"The first duty of the Spirit is to preach Christ, but her motherly work does not end there"

Count Zinzendorf
1760), poet, preacher, theologian, and
religious leader. Count Zinzendorf was a
controversial figure within German Pietism in
the first half of the eighteenth century. He
advocated a nonrational approach to
Christianity that he called"religion of the
heart.”In addition to being a creative
theologian and author, he was the founder of
a dynamic religious community known as the
Brudergemeine (Community of Brethren, now
commonly called the Moravian Church) that
established communities on four continents.
Zinzendorf was the son of George Ludwig von
Zinzendorf, a counsellor in the court of the
king of Saxony, and Charlotte Justine von
Gersdorf. Because of the early death of his
father, Zinzendorf was raised primarily by his
grandmother, Henrietta Catherine, Baroness
von Gersdorf (1648—1726), who was closely
connected to the leaders of the Pietist
movement, Philipp Jacob Spener (1635—
1705) and August Hermann Francke (1663—
"The first duty of the Spirit is to preach Christ, but her motherly work does not end there. The Mother also cares for her spiritual children just as a human mother cares for her physical children. She protects, guides, admonishes, and comforts the child of God throughout the changing years of earthly life.”The Mother does not rest until a child has lasting grace, until it finally sinks into the hands of the one Husband, the Friend of all souls, the Creator of all things, who is now the Bridegroom.”The care of the Holy Spirit mainly takes the form of preserving Christians from sin. Believers enter the school of the Holy Spirit where they are taught what they should and should not do. Just as a human mother teaches her child proper behavior by saying," My child, you must do it this way, [and] you must not do that," so too does the Holy Spirit.

The Mother who is above all mothers [says]," I will comfort you; I will remind you; I will motivate you; I will define you; I will wean you from all rudeness and uncivil things. I will make a well-bred child out of you, better than any mother does in all the world.”

Dr. Craig D. Atwood

"One of the least known and most intriguing parts of Zinzendorf's theology is his use of the word"Mother"to describe the Holy Spirit. This was not just a passing fancy for Zinzendorf. In fact, for over twenty years, this was the primary way he referred to the Holy Spirit and towards the end of his life, his attachment to this type of devotion increased. In the 1750s, the Moravians sang several litanies about The Mother, and even had a special annual festival celebrating the"enthronement"of the Spirit as The Mother of the church.

Zinzendorf acknowledges that theologians have generally rejected this linking of verses and the subsequent naming of the Holy Spirit"Mother," but he responds:

Now no theologian is irritated if the word comfort is taken out of the passage and applied to the Holy Spirit, for they call her the Comforter. But if we take out the word Mother and signify it to the Holy Spirit, then people are opposed to it. I can find no cause for such bickering and arbitrariness, and therefore I pay no attention to it. For if the activity in a passage is proper to the Holy Spirit, then the title also goes to the Holy Spirit.

Zinzendorf insists that the word"Mother"does not introduce a distinction of genders into the deity, such as Ann Lee or Mary Baker Eddy proposed, but deals only with the activity of God in the world. The Mother is not a goddess. Rather, the Holy Spirit acts in the role of mother to the church.

Zinzendorf explicated his doctrine of the Holy Spirit, proclaiming that she is a mother in three distinct ways. First, it was the Spirit, not Mary, who was the true mother of Jesus, since she"prepared him in the womb, hovered over him, and finally brought him into the light. She [the Spirit] gave him [Jesus] certainly into the arms of his mother, but with invisible hands carried him more than his mother did.”Second, the Spirit is The Mother of all living things because she has a special role in the on-going creation of the world.”It is known that the Holy Spirit brings everything to life, and when the man was made from a clump of earth ... the Holy Spirit was very close through the breathing of the breath of God into the man.”Thus, the Holy Spirit is The Mother of all living souls in a general way.

The Holy Spirit is also The Mother in a third and most important sense. She is The Mother of the church and all those who have been reborn.”The Holy Spirit is the only Mother of those souls who have been once born out of the side hole of Jesus, as the true womb of all blessed souls.”Zinzendorf bases this understanding of the Spirit giving birth to converted souls in large part on Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus in John 3. Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born again, not from his mother's womb, but from God. Nicodemus knew that we are born from a mother, not a father, but he did not know who this mother was. Zinzendorf has Jesus reply," There is another Mother, not the one who physically gave you birth, that one doesn't matter: you must have another Mother who will give you birth.”Ultimately, then, the Holy Spirit is The Mother of the Christian in the sense that she is the active agent in conversion. Human actors are only agents of the Holy Spirit, and in some cases are not even necessary for conversion.

The first duty of the Spirit is to preach Christ, but her motherly work does not end there. The Mother also cares for her spiritual children just as a human mother cares for her physical children. She protects, guides, admonishes, and comforts the child of God throughout the changing years of earthly life.”The Mother does not rest until a child has lasting grace, until it finally sinks into the hands of the one Husband, the Friend of all souls, the Creator of all things, who is now the Bridegroom.”The care of the Holy Spirit mainly takes the form of preserving Christians from sin. Believers enter the school of the Holy Spirit where they are taught what they should and should not do. Just as a human mother teaches her child proper behavior by saying," My child, you must do it this way, [and] you must not do that," so too does the Holy Spirit.

The Mother who is above all mothers [says]," I will comfort you; I will remind you; I will motivate you; I will define you; I will wean you from all rudeness and uncivil things. I will make a well-bred child out of you, better than any mother does in all the world.”

The language of motherhood expresses the intimate connection the Brudergemeine felt with God through the Spirit. Each member of the Brudergemeine is a child who"sits on The Mother's lap, is received into the school, and is led through all classes; then it is under the special dispensation, under The Motherly regimen of the Holy Spirit, who comforts, punishes, and kisses the heart, as a mother comforts, punishes, and kisses her own child.”

The heavenly Mother works individually since she knows the thoughts and weaknesses of her children and guides them in the path that is best for them. She directs their development in understanding and ability until their maturity and completion in death because"she has created the world with the Savior and now is [re-]making every child until it is a new creation, until it become one in the spirit with him, and she nurses and watches until it is grown.”


The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Some quotes of the Comforter Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi since the 1970's regarding the Last Judgment and Resurrection

“If we follow Him (Jesus) then we cannot be conditioned by anything because He talked of Spirit only. Spirit cannot be conditioned, conditioned by anything...

I am here to tell you all these things which Christ could not tell, and to fulfil what He wanted to say. All those things I am saying to you.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Christmas Puja, Delhi, India — Dec. 24, 1995

"Today we are celebrating the resurrection of Christ. With it we also have to celebrate the resurrection of human beings, of Sahaja Yogis, who have been resurrected as realised souls. With that we have to understand that we enter into a new awareness. He had to come down and again to show to this world that you are the eternal life, that you lead a life that is spiritual, which never perishes. You have to rise, into that new realm, which is the Realm of God Almighty, what you call the Kingdom of God.

And He said it very clearly to Nicodemus that 'You have to be born again' when he asked, 'Am I to enter back into my mother's womb?' And He said it so clearly. Those who don't want to see can remain blind. No, that is, whatever is born of the flesh, is the flesh, but whatever is born of the Spirit is the Spirit.'

But whatever is manmade is not the Spirit. This is the clear statement of Christ, which people wanted to avoid, and start their own organisations, and ideas, and created a very mythical thing in His name. And now the time has come for it to be blasted. It has been going on and on now for thousands of years, captures so many innocent people and people are into it.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji

"Christ didn't say that," I am the Destination.”He said," I'll send you the Holy Ghost; I'll send you a Comforter; I'll send you a Redeemer; I'll send you a Councilor.”He talked about the future.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji

"Normally I don't tell about Myself but today he exposed me. As soon as I came I had to tell because it's not tactful. it's not tactful to say anything. it's better that you discover Me than I tell you because Christ was crucified, everybody was tortured. I do not want to hamper My work because it makes no difference by telling you anything before Realization. it's better to tell you after Realization that I am the Holy Ghost — no doubt. I am the one about which Christ has talked.

I have told them. I had never said this on from a platform and I told. They have been telling Me," Mother, You must say that once.”I said," In America I'll declare it.”So today I declare that I am the Holy Ghost. I am the Holy Spirit who has incarnated on this Earth for your realization.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi New York, USA 30 September 1980

"Declare to all the nations now that I am the Holy Ghost and I have come for this Special Time, that is, the Resurrection Time.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji
Sydney, Australia - March 21, 1983

“In between Jesus Christ and His destroying Incarnation of Mahavishnu called as Kalki there is a time given to human beings to rectify themselves, for them to enter into the Kingdom of God, which in the Bible is called as Last Judgment.

The population of the Earth is at the maximum these days because all those - practically all those who had aspirations to enter into the Kingdom of God - are born in modern times and are going to be born very soon. This is the most important times because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to hear this but that's the fact. it's the Truth!

Though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for you to get to your Realization and that the whole story of Last Judgment - which looks such a horrifying experience - has been made very beautiful, and very tender, and delicate, and does not disturb you.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji Kundalini And Kalki Shakti, Bombay, India - September 28, 1979

"But they should also understand that this is the Golden Age of Emancipation, Resurrection and Last Judgment; if we can achieve it, all of us, including them also, will have the blessings of the Divine love which has been promised a long time back.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"Today is the day we are celebrating Easter. Easter is extremely symbolic not only of Christ, but also for all of us, in that the most important day is that of the Resurrection. The Resurrection of Christ has the Message of Christianity. Through Resurrection Christ has shown that one can be resurrected with the body that you have.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji Self-Knowledge For Resurrection
Easter Puja, Calcutta, India — March 14, 1995

"Of course there are some absurd things which grew with misinterpretation and interference from unholy people, which are common in these religions. For example, Jews, Christian and Muslims believe that when they die their bodies will come out of their graves and they will all be resurrected at the Time of Resurrection, at the Time of Last Judgment, at the Time of Qiyamah. It is illogical to think what will remain inside those graves after five hundred years. Nobody wants to think and understand that it is not the body but the soul that will come out of these bodies, be born again as human beings and be saved through Qiyamah and Resurrection.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji

"There are lots of myths in the Bible and one of them is that at the Time of Resurrection your bodies will come out of the graves. This is not only for Christians, but also for the Muslims and Jews. Think of this - What remains in the grave after many years? Only a few bones. And if these bones came out how can you give them Realization? Think of it. It is a big myth. Not possible logically.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji
India - December 25, 1993

"The Last Judgment is done by the Kundalini. On the fingertips one can feel oneself and can judge oneself.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"These are the times described in the Holy Bible as the"Last Judgment"And in the Koran as"Qiyamah", the Resurrection Time. Astrologically it is also called the Age of Aquarius, the time of rebirth and of great spiritual development on the Earth.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"And in this great happening of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection Time, one need not, and should not, believe blindfolded in whatever is said about ascent or salvation, but should treat it like a hypothesis, and observe the facts with an open mind like a, scientist.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"In my opinion, every Westerner has, as a matter of urgency, to understand the vital role he has to play in this great Age of Transformation and of the Last Judgment.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"Thus, the establishment of global peace can only come through people who have achieved this state in modern times which is very special and I call it a Blossom Time. In the Bible, it is described as the Last Judgment, also in the Koran it is called as Qiyamah (the Resurrection time).”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"This is the Last Judgment. Either you will go to heaven or you will go to hell. it's already working out like that. So let's see. Where are you? So I have to again and again tell you as your mother, I have to correct you and tell you that remember this is the Last Judgment and please, don't take anymore to the activities which are antichrist.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"Now this is the Last Judgment and those who miss will miss in any case. Christ has said," You will be calling Me Christ, Christ, but I will not recognize you.” "

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"So in this Last Judgment a new race, new race of great people is created. It is your own. It is your own power. Only to know how glorious you are. How great you are. Absolutely free because you get that superior intelligence. In the light of Spirit you know what is constructive for you. You know absolute knowledge.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"So, as it is, you are already marked, you have already been chosen by Christ in his Last Judgment, and you are there. But still one should know that there is also the possibility that you are hypocrites, that you are playing with only words. Could be that we still have to cleanse ourselves, so just put your mind into yourself, and just see for yourself that where have I gone wrong.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"People do not know what time has come. It is the last chance. You won't get any more chance. In Bible it has been described as the Last Judgment. Your Last Judgment is in Sahaja Yoga and how it will be done can be judged by yourself.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"This is the Last Judgment. Let us see what happens. Whatever people come is alright for me. Even if they do not come, it's still alright. Remember, God will not bow before you.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"For us, in between Christ and this destroying incarnation of Mahavishnu called as Kalki, there is a time given to human beings to rectify themselves, for them to enter in the Kingdom of God, which in the Bible is called as the Last Judgment. That you will be judged, all of you will be judged on this earth.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji

"I have to warn all the Sahaja Yogis who are here because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment; not only that you will be judged, that you are entering into the Kingdom of God, but you become the citizens of God is correct.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji

