revelation) by moving your tongue.
Surely its collection and recitation are Our responsibility.
So, as We recite it, follow its reading.
The exposition of its meaning surely rests on Us.
Ahmed Ali, Islam: The Qur'n, University Press, 1988
You need not move your tongue too fast to learn this revelation.
We Ourself shall see to its collection and recitation.
When We read it, follow its word attentively;
We shall Ourself explain its meaning.
N.J. Dawood, The Koran, Penguin Books, 1993.
Stir not thy tongue herewith to hasten it.
Lo! upon Us (resteth) the putting together thereof and the reading thereof.
And when We read it, follow thou the reading;
Then lo! upon Us (resteth) the explanation thereof.
Mohammad Pickthal, The Holy Qur'n, U. of Michigan.
Move not thy tongue with it to hasten it;
Ours it is to gather it, and to recite it.
So, when We recite it, follow thou its recitation.
Then Ours it is to explain it.
Arthur J. Arberry, The Koran Interpreted, Oxford University Press, 1983.
“There are those who claim that Quran is too difficult to understand, and that "Hadith & Sunna" are needed to explain Quran. First of all, one look at Quran and "Hadith" convinces the reader that the opposite is true. Because the fabricators of "Hadith" belonged to various tribes and even countries, with various dialects, slangs, and accents, the language of "Hadith" is in fact extremely difficult.
"Do not move your tongue (O Muhammad) to hasten the revelation of Quran. It is we who will put it together as a Quran. Once we reveal it, you shall follow it. Then, it is we who will explain it.” (75:16-19)
The verse stating that God is the one who explains Quran happens to be verse No. 19.”
Dr. Rashad Khalifa, Ph.d
(Masjid Tucson, United Submitters International, Tucson, AZ, USA.)
In these lines Dr. Rashid Khalifa explains one of the greatest truth of the Holy Qur'n "that God is the one who explains Quran happens to be verse No. 19.” There is absolutely no other way of clarifying such a clear-cut injunction. Unfortunately it also exposes the greatest satanic deception perpetuated upon hundreds of millions of True Believers (Al-Mu'minun).
For centuries hundreds and thousands of scholars first molested, then raped, and finally mutilated the revelation of Al-Qiyamah beyond recognition, before leaving it pregnant with distortion, delusion and deceit. Even scores of scholars working with Abdullah Yusuf Ali took part in this orgy despite the clearest of Allah's injunctions. Iblis, you kept your promise to mislead humans till the Day of Resurrection.
In order to substantiate this extremely serious allegation it has to be first understood that the word "Qur'n" is interpolated. To interpolate means (a) to alter or corrupt (as a text) by inserting new or foreign matter (b) to insert words into a text or into a conversation. The word "Qur'n" is in brackets as the interpreters have conveniently interpolated it to substitute for a missing word.
So what is that missing word that has been substituted? It can be no other than "Resurrection" as the entire surah 75 deals only with the Great Event ordained for all humanity. Let Allah (SWT) be my witness that this message has been conveyed. May the ulema never ever defile this Truth again!
16. Move not thy tongue concerning the Resurrection, to make haste therewith.
17. It is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it:
18. But when We have promulgated it, follow thou its recital:
19. Nay more, it is for Us to explain it:
But even highly-educated Islamic theologians like Dr. Rashad Khalifa (Ph.D), an impassioned back-to-the-Quran fundamentalist critical of the misinterpretation, himself twisted the truth by substituting "Qur'n" with "the revelation of the Quran" to fit his own scheme of things. And then he claims that only Prophet Muhammad was denied by God the right to interpret the Quran where all others, like himself, have exactly that divine authorization! That is the only way to confer on the ulema (Islamic theologians) the same right. What a satanic trick that soothes and silences the conscience of the ulema from feeling any guilt of transgression!
He then cleverly says that "God is the One who explains Quran," instead of "God will be the One who will explain about Al-Qiyamah." Despite all the flowery language he gives no clue or evidence of God explaining the Qur'n containing 114 chapters and 6666 ayats.
In the end all Muslims are invited to put their heads in the sand by restraining themselves from using their mental faculties to determine how, when and why Allah is the one who explains Qur'n. This is the only way to camouflage a future explanation of the Resurrection to be undertaken by Allah's Spirit into a meaningless smoke and mirrors interpretation similar to that given above by Abdullah Yusuf Ali and his forty Defrauders (Al-Mutaffin).
This devilish deception was undertaken despite Allah's explicit command and prohibition to refrain from speculating this one and only Surah with the following injunctions, for which the Thieves of Truth have absolutely no answer:
Move not thy tongue concerning the (Resurrection):
Absolutely no human was to start 'moving their tongue' ('wagging their tongue') or rumoring about this particular surah concerning Qiyamah. After all, the entire surah is about Qiyamah and nothing else! Prophet Muhammad was informed that only this Revelation of Qiyamah was never to be speculated upon because humans would have kept demanding answers to numerous questions: "Who is going to explain the Resurrection?” "When will Allah send His Emissary to explain the Resurrection?” "What proof will His Emissary bring?” (And it would have set the stage for hundreds of false prophets claiming to be His emissary sent to explain the Resurrection, bringing chaos and pandemonium during every solar eclipse.)