"I am here to work for you day and night. You know that I work very hard for you. I spare no efforts, to help you, and do everything that is possible to make you all right; to make you pass this examination of Last Judgment; but you have to cooperate with me, and you have to go headlong about it, and devote most of your time for Sahaja Yoga and for imbibing all that is great and noble.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"This is the greatest of the greatest things which can happen to anyone that you know. Also you know, this is the greatest happening, which was prophesied long time back as the Last Judgment. You know that this is the way, you are going to be judged. So we have to work very hard. We have to work. It is effortlessly given to you, alright. But to maintain it, keep it up to go high, we have to religiously work it out.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"And that your Last Judgment is also now. Only through Kundalini awakening God is going to judge you. How is he going to judge you otherwise? You think of somebody now, a person comes in now. Here is somebody sitting to judge you. How? By how many hair-dressers you have been to? Or how many suits you have stitched for Christmas? Or what presents you have bought or how many cards you have sent? and to how many people you have sent some other things which may not be very palatable. That's not the way.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to have this but that's a fact & is the truth. Though you can understand, that Mother's love makes it very easy for you to get through your realization and that the whole story of the Last Judgment looks such as horrifying experience has been made very beautiful and very tender and delicate and does not disturb you. But this is the Last Judgment I tell you, and you all are going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether, you can enter into the kingdom of God or not.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"The Last Judgment has started. We are facing the Last Judgment today. We are not aware of it. And all the satanic forces have come out like the wolves in sheep's clothes. And they are trying to attract you and you do not judge them. You only sit down and judge the Reality. It has started, it is a fact. It has started.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"That Krishna has said once you get your realisation your problems are solved, physical, emotional, mental, all problems are solved and you become absolutely relaxed. That goes without saying. But I'm not here to sort of cure people and go to hospitals. Nothing of the kind. it's just who are the seekers will be blessed because this is the reward of this Last Judgment.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji

"Christ has said very clearly in the second chapter of Matthew 2nd verse"You'll be calling me Christ! Christ! I won't recognize you.” That's very true. It is not a question of who recognises Him, but He should recognize you because the advent of Christ is going to be absolutely terrible. He is not going to talk to you, convince you or comfort you or give you any council as I am trying my level best, but He will just come for the Last Sorting out because I declare that the Last Judgment has started. The Last Judgment takes place only through Kundalini awakening. There is no other way out. God is going to do it through living process.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"But, logically, you must understand. Where should we reach? What should happen to us? As seekers, what are we expecting? This is a very, very precarious and important time is more to say. The Last Judgment has started. That has started. That's how you are all here and you are seeking. The way it will judge, is the Kundalini has to rise. Your have to become self realized. Then you start feeling your centers on your fingers.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"Sahaja Yoga is for the emancipation of the whole world, at every level. Once we have people of a certain number in Sahaja Yoga, it will start triggering understanding of real righteousness, religiousness and our love for God, and enlightened faith in God. This is how the Resurrection time is going to be worked out. This is the Last Judgment time, and everyone can judge him or herself through the light of the Spirit.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"If we have to change this world, and if we have to save our people from complete destruction, we have to take to wisdom, and that is only possible when the brain is enlightened by Kundalini. This is what is very important today, when we see that this world is on the verge of destruction. Of course, the Creator himself is very anxious to save us and that is why he has in these modern times which are called Kali Yuga, made the all-pervading power activated.

So, now a new age has started which is called the Age of Aquarius,

(Kumbha) meaning the pitcher carrier of spiritual holy water that is the work of Kundalini. The activity of the Kundalini is like the sap of the tree that rises and nourishes all parts of the tree and does not get stuck at one flower (centre). Moreover these are special times. This is the resurrection time. The Last Judgment is done by the Kundalini. On the fingertips one can feel oneself and can judge oneself.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"Of course, this is also the age of science and technology in which human beings have progressed beyond the stage of blind faith. And in this great happening of the Last Judgment and the Resurrection Time, one need not, and should not, believe blindfolded in whatever is said about ascent or salvation, but should treat it like a hypothesis, and observe the facts with an open mind like a, scientist. Of course, if a hypothesis is proved, then any honest, scientifically minded modern person has to accept it.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"Now this is the Last Judgment and those who miss will miss in any case. Christ has said," You will be calling Me Christ, Christ, but I will not recognize you.”So understand you have to become the Spirit as Christ has said," You are to be born again.”You may have faith in me or not - doesn't matter. You must have faith in yourself to begin with.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"But in a way is good because this is Last Judgment. If by marriage, by temptations, by wrong doings, by conditionings if you have to go out, you have to go out.

I must tell you that also there's very little place in the Kingdom of God. Unless and until you prove to be good Sahaja Yogis, there is no place for you, for mediocre there is no place. You have to serious, deep, seeking, dedicated Sahaja Yogis otherwise you have no place.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

"So this is the Last Judgment and you will be judged for everything that you do for Sahaja Yoga. One has to be very careful as to how you behave, what is your attitude is and how you should change.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

If you want to miss your own ascent, you can go ahead, you can chose, the choice is yours, this is the Last Judgment. And with this Last Judgment, you have to judge yourself. In the Koran it is very clearly said at the time of Resurrection, your hands will 'speak' and will give witness against you. There is a very big chapter on Resurrection, but the fundamentalists don't want to look at it. They believe their religion is the best. But what would it has done to anyone? It is so much misinterpreted... so much misinterpreted. Now the time has come, this is a special time which is the time of Resurrection, this is the Qiyamah. It is the special time of Last Judgment where you have to judge yourself.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“This is the most important time because Sahaja Yoga is the Last Judgment. It is fantastic to have this, but that's a fact and is the truth, though you can understand that Mother's Love makes it very easy for you to get through your realisation, and that the whole story of the Last Judgment looks such as horrifying experience, has been made very beautiful and very tender and delicate and does not disturb you.

But this is the Last Judgment, I tell you, and you are all going to be judged through Sahaja Yoga, whether you can enter into the Kingdom of God or not.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji

"Today, Sahaja Yoga has reached the state of Mahayoga, which is en- masse evolution manifested through it. It is this day's Yuga Dharma. It is the way the Last Judgment is taking place. Announce it to all the seekers of truth, to all the nations of the world, so that nobody misses the blessings of the Divine to achieve their meaning, their absolute, their spirit.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji

"The main thing that one has to understand is that the time has come for you to get all that is promised in the scriptures, not only in the Bible but all the scriptures of the world. The time has come today that you have to become a Christian, a Brahmin, a Pir, through your Kundalini awakening only. There is no other way. And that your Last Judgment is also now.”

The Paraclete Shri Mataji

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Some quotes of Shri Mataji regarding Self-realization, Self, Spirit and God

“Sahaja Yoga is different from the other Yogas because it begins with Self realisation instead of this being the unobtainable dream of a distant goal.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“Sahaja Yoga unites the essence of all religions.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“Innately, within us, resides the Spirit which wants to enlighten you, to give peace, the bliss and the joy of our being.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“You are yourself and you must see yourself as your Self, as your Spirit. And Spirit is a Universal Being, is the innocence, is the virgin within you. This body is a palace and it is the House of God. within it God kept the Infinite Flame.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“The greatest friend you have is the Divine Power which is looking after you and doing everything for you.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“It is God who rules, it is He who does, it is He who has created everything and it is He who enjoys everything.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“Atma is the reflection of Paramatma in our heart. This reflection is like the sun in water. Although reflection of the sun is in the water, he is away in the sky and not in the water. Similarly, Atma is as much as it is seen, it is beyond all that and not limited by it.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“The Atma (Spirit) resides inside this heart and after Sahaja Yoga its light spreads within us in seven layers.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“Worry about yourself and see the good points of others.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“The representatives of Sadashiva and Adi Shakti in us are the Atma and the Kundalini.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“Meditation, where you are connected to the All- pervading Divinity, is the starting point in Sahaja Yoga.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“When you try to seek the Knowledge you have to become the Knowledge. The light of Love is so sweet, so beautiful, so enamoring, so abounding. You can feel that Light within you which is of pure love, pure relationship and pure understanding.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“Kundalini is our Mother, we are Her only children and She has been with us through all our lives just waiting for the moment of fulfilment.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“It is the Divine love and grace of God which has made you a human being and it is His grace which is going to make you a supreme human being in Sahaja Yoga.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“Some are rich, some are poor, these are transitory things. Look into the heart within and enjoy that Love. With that Love you elevate and once more rise to greatness.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“We do not know our potential, our beauty, but once this connection with the mains is established you will be surprised at the results and the dynamism. Through our love we can absorb the defects of others and cleanse them. This is the power of Love. So far we have never used the power of Love.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“You cannot make your Kundalini pulsate with your mind. The Divine, if it has to do something, it must be extra-ordinary which human beings cannot do. To pulsate Kundalini is only possible for the Divine. It is a living force.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“A spiritual person is just innocent, just innocent. Whatever he talks or says comes through innocence. It just says what it knows and what it knows is the highest.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“God is infinite. You don't have to count His aspects. You want to enjoy Him. The wise simply eat the fruit, they do not count the leaves, roots and branches.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“It is very important to understand that without transformation you have no meaning. Whatever you are, do not identify yourselves with that, but whatever you want to be, try to be that.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“Spirit is the only thing that is at the center, and at the periphery if you look at things, they look as if they are separate and different. But if you can approach somehow into that state where your Spirit resides, you will be amazed to see that everything integrates, everything coordinates, and there is no difference. Say, in Mohammed Sahib, Dattatreya, Raja Janaka or Shirdi Sai Nath — there is no difference in their principle if you can just get your Spirit.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“Until you are able to understand the meaning of the"Self", the physical body would remain imperfect and would be unable to verify the Truth. But once the physical instrument is connected with Truth, you are able to verify the Truth.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“When you become one with the Spirit all your problems will be solved. A realized person never talks in first person. He becomes separate from himself, leaving aside his desires, his materialistic ideas.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“Meditation is nothing but the state of remaining in the constant company of the every-loving Bhagawati.”

[Bhagawati is the Primordial Mother — Adi Shakti, Holy Spirit or Ruh of Allah]

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“Sahaja Yoga is different from the other Yogas because it begins with Self realization instead of this being the unobtainable dream of a distant goal.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“The essence of all religions is to find the eternal.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“In Sahaja Yoga, you have to understand one simple thing, that you are the Spirit and whatever is not the Spirit is not yourself.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“God has created man with his Shakti and man has to know Him, and recognize Him through Kundalini Awakening. Blossom Time has come and many ancient seekers are today getting their Self-Realization.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“The object of Sahaja Yoga is basically to become and experience the spiritual Self.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“it's the culture of God, we are talking about, it's the culture of His kingdom where we give to others, enjoying, giving, doing for others, loving others, caring for others without any return.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“The only thing where you can really hide yourself is the love of God; where you can really get the great restful, blissful feeling of His complete protection.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“If in one lifetime you can achieve Self-Realization and you reach the point of having begun to lose your habits, then in that very lifetime, it is possible for you to acquire that so called State. An established Sahaja Yogi is the one who becomes completely one with God and wins Him over.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

“This is the Last Judgment. Remember, God will not bow before you. You have to accomplish Him in your own freedom. If you have not achieved Him it is not His fault nor is it of Sahaja Yoga.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi

The Great Adi Shakti Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
List of Talks given by Shri Mataji since the 1970's covering all aspects of spirituality, enlightenment and Self/God-realization based on the Holy Scriptures