The rest of the Qur'n has no such interpretation restrictions.
To make haste therewith.
Absolutely no human was to be hasty in declaring that the day Qiyamah has commenced, or will commence, after a particular solar eclipse. Imagine the terror, mayhem and utter social chaos if every solar eclipse had the potential of commencing Qiyamah and, if the interpretation of the Muslim scholars believed, the horrifying End of the world!
It is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it:
Allah made it crystal clear that this extremely important revelation was exclusively for Them. Allah and His Ruh will first manifest various Qiyamah-specific Signs and surahs before collecting, promulgating, reciting and explaining them to humankind. Put simply, Allah and His Ruh would be solely responsible for the Manifestation, Revelation, Knowledge and Declaration of the Resurrection! Humans were absolutely excluded from any interference whatsoever.
"collect: 1 a : to bring together into one body or place b : to gather or exact from a number of persons or sources
intransitive verb
1 : to come together in a band, group, or mass : gather
2 : to collect objects"
"promulgate: 1 to publish or make known officially (a decree)
2 a) to make known the terms of (a new or proposed law or statute) b) to put (a law) into effect by publishing its terms
3 to make widespread"
Webster New World Dictionary, Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1988.
But instead of keeping absolutely silent, Yusuf Ali Abdullah and his forty thieves of Truth boldly encourage the Ummah to use their mental faculties to the best of their ability: "that the inspired one was to follow it and recite it as the inspiration was conveyed to him; and that it carries its own explanation.”
Only those deceived by Satan can interpret such a clear-cut and direct injunction of Allah never to interfere with this surah regarding the Resurrection into a free-for-all-interpret-as-you-deem-fit speculation for all. Yes! Only the Al Mutaffun (The Dealers In Fraud) deceived by Satan are able to twist the Qur'n and put words in Allah's mouth.
But when We have promulgated it, follow thou its recital:
And after Allah and His Ruh have promulgated this Revelation of Qiyamah, humankind must follow Their recital.
"recital: 1 a) a reciting, specifically, a telling of facts, events, etc. in detail b) what is so told; account, story, or description
2 a detailed statement, as of facts or events"
Webster New World Dictionary, Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1988.
Allah and His Ruh would make the Resurrection comprehensible to all humankind by giving a detailed account of facts, descriptions and events relating to Qiyamah!
Nay more, it is for Us to explain it (and make it clear)
And that this Revelation of Qiyamah was, nay more, for Them to explain: i.e. this Revelation of Qiyamah was, nay more, for Them to explain - Allah and His Ruh would clarify it in detail!
"explain: 1 to make clear, plain, or understandable
2 to give the meaning or interpretation of; expound
3 to account for; state reasons for - vi. to give an explanation - explain away to state reasons for so as to justify, often by minimizing, or make understandable - explain implies a making clear or intelligible of something that is not known or understood."
Webster New World Dictionary, Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1988.
Al-BaĆth (The Resurrector) is clearly explaining about the Announcement of Resurrection following a particular solar eclipse, and had to make sure His Warnings were heeded to the letter. Allah expressly reserved for Himself the privilege of announcing the commencement of this Great Event to the Ummah and all humanity.
There was a great danger attached to this Revelation and thus the need for extreme caution and non-interference. This is because total solar eclipses happen every few years. It would have caused chaos and pandemonium if every solar eclipse was taken as the beginning of Qiyamah! (Maybe Abdullah Yusuf Ali was right when he admitted that many secrets are wisely hidden from the Ummah for their own protection.)
The utterly false Islamic belief that Qiyamah and Judgment Day are one and the same: mountains crashing, the skies cleft asunder, sun crashing into the moon effectively prevented Muslims from any solar eclipse speculation! (Maybe this was a blessing in disguise!)
Over the centuries the cream of Islamic scholars only perpetuated the schizophrenic distortion of Qiyamah and forced Doomsday deep into the collective Islamic psyche!
We have provided below classical examples of the expected grave danger of every solar eclipse commencing Qiyamah which Al-Alim (The All-Knowing) knew would cause utter panic, pandemonium and social chaos for hundreds of years, unless He made it explicitly clear that, "It is for Us to collect it and to promulgate it: But when We have promulgated it, follow thou its recital: Nay more, it is for Us to explain it (and make it clear).” (Holy Qur'n 75:16-19)
1) Eclipse triggers Nigerian riot
2) The Fraud of Eclipses
3) The Significance of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in Islam
No Islamic theologian—not a single among the thousands—want any Muslim to believe that Allah said that the commencement of Qiyamah will be announced, for that would be direct admission of the possibility of further Messengers to convey His Message. As far as they are concerned it is better to distort truth than cast doubt on Islamic dogma. And millions of brainwashed fools swoon in ecstasy when verses of Qiyamah are recited, and dream of their graves opening up to receive salvation on Doomsday! For centuries thousands of Islamic scholars, theologians, shaikhs, ayatollahs, clerics, imams, ulema, mullahs and muftis have continuously and collectively raped the prophetic purpose of surah Al-Qiyamah i.e., Allah's direct intervention to commence Qiyamah by the collection, promulgation, recital and explanation of Signs and Surahs signalling this Great News (Al Naba). Instead of warning the Ummah not to interfere or interpret this most Sacred Revelation, these transgressors openly encouraged the ummah to join them. This flagrant violation impregnated the Supreme Surah with so much seed that it has now given birth to countless satanic interpretations, interpretations that triggers the very rejection of the Great News (Al Naba) of the Night of Power (Al Qadr) and the Day Muslims will remain unaware of (Al Rum). Instead of warning the Ummah not to interfere or interpret it, these transgressors encouraged them to do just that by advising:
"that the inspired one was to follow it and recite it as the inspiration was conveyed to him; and that it carries its own explanation according to the faculties bestowed by Allah on man. The general meaning follows the same lines; we must not be impatient about the inspired Word; we must follow it as made clear to us by the faculties given to us by Allah.”
The entire Ummah collectively propagated this massive self-deception!
And to make it all the more easier some even substituted the word "Resurrection" with "Qur'n." Allah was only referring to this particular revelation of the Resurrection, and definitely not to the entire Qur'n! Till today He has never collected, promulgated, recited or made clear the Qur'n to even a single human.
But Allah has kept His promise to collect, promulgate, recite and make clear the Revelation of Al-Qiyamah. His Ruh has collected, promulgated, recited and made clear the revelation of Al-Qiyamah to all humanity.
We can only speculate the utter bliss, joy, peace, hope, and harmony among humankind if Muslims had understood centuries ago that Al-Hadi (The Guide) will be coming back to announce the beginning of Qiyamah at a certain total solar eclipse backed by His Sure Signs! Imagine the unbounded praise the Believers would have bestowed on Ar-Rahim (The Merciful) for having kept the promise of the Resurrection (Al Qadr: Night of Power and Honor) and saved them from the dreaded Doomsday (Al Qari'h surah 101:1 - 11: Day of Noise and Clamour). The Holy Qur'n would have commenced the Resurrection to the letter, and revered by followers of all faiths. Humankind would have embraced one another and united under One Creator, and begun an unprecedented Golden Age that would have eclipsed the greatest of all ages. The Night of Power and Honor would have begun on an unprecedented scale today!
But the centuries-old rape and mutilation of this surah have severely retarded success.
But why are hundreds of millions defiant of so clear a Warning? Why do so many deliberately mutilate Al-Malik's (The Sovereign Lord) Warning of non-interference, but will go into a murderous frenzy over lesser religious insults? How are so many deceived by Iblis and able to dare defy Allah's Warning: "Move not thy tongue with this revelation, that thou mayest hasten to preserve it. Surely upon Us rests its collection and its recital.”
The answer is simple: It would force the Ummah to admit that Allah will announce, recite and explain everything about Qiyamah in the future. That would go against Islamic dogma of 'final' Prophet.
But Muslims must comprehend that Allah's Ruh is the self-reproaching Spirit within, and no comparison ever must be made with any prophet or messenger of God. It would be blasphemy to utter anything against His Ruh (Paraclete), and all humans are severely forewarned not to transgress Jesus Christ's explicit warning. (The Qur'n confirms that Jesus will be the Sigh of the Hour i.e., the commencement of Al-Qiyamah. It is important to bear His warning regarding Allah's Ruh.)
And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man,
It shall be forgiven him:
But unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven.
Luke 12:10
Verily I say unto you, all sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men,
And blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.
Mark 3:28-29
Wherefore I say unto you, all manner of sin and blasphemy, shall be forgiven unto men:
But the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven unto men.
And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man,
It shall be forgiven him:
But whosoever speaketh against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.
Matthew 12:31-32
Thus the question of "last prophet" cannot arise. The Ruh of Allah cannot and must never be reduced to the mere status of "prophet."
But the ulema had good reason to interpret as they deemed fit, and suppress Al-Hakim's (The Judge) crystal-clear Warning not to temper with this particular Revelation. This is despite the fact that the chapter on Al-Qiyamah had already paralyzed the cream of Islamic intellectuals with unsolvable questions:
— How will Allah announce the beginning of Qiyamah to humans?
— How would Allah collect the different surahs that pointed and protected the prophecy of Al-Qiyamah?
— How will God recite the meaning of the Resurrection to humankind?
— How will He explain the details of Qiyamah to the True Believers (Al-Mu'minun)?
— Will He come in a human form to announce, recite and explain the Great News (surah 78:1-5 An-Naba) of Qiyamah?
— Will Allah send His Spirit to announce, recite, and explain the Qiyamah?
— Will He send another Messenger to announce, recite, and explain the Resurrection?
For fools and fundamentalists all these possibilities are preposterous (even though Allah is All-Powerful and Mighty). As far as they are concerned it would be blasphemous to ever utter that Allah would one day send His Ruh to explain in detail about Qiyamah. This would rock the very foundations of Islam.