Date Title Location

Undated Lectures To Earth
Shri Mataji on Meditation
Airport Talk
Darshan after Public Meeting, Brighton
Australian Radio
Talking with Sahaja Yogis at Ashley Garden
Untitled Tape
The Knowledge of the Divine
Christ and His Life
Australian TV Interview, The Midday Show
Breaths of Shri Mataji
Hinduism Today interview
Last Puja at Ealing House
Necessity of Meditation, Cabella
Om Bhur Bhuvah Swaha... the Seven Awareness
The All-Pervading Power is everywhere, Vienna
This is the Last Judgement
Establish Your Self Realisation
Realisation Exercise
Sahaja Yoga the Mahayoga, Calcutta, India
Shri Mataji Talk
Talk about Shri Bhairava
Talk at Bala's house, Birmingham
1973 Lectures To Earth
1973 08 28 You have to grow within, Shri Krishna Puja, Bombay
1975 Lectures To Earth
1975 02 09 Short Prayer
1976 Lectures To Earth
1976 03 30 Gudi Padwa, (Meditation) New Delhi
1976 04 02 Having a good tongue, New Delhi
1977 Lectures To Earth
1977 00 00 The Spirit
1977 01 26 Attention, Bordi
1977 02 00 The Nabhi Chakra, London
1977 02 15 Sat Chit Anand, New Delhi
1977 02 20 The Creation, Delhi
1977 02 23 The Normal Human Awareness, Delhi
1977 03 21 To understand SY you need a Shraddhavan Heart, Bombay
1977 07 31 Self Realisation, Caxton Hall
1977 11 21 Tantrism Public Program, Caxton Hall, London
1977 11 24 The Mind and it's relation to Kundalini, London
1977 11 28 God and Creation, Caxton Hall
1978 Lectures To Earth
1978 00 00 Appreciating Veena Instrumentalist
1978 00 00 Caxton Hall
1978 00 00 How to Meditate
1978 00 00 Public Program, Caxton Hall
1978 00 00 Ego, Superego and Subconscious, Finchley Ashram
1978 00 00 Our Understanding of SY, Seminar
1978 00 00 Public Meeting Talk No 1, Caxton Hall
1978 00 00 Public Meeting Talk No Caxton Hall
1978 00 00 Talk on Easter - generator noise
1978 00 00 Seminar Talk - About our own earthly mother
1978 00 00 Seminar Talk - We have chosen our parents
1978 00 00 Seminar Talk - What Vibrations are
1978 00 00 Seminar Talk, How to Meditate
1978 00 00 Shri Mataji speaks to Musicians before performance
1978 00 00 Spirit Attention Mind, Finchley Ashram
1978 03 20 Self Realisation No 1, Caxton Hall
1978 03 20 Self Realisation No 2, Caxton Hall
1978 03 20 Shri Mataj
1978 06 06 Q & A, Illusions, Northampton
1978 06 19 Difference between East and West, Caxton Hall10
1978 06 26 What happens after Realisation
1978 07 17 Ego, The West, Love and Money
1978 09 11 The Brahma Principle
1978 10 00 Talk given at Sahaja Yoga Seminar
1978 10 02 Knots in the Channels, Caxton Hall. parts & 2
1978 10 05 Dharma
1978 10 14 Bija Mantras, and Shaktis on Kundalini, Ashley Gardens
1978 10 14 How to deal with Scientists, Seminary
1978 10 15 incomplete, start and end missing
1978 10 23 The Three Channels, Caxton Hall
1978 11 15 Evolution - end missing
1978 12 18 Agnya, Caxton Hall
1979 Lectures To Earth
1979 00 00 How truthful are we about seeking
1979 00 00 Shri Mataji blowing into 'mike'
1979 00 00 Shri Mataji working on New People
1979 00 00 What are we seeking
1979 01 09 What is the Kundalini and how it awakens, India
1979 01 14 Seminar, Birla Krida Kendra, Bombay
1979 01 15 Seminar, Birla Krida Kendra, Bombay
1979 01 16 Sri Ganesha and Mooladhara Chakra, Bharat Vidya Bhavan
1979 01 17 Deities on all chakras, Bharat Vidya Bhavan
1979 01 19 Seminar, Kalwe
1979 01 26 Seminar, Bordi
1979 02 00 Talk to Westerners about Negativity
1979 02 21 Seminar, Rahuri parts 1&2
1979 02 22 Seminar, Rahuri Parts 1&2
1979 02 23 Seminar, Ahamad Nagar
1979 02 24 Seminar, Rahuri
1979 02 25 Puja, Pune
1979 02 26 Puja at Pune
1979 02 26 Puja at Pune Parts1&2
1979 02 27 Seminar, Dole Rahuri
1979 03 04 Seminar, Dheradun, UP
1979 03 08 How to Realise the Self, Delhi Seminar
1979 03 09 Seminar, Delhi
1979 03 10 Seminar Talk
1979 03 10 Seminar, Delhi
1979 03 11 Mother talks about Ghandiji, Bombay
1979 03 11 Mother talks about Ghandiji, Bombay Hindi
1979 03 11 Mantravidya, Delhi - very poor quality
1979 03 11 Talk at Delhi University
1979 03 12 Mooladhara (English and Hindi)Hindi
1979 03 12 Morning Talk, New Delhi
1979 03 13 Seminar
1979 03 13 Seminar, Delhi
1979 03 14 Extracts - Mother's Comments on Early SY Experiences
1979 03 14 Mother commenting on Early SY Experiences
1979 03 15 Advice to Delhi Yogis
1979 03 16 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi (Hindi) Hindi
1979 03 18 Sahastrara, Public Program, Delhi
1979 03 21 Birthday Puja, Birla Krida Kendra, Bombay
1979 03 22 Advice at Bordi Shibir
1979 03 22 Puja, Bordi Shibir
1979 03 22 Sahaja Yoga and the Subtle System, Mumbai
1979 03 24 Public Program, Bordi Shibir
1979 03 24 Public Program, Bordi Shibir
1979 03 30 Evening prior to departure for London, Pune
1979 04 16 The Living Work of God, Easter, Putney
1979 04 22 Give up Misidentifications, Dollis Hill
1979 04 30 Shri Mataji, Dollis Hill
1979 05 05 Sahastrara Day
1979 05 07 Sahaja Yoga Introduction, Bharat Vidya Bhavan
1979 05 17 Questions and Answers, Caxton Hall
1979 05 17 Seeking and Evolution, Caxton Hall
1979 05 18 Dictation with Sahaja Yogis Part2
1979 05 24 Seeking and Rationality, Caxton Hall
1979 05 27 Seminar, Dollis Hill part - 2nd half poor
1979 05 27 Seminar Dollis Hill part 2
1979 05 28 Seminar, Dollis Hill part 3
1979 05 30 A Higher Life, A world of Bliss and Joy, Caxton Hall
1979 05 31 Public Program, Dr Johnson's House, UK
1979 06 08 Maria's House, Northampton Part 1
1979 06 08 Maria's House, Northampton Part 2
1979 06 09 Maria's House Part 3
1979 06 11 How Aspects of God are expressed within us, Caxton Hall
1979 06 15 Higher Life, Reading
1979 06 16 Bala's House, Birmingham Parts & 2
1979 06 16 Dr Johnson House, Birmingham
1979 06 18 At Jim Proctor's House, Leeds
1979 06 19 Caxton Hall
1979 06 19 What have we done towards a higher life, Caxton Hall
1979 06 20 When in darkness, Dollis Hill
1979 06 25 Seeking the life beyond, Caxton Hall
1979 07 08 Guru Puja, Dollis Hill
1979 07 10 We are all seekers, Caxton Hall
1979 07 16 How truthful are we about seeking, Caxton Hall
1979 07 20 Why are we here, Cardiff
1979 07 22 Intro to Sahaja Yoga
1979 07 24 Do we know what we seek, Caxton Hall
1979 07 24 To Seek our Wholesomeness, Caxton Hall
1979 07 26 Modern Seeking, In Search of Joy, Enfield
1979 08 06 Self Realisation and fulfilment, Caxton Hall
1979 09 00 Public Program, India
1979 09 22 Navaratri celebrations, Kundalini and Sri Ganesha, Bombay
1979 09 23 Kundalini, Vishnu and Brahma Shaktis, Bombay
1979 09 24 Kundalini and ShivaShakti, Seminar, Bombay
1979 09 26 Guru Mahima and Shri Krishna Shakti, Amar Rundal Mandal Bhadar
1979 09 27 Kundalini and Jesus, Amar Rundal Mandal Bhadar
1979 09 28 Kundalini Kalki Shakti, Bombay
1979 09 29 Advent Seminar India
1979 09 30 Talk on last day Navaratri at Chiketi Hall
1979 10 09 Maintaining the Purity of Sahaja Yoga, Caxton Hall
1979 10 15 Allowing Realisation to Develop, Caxton Hall
1979 10 19 Getting To Know Yourself, Gayton Rd, Harrow
1979 10 20 Diwali Message, Dollis Hill
1979 10 22 The Problem of ego, Caxton Hall
1979 10 28 Knowledge of Divine, Introduction to Sahaja Yoga, Caxton Hall
1979 11 11 The Meaning of Yoga, Dollis Hill
1979 11 15 The Significance of Brighton
1979 11 18 Get into meditation, Where do we stand in Sahaja Yoga, Dollis Hill
1979 11 18 Let us Meditate for a while
1979 11 21 Seeking in The West, Caxton Hall
1979 11 26 How to get to the Spirit that lies within, Caxton Hall
1979 12 02 Guru Puja, Dollis Hill Part (Advent Sunday, Shri Mataji's Declaration)
1979 12 02 Guru Puja, Dollis Hill Part
1979 12 02 Shri Ganesha's Names, Guru Puja, Dollis Hill
1979 12 03 When you meet me, (Realisation is not of Intellect), Caxton Hall
1979 12 10 Christmas and it's Relationship to Lord Jesus
1979 12 30 The Meaning of love, or Talk on all chakras, Bombay
1980 Lectures To Earth
1980 00 00 extract of talk on children from Nabhi Talk, Australia
1980 00 00 How to Meditate
1980 00 00 The Beauty of Human Beings, Caxton Hall
1980 01 27 Powers Bestowed upon Sahaja Yogis, Bordi Shibir
1980 01 27 Transformation, Bordi Shibir
1980 01 28 Joy, Duhlia
1980 03 16 Dollis Hill
1980 03 16 The Mother, Dollis Hill
1980 03 17 Interview on BBC
1980 03 23 Birthday Puja, Guarding Against Slothfulness, Bharat Vidya Bhavan
1980 03 24 The Meaning of Reality, Caxton Hall
1980 03 31 What Is Seeking, Brighton Pavilion
1980 04 06 Dollis Hill, Easter Sunday
1980 04 10 How the Egg is Related to Rebirth, Caxton Hall
1980 04 12 The Force within, Birmingham
1980 04 14 Caxton Hall 15 mins short at start
1980 04 18 The Power of the Divine, Caxton Hall
1980 04 19 The Spiritual Evolution of Man, Paris
1980 04 20 Meaning of Puja and effects of, Puja in Paris
1980 04 21 Caxton Hall - talk 1
1980 04 21 Caxton Hall - talk 2
1980 04 24 Sympathetic Parasympathetic, Dollis Hill
1980 04 27 Sahaja Yoga the Force within, Lausanne, Switzerland
1980 04 29 The Pure Intelligence, Geneva
1980 04 30 Public Program, Switzerland
1980 05 01 Public Program
1980 05 05 After Talk about Sahastrara, Part 2, Dollis Hill Ashram, London
1980 05 05 Sincerity in SYs, talk about Sahastrara, Dollis Hill Ashram, London
1980 05 12 God, Introduction to Sahaja Yoga, Caxton Hall
1980 05 17 Old Arlesford Part 1, Preparation for Becoming
1980 05 17 Old Arlesford Part 2, What is a Sahaja Yogi
1980 05 18 Old Arlesford Part 3, The Real Becoming
1980 05 26 Attention, Dollis Hill
1980 06 06 Why are we here, What is our purpose, Hampstead
1980 06 08 Subtlety, Dollis Hill
1980 06 09 The Subtlety within, Caxton Hall
1980 06 13 Seeking that which lies beyond, Stratford
1980 06 13 The Essences within Innocence7
1980 06 23 Innocence, Talk about Russia
1980 06 29 How do we prove the existence of God, Dollis Hill
1980 06 30 What is happening in other Locas, Caxton Hall
1980 07 08 The Value of Marriage, Dollis Hill
1980 07 17 Seeking, a Force that drives us, Northampton
1980 07 19 The Meaning of Puja, Brighton
1980 07 19 The Light of Truth, Brighton
1980 07 21 Auspiciousness, Caxton Hall
1980 07 27 What are the Statutes, Guru Puja, Hampstead
1980 07 28 Guru Principle, Caxton Hall
1980 08 09 What are we inside, Birmingham
1980 08 18 Every Country has it's Problems, Caxton Hall
1980 09 01 We have to get our Yoga, Caxton Hall
1980 09 07 How to know where you are, Chelsham Road
1980 09 08 The Dangers we Face
1980 09 27 Lethargy, Chelsham Road