Thus instead of admitting this future promise, they used clever words and jugglery to concoct an interpretation encouraging wanton human speculation and corruption of the most important surah of the entire Qur'n. Their direction to the Ummah to defy Allah's injunction belies what they themselves refused to belief or accept: That Allah's Ruh would only day speak to them about Qiyamah!
Now these hypocrites and transgressors have to answer and explain the following:
— What did Allah mean when He said that this Revelation is "for Us to collect and promulgate"?
— What did the Universal Creator mean when He said that this Revelation is for "Us to recite"?
— What did Khudda mean when He said that this Revelation is for "Us to explain"?
— Why did they falsely tell the True Believers (Al-Mu'minun) that this Revelation was for ordinary humans to interpret, in direct contravention of the Qur'n's clear command?
— Why did they treacherously dupe the True Believers (Al-Mu'minun) that this Revelation was for any human to promulgate, in direct violation of Allah's explicit Warning never to transgress?
— Why did they faithlessly fool the True Believers (Al-Mu'minun) that this Revelation was for anybody to explain, in direct defiance of Ar-Raqib's (The Watchful) written Request not to do so?
— Why did they mutilate and strangle the prophecy of Al-Qiyamah, a most sacred revealed scripture for all humankind that today literally beats with a prophetic life of its own and compels universal submission to Allah's absolute authority?
We would like the misled Ummah to answer these questions:
— How is it possible that so many cannot understand so simple a verse?
— Why have so many been deluded for so many centuries?
— Who has the power to prevent the descendants of Adam to be misled by the Thieves of Truth for so long?
— Is it true that Iblis asked Allah to "Give me respite till the day they are raised up.” (surah 7:13-18 Al A'raf) and was given freedom to deceive Muslims till the Day of Qiyamah?
— Does these Blast of Qiyamah awaken the True Believers (Al-Mu'minun) and expose the depth of Satan's deception?
— Is it also true that the Ummah will still not believe His Truth and Warning that Qiyamah has commenced, exactly as prophesied by the Qur'n?
— Why do we sense Satan will brilliantly succeed in misleading the Ummah against His Call for Qiyamah
— Who else has that evil cunningness to convince Muslims to laugh at the most glorious and merciful blessings ever bestowed on humankind by God-Almighty?
The Qur'n is clearly, explicitly, unmistakably, unquestionably, and absolutely referring to the future promised Resurrection for all humankind. Not a single being is to move their tongues concerning this Revelation, including Prophet Muhammad. No one was to ever talk about it for Allah reserved the universal Call and Great Announcement (surah 78:1-5 An-Naba) of Qiyamah solely for Himself!
May the Ummah should remember what Allah has warned: "And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is).” (The Holy Qur'n 2:42)
Yet hundreds of millions have allowed themselves to be led astray by the ulema and willfully defied His unambiguous and implicit injunction. How can so many eyes not see, so many ears not hear, so many brains not understand simple sentences? Surely this is the work of Iblis, the Evil One! Yes, it is the work of the Evil One.
These blind ayatollahs, clerics, imams, ulema, shaikhs, mullahs and muftis have been for centuries leading the Ummah without any source of divine guidance whatsoever. They were in a dilemma:
If Allah was to announce the day of Qiyamah, then how will it make sense with the Day of Judgment, which they had speculated as one and the same? The Day of Judgment is filled with the terrors of heavenly convulsions, trumpets blown, angels descending with the Throne, sinners bound for hell, Earth pounded to powder, humans fleeing in terror, the moon crashing into the sun, and so forth.
— How, when and why will Allah announce, recite and recite the beginning of the Resurrection?
— How, when and why will Allah purify humans during Qiyamah?
— Is Qiyamah really the sudden extermination by a wrathful, hard-hearted deity determined to eliminate sinners or is it His Love, Compassion and Mercy to all humankind to mend their ways by listening to His Good News?
— Why did Allah say that the day of Qiyamah will be announced, recited and expounded, certainly so with affection and kindness, without even a single hint of wrath? Surely for ordinary humans the comprehension of Qiyamah will take a considerable time and allow them ample time to mend their anti-God ways.
In the first place, why spend so much time promulgating, reciting, and explaining the Reality of Qiyamah to all humankind, a process that will take years and decades. All Allah has to do, as mountains are crushed and the heavens rent asunder, to bellow, "This IS THE DAY OF RESURRECTION"- and hundreds of millions of humans would shriek and freak in frenzy and fear. In an instant, all humankind would understand that the Dreaded Day of Judgment has come. But why this strangely calm, compassionate Proclamation, Recitation, and Explanation of Qiyamah by His Ruh?
Questions are endless, answers few and far between. The Islamic version of Qiyamah left wide gaping holes in their carefully nurtured doctrine of the dreaded Day of Judgment. The only way was to make Allah into a cold, callous Being, the Merciless Killer who will descend on them suddenly and reap the Grim Harvest. But He has already issued a clear warning to such people:
"O ye assembly of Jinns and men!