1980 10 00 Havan talk, Chelsham Rd
1980 10 19 Puja on fighting Asuras, Navaratri Puja, Durga Temple, Hampstead
1980 10 19 Spreading Sahaja Yoga in Europe
1980 10 20 The Way of Kundalini, Caxton Hall
1980 10 21 Caxton Hall
1980 10 23 Why we are seeking our Spirit, Friends Meeting House, Hampstead
1980 10 27 What happens after Realisation, Caxton Hall
1980 10 29 Public Program Address, Caxton Hall
1980 10 31 You are to be Resurrected, Newbury
1980 11 09 Mahalakshmi Power, Hampstead
1980 11 10 Intro Talk, Put your Attention on your Spirit, Caxton Hall
1980 11 16 The New Age, Plaw Hatch
1980 11 20 The Myth of Ego, Hampstead - end missing
1980 11 23 You are to become Prophets, Guru Nanak's Birthday, UK
1980 11 24 Are you Seekers, Caxton Hall
1980 11 30 Intro Talk, We are All One, Caxton Hall (Excellent)
1980 12 01 You are part of the Divine Being, Caxton Hall
1980 12 05 Marriage and Collectivity, Chelsham Road
1980 12 10 Shri Mataji at Ashoka Hall, India
1980 12 30 Musselwadi y
1980 12 30 Tetley School, Rahuri
1981 Lectures To Earth
1981 00 00 Bristol Public Program
1981 01 10 Tuljapur
1981 02 05 Mainly Mooladhara, Delhi
1981 02 06 Swadisthana Chakra, Delhi
1981 02 07 Mainly Nabhi and Void, Delhi
1981 02 09 Heart to Sahastrara, Delhi
1981 03 25 2nd Public Program, Swadisthan, Sydney
1981 03 27 Nabhi, Australia
1981 03 29 Anahata, Australia
1981 03 29 Workshop, Sydney part 1 & 2
1981 04 02 Power of Pure Desire, Melbourne
1981 04 03 Sahastrara, Sydney
1981 04 04 Ganesha Gauri Short Talk
1981 04 06 Australian Radio Broadcast II
1981 04 06 The Aim of our Seeking, Parts 1, Melbourne
1981 05 10 Organising Sahaja Yoga in England Parts 1&2, Chelsham Road
1981 05 11 Lord Jesus - Forgiveness, Caxton Hall
1981 05 14 Awareness, Hampstead
1981 05 17 The Power of Kundalini, Chelsham Road
1981 05 17 The Right Side, Caxton Hall
1981 05 19 Hampstead Public Program
1981 05 19 Ewell Talk, UK
1981 05 24 Subconscious and Supraconscious, Chelsham Road
1981 05 29 God's Creation, Human Beings, Selfridges, London
1981 06 01 The time of the Seeker, Caxton Hall
1981 06 04 Improving the Spirit, Hampstead
1981 06 18 There must be something beyond, Hampstead
1981 06 25 Ocean of Love, Hampstead
1981 06 29 Conditioning, Caxton Hally
1981 07 03 The Search for Truth, Cambridge
1981 07 05 Detachment, Cambridge
1981 07 10 The System within, Brighton
1981 07 11 The Four Dimensions within, Brighton
1981 07 12 Puja in Hove, Sussex
1981 07 19 Guru Purnima, Chelsham Road
1981 07 21 Advice to Ashram, 115 Warwick Street
1981 08 01 Open Your Heart, Seminar at Sherborne, Dorset
1981 08 09 Establishing your Marriage, Chelsham Road
1981 08 15 Krishna Birthday Puja, Bala's House,Tamworth
1981 09 04 Advice given by Shri Mataji, Brahman Court, London
1981 09 11 The Tree of Life, Paris
1981 09 14 The Heart of the Universe, Caxton Hall
1981 09 19 New York - video set
1981 09 21 Shri Mataji in America, Day 2, New York
1981 09 26 Shri Mataji in America, Day 3, New York
1981 09 27 Shri Mataji in America, Day 4, New York
1981 09 28 Shri Mataji in America, Day 5, New York
1981 09 29 Navaratri Puja, New York
1981 09 29 Shri Mataji in America, Day 6, New York
1981 09 30 Shri Mataji in America, Day 7, New York
1981 10 04 Becoming the Truth, Houston, Talk
1981 10 05 The Beauty that you are, Unity Church, Houston
1981 10 06 From Krishna To Christ, Houston, Texas
1981 10 07 The Spirit, SatChitAanand, Houston
1981 10 27 Diwali Talk, London
1981 11 01 Gruhalakshmi Diwali, Chelsham Road, London
1981 11 03 You must grow fast in S Yoga, Brahman Court Hotel, London
1981 11 28 You are the Spirit, Public Program, Hampstead
1981 11 29.1 Marriage is meant to give Joy v1, Pond Street, Hampstead
1981 11 29.2 Marriage is meant to give Joy v2, Hampstead
1981 12 09 Mother's House Warming Puja, Brompton Square
1981 12 25 Christmas Puja, Chelsham Road, London
1981 12 31 New Years Eve, Chelsham Road
1982 Lectures To Earth
1982 00 00 Darshan at Brompton Square
1982 00 00 Ego and Humility
1982 00 00 Inauguration of Don's Book, Caxton Hall
1982 00 00 Procession near Puney
1982 00 00 Talk after Procession near Pune
1982 00 00 You must be Responsible, Hampstead
1982 01 24 Weekend Seminar Pt 1&2, Pune
1982 01 25 Being Connected to God, Lonavala Seminar
1982 01 26 Lonavala Puja and Havana
1982 01 27 Be thankful to God, Sholapur
1982 01 30 Predictions, Durga Puja, Sholapur14
1982 02 05 Durga Puja, Rahuri
1982 02 06 Swadisthan, Delhi
1982 02 09 Morality and Marriage, Vaitarna, India
1982 02 20 Establishment of Lord Shiva Puja, Delhi
1982 03 19 Futuristic Attitudes, Caxton Hall
1982 03 21 Birthday Puja, Chelsham Rd
1982 03 29 Reality is what it is, Caxton Hall, Parts 1&2
1982 04 02 Shri Rama's Birthday, Chelsham Road46
1982 04 05 Limitations of Divine Power, Caxton Hall
1982 04 07 Mother's Wedding Anniversary, Nightingale Lane
1982 04 11 Creation of Lord Jesus, Easter, Nightingale Lane
1982 04 11 Talk at Nightingale Lane
1982 04 19 Caxton Hall
1982 04 22 All is so beautifully made, Hampstead
1982 05 03 Public Program 1, Paris
1982 05 04 Public Program 2, Paris
1982 05 05 Sahastrara Day, Paris Ashram
1982 05 05 Shri Mataji gives singing lessons, Paris, France
1982 05 11 Left Vishuddhi, Caxton Hall (Understanding the Love of God)
1982 05 13 Problems of the Subconscious, Christchurch, Hove - end missing
1982 05 14 You Must Become The Spirit, Brighton Pavilion
1982 05 15 Understanding your Importance, Shri Ganesha Puja, Brighton
1982 06 07 You must improve yourself, Nightingale Lane
1982 06 10 When are we going to grow, Hampstead
1982 06 14 We are all expecting something great to happen, Caxton Hall
1982 06 22 England has to become Jerusalem, Reading, UK
1982 07 00 Public Meeting, Friends Meeting House, Cheltenham
1982 07 01 The Subtle Body, Birmingham
1982 07 04 Evening Talk, Nightingale Lane
1982 07 04 Guru Puja, Nirmala Palace
1982 07 09 Confusion, the subtle slavery, Dr Johnson House, Birmingham
1982 07 10 Mooladhara, Swadisthan, Nabhi and Void, Derby
1982 07 10 Shri Mataji talks to Doctors - Poor recording
1982 07 11 Nabhi to Sahastrara, Derby
1982 07 12 Increasing Collectivity, Hove
1982 07 12 Talk before Havan, Derby
1982 07 31 Cowley Manor Seminar,Cheltenham
1982 07 31 Dedication through Meditation, Cheltenham Seminar
1982 08 01 Adi Shakti Puja, Cheltenham Seminar
1982 08 06 Devotion, Compassion, Truth, London
1982 08 13 America, it's future problems, Brompton Square
1982 08 15 Havan at Yogeshwara Puja, Mother explaining, London
1982 08 15 Yogeshwara, Shri Krishna's Birthday, Chelsham Road
1982 08 16 A solution to come (introductory talk), Caxton Hall
1982 08 18 Guru Tattwa, Brompton Square, London
1982 08 22 Shri Ganesha Puja, Geneva
1982 08 23 1st Public Program, Geneva
1982 08 26 Public Program, Lausanne
1982 08 26 The Sects, Lausanne
1982 09 13 What we should expect from Realisation, Caxton Hall
1982 09 26 Original Sin, Shri Durga Puja, Vienna
1982 09 27 Blue Danube Radio Interview, Vienna
1982 10 07 Truth is to be achieved, Bedford
1982 10 08 Interview, Wellingborough
1982 10 08 We don't have to suffer, Northampton
1982 10 09 The Living Works of God, Cambridge
1982 10 17 Navaratri Puja Talk, London
1982 11 01 Self Mastery, Guru Nanak's Birthday, London
1982 11 14 Wealth and Generosity, Diwali Lakshmi Puja, Nightingale Lane
1982 11 26 Intro Talk, Parts 1&2, Caxton Hall
1982 12 19 Mahakali Puja, Lonavala
1982 12 19 What is your responsibility to Sahaja Yoga, Mahakali Puja, Lonavala 1982 12 24 Christmas Eve Celebrations, Pune
1982 12 24 Christmas Eve Talk, Pune
1982 12 26 Christmas Puja, Pune
1982 12 26 Lord Jesus, Pune
1982 12 31 Shri Ganesha Puja, Kolapur
1983 Lectures To Earth
1983 00 00 Los Angeles
1983 00 00 The Essence of Sahaja Yoga, Holborn Library
1983 01 01 Mahalakshmi Puja, Kolapur
1983 01 01 Mother talks about the Veena
1983 01 02 Public program New Delhi - end of talk missing
1983 01 04 Addressing India Medical Association, Sholapur
1983 01 04 Why we came to India, Mother talks to Westerners, Sholapur
1983 01 07 Shri Ganesha Puja, Rahuri
1983 01 13 Left Mooladhara and Supraconscious,Duhlia
1983 01 14 Basis of Creativity is Love, Saraswati Puja, Dhule
1983 01 14 Basis of Creativity is Love, Saraswati Puja, Dhulia
1983 01 16 Sahaja Yoga works only by Keeping Mother Pleased, Vaitarna
1983 01 18 Shri Ganesha Puja, Nasik
1983 01 21 Assess Yourselves, How to Proceed, Vaitarna
1983 01 27 Our Spiritual Roots, Delhi
1983 01 28 The Shaktis within us (Introduction to Sahaja Yoga) Delhi
1983 01 28 Three channels,Delhi
1983 01 29 Swadisthan Chakra (False Gurus and Conditionings), Delhi
1983 01 31 Nabhi Chakra, Delhi
1983 02 01 Heart Chakra, Delhi
1983 02 02 Vishuddhi Chakra, Delhi
1983 02 03 Agnya Chakra, Delhi
1983 02 04 Sahastrara Chakra, Delhi
1983 02 08 Q & A - India and the West, Importance of Self Realisation, Delhi
1983 02 09 Problems of Left Right and Centre, Birbal Park, Bombay
1983 02 10 Question and Answers About America
1983 02 10 Tales Of Shivaji
1983 02 11 Mahashivaratri Puja, Delhi
1983 03 01 Perth Puja
1983 03 02 Dalkeith Centre Workshop, False Gurus and Satgurus
1983 03 02 Perth Public Program Part 1
1983 03 02 Perth Public Program Part 2
1983 03 03 Perth Public Program
1983 03 04 Adelaide Puja
1983 03 05 Public Program
1983 03 05 Workshop at Adelaide
1983 03 07 Public Program
1983 03 08 Half Hour Introductory Talk, Melbourne, Australia
1983 03 08 Melbourne Press Interview
1983 03 08 Public Program, Melbourne
1983 03 09 Intro Talk - Lower Chakras, Melbourne
1983 03 09 Melbourne Puja
1983 03 09 Public Program, Melbourne
1983 03 10 Public Progam
1983 03 13 Workshop
1983 03 14 Devi Puja, Sydney
1983 03 14 Sydney Puja
1983 03 15 Sydney Public Program
1983 03 16 Sydney Public Program
1983 03 17 Sydney Public Program
1983 03 19 How To Bring Up Small Children, Lane Cove Park Picnic, Sydney
1983 03 21 Overcoming the Enemies, (Mother's 60th B'day Puja), Sydney
1983 05 10 Shri Ganesha's Birthday - background noise
1983 05 12 How to talk to New People, Hampstead
1983 05 20 The Essence of Sahaja Yoga, Caxton Hall
1983 05 25 Fulfilment of Seeking, Lewes
1983 05 26 Buddha's Birthday, Brighton
1983 05 27 Evening Program, Brighton Centre
1983 05 27 Radio Interview, Brighton
1983 06 00 Havan, Le Raincy, 108 Names Shri Lalita, 21 Names Shri Vshnu
1983 06 00 Talk at Le Raincy Airport, Paris
1983 06 13 Sahaja Yoga Talk, Porchester Hall
1983 06 16 Paris Public Program
1983 06 17 Havan, 108 Names Shri Lalita, 21 Names Shri Vishnu, Le Raincy
1983 06 17 Interview, Paris
1983 06 18 The Spirit, Talk before Havan, Paris
1983 07 17 God's Blessings upon Sahaja Yogis, Surbiton Ashram
1983 07 23 Attention and Ascent, Guru Purnima, Lodge Hill Seminar
1983 07 23 Purnima Seminar, Lodge Hill, Part 1, Rutumbhara Pragnya
1983 07 23 Purnima Seminar, Lodge Hill, Part 3, Assume Your Positions
1983 07 25 Purnima Seminar, Guru Puja, Lodge Hill, Part 4, 'Why in England'
1983 07 25 Surbiton
1983 08 21 Mother Earth, Surbiton
1983 08 23 Rakshabandhan, Tannay
1983 08 28 Shri Krishna Puja, Geneva
1983 08 31 Advice to New Sahaja Yogis, Tannay
1983 09 00 Shri Ganesha Puja, Italy
1983 09 04 Vishuddhi Chakra Puja, Vienna
1983 09 06 3rd Public Program, Urania, Vienna - echo
1983 09 16 Mother talks to the Jungians, New York
1983 09 17 Ekadesha Rudra, New York
1983 10 01 Following the Santa Cruz Interview, USA
1983 10 01 Santa Cruz Interview
1983 10 01 Talk 1, Seminar, Kennolyn Camp, Santa Cruz
1983 10 05 Declaration, 2nd Public Program, Vancouver
1983 10 06 Explaining Puja in Vancouver with new people
1983 10 06 Puja in Vancouver with new people
1983 11 03 Diwali Puja, Surbiton Ashram
1983 11 05 Money, Sleep and Bhoots, Diwali Festival, Surbiton Ashram
1983 11 06 Diwali Puja, Durga Temple, London
1983 11 21 Pre-Christmas Talk, Surbiton
1983 12 19 Desire, Puja for the Universe, Shri Mahakali Puja, Lonavala
1984 Lectures To Earth
1984 00 00 Navaratri Puja, Paris
1984 00 00 Talk in Germany
1984 01 14 Advice to Sahaja Yogis, Bordi
1984 01 18 Spontaneous Talk, Vaitarna
1984 01 31 Address to Medical Profession, Sholapur
1984 02 03 Shri Mahalakshmi Puja, Kolapur
1984 02 06 Satara Puja
1984 02 12 Bordi Shibir Puja
1984 02 13 Puja part 2, International Seminar, Bordi Shibir, Maharashtra
1984 02 13 Puja Talk, International Seminar, Bordi Shibir, Maharashtra
1984 02 13 Shri Mataji's Words in Puja at Intl Seminar, Bordi
1984 02 14 Shri Mataji talks to the English, Day prior to Weddings, Bordi
1984 03 01 Detachment and Enlightenment of Brain, Pandarpur
1984 03 13 Intro Talk - Channels, Delhi
1984 03 17 Agnya, Public Program, Delhi
1984 03 17 Holi Celebration, Sahaja Yoga Temple, Delhi
1984 03 20 Sahastrara Chakra and Birthday Program, Delhi
1984 03 22 Birthday Puja, Bombay
1984 03 22 Birthday Puja, Bombay
1984 04 10 Porchester Hall, Londony
1984 04 22 Forgiveness, Easter3
1984 05 05 Sahastrara Day, Mesnire en Bray, (French Transalation)
1984 05 06 Q&A, Sahastrara Day, Mesnire en Bray y
1984 06 22 Southbank Polytechnic, Elephant and Castle, London
1984 07 02 Hampstead Public Program
1984 07 08 To Know the Truth, Ilford Town Hall, UK
1984 07 14 Guru Puja, Leysin, Switzerland
1984 07 17 For You and You Alone, Talk to S Yogis, Geneva, Switzerland
1984 07 18 Mother at Chiswick Town Hall, UK
1984 07 25 Opening the Sahastrara, Hove Town Hall, Brighton, UK
1984 07 26 Speaking for Doctors, Kemptown, Brighton, UK
1984 07 31 Middlesborough Public Program, UK
1984 08 00 Public Program, Birmingham
1984 08 02 Friends Meeting House, Leicester
1984 08 02 Public Program, Geneva
1984 08 06 Public Program, Bristol
1984 08 07 Bath Public Program, UK
1984 08 08 Cardiff Public Program
1984 08 11 Raksha Bandhan, L. V'dhi and Mariadas of S Yogis, Hounslow
1984 08 13 Cambridge Public Program
1984 08 13 Shri Mataji at Derby Ashram
1984 08 13 Radio Interview
1984 08 18 Lord Krishna Puja Talk, New York
1984 08 28 Public Program, Geneva
1984 08 29 Pre-Marriage Talk, Part 1&2, Switzerland
1984 08 31 Marriages at Founex, Switzerland
1984 09 02 Lord Ganesh Ganaraj Puja Talk, Zermat, Matterhorn
1984 09 06 Talk at Gregoire's House, Vienna
1984 09 08 Mahalakshmi Puja, Munich
1984 09 16 Ekadesha Rudra Puja, Italy
1984 09 23 Navaratri Puja Talk (Bumptiousness), Hampstead Town Hall
1984 09 29 Sincerity (Put Me in your Heart), UK
1984 09 30 Darshan, Talk after Navaratri Puja, Paris
1984 09 30 Navaratri, Paris
1984 10 05 Farewell to Mother, Chelsham Road, London
1984 11 22 Public Program, Hampstead Town Hall
1984 11 23 Christmas Puja, Montague Hall, Hounslow
1984 11 30 Bombay Program and Lecture
1984 11 30 Bombay Program and Lecture
1984-85 India Talk 1
1984-85 India Talk 2
1984-85 India Talk 3
1985 Lectures To Earth
1985 00 00 The Traditions of Seeking, Hampstead
1985 01 14 Sankranti Puja, Bombay
1985 01 19 Talks about Western Society, Nasik
1985 01 22 Leadership, Puja Talk, Rahuri
1985 01 26 Public Address, Pune
1985 01 26 Public Address, Pune
1985 02 00 Announcement Universal Nirmala Religion
1985 02 00 Evening Talk or Farewell Talk, Bordi
1985 02 06 A New Era, Sacrifice, Freedom, Ascent + Meditation, Bordi
1985 02 07 The Culture of Vishwa Nirmala Dharma, Puja Talk, Bordi
1985 02 09 Talk to the English
1985 02 28 Town Hall Program, Perth
1985 03 01 Workshop Program, Perth Ashram
1985 03 02 Private Talk to Perth Sahaja Yogis
1985 03 03 Public Program, Adelaide, Australia
1985 03 05 Public Program No1, Auckland
1985 03 06 Public Program No2, Auckland
1985 03 08 Public Program, Brisbane
1985 03 09 Workshop, Norman Park, Brisbane
1985 03 10 Public Program, Masonic Hall, Sydney
1985 03 10 Shri Devi Puja, Sydney
1985 03 11 Public Program, Sydney
1985 03 13 Public Program and Workshop, Hyatt Hotel, Sydney
1985 03 15 Exhibition Building Public Program, Melbourne
1985 03 17 Birthday Puja Melbourne Ashram
1985 03 17 Public Program, Melbourne Ashram
1985 04 08 Easter Puja, Montague Hall, Hounslow
1985 04 14 Public Program, Friend's Meeting House, Birmingham
1985 04 19 Dr Johnson House, Public Meeting, Birmingham
1985 04 20 Mahamaya Talk, Birmingham
1985 04 21 Mooladhara and Meditation
1985 04 21 Talk on children, Shri Ganesha Puja, Birmingham
1985 05 02 Niraananda, Vienna Ashram
1985 05 04 You have to be in Nirvikalpa, Vienna - mono
1985 05 05 Sahastrara Day Puja, Vienna
1985 05 06 Public Program, Vienna
1985 05 07 Public Program, Vienna
1985 05 10 Intro Talk - Becoming the Light within, Hampstead
1985 05 12 Talk on Children, Hampstead
1985 05 19 Shri Ganesha Puja, Rome
1985 05 21 Realisation Exercise
1985 05 26 Ganesha Puja, Hounslow
1985 05 28 Facing Seekers Questions + Miracles
1985 05 28 Kundalini Power and Creation, Dr Worliker's, Los Angeles
1985 05 29 San Diego First Public Program, USA
1985 05 30 San Diego Public Program, USA
1985 06 02 Darshan at New Jersey Ashram
1985 06 03 1st Public Program, New York
1985 06 04 2nd Public Program, New York
1985 06 05 3rd Public Program, New York
1985 06 29 Guru Puja, Paris
1985 07 15 Trigunatmika Puja, Den Haag
1985 08 04 Shri Ganesh Puja, Brighton
1985 08 05 Gruhalakshmi Puja, Brompton Square
1985 08 05 Shri Mataji reads Kahlil Gibran
1985 08 06 Lambeth Ashram Talk, Chelsham Road, London Parts 1&2y
1985 09 01 Shri Vishnumaya Puja, Wimbledon, London61
1985 09 01 Talk to the Belgians and Dutch, Southlands, Wembley
1985 09 20 Sheffield Public Talk, Memorial Hall
1985 09 21 Scholarship, Sheffield
1985 10 04 Gavin speaks out, Seymour Hall
1985 10 09 Intro Public Program, Strasbourg
1985 10 09 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Strasbourg
1985 10 10 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, France
1985 10 19 2nd talk on Navaratri Puja
1985 10 19 Additional talk at Navaratri Puja, Switzerland
1985 10 19 Navaratri Puja
1985 10 20 Havan Speech, Switzerland
1985 11 16 Address before Musical Evening, Rome
1985 11 17 Diwali Puja, Rome
1985 11 28 William Blake, Hammersmith
1985 12 00 Mahaganesha Puja Talk, Nasik
1985 12 15 Welcome Address, Vaitarna
1985 12 17 Puja in Nasik, India
1985 12 17 Puja in Nasik, India
1985 12 24 Christmas Eve Talk, Pune
1985 12 27 Brahmapuri Puja
1986 Lectures To Earth
1986 00 00 Mahalakshmi Meditation
1986 00 00 Radio Interview, Herbert, Graz
1986 00 00 Shri Gauri Puja, Pune
1986 01 00 Ekadesha Swayambhu Temple, Sahaja Camp
1986 01 01 Shri Mahaganesha Puja, Ganapatipule
1986 01 02 Day of Marriages, Ganapatipule
1986 01 06 In Betty Hubble's House, Houston
1986 01 08 Mahalakshmi Puja, Sangli
1986 01 13 Talk to Western Sahaja Yogis, Medical Questions, Rahuri
1986 01 14 Sankranti Puja, Rahuri
1986 01 20 Public Program, Attention should be on God, Mumbai
1986 01 25 Interview in Madras
1986 02 20 The Essence of Gita, Shankar Lal Hall
1986 02 22 A SY will reflect on the outside his inner quality, Jaipur, India
1986 02 24 Delhi University Address
1986 03 05 Brompton Square
1986 03 05 Wimbledon Address to English
1986 05 03 Few words before Bhajans
1986 05 04 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Milan
1986 05 04 Sahastrara Puja Talk, Milan
1986 05 18 French Seminar, Dourdan
1986 05 24 The Importance of Puja, Madrid, Spain
1986 07 03 Guru Puja, Avignon, France
1986 07 05 Pre-Guru Puja Talk re Austria, Gmunden, Austria8
1986 07 06 Guru Puja Talk, Gmunden, Austria23
1986 07 09 Advice on small children, Vienna, Austria
1986 07 13 Women should be Women, Kartikeya Puja, Munich, Germany
1986 07 25 Soul and Spirit, Volterra, Italy - Crockery
1986 08 03 Bhoomi Devi Puja, England
1986 08 04 Shri Ganesha Puja, England, UK
1986 08 18 Raksha Bandhan, Hampstead
1986 08 23 Gita, Lac Noir
1986 08 23 Govinda morning talk, Lac Noir
1986 08 23 Shri Krishna Puja, Lac Noir
1986 09 05 Evening Address, Camp Marston, California
1986 09 07 Shri Ganesha Puja, California
1986 09 20 Two Short Talks, Belgium
1986 09 21 Mahalakshmi-Jaladevata, Mechelen, Belgium
1986 09 21 Role of Belgium and Holland, Gruhalakshmi, Peace, Justice
1986 10 09 Lion's Club, Calcutta
1986 11 02 Diwali Puja, Pune
1986 12 12 Christmas, Shudy Camps
1986 12 21 Chalmala Welcome Address
1986 12 23 Nasik
1986 12 25 Pawana Dam
1986 12 27 Brahmapuri
1986 12 31 Mahalakshmi Puja, Sangli
1987 Lectures To Earth
1987 01 02 2nd talk, Ganapatipule Puja
1987 01 02 Ganapatipule4
1987 01 11 Paithan
1987 01 11 Paithan Puja
1987 01 13 Sankranti Puja, Rahuri evening
1987 01 14 Dhumal's House, Rahuri
1987 01 14 Sankranti Puja, Rahuri, India
1987 01 14 Sankranti Puja, Rahuri, India
1987 03 05 Public Program, Brisbane
1987 03 21 Mother's Birthday Puja
1987 03 21 Mother's Birthday Puja,
1987 04 08 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, St. Martin's Lane, London32
1987 04 19 Sir CP's Speech at Easter Puja, Rome
1987 04 19 Easter Puja, Rome
1987 05 03 Sahastrara Puja, Thredbo, Australia