Came there not unto you messengers from amongst you,
Setting forth unto you My Signs, and warning you of the meeting of this day of yours?”
They will say: "We bear witness against ourselves.”
It was the life of this world that deceived them.
So against themselves will they bear witness that they rejected Faith.
(The messengers were sent) thus, for thy Lord would not destroy,
For their wrongdoing men's inhabitants, whilst their occupants were unwarned.
surah 6:130-131 Al An'm (The Cattle)
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'n, Amana Corporation, 1989.
O ye assembly of the jinn and humankind!
Came there not unto you messengers of your own,
Who recounted unto you My tokens,
And warned you of the meeting of this your Day?
They will say: We testify against ourselves.
And the life of the world beguiled them.
And they testify against themselves that they were disbelievers
This is because thy Lord destroyeth not the townships arbitrarily,
While their people are unconscious (of the wrong they do).
surah 6:130-131 Al An'm
(Mohammed Pickthall, The Meaning of the Glorious Quran, U. of Michigan.)
O assembly of jinn and men!
Did there not come to you messengers from among you,
Relating to you My communications
And warning you of the meeting of this day of yours?
They shall say: We bear witness against ourselves;
And this world's life deceived them,
And they shall bear witness against their own souls that they were unbelievers.
This is because your Lord would not destroy towns unjustly,
While their people were negligent.
surah 6:130-131 Al An'm
(Muhammed Shakir, The Holy Qur'n, U. of Michigan.)
The entire chapter 75 of Al Qiyamah (The Resurrection) that bestows such Power, Fate and Hope to all humankind has been distorted by the Doomsday mindset of the Islamic scholars, and made to appear as one and the same apocalyptic End. It did not matter to them that this chapter specifically dedicated to the Resurrection contradicted with Judgment Day in every way possible. As far as they were concerned both Qiyamah (Al Qadr) and Judgment Day (Al Qariah) had to be juxtaposed and fused to mean the same at all costs to truth and reasoning.
Since Islamic intellectuals had for centuries sworn that the Day of Qiyamah would unleash Allah's Wrath. it was safer and easier to indoctrinate and subdue the masses with this Islamic dogma. The only alternative was to admit that Allah would Announce, Recite and Explain about Qiyamah, blasting the centuries-old Islamic dogma of their exclusive 'last' prophet and 'final' revelation to smithereens. They knew that the truth of Allah's intervention was extremely dangerous and had to be raped and mutilated beyond recognition.
And Iblis blessed the Islamic Defrauders (Al-Mutaffin) with success beyond his wildest dreams. Today Muslims are so horribly conditioned that they will still deny the Reality of Qiyamah written so clearly in black and white in their revered Qur'n. Surely, this is the work of Satan, the thief of Faith! Yes, surely the Thieves of Faith have succeeded and will bear full responsibility for inducing the vast majority of the present Ummah to reject His Announcement (An-Naba) of Qiyamah! And so will the prophesied Mighty War be fought between the True Believers (Al-Mu'minun) and the Unbelievers (Al-Kafirun) over the Good News of Al-Qiyamah.
The Islamic scholars could not accept these words of Al-Aziz (The Mighty) as it dangerously proclaimed of a human form that would have to do His divine work on Earth. So they had to cut off this possibility from Islamic theology by removing with surgical precision all the vital organs of surah 75:16-19. And by inviting the Ummah to poke and probe the cadaver as they so desired, the hemorrhage of truth never stopped.
Over the centuries Al-Qiyamah became an ugly scar filled with the horror of fear, stench of repulsion and pus of loathing. Muslims have now all but erased Allah's Mercy of Al-Qiyamah from their minds in a collective amnesia that has no parallel in history. They just cannot accept the fact that Al-Wali (The Protecting Friend) will, in His limitless Compassion to humankind, explain in detail the Day of Qiyamah so that they may submit to His Will and mend their ways. They do not want to believe that the verses indicate that Al-Mujib (The Responsive) will have His Emissary manifest in human form.
As far as Muslims are concerned this is preposterous, no matter what the Qur'n says. And by speculating that His Ruh is angel Gabriel the Al Mutaffun (The Dealers In Fraud) burnt all bridges centuries ago, and left no avenue for Allah to collect, promulgate, recite and explain about Qiyamah. Or so they thought.
But it is here that the profound truth of His Reality - constantly repeated throughout the Qur'n as "We", "Us" and "Our"- will now haunt all Muslims till the End, and confirm that they indeed have been led astray. Allah has sent His Ruh Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi to announce, recite and explain the Qiyamah. His Ruh is His Power!
But for centuries the greatest of Islamic minds, blinded by their fanatical desire to theorize a God-without-any-partners, had already trivialized His Ruh into a mere angel! This is sheer blasphemy, the work of the Great Satan!
There is another reason for their concealment of truth, one that would shake the very foundations of Islam. The Sunni Muslims, unlike the Shiites waiting for the Imam Mahdi, believe that Prophet Muhammad is 'the last prophet' and the Qur'n as the 'last revelation' to humankind. If the theologians were to even hint that Allah will announce, recite, and explain about Qiyamah the lofty minarets of the mullahs would come tumbling down to Earth. Since these verses do speak of Divine Revelation to be conveyed by a chosen Messenger, and unless nipped it in the bud, their phony philosophies crumble into dust.
Today hundreds of millions of conditioned prisoners-of-religion are unable to comprehend the collection, recital and explanation of Al-Qiyamah and the Sure Signs of the Resurrection that have manifested on Earth.
Only Iblis could have that power to mislead so many! Yes, only the Evil One could have been that successful. After all, didn't he promise to mislead humans by fabricating falsehood? Ah woe to the Rejecters of Truth! Truly you have been deceived by Iblis. Truly you have been deceived.
"It's worth bearing in mind that the Koran consistently says that its message is clear and accessible to all sincere persons, that sincerity is the fundamental requirement of interpreting its text, that readers ought to ponder its meaning on the basis of their own capacities, and that they will ultimately bear responsibility only for their own beliefs and interpretations. (There are dozens of texts to this effect, but one of the clearest is 2:121-123. Sura 25:19 suggests that understanding of the Koran comes only with divine assistance, and 22:78 stresses the overriding value of sincerity in matters of religious belief.) There is at any rate no Koranic verse that says, "O believers: listen to and obey accredited Koranic scholars; for your salvation depends not on your own acts, but on your conformity with their interpretations.”If so, one can't simply shrug off someone's reading of the Koran because he or she is not an "Accredited Koranic scholar.” Not all "accredited scholars" are worth listening to, and many non-accredited non-scholars are.”1
Only those who sincerely follow the Straight Path - the Qur'n, Prophet Muhammad (Al-Qiyamah), Jesus (The Last Judgment) and His Ruh (Baptism of Allah) - and surrender to Allah's Will to commence the Resurrection will reach Paradise. For the rest it is the surety of the Eternal Fire. So be amply forewarned and never ever deny in the Hereafter that you were not aware of His Ruh and messengers spreading the Great News of Al-Qiyamah and the Last Judgment.
"The Divine Feminine has always been present in Islam. This may be surprising to many people who see Islam as a patriarchal religion. Maybe the reason for this misconception is the very nature of the feminine in Islam. The Divine Feminine in Islam manifests metaphysically and in the inner expression of the religion. The Divine Feminine is not so much a secret within Islam as She is the compassionate Heart of Islam that enables us to know Divinity. Her centrality demonstrates her necessary and life-giving role in Islam.
Sufism, or as some would define it 'mystical Islam' has always honored the Divine Feminine. Of course, Allah has both masculine and feminine qualities, but to the Sufi, Allah has always been the Beloved and the Sufi has always been the Lover. The Qur'n, referring to the final Day, perhaps divulges a portion of this teaching: 'And there is manifest to them of God what they had not expected to see.' "- Laurence Galian
“Muhammad al-Harraq (d. 1845): 'Seekest thou Laila [Divine Reality],
when she is manifest within thee? Thou deemest her to be other, but
she is not other than thou.' Jalal al-Din Rumi (d.1273): "Though the
many ways [diverse religions] are various, the goal is one. Do you
not see there are many roads to the Kaaba?”
In some Sufi orders the goal of the mystical quest is 'personified as
a woman, usually named Laila which means 'night'... this is the
holiest and most secret inwardness of Allah... in this symbolism
Laila and haqiqa (Divine Reality) are one.' This, and the above
statements appear to be distinctly contrary to Muslim orthodoxy in
their blatant echoes of Eastern mystic religions. Yet, for Sufis this
is not a problem. As Ibn 'Arabi stated,
My heart has become capable of every form: it is a pasture for
gazelles and a convent for Christians, and a temple for idols and the
pilgrims Ka'ba and the tables of the Torah, and the book of the
Koran. I follow the religion of Love: whatever way Love's camels
take, that is my religion and faith.
Another Sufi saint, Mahmud Shabistari, in his work Gulshan-i Raz (The
Mystic Rose Garden) concurs, declaring, 'what is mosque, what is
synagogue, what is fire temple? ... 'I' and 'You' are the Hades veil
between them.. When this veil is lifted up from before you, there
remains not the bond of sects and creeds.'
Thus, not only has Sufism been influenced by other religions, but its
mystic quest for spirituality has led it to embrace all sorts of
religion, as abundantly shown in the writings of the great Sufi
saints. To try to deny this as a scholar is incomprehensible. Yet,
those scholars who are sympathetic towards Islam, as previously
shown, have a marked tendency to minimize or altogether ignore these
William Van Doodewaard, Sufism: The Mystical Side of Islam
(The University of Western Ontario, London, Canada: 1996)
The Lady of the Resurrection (Khatun-i Qiyamat), who will on the Resurrection Day be the helper of human beings.