1987 05 06 The Need to go Deeper, Sydney
1987 05 08 2nd Public Program in Sydney, Australia
1987 05 10 Mother's Day Picnic, Australia
1987 05 12 Public Program, Melbourne
1987 05 13 Public Program, Melbourne
1987 05 16 Establishing Foundations, Auckland, New Zealand
1987 05 16 Public Program 1, Auckland
1987 05 16 Public Program 2, Pioneer Womens Hall, Auckland
1987 07 11 Mother's First Talk, Shudy Camps
1987 07 12 Guru Puja, New Jerusalem
1987 08 08 Women play the most important role, New York
1987 08 09 Vishnumaya Raksha bandhan, New York
1987 08 16 Pre-Shri Krishna Puja Talk, St Quentin, Paris
1987 08 16 Shri Krishna Puja Talk, St Quentin, Paris
1987 08 17 Talk to the French, Le Raincy
1987 10 04 Maryadas in society, Shri Rama, Les Avants, Switzerland
1987 10 09 Mahalakshmi Puja, Mechelen, Belgium
1987 10 16 Mahakali Puja, Munchen, Germany
1987 10 22 This Modern Age, Milan
1987 10 23 Press Interview, Rotary Club, Piacenza, Milan
1987 10 23 Xavier's Flat, Press Conference
1987 10 24 The Light of Love, Diwali
1987 10 25 Diwali, Lake Como, Italy
1987 10 26 Revolution of Love, Rome
1987 10 27 Media Interview, Italy
1987 11 02 To Know the Truth, Paris
1987 11 03 The Power of Purification
1987 11 05 Why not Spain also
1987 11 06 Materialism, Shri Ganesha Puja, Spain
1987 11 06 Spanish must now rise
1987 11 16 Public Program, Porchester Hall, London
1987 12 09 Talk at Aurangabad
1987 12 13 Announcing the New Age, Ali Bag
1987 12 18 Kabira, Aurangabad1
1987 12 19 Complete your Realisation, Aurangabad
1987 12 20 Attention on Quality, Rahuri
1987 12 20 Talk at Rahuri
1987 12 21 Puja at Rahuri
1987 12 21 Talk at Rahuri
1987 12 22 Public Program, Sangamner
1987 12 23 Public Program, Akula, India
1987 12 24 We are here for our ascent, Pune
1987 12 25 Talk at Pune
1987 12 25 Tapasyas, Pune
1987 12 30 Kolapur
1987 12 30 Marriage, Kolapur
1987 12 30 Talk at Kolapur
1988 Lectures To Earth
1988 01 01 A Sinless Life, Ganapatipule
1988 01 01 Ganapatipule
1988 01 01 Talk at Ganapatipule
1988 01 02 Talk at Ganapatipule
1988 01 03 Patience and Sweetness, Ganapatipule
1988 01 04 Yuva Shakti, Ganapatipule1
1988 01 05 The Bondages we have, Ganapatipule
1988 01 06 Swimming in the Sky of Joy, Ganapatipule
1988 01 06 Talk at Ganapatipule
1988 01 07 Brotherly Love, Ganapatipule1
1988 01 10 The Point of Balance, Sankranti
1988 04 03 Easter, Shudy Camps
1988 04 03 Zakir Hussein + Mother's Appreciation of Muscians
1988 05 08 How it was Decided, Incarnation of Adi Shakti, the Saviour, Rome
1988 05 08 2nd Sahastrara Talk, Rome
1988 05 09 The Myth of Leadership, Rome
1988 05 21 Instruments of the Divine, Barcelona Puja
1988 06 07 Recognition, Austria
1988 06 08 Ekadesha Avatara, Vienna, Austriay
1988 06 08 Mantras at Ekadesha Avatara Puja
1988 06 13 Porchester Hall, Queensway, London
1988 06 18 Introspection, Shudy Camps
1988 06 18 Meditation at Shudy Camps
1988 06 19 The Role of Women, Shudy Camps
1988 06 20 Puja in Columbia, South America
1988 07 08 Intro Talk, Paris
1988 07 09 Intuition and Women
1988 07 10 The Power of Discretion of Hamsa, Grafenaschau, Germany
1988 07 23 Buddha Puja, San Diego, USA
1988 07 31 Gravity of Guruship, Andorra
1988 08 06 Mantras at Shri Krishna Puja
1988 08 06 The State of Witnessing, Shri Krishna Puja
1988 08 14 Shri Fatima Puja, Geneva
1988 08 20 Cure that Left Vishuddhi, Raksha Bandhan, Londony
1988 08 20 Pre Music Program Talk
1988 09 21 Ammonk Ashram, New York
1988 11 13 2nd Diwali Talk
1988 11 13 You are the Dipas, Diwali
1988 12 03 Ascent, Vaitarna - generator noise
1988 12 07 Mooladhara, Aurangabad14
1988 12 08 Talk at Aurangabad
1988 12 11 Detachment, Rahuri8
1988 12 11 Talk at Rahuri
1988 12 17 How we do earn our Punyas, Pune
1988 12 17 Talk at Pune
1988 12 20 Talk at Brahmapuri
1988 12 21 Hygiene, Sangli
1988 12 24 Purity and Holiness, Ganapatipule
1988 12 25 Talk at Ganapatipule
1988 12 25 Transformation, Ganapatipule
1988 12 26 Value Systems, Ganapatipule
1988 12 27 C.P.'s Speech, Ganapatipule
1988 12 27 Honesty, Ganapatipule
1988 12 30 What we can do now, Alibag
1989 Lectures To Earth
1989 00 00 Jesus Christ Puja, Bogota, Columbia, S America
1989 04 23 Archangel Shri Hanumana, Margate, UK25
1989 05 00 On board ship to Sorrento
1989 05 06 Jump into the Ocean of Love, Sahastrara Day, Sorrento, Italy
1989 05 16_Establishing Foundations, Auckland, New Zealand
1989 05 20 Gautama, Lord of the Ego, Buddha Puja, Barcelona, Spain
1989 05 24 1st Public Program, Hotel de Bretagne, Athens, Greece
1989 05 24 Integration of Athena, Athena Puja, Athens, Greece
1989 05 27 The Essence of Self Respect, Devi Puja, Istanbul, Turkey
1989 06 08 Shri Bhairava Puja, Italy - mono
1989 06 11 Dynamism, Virata Puja, Litchfield, Conneticut
1989 06 17 Mahakali Puja, Vancouver, Canada
1989 06 17 Vancouver Public Program
1989 06 19 Ascent, Mahakali Puja, San Diego, USA
1989 07 09 The Importance of Friendship, Devi Puja, Melun, France
1989 07 10 Mother singing after Hamsa Swamini Puja, Germany
1989 07 10 Hamsa Chakra Swamini Puja, Germany
1989 07 10 Mother's Words after Hamsa Swamini Puja, Germany
1989 07 19 Paramchaitanya Puja, Taufkirchen, Munich, Germany
1989 07 23 Guru Puja, Lago di Braise, Italy
1989 07 25 Arrival Speech, Melichargasse, Austria
1989 07 30_Shri Mataji, Radio Broadcast, LBC, London
1989 08 01 First know Thyself, Porchester Hall, London
1989 08 06 Shri Bhairavnath Puja, Garlate, Garlate, Italy
1989 08 08 Shri Ganesha Puja, Les Diablerets
1989 08 14 2nd Talk, Shri Krishna Puja, Saffron Walden
1989 08 14 Shri Krishna Avatara, Saffron Walden, UK
1989 08 18 Public Program, Leningrad, Russia
1989 08 21 2nd Public Program, Moscow
1989 10 06 Only for the English, Devi Puja, Margatey
1989 10 08 Destroy those Demons within, Devi Puja, Margate
1989 10 29 Diwali Puja, Motecatini
1989 12 00 Talk before Music Program, India
1989 12 03 Farewell Talk, Shudy Camps
1989 12 17 Advice given by Shri Mataji, India Tour, Alibag
1989 12 19 About Indian Sages, Aurangabad3
1989 12 21 Try to become Aware, Shrirampur
1989 12 25 You have Christ before you, Pune
1989 12 30 In Ten Years we can change the World, Brahmapuri
1990 Lectures To Earth
1990 00 00 Pre Marriage talk
1990 00 00 The Great Mantras + Atharvasheersha
1990 00 00 The State of the Planet
1990 00 00 Welcome to and re Kolapur
1990 01 00 Sankrant Puja, India
1990 01 00 Shri Ganesha Mantras and Atharvasheersha
1990 01 01 Marriages, Advice for Women, Sangliy
1990 01 06 Learn from your Guru, Ganapatipuley
1990 01 07 We must know Who is God and Who is Goddess, Ganapatipule
1990 01 14 The Sun of Sahaja Yoga has risen to it's Zenith, Kalwe, Bombay
1990 03 00 Public Program, Freemantle, Perth
1990 03 00 Puja in Auckland, New Zealand
1990 03 04 Ashram and Collectivity, Arrival Talk, Melbourne, Australia
1990 03 06 Public Program 1, Melbourne
1990 03 07 Public Program 2, Melbourne
1990 03 15 Australian Interview
1990 03 20 Canberra Interviews
1990 03 21 Birthday Puja Sydney
1990 04 21 Evening before Easter Puja, Eastbourne
1990 04 22 You all have to grow vertically, Easter Puja, Eastbourne
1990 05 06 You all have become Mahayogis now, Sahastrara Day, Fiuggi,
1990 05 28 Divine Discretion, Camp Marsden, San Diego, USA
1990 05 31 2nd Public Program, San Diego, USA
1990 06 07 Public Program, New York
1990 06 16 Shri Mahavira Puja, Barcelona, Spain
1990 06 19 Adi Kundalini Puja, Modlin, Austria
1990 06 20 Public Program 1, Athens, Greece (Greek translation)
1990 06 21 Public Program 2, Athens, Greece
1990 07 08 Guru Puja, Avingnon
1990 08 07 Raksha Bandhan Puja, Los Angeles, USA
1990 08 11 Canada Desha Public Program, Vancouver, Canada
1990 08 11 Shri Saraswati Puja, Vancouver, Canada14
1990 08 18 Evening before Shri Krishna Puja, Hallow Tree, Ipswich
1990 08 18 Sir CP's Address
1990 08 19 Shri Krishna Puja, Hallow Tree, Ipswich
1990 08 23 Address To Indian Community, Leyton Road, Stratford
1990 08 28 Ganesha Mantras and Names
1990 08 28 Ganesha Puja, Laversbach, Tyrol, Austria
1990 08 31 Hanumana Puja, Schlob Schwetzingen, Frankfurt, Germany
1990 09 12 Collectivity, Morality and Purity, Shri Mahakali Puja, Le Raincy, Paris
1990 09 14 Public Program, Hammersmith Town Hall, London
1990 09 14 Self Realisation Exercise, Hammersmith Town Hall
1990 09 18 Talk Before Krishna Puja and Talk by CP
1990 09 19 1st Public Program, Genua, Italy
1990 09 19 2nd Public Program, Genua, Italy
1990 09 23 Navaratri Puja, Geneva, Switzerland
1990 10 21 Diwali Puja, Sottomarina, Chioggia, Italy
1990 11 08 Canadadesha, Vancouver
1990 12 03 Welcome Talk, Pune
1990 12 12 Shrirampur
1990 12 14 Talk at Pratisthan 1
1990 12 14 Talk at Pratisthan 2
1990 12 17 Shri Lalita and Shri Chakra, Brahmapuri
1990 12 21 Mahalakshmi Puja, Kolhapur
1990 12 21 Mahalakshmi Puja, Kolhapur
1990 12 24 About Jesus, Ganapatipule
1990 12 25 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
1991 Lectures To Earth
1991 00 00 Informal Talks, Melbourne
1991 01 01 Mahapuja, Kalwe
1991 01 01 Mahapuja, Kalwe
1991 01 01 Short Talk, Kalwe
1991 01 01 Talk about Christ, Kalwe
1991 02 09 Mahashivaratri Puja, Delhi
1991 02 09 Mahashivaratri Puja, Delhi
1991 02 16 The knowledge of God, Chianciano Therme, Italy
1991 02 16 Shri Ganesha Mantras and Atharvasheersh
1991 03 28 Shri Mahavira Puja, Perth, Australia - mono
1991 03 30 Shri Mataji organising children
1991 03 31 Easter Puja Sydney
1991 03 31 Shri Mataji's Horoscope read in Sydney
1991 04 06 Bhavasagara Puja Brisbane
1991 04 08 Shri Gauri Puja, Auckland, New Zealand
1991 04 10 Virata Puja Melbourne
1991 04 14 Shri Ganesha Puja, Canberra
1991 04 19 Final Talk, Sydney
1991 04 28 New York Puja, Queen's Theatre in the Park
1991 05 05 Recognize Me by experiencing your Divinity, Ischia, Italy
1991 06 30 Adi Kundalini Germany
1991 07 28 Guru Puja 1, Cabella di Ligure
1991 07 28 Guru Puja 2, Guru Gita, Cabella
1991 07 28 Guru Puja 3, Italy
1991 08 04 Shri Buddha Puja, Deinze
1991 08 05 Public Program, Vienna, Austria
1991 08 06 2nd Public Program, Vienna
1991 08 11 Kundalini Puja, Weilingen, Frankfurt, Germany
1991 08 11 Shri Ganesha Mantra and Atharvasheersha
1991 08 20 Public Program, Moscow
1991 09 01 Yogeshwara, Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella
1991 09 15 Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella
1991 10 13 Navaratri Puja, Cabella, Italy
1991 11 10 1 Diwali Puja, Cabella