“Sufism cherishes the esoteric secret of woman, even though Sufism is the esoteric aspect of a seemingly patriarchal religion. Muslims pray five times a day facing the city of Makkah. Inside every Mosque is a niche, or recess, called the Mihrab - a vertical rectangle curved at the top that points toward the direction of Makkah. The Sufis know the Mihrab to be a visual symbol of an abstract concept: the transcendent vagina of the female aspect of divinity. In Sufism, woman is the ultimate secret, for woman is the soul. Toshihiko Izutsu writes, 'The wife of Adam was feminine, but the first soul from which Adam was born was also feminine.'
The Divine Feminine has always been present in Islam. This may be surprising to many people who see Islam as a patriarchal religion. Maybe the reason for this misconception is the very nature of the feminine in Islam. The Divine Feminine in Islam manifests metaphysically and in the inner expression of the religion. The Divine Feminine is not so much a secret within Islam as She is the compassionate Heart of Islam that enables us to know Divinity. Her centrality demonstrates her necessary and life-giving role in Islam.
Sufism, or as some would define it 'mystical Islam' has always honored the Divine Feminine. Of course, Allah has both masculine and feminine qualities, but to the Sufi, Allah has always been the Beloved and the Sufi has always been the Lover. The Qur'n, referring to the final Day, perhaps divulges a portion of this teaching: 'And there is manifest to them of God what they had not expected to see.'
Islam is aniconic. In other words, images, effigies, or idols of Allah are not allowed, although verbal depiction abounds. There was a question long debated in Islam: can we see Allah? The Prophet said in a hadith, 'In Paradise the faithful will see Allah with the clarity with which you see the moon on the fourteenth night (the full moon).' Theologians debated what this could mean, but the Sufis have held that you can see Allah even in this world, through the 'eye of the heart.' The famous Sufi martyr al-Hallaj said in a poem, 'ra'ytu rabbi bi-'ayni qalbi' (I saw my Lord with the eye of my heart). Relevant to the focus of this paper is that Sufis have always described this theophanic experience as the vision of a woman, the female figure as the object of ru'yah (vision of Allah).
There was a great Sufi Saint who was born in 1165 C.E. Besides Shi'a Muslims, numberless Sunni Ulemas called him 'The Greatest Sheikh' (al- Shaykh al-Akbar).[18] His name was Muyiddin ibn al-'Arabi. He said, 'To know woman is to know oneself,' and 'Whoso knoweth his self, knoweth his Lord.' Ibn al-'rabi wrote a collection of poems entitled The Tarjuman al-ashwaq. These are love poems that he composed after meeting the learned and beautiful Persian woman Nizam in Makkah. The poems are filled with images pointing to the Divine Feminine. His book Fusus al-hikam, in the last chapter, relates that man's supreme witnessing of Allah is in the form of the woman during the act of sexual union. He writes, 'The contemplation of Allah in woman is the highest form of contemplation possible: As the Divine Reality is inaccessible in respect of the Essence, and there is contemplation only in a substance, the contemplation of God in women is the most intense and the most perfect; and the union which is the most intense (in the sensible order, which serves as support for this contemplation) is the conjugal act.' Allah as the Beloved in Sufi literature, the ma'shuq, is always depicted with female iconography....
Among the Ghulat there is much respect paid to the Divine Feminine. In the Ghulat group the Ahl-i-Haqq ('the People of Truth'), the Divine Feminine appears as the Khatun-i Qiyamat (Lady of Resurrection) who also is manifested as the mysterious angel Razbar (also Ramzbar or Remzebar). The writer, Frédéric Macler, claims that the name Razbar is of Arabic origin and means 'secret of the creator'. The term qiyama literally means, 'rising' of the dead, and allegorically, it implies an idea denoting the rising to the next spiritual stage, and qiyamat-i qubra (great resurrection) means an attainment of the highest degree when a man becomes free from the ties of external laws, whom he shackles and transfigures into spiritual substance, which rejoins its divine sources. 'The King of the World was sitting on the water with His four associate angels (chahar malak-i muqarrab) when they suddenly saw the Pure Substance of Hadrat-i Razbar, the Khatun-i Qiyamat (Lady of the Resurrection). She brought out from the sea a round loaf of bread (kulucha), and offered it to the King of the World. By His order they formed a devotional assembly (jam), distributed the bread, offered prayers and exclaimed 'Hu!' Then the earth and the skies became fixed, the skies being that kulucha.'
Another rendition of the emergence of the Lady of the Resurrection is as follows: 'After this the Holder of the World and Creator of Man looked upon 'Azra'il with the eye of benefaction, and 'Azra'il became split into two parts, one exactly like the other, and from between these parts a drop of light emerged in the form of a loaf of kulucha bread. The Creator then said, I appoint that person (surat) who became separated from 'Azra'il to be the Lady of the Resurrection (Khatun-i Qiyamat), who will on the Resurrection Day be the helper of human beings.' ”
Laurence Galian, The Centrality of the Divine Feminine in Sufism
I do call to witness the Resurrection Day;
And I do call to witness the self-reproaching Spirit.
Concerning what are they disputing?
Concerning the Great News. [5889]
About which they cannot agree.
Verily, they shall soon (come to) know!
Verily, verily they shall soon (come to) know!
surah 78:1-5 Al Naba' (The Great News)
"5889. Great News: usually understood to mean the News or Message of the Resurrection.”