1991 11 10 2 Diwali Italy
1991 12 06 1st Public Program, Madras, India
1991 12 06 Madras Puja + Rajeshwari
1991 12 07 2nd Public Program, Madras, India
1991 12 09 Public Program, Bangalore
1991 12 09 Shakti Mahakali Puja, Bangalore
1991 12 11 Puja in Hyderabad, India
1991 12 15 Ganesha Puja, Shere, Nr Pune
1991 12 21 Shri Mahalakshmi Puja, Jaysinghpur, India
1991 12 24 Christmas Puja Ganapatipule
1991 12 29 Alibag
1991 12 31 New Years Puja, Kalwe, India
1992 Lectures To Earth
1992 00 00 Diwali Puja, Rumania
1992 02 00 Public Program
1992 02 09 Ganesha Puja, Canberra, Perth
1992 02 12 Black Mountain, Canberra
1992 02 12 Canberra Ashram
1992 02 13 Red Hill Lookout, Canberra (Children and Marriage)
1992 02 14 1st Public Program, Prahran Town Hall, Melbourne
1992 02 15 2nd Public Program, Melbourne
1992 02 18 Talk on Arrival, Brisbane
1992 02 20 Mahalakshmi Puja, Brisbaney
1992 02 23 Mahasaraswati Puja, Auckland
1992 02 24 Public Program, Auckland, New Zealand
1992 02 24 Q&A after Public Program, Auckland
1992 02 25 Talk in Christchurch, New Zealand
1992 02 26 Christchurch Public Program
1992 02 28 Newcastle Public Program
1992 02 29 Shivaratri Puja, Glenrock, Newcastle, Australia
1992 03 01 Talk After Shri Shiva Puja, Newcastle
1992 03 04 New South Wales University Talk
1992 04 13 Easter Puja, Rome
1992 04 18 Evening before Easter Puja, Magliano Sabina, Italy
1992 04 18 Mother appreciates Hemlata
1992 04 19 Easter Puja, Magliano Sabina, Italy
1992 05 10 Sahastrara Day, Cabella di Ligure
1992 05 31 Shri Buddha Puja, Shudy Camps
1992 06 11 Royal Albert Hall 1
1992 06 12 Royal Albert Hall 2
1992 06 21 Kundalini Puja, Cabella
1992 07 04 Vishnumaya Puja, Belgium
1992 07 19 Sahaja Guru and Complete Faith in God, Guru Puja, Cabella
1992 07 25 Shri Durga Mahakali Puja, Paris, Francey
1992 07 26 Public Program, Linz, Austria
1992 07 27 Public Program, Hofburg, Vienna
1992 07 28 Public Program, Budapest
1992 07 29 Public Program, Praha
1992 08 09 Mahalakshmi, Russia
1992 08 16 Krishna Puja, Cabella
1992 08 24 Public Program, Geneva, Switzerland
1992 08 30 Shri Ganesh Puja Cabella
1992 09 08 New York Public Program
1992 09 13 Hamsa Chakra, Vancouver, Canada
1992 09 19 Vishnumaya Puja, New York
1992 09 27 Navaratri Puja 27.9.92
1992 10 25 Diwali Puja, Rumania (Rumanian Translation)
1992 10 25 Mother's Appreciation of Musicians
1992 12 24 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule, India
1992 12 24 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
1992 12 30 Mahalakshmi Puja, Ganapatipule
1993 Lectures To Earth
1993 00 00 Public Progam, USA
1993 02 19 Shivaratri Puja, Bombay
1993 03 21 Birthday Puja, Delhi
1993 04 11 Easter Puja, Magliano Sabina, Italy
1993 04 26 Pallas Athena Puja, Athens
1993 04 27 Interview on Greek TV
1993 05 07 Sahastrara Puja, Cabella Di Ligurey
1993 06 06 Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella
1993 06 26 Royal Albert Hall
1993 07 01 Guru Puja and Guru Gita, Cabella
1993 07 04 Guru Puja, Cabellay
1993 07 11 Mahakali Puja, Paris
1993 07 21 The Source of Wisdom, Shri Ganesha Puja, Berlin
1993 08 03 Adi Shakti Puja, Togliatti, Russia
1993 08 15 Ganesh Mantra and Atharvasheersha
1993 08 15 Lead a Dharmic Life, Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella
1993 09 10 Persian Public Program, Los Angeles, USA A
1993 09 19 The Principle of Innocence, Ganesha Puja, Cabellay
1993 10 04 United Nations Meeting, New York, USA
1993 10 05 Toronto Public Program, Canada
1993 10 10 Virata Viratangana, America, You Must Use Your Vishuddhi
1993 10 11 Public Program, Los Angeles, USA
1993 10 14 Public Program Washington DC, Nat'l Inst of Health
1993 10 15 Philadelphia Public Program, Pennsylvania, USA
1993 10 16 New York Public Program,
1993 10 24 Introspect Yourself, Navaratri Puja, Cabella
1993 11 12 Diwali Puja, Moscow
1993 12 00 Talk before Music Programy
1993 12 11 Shri Krishna Puja, Yamunanagar
1993 12 18 Shri Ganesha Puja, Chindwara
1993 12 18 Shri Ganesha Puja, Chindwara
1993 12 23 Talk after Music Program, Ganapatipule
1993 12 24 Talk about Marriages, Ganapatipule6
1993 12 25 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipuley
1993 12 27 Talk about Children, Money, Responsibility, Ganapatipule
1993 12 28 Talk to Brides, Shri Gauri Puja and Weddings, Ganapatipule
1993 12 31 Mahalakshmi Puja, Kalwe
1993 12 31 Mahalakshmi Puja, Mukund Factory, Kalwe
1994 Lectures To Earth
1994 03 14 Shri Sadashiva Puja, Delhi
1994 03 14 Shri Sadashiva Puja, Delhi
1994 03 21 Attention, a better cure for all SahajaYogis, Calcutta
1994 03 27 Public Program, Perth, Australia
1994 03 30 Public Program, Melbourne, Australia
1994 04 00 Public Program, Taipei
1994 04 02 Talk to Australians before Concert
1994 04 03 Easter Puja, Sydney
1994 04 04 Public Program, Brisbane Town Hall, Australia
1994 04 05 Talk at Picnic, Lane Cove River Park, Sydney
1994 04 06 Sydney Town Hall Public Program
1994 04 07 Talk on last evening, Burwood, Sydney
1994 04 08 Public Program, Canberra, Australia
1994 04 10 Mahamaya Puja, Auckland, New Zealand
1994 04 13 Wamuran Talk, Brisbane
1994 04 22 Hong Kong Public Program true
1994 04 24 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Peninsula Hotel, Hong Kong
1994 04 27 Public Program, Hong Kong
1994 05 04 Public Program, Sydney Town Hall, Australia
1994 05 08 Sahastrara Puja, Italy
1994 05 08 Sahastrara Day, Italy
1994 06 05 Royal Albert Hall, London
1994 06 26 Shri Adi Shakti Puja, Creation, Adam and Eve, Cabella
1994 07 13 Shri Vishnu Puja, The Basis of Religion (Dharma), Paris
1994 07 19 Public Program, Austria Centre, Vienna
1994 07 24 Mature and Achieve the State of a Guru, Guru Puja, Cabella
1994 07 31 The Basis of Religion, Shri Vishnu Puja, Paris
1994 08 27 TV Asia Interview
1994 08 28 The Befooling of Intellect, Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella
1994 09 11 Shri Ganesha Puja, Religions, Children, Moscow
1994 09 14 Medical Conference, Science and Morality, St. Petersburg
1994 09 25 Public Program, Toronto, Canada
1994 09 26 Public Program, Vancouver, Canada
1994 09 27 Indian Iranian Public Program, Los Angeles, USA
1994 09 29 Public Program, Los Angeles, USA
1994 10 02 Krishna and Enlightenment of Brain, New Jersey USA
1994 10 07 After Nishat Khan concert, Cabella
1994 10 07 Before Nishat Khan concert, Cabella, Italy
1994 10 09 Fearlessness and Enlightened Faith, Navaratri Puja, Cabella
1994 10 21 Reel Women Part 1
1994 10 28 Reel Women Part 2
1994 11 05 Being the Light of Pure Compassion, Diwali Puja, Istanbul
1994 11 13 Address to Women of Tunisia
1994 12 03 Release of C.P.'s book, Lal Bal du Shashtri
1994 12 04 Raj Rajeshwari Puja, India
1994 12 04 Raja Lakshmi, The Royal Principle, New Delhi
1994 12 04 Raja Lakshmi, The Royal Principle, New Delhi
1994 12 27 Being truly Collective and Charitable, Christmas Puja, G'pule
1994 12 31 Shri Ganesha Puja, Kalwe
1994 12 31 Shri Ganesha Puja, Kalwe
1995 Lectures To Earth
1995 02 22 Sydney Public Progam
1995 02 26 How to get Detached and Ascend, Castle Mountain, Sydney
1995 03 20 Birthday Puja, New Delhi
1995 03 21 Felicitations Talk, Kundalini's Transformation, New Delhi
1995 04 14 Easter Puja, Calcutta, India
1995 04 14 Self Knowledge for Resurrection, Easter Puja, Calcutta
1995 05 07 To achieve complete freedom, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella
1995 06 00 Royal Albert Hall, London
1995 06 14 Desires against Real Joy, Shri Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella
1995 06 25 Richmond Park Talk, London
1995 07 16 Watch your Mind and Attention, Guru Puja, Cabella
1995 08 20 America and False Freedom, Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella
1995 09 10 The Value of Innocence, Ganesha Puja, Cabella
1995 09 13 Conference on Women, Beijing Seminar
1995 09 13 UN Speech, Public Program, Beijing, China
1995 09 17 Patriotism and Modernism, Shakti Devi Puja, Moscow
1995 09 20 Religion, SY and Realisation, Scientific Conference, St Petersburgh
1995 10 01 Don't reflect but Project your Depth, Navaratri Puja, Cabella
1995 10 08 America and Ego, Devi Shakti Puja, New York
1995 10 28 After Concert Talk
1995 10 28 After Concert Talk
1995 10 29 Diwali Puja, Nargol
1995 12 03 Kidwai Nagar Public Program, New Delhi
1995 12 03 Kidwai Nagar Public Program, New Delhi
1995 12 05 Satya Shakti Puja, Delhi
1995 12 24 The Seven Awarenesses, Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
1996 Lectures To Earth
1996 03 03 The Witnessing State, to know God, Shivaratri Puja, Sydney
1996 03 04 Darling Harbour Public Program
1996 03 21 Mind is a Myth, Birthday Puja, Delhi
1996 03 21 Mind is a Myth, Birthday Puja, Delhi
1996 04 03 Shivaratri Puja, Australia
1996 04 14 Easter Puja, Calcutta
1996 05 05 We must feel responsible, but humble, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella
1996 06 09 You dissolve into the Divine Power, Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella
1996 06 13 Shri Mataji at Nirmala House, Rome
1996 06 28 Royal Albert Hall
1996 07 09 Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella (listen again!)
1996 07 10 Airport Talk, Vienna
1996 07 16 Mahalakshmi Puja, Moscow
1996 07 28 Criteria to Introspect yourself, Guru Puja, Cabella
1996 08 00 Public Program, St Petersburg, Russia (Russian translation)
1996 09 01 Shri Krishna and Sahaj Culture, Cabella
1996 09 10 Happy Diwali to all of you, Lisbon, Portugal
1996 09 10 What State you have to Reach, Diwali Puja, Lisbon, Portugal
1996 09 15 Without Innocence you cannot enjoy, Ganesha Puja, Cabella
1996 09 29 Shri Krishna and Americans, Shri Krishna Puja, New York
1996 10 20 Be aware of your own state, Navaratri Puja, Cabella11
1996 10 28 Public Program in Cairo, Egypt
1996 10 29 Talk to Sahaja Yogis, Cairo, Egypt
1996 11 10 What state you have to reach, Diwali Puja, Lisbon
1996 11 25 Shri Gyaneshwara's 700th Anniversary, Pune
1996 12 07 Rajalakshmi Puja, Delhi
1996 12 21 About Ganeshwara, Mahalakshmi Puja, Vashi
1996 12 21 Shri Kartikeya Puja, Vashi, Bombay
1996 12 25 Give Up Your anti-Christ Behaviours, Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
1997 Lectures To Earth
1997 03 16 Power of Rudras and Desirelessness, Shivaratri Puja, Delhi
1997 03 16 What should happen to you, Shivaratri Puja, Delhi
1997 03 23 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi
1997 03 23 Mother's Birthday Puja, Delhi
1997 04 06 Dr Rai at the Medical Conference, Delhi
1997 04 06 Medical Conference, Delhi
1997 05 04 Beyond Dharma, Become the Truth, Sahastrara Puja, Cabella
1997 05 25 Adi Shakti Puja, Respect the Mother Earth, Cabella
1997 05 25 Appreciation of Spanish entertainment
1997 06 08 Freedom without Wisdom is dangerous, Shri Krishna Puja, New York
1997 06 10 Public Talk, New York
1997 07 20 A Guru should be humble and wise, Guru Puja, Cabella
1997 08 23 Primordial Taboos and Sahaj Dharma, Krishna Puja, Cabella
1997 09 07 Dharma has to be there for our Ascent, Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella
1997 10 04 Be close to Nature and Lead a balanced Family Life, Cabella
1997 10 05 The Main Qualities to Imbibe, Navaratri Puja, Cabella
1997 11 02 Lakshmi and the Maya of Money, Diwali Puja, Lisbon
1997 11 03 Public Program, Lisbon, Portugal (Portuguese translation)
1997 12 04 Ramlila, Delhi
1997 12 25 Get Rid of Ritualism and Ego, Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
1997 12 25 Get Rid of Ritualism and Ego, Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
1997 12 31 Shakti within you wants to be loving, kind and generous, Kalwe
1997 12 31 Shakti Puja, Kalwe
1998 Lectures To Earth
1998 03 20 Keep your attention on the Spirit, Felicitations Talk, Delhi
1998 03 21 75th B'day Puja, You have gone beyond the Gunas, Delhi
1998 03 21 75th B'day Puja, You have gone beyond the Gunas, Delhi
1998 03 25 Appreciation of singing of Top Man in Police, Delhi
1998 04 19 Easter Puja, Express Christ Light through your life, Istanbul
1998 04 20 Public Program in Istanbul
1998 05 10 Meditation is the only way, Shri Sahastrara Puja, Cabella
1998 06 06 Blossom Time, Royal Albert Hall, London
1998 06 21 You must develop Humility, Shri Adi Shakti Puja, Cabellay
1998 07 05 Public Program, Royal Albert Hall, London
1998 07 06 Public Program, Holland Park School, London
1998 07 12 To be Obedient to the Guru, Guru Puja, Cabella
1998 07 26 Interview in the Versiliana, Marina di Pietrasanta, Italy
1998 08 16 Stop Reacting Witness, Shri Krishna Puja, Cabella
1998 09 06 Chastity and Collective Nature, Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella
1998 09 06 Talk after Marriages, Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella
1998 09 27 You all should depend on Paramchaitanya, Navaratri Puja, Cabella
1998 10 25 Appreciation of the Entertainment Program
1998 10 25 Jeanne d'rc, Respect the Housewife, Diwali Puja, Novi Ligure
1998 12 00 Speech after Arun Apte performance, Ganapatipule
1998 12 16 Panch Tattwa, Scouts Ground, New Delhi
1998 12 16 Panch Tattwa, Scouts Ground, New Delhi (Hindi)
1998 12 16 The Subtle Elements, Speech at Scout Ground, Delhi (English part)
1998 12 16 The Subtle Elements, Speech at Scout Ground, Delhi (Hindi part)
1998 12 24 Become Absolutely Thoughtless, Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
1998 12 24 Become Absolutely Thoughtless, Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
1998 12 29 The Marriages, Ganapatipule
1998 12 31 Indian Culture, Kalwe Puja, Maharashtra
1998 12 31 Kalwe Puja, Maharashtra (Marathi and Hindi and English)
1998 12 31 Mother's talk regarding Children, Kalwe, India (English part)
1999 Lectures To Earth
1999 02 14 Principle of Shiva is in your Heart, Mahashivaratri Puja, Delhi
1999 02 20 Public Program, Mumbai, India
1999 03 00 Ham sab Hindustani hai
1999 03 00 Talk after dance performance
1999 03 18 Gudi Padwa Puja, Noida
1999 03 19 Speech after Felicitations, Delhi
1999 03 21 Love is above all, Birthday Puja, Delhi
1999 03 21 Talk on Vandemataram, B'day Puja, Delhi
1999 04 25 Resurrection to overcome Death, Easter Puja, Istanbul
1999 04 26 Public Program in Istanbul
1999 05 09 Fundamentals of Global Peace, Sahastrara Puja, Cabellay
1999 06 15 VIP Conference, Central Park, New York
1999 06 16 Public Program, New York
1999 06 20 Sahaja Yogis have to live for others, Canajoharie, USA
1999 07 08 Press Conference, London
1999 07 10 Royal Albert Hall, London
1999 07 12 Liberty Radio Interview, following Royal Albert Hall, London
1999 08 01 Ten Years in Cabella, Love is the only way, Guru Puja, Cabella
1999 09 05 Divine Discretion of Shri Virata, Shri Virata Puja, Cabella
1999 09 25 Adhere to Chastity, Morality, Decency and Honour, Cabella
1999 10 17 The Powers of Shri Mahakali, Navaratri Puja, Cabella
1999 11 07 Diwali Puja, Delphi, Greece
1999 11 07 Talk in Hindi, Delphi, Greece
1999 12 25 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
2000 Lectures To Earth
2000 03 05 Shivaratri Puja, Pune
2000 03 05 Shivaratri Puja, Pune
2000 03 21 Birthday Puja, Delhi
2000 03 21 Birthday Puja, Delhi
2000 03 21 Birthday Puja, Delhi Hindi
2000 04 08 I.A.S. Meeting, Delhi, India
2000 04 17 Income Tax Officer's Public Meeting, Delhi
2000 04 23 Make use of your Realisation, Easter Puja, Istanbul
2000 04 25 Public Program in Istanbul
2000 05 07 Realised Souls are in the Ocean of Eternity, Cabella
2000 06 01 Public Program, Los Angeles
2000 07 02 You must completely surrender to work of Sahaj Yoga, Canajohare
2000 07 23 You cannot rise without Shraddha, Guru Puja, Cabella
2000 08 20 Spontaneous Decisions, Krishna Puja, Cabella
2000 09 02 Press Conference, Genova
2000 09 16 Sanctity of Marriage and Innocence, Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella
2000 09 16 Talk to the Grooms, Shri Ganesha Puja
2000 09 23 Reception, Forum Hotel, London
2000 09 26 Royal Albert Hall, London
2000 09 27 Talk at Holland Park School
2000 09 28 Talk at Errol Douglas Salon
2000 10 08 Problems of Nadi's, Navaratri Puja, Cabella
2000 10 29 from Lakshmi to Mahalakshmi Talk 1, Lake Piru, Los Angeles
2000 10 29 from Lakshmi to Mahalakshmi Talk 2, Los Angeles
2000 10 25 Reactions of ego and conditionings, Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
2000 10 31 New Year Puja, Ganapatipule
2000 10 31 New Year Puja, Ganapatipule
2001 Lectures To Earth
2001 02 25 Mahadev destroys everything egoistical and negative, Pune
2001 03 20 Birthday Puja 1, Delhi
2001 03 21 To Grow Deep Into Your Self, Birthday Puja 230
2001 03 26 Public Program, J.N.Stadium, New Delhi
2001 04 22 You cannot resurrect without controlling Agnya, Easter Puja, Istanbul 2001 04 24 Public Program in Istanbul
2001 05 06 Ganesh Atharvasheersha
2001 05 06 Your life is a waste without Atma Sakshatkar, Cabella
2001 06 01 You have to at least be aware of yourself, Cabella
2001 07 08 Worship Purity and Love Yourself and Others, Guru Puja, Cabella
2001 07 14 Royal Albert Hall, London
2001 07 15 Holland Park + Q&A, London
2001 07 15 VIP Reception, Russel Hotel, London
2001 07 28 Ananya Bhakti, Shri Krishna Puja, Canajoharie
2001 09 20 Shri Mataji's Letter to President Bush (Read by Sahaja Yogi)
2001 09 23 Children and Innocence, Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella Ligure, Italy
2001 10 21 To hate is the worst quality, Navaratri Puja, Loutraki, Greece
2001 10 23 Public Program, Athens, Greece (Greek translation)
2001 11 18.1 You are soldiers of the Divine Power 1, Los Angeles, America
2001 11 18.2 You are Soldiers of the Divine Power 2, Los Angeles, USA
2001 11 28 Diwali Puja, Los Angeles
2001 12 25 You are entitled to receive only if you give, Ganapatipule
2001 12 31 You should be satisfied within, New Year Puja, Kalwe
2002 Lectures To Earth
2002 03 17 Power of Love, Shivaratri Puja, Pune, India
2002 03 21 Money is the enemy of love, B'day Puja, New Delhi, India
2002 03 21 Money is the enemy of love, B'day Puja, New Delhi, India
2002 03 23 Birthday Felicitations, Delhi
2002 04 02 Psychosomatic Diseases can be cured in Sahaja Yoga, Delhi
2002 04 21 You are bound by the Religion of Love, Easter Puja, Istanbul
2002 04 23 Public Program, Istanbul, Turkey
2002 05 05 Ego is your own enemy, created by you... fight it, Cabella
2002 06 23 Use your Right Side for giving Realisation, Cabella
2002 07 21 Guru Puja, Cabella
2002 08 18 Shri Krishna as Kubera, Wealth and Truth, USA
2002 08 22 You are the Spirit, Public Program in New York, USA
2002 09 15 Personality of Real SY is Joy-giving, Universal and Chaste, Cabella
2002 09 15 Talk to Brides
2002 09 15 Talk to Grooms
2002 09 27 Shri Mataji in Frankfurt Hotel, Germany
2002 10 27 Developing wisdom through Bhakti and Shraddha, Los Angeles
2002 11 03 Importance of meditation & complete connection with Divine, LA
2002 12 25 Take character of Christ as your model, Ganapatipule
2002 12 31 New Year Puja, Vaitarna, India
2003 Lectures To Earth
2003 03 16 The Forgiveness of Shri Shiv Shankar, Shivaratri Puja, Pune
2003 03 16 The Forgiveness of Shri Shiv Shankar, Shivaratri Puja, Pune
2003 03 21 80th Birthday Puja, Nirmal Dham, Delhi
2003 03 21 80th Birthday Puja, Nirmal Dham, Delhi
2003 03 21 Felicitation Talk, Nirmal Dham, Delhi
2003 03 27 Sir CP's Speech
2003 03 27 Vishwa Nirmal Prem Ashram Speech, Greater Noida, India
2003 06 15 Appreciation by Mother of Gondali sung by Sahaja Yogis
2003 07 13 Guru Puja
2003 08 10 Shri Krishna Puja
2003 09 13 Shri Ganesha Puja, Cabella
2003 10 12 Shri Gauri Navaratri Puja, New York, USA
2003 11 09 Diwali Puja, Los Angeles, USA
2003 12 25 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
2003 12 25 Christmas Puja, Ganapatipule
2004 Lectures To Earth
2004 02 15 Shivaratri Puja, Pune
2004 02 15 Shivaratri Puja, Pune
2004 03 21 Birthday Felicitation Talk, Delhi
2004 03 21 Birthday Puja Talk, Delhi
2004 05 09 Sahastrara Puja, Cabella
2004 06 04 Shri Adi Shakti Puja, Cabella Ligure
2004 07 04 Guru Puja, Cabella Done

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New Age Children
Miracle Photo
Meeting His Messengers
Age Of Aquarius
Mayan End Age 12-21-2012
Our Conscious Earth
Adi Shakti's Descent
Witnessing Holy Spirit's Miracles
Jesus' Resurrection
Book Of Revelation
Gospel of Thomas
His Human Adversary
Kitab Al Munir
Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection)
His Light Within
His Universe Within
His Beings Within
Subtle System
Lectures To Earth
Shri Mataji
Drumbeat Of Death
Table Of Contents
Contact Us
Declaration of the Paraclete
The Paraclete opens the Kingdom of God
Cool Breeze of the Resurrection - BBC 1985
The Supreme Source Of Love 1985
The Great Mother
The Vision Part One
The Vision Part Two
The Vision Part Three
The Vision Part Four