Abdullah Yusuf Ali, The Holy Qur'n, Amana Corporation, 1989.
His Ruh Shri Mataji “But if I say something about Krishna, all the Christians will be there to criticize Me, so it's a big problem. You see if you talk to them about Krishna, the Christians don't like it; if you talk about Christ, the Hindus don't like it; if you talk about Sikhism, the Islam, Muslims do not like it; and if you talk about Mohammed Sahib, the Sikhs don't like it.
I am not here to please anyone. I am here to tell you the truth about them, that they are all one, and like fools and stupid people you are fighting each other. There is no difference between them. They are all one. Absolutely one. Such a concord and such an understanding exists between them that you cannot separate them, they are so one with each other as the moonlight is with moon, or sunlight is with sun. It's only our ignorance makes that kind of allegation against them and this you will realize in Sahaja Yoga itself.
It will be proved by the ascendance of your awareness through your Kundalini. It will be proved that whatever I am saying will be proved scientifically because the Kundalini, when She rises and It stops, you have to get over your mythical ideas, otherwise It won't rise. You, yourself, will learn gradually that what I am saying is the truth. Whatever I am saying abut Mohammed Sahib is the truth, and you will learn it. We have had enough of fights. We have had enough of nonsense. See now what's happening is this, Israelis are killing the P.L.O.s and all this. Do you think by killing them they are going to achieve God?
These false ideas all have to go. We have to become universal beings. Become. You become that. Whether somebody's a Muslim or a Hindu or a Christian or anything, when you become a universal being, you can feel the person where he is on your fingers. Christ has said, "Your hands will speak, your hands will speak.” We don't have to challenge any scriptures, we have to see the inner light in all what is described, which is making us separated, is actually the uniting factor. The diversity has such a beautiful unity within us, but that only can be seen by the raising of the Kundalini. There's no way out because when the Kundalini rises, the integration takes place and you start seeing it as an actual experience.
I hope you have understood what I have said. But arguments are not going to give you Realization - it has to happen. It doesn't matter, you may be the crown prince or you may be the king or you may be anything. Makes no difference. It's your individual happening that has to take place. This is your individual Mother within you. This is the Ruh I am talking about. Just by ritualism you cannot achieve God. You have to be connected with God. For all the people of the world who understand and who think it is important to know that there must be a truth which we can actualize, it has been promised in all the religions and scriptures and it has to happen.”
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh Sri Mataji
Birmingham, U.K.—July 9, 1982
“Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last Judgment - which looks such a horrifying experience - has been made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb you.”
The Messiah-Paraclete-Ruh Sri Mataji
Kundalini And Kalki Shakti,
Bombay, India—September 28, 1979
“Religious faith is used to justify belief in things that lack sufficient evidence to be justified by reason. Reasoning can't justify these things because reasoning involves the examination of arguments based on evidence. If the evidence is insufficient, reason dictates that belief is unwarranted - no matter how much people may want to believe. Religious faith, on the other hand, can be used to justify belief in
anything. Thus we encounter attacks on the very idea of reason, by those who have found religious faith to be the only support for their cherished beliefs.”
Jeff Dee
“I make war on this theologian instinct: I have found traces of it everywhere. Whoever has theologian blood in his veins has a wrong and dishonest attitude towards all things from the very first. The pathos that develop out of this is called faith: closing one's eyes with respect to oneself for good and all so as not to suffer from the sight of incurable falsity. Out of this erroneous perspective on all things one makes a morality, a virtue, a holiness for one self, one unites the good conscience with seeing falsely - one demands that no other kind of perspective shall be accorded any value after one has rendered one's sacrosanct with the names 'God,' 'redemption,' 'eternity.' I have dug out the theologian instinct everywhere: it is most widespread, peculiarly subterranean form of falsity that exists on earth. What a theologian feels to be true must be false: this provides almost a criterion of truth. It is his deepest instinct of self-preservation which forbids any part of reality whatever to be held in esteem or even spoken of. Wherever the influence of the theologian extends value judgment is stood on its head, the concepts 'true' and 'false' are necessary reversed: that which is most harmful to life is here called 'true,' that which enhances, intensifies, affirms, justifies it and causes it to triumph is called 'false' ... If it happens that, by way of 'conscience' of princes (or of nations -), theologians stretch out their hands after power, let us be in no doubt what at bottom is taking place every time: the will to the end, the nihilistic will wants power.”
Friedrich Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols/The Anti-Christ,
Penguin Classics, 1990, p. 132
“The time is near in which nothing will remain of Islam but its name, and of the Qur'n but its mere appearance, and the mosques of Muslims will be destitute of knowledge and worship; and the learned men will be the worst people under the heavens; and contention and strife will issue from them, and it will return upon themselves.”
Islam Hadith
1. Irfan Khawaja, Daniel Pipes Is Wrong: People Should Read the Koran to Learn About Muslim Terrorism (Adjunct professor of philosophy at the College of New Jersey, and columnist for Pakistan Today.